About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Alex didn’t allow himself to be filibustered, I love how when Piers started spewing little factoids, instead of taking the stupid bait he just threw out his own. Piers of course didn’t take it, he knows better but he was hoping Alex didn’t know better.

  2. Yeah, well. The whole gun debate is silly. The more laws passed against such a fundamental right the less respect anyone has for laws. The sooner this becomes apparent to white men the better. The sooner they pass laws outlawing gun ownership the better. Only outlaws will survive. Only outlaws will hang Uncle Sam.

  3. “What a buffoon Alex was. Instead of erudite debate about the fundamental right to bear arms he rants incoherently, jumping illogically from point to point and babbling statistics.”

    You cannot be erudite with tools like Piers, the only way to deal with them is to heap scorn upon them. The moment you attempt a polite discourse, they crush you.

  4. BTW, before Alex Jones became a shock-jock style talker, he actually did some hard nosed reporting on corruption among the police in Texas. He was almost killed by a drug cartel.

  5. The Hebes are trying to snatch guns because once the real crash comes – the Holocaust happens for REAL.

    I’m glad you fellas (some of you) are seeing what I’ve been saying all along – stop worrying about “being polite”. Give ’em HELL. Jones did a great job.

  6. Argumentive debating is the only kind worth listening to.

    Fuck erudite debating. It is pointless and it ends up with us looking like total losers. Nobody cares how intelligent you are with all the fine points if you are getting yelled over and look like a total moron smiling and grinning.

  7. Nothing was gained or lost when two buffoons fight

    First of all, Alex Jones is a fat lying buffoon with a jew wife who runs a show for the entertainment of ZOGling whigger ass-clowns.

    So Alex Jones didn’t lose anything by being hisself on the limey faggot’s show. In fact, Jones was invited there to be a buffoon as it served the surface interests of both sides to have him on, followed by the loathsome dirty spawn of Satan jew Dirtzshowitz, advocate of torture for anyone raising a hand against D-g’s Chosen Piss-Pul.

    For someone who favors secession, few of you understand politics. The operational strategy of any secessionist isn’t to make any compromise or mutual understanding possible, but rather to foster hatred and contempt to where there is no peaceful solution possible but rather total civil war leading to the breakup of ZOG/Babylon the Third and Final. Because the only way the White Man shall be free is to exterminate the more diseased whiggers and enslave the rest to where they will moan mightily for [d]rule of [f]law while exterminating the jews and muds. When it all cums down to it, there is a need for culling the herd altogether to where the Neo-Aristocracy has only the productive and worthwhile to rule over absolutely.

    Thus Alex Jone’s buffoonery was not unexpected, and cost those of us who had no dog in the fight nothing.

    If I had been there, I’d have simply agreed that guns need to be banned for non-whites, jews, and whigger supporters of regime criminals. Since if I could ban weaponry for such social parasites and undesirables, then the next step would be putting them into death camps, but if Pers was a good little jewdass limey poofter then I’d have no objection to making the tard into meat-on-the-hoof congoid rations aboard the USS Madagasgar sent to carry the “good jewboys and niggers” away, or into a plow eunuch when all the beaners have been forceably deported.

    Doesn’t anyone have the force of will to simply tell jewboys and gliberal whiggers that they don’t have any vote or say as to telling any White man what to do and if they persist then they are to be put to death the second your kind comes to power as a threat to the race? Obviously not.

    This shit keeps up then there will be no peace. Which is good. Civil war is necessary for real secession and to bring about a racial ethnostate. Unlike many here, it must be understood that it will be destruction of the present mighty Evil Empire which will set us free, not fruitlessly trying to build anything with the present bowel-Movement defectives we have at present.

    Hail Victory!!!

    Pastor Martin Luther Dzerzhinsky Lindstedt
    Church of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri

  8. @ MisEducatedNortherner says:
    “My only criticism is that Alex Jones failed to bring up the Black Undertow.”

    In one of his broadcasts somewhere, am pretty sure AJ says his folks adopted or otherwise fostered a non-white child. Think he grew up in that situation. But can’t remember where it was, I heard it. From him, though.

  9. Jones did bring up that a majority of the crime in America was gangbanger. Jones was perfect in this debate imo. This is the way our activists need to be.

    The contempt he showed for Morgan was excellent and something you see very rarely in America. Most debates are conservative cowards looking like total tools with liberal hosts winning by default.

  10. EarthLove says:
    @ I’m actually glad he didn’t mention it. White men won’t wake up until they are legitimately persecuted by the BRA, which I feel is still decades away….

    If they don’t feel “legitimately persecuted” now, they never will, probably: Walk through an airport seeing every headline read: “End of White America.” Go to hotel, watch violence on news, change channel, see Jamie Fox on SNL talking about how fun Django is, etc, see commercial in which you don’t exist, change channel, hear about how nascar is too white, change channel, hear the neighbor attacked, then you are attacked, and vaguely wonder if you should buy some cheap pepper spray, change channel….

    There’s a half hour in a white life. They do that all day, lol.

    When something predictable happens to them, personally, they will feel surprise. Or maybe say it is an anomaly, a one-time event. Then feel more moral when they forgive their perpetrator on a t.v. interview.

    Or when a bad thing happens, it is a surprise, and one-time event, never to occur again. In fact: probably from God, Himself, created “so mysteriously” (for God works that way) for their personal moral edification, so they can “have the opportunity to face a challenge!” and be transformed into AN EVEN BETTER person. It is God perfecting them!

    Such is many a white character.

  11. Pastor Martin,

    WE here-in know that the little encounter was a shell game. It’s cool. I post on
    “mainstream” Conservatard sites. The POINT is to get the White American Castrati to witness some-one NOT bend over like a little beeyach, and grovel before the designated Media God. That definitely happened with this little episode. The Conservatards LOVE the little encounter. it’s like a signal….. a little red flare to their dessicated limbic system, that’s it’s OK is they drop the Old Lady at a Church Social mannerisms, and a little get rude. It’s OK to be “mean” and “give it back”.

    I don’t know if ZOG is trying to stampede us into a Race War, where-in we lose, due to the suprerior numbers of all the Orcs, or as an excuse to send Federal ZOG Thug troops to just slaughter us en masse, we Whites…..but I’m seeing a few excellent signs that White men are still alive, and ready to kick.

    Have you seen the Joshua Boston, Ex Marine, exchange with a blonde CNN Jew Whore? Sorry to be obnoxious – but click on my name. It’s on my blog. I did a little write up yesterday. Boston is the ex-corporal who sent the “Shove it beeyach” letter to Dianne “Thieving Jew” Not-So-Feinstein, re: her gun grab. The encounter between Boston, and his would-be is REAL. she’s baiting him about refusing to obey the Law, etc. He puts her squarely in her place. The best thing about the whole thing is his “tone”. He’s bored, and politely snarky. He’s a White Man who has signed off on grovelling before females. He probably has no clue about the the Jew angle, with Feinstein – but he’s refusing to OBEY the CRAP that an oppressive female wannabe tyrant is spewing out. (Boston might be Jew-wise at that. He was in Iraq. The reason Jew-land Security Poster Dyke Janet Napolitano sent those “directives”, citing returning war vets at “potential terrorists”, is that a lot of them did See the Jew once they got into Theater. )

    The interview is remarkable. Boston is for real. Check it out. Please post your thought. Read the Tea leaves.

    I think ZOG is testing the waters. Do American Schmoos have any fight left, in ’em? The Gun Grab is not producing the desired “roll over and be submissive” effect.

  12. “Ulfric says:
    January 9, 2013 at 12:44 pm
    Argumentive debating is the only kind worth listening to.

    Fuck erudite debating. It is pointless and it ends up with us looking like total losers. Nobody cares how intelligent you are with all the fine points if you are getting yelled over and look like a total moron smiling and grinning.”

    Amen! Have you seen interview that Jared Taylor did, onthe Queen Latifah show, many moos ago? I’ve said loads of mean things about Taylor, in the past. I stopped grinding that ax many eona ago, but I’m citing this because Taylor’s invterview taught us what NOT to do.

    Taylor is a brillient, refined, highly educated man. He was attempting to discuss racial reality in an erudite, civilizedm, polished way.

    To an audience of 85 point IQ average Chimpanzee-DMA carrying, Cargo recipient alien parasites

    What was the pojnt? All his beautiful rhetoric, and 110% factual data made not a dent. The audience was deeply offended, and all they heard was “You Nigras aren’t as good as Da White Man”.

    They know this already. They don’t need to be told. The White Man and Woman needs to understand this. Not the Nigras.

    We aren’t dealing with a Nation of polite, upscale, sophisticated Yalies anymore. “Manners” signal “weak-ass pussy”. Eletronic media is the Family, Church, and School of moat Americans these days. As the brilliant and immortal Herbert Marshall McLuhan prophesied, “The medium is the message”. We must revisit this revealed truth every single day.

    The Jones modality is the way to go, in this Descent into Barbarism Age. Punching comes next.

  13. “Have you seen the Joshua Boston, Ex Marine, exchange with a blonde CNN Jew Whore?”

    This is GREAT! Pithy, wise, and TRUE: Unconstitutional laws are not laws.

    That’s it. That’s our rallying cry.

  14. Debate within the Black American system with its “hatchetmen” such as Mr. Morgan no matter whether it is Alex Jones or PalmettoPatriot is impossible. Common goals, values and culture are necessary for debate. Otherwise it’s not a debate, it’s a negotiation.

    A well-rounded racially aware individual is forced to play dumb when ‘debating’ an antiracist about an issue that has an undeniable racial component ( virtually all domestic issues in BRA). A sizeable chunk of our (OD readers) arguments are inadmissable in this country because they are racial realist hence subversive. You can’t quote scripture in a ‘debate’ with a bolshevik especially when he has a sympathetic Christ-hating mouthpiece broadcasting to a receptive audience.

    Piers guiding belief is antiracism, he’s ready to deem every miserable creature found between a pair of Air Jordans and a baseball cap an “equal”. He’s so overzealous he knowingly ran fake photos that showed Whites roughing up Arabs. Being “antiracist” in BRA is like being “anti-Persian” in Athens, it’s beyond reproach. Taking everyone’s guns is another step towards equality. The only response admissable is “if everyone had guns we’d be safer”. Obviously that means a pile of dead nigger criminals *ghast* so Piers wins.

  15. Yep the time for polite convincing is over, it’s rallying troops time now.

    Alex Jones has the right approach. Passion, real passion, beats meek cowering behavior any day.

  16. I just went back and re watched it. Even more impressed the second time.

    This feels like 1993 all over again.

  17. “Unconstitutional laws are not laws.

    Until they ammend it.”

    Exactly, that’s why Alex Jone’s “Fuck you, remember 1776” is a much more effective rallying cry.

  18. ZOG is not going to be able to “amend” anything. Have ya noticed the reaction that the kikenvermin “professor” has gotten, re” dumping the Consitution.

    He needs to beat is Sheeny AZZ back to IsraHell NOW.

    “Illegal Laws” is a GREAT rallying cry, to the Bourgeoisie. Middle class Whites LIKE rules and regulations, and order. A nice White Marine (“ex” does not matter) defying the thieving KIKE like Feinstain – well – it provides a nice neat little JUSTIFICATION, and validity, for dis-obeying ZOG Jones for the Niggerball worshipping Couch Spuds who are starting to get off the couch. Boston’s “Illegal Laws aren’t laws” for the Soccer Mom and Dad types, who are just beginning to realize that little Ethan is going to face a very raw deal, from the Diverse, as he grows.

    By the by – the Whites of Staten Island, and Long Island, have gotten a VERY rude wake-up call from FEMA thugs post-Sandy. Very rude. The racial cherry has been POPPED.

    Ya might as well stop slurping Jewjizz, Runner Away from Savages. The clock is running on the Tribe.

  19. Wash your mouth out with soap, Denise. Forgive me for not taking 19th Amendment-voters seriously when they discuss the sanctity of the US Constitution. Now go bake some cookies or something you old maid.

  20. LOL! Runner Away – you aren’t having a very good day, are you? You are aware of the fact that soy feminizes males, aren’t you? Perhaps oyu ought ot cut down.

    FYI – that little Jew stunt you just tried …..it’s not working. The psychiatric sham is un-ravelling as well. The Newtown False Flag is focusing the spotlight of public attention on the Jew Scam called “psychiatry”. Jones himself references same, in the clips.

    What is your actual investment in protecting and polishing up the poisoned apples of Hebery Inc? Financial? Genetic? The clock is running down on there chutzpah, and schmaltz. It’s almost over.

    Really – it’s time to jump ship. Be a wise little rat. Unless your investment is genetic, and you can’t….

  21. I repeat: Jones was a ranting shrieking buffoon. He scored no points except to portray gun rights advocates as screaming psychotics. And his arguments were weak tea as he didn’t bring up the main point of the Second Amendment which is *not* mere personal defense:

    We need to be armed with the same level of weaponry as the federal troops in order to resist government tyranny!

    This should include a demand of the repeal of the 1934 federal gun control act and all state laws that ban citizens from the right to own fully automatic weapons.

  22. I repeat, Alex Jones did an awesome job, because we “bitter clingers” are going to be betrayed as shrieking buffoons no matter what. The primary idea here is to avoid a shooting war. The way we do that is to make it clear that, on no uncertain terms, we are shrieking buffoons on this issue.

    Other issues we are happy to be considered shrieking buffoons:
    1. Race realism.
    2. Borders.
    3. Property rights.

  23. Morgan is experiencing culture shock.

    You would be surprised by how easily he COULD be converted to being a pro second amendment person. Point out the historicity of Englishattempts to disarm the Welsh, or Aristocrats who attempted to disarm peasants or point out that Medieval laws required all able men to be proficient archers. His British background ought to be exploitable in a positive way in addition or as opposed to the Redcoat guff.

    Everytime weapons have been retricted in Britain historically it has been aimed at Celtic
    Minority populations or at the poor.

  24. The Neville Chamberlain and Redcoat cracks are not necessary.

    Especially because Morgan looks Irish, is Catholic, self-id’s as Irish and is generally not in anyway an Englishman. Instead he is….. Irish.

  25. I don’t watch TV, even when I’m in the USA, so that’s the first time I’ve seen either of those two. My reaction: it was like watching an old Abbot and Costello movie. Jones is obviously playing the clown, and his “passion” is not even close to convincing. I’m going to have to go with Rudel; a waste of time.

  26. AJ is NWO shrill who gets paid to keep silent about the Jew World Order. He is a traitor of the worst kind as he mixes in truth with B.S. He lies endlessly about how evil Hitler was and how this country will be taken over by the “Nazis” if we don’t stop it. AJ hacks at the branches and not the root because like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and the rest of the kosher Conservatives they know they would be off the air and lose their livelyhood if they speak the truth…

  27. Rudel and Weisser – you are both missing the point. WE know who and what AJ is. I think ZOG is testing for weakness. They may be trying to stampede The White American Schmoo into doing something stupid. Let ’em. Things are going to get real interesting, very soon.

    Joe Biden was interviewed today. The stated that Obama is committed to gun control, and that an Executive Order is on the table.

    Think about who is running things these days. LOOK at them. Behold ZOG. And the minion of ZOG.

    Their “pacification” attempts will fail. Thngs will go down ugly – but they will fail. For a host of reasons.

    Don’t worry abut their bright shiny new toys. They won’t be able to keep their super-special toys for very long.

  28. Alex Jones is not a shill for the NWO.

    He’s a Zionist. So is everybody else. Nobody hates Zionists more than I do. I don’t trust them and I don’t want them around me. But if I dedicated my life to getting the max truth out to the max number of people, being an anti-Zionist is something I would throw overboard right off the bat.

    You want to know how many people in America are not Zionist (don’t believe in Israel’s right to exist)? About 4.

  29. Let me ask you this: Who will weep harder when Israel is destroyed? Your average Jew or your typical Ron Paul type Christian Zionist conservative patriotard (in other words, basically the only allies we might have)?

    Exactly. The day after Israel is incinerated, the Jews around the world will see dollar signs and power propaganda leverage points. Your typical American Zionist, if they can stop their uncontrollable shock and sadness vomiting long enough, might very well blow their brains out.

  30. Think Tamer or Dershowitz. Who is going to be crying, and who is going to be laughing?

    Hi Landshark. My humble commonsense foreign policy proposal in the mid-east is: give Christians in harm’s way the intelligence, arms and air support they need to guarantee their survival. BRA won’t ever do that, especially with a morisco mulatto that let’s just say isn’t grieving over the news of his Islamist “freedom fighters” beheading Christian kids in Syria. Israel’s support and blind-eye for Lebanon’s Christians during that country’s civil war speaks for itself.

    Ideally though? Crusader states that are tolerant of Jews. But Israel is too smart to ever close their frontier and devour their own devout like BRA did. They’ll be around for a good long time.

  31. “They’ll be around for a good long time.”

    They may be and they may not be. My belief is towards the latter. The Rothschilds will destroy what they created as sure as that Star of David you have up your ass hurts when you crap. They will need that final leverage to catapult the Zionist to undisputed supremacy over the west.

    But regardless, my point, which you well illustrated, was that everyone believes that Israel is here to say, i.e., is a Zionist. So the fact that Alex Jones is a Zionist does not make him a slave of the NWO.

    But we have no quarrel over Alex Jones. I was just using you to illustrate a point.

  32. Pastor Martin, You’re words are those of a hate-mongering, nazi, bigot. God certainly doesn’t see you as a ‘pastor’ but I’m sure that you’ve won over Satan. Don’t worry. You’ll always be with him.

  33. The Rothschilds will destroy what they created as sure as that Star of David you have up your ass hurts when you crap. They will need that final leverage to catapult the Zionist to undisputed supremacy over the west.

    I’m getting really sick of being the only person around here that calls out such braindead bull. So I’m done. I’m sure you’re right LandShark, the Rothschild family will destroy the Zionist state to launch Zionist power. 9/11 was an inside job. So was Newtown Connecticut. Any other dumb ideas that you and Denise cleave to that we can just get out into the open? All those years of being a dumb white guy finally paid off, you’ve exhausted the opposition.

  34. If all of you back Alex’s whole agrumentive mode on this segement then Southron Olde Time good manners won’t be a vital gimmick needed for winning the second war. It’s time to go all insensitive cold obnoxious Yankee (Jersey style is the best) back at the Yankees.

  35. @Denise

    “A nice White Marine (“ex” does not matter)”

    As any of us will tell you, there are no ex-Marines, only former ones.
    Semper Fi.

  36. I agree with TOS and Rudel on this one. The Constitution, as the Marxist left has already proven time and time again, is but a piece of paper and has loopholes big enought to drive the Queen Mary through. And as the Republitards have demonstrated repeatedly, when the law is passed, the amendment made, they are the first ones to close ranks with the Left and march to the new music.

    In the end, a law is a law if it is enforced, it has nothing to do with right or wrong. It used to be, in the days of the Republic, that the laws were mostly obeyed because the people believed they were right. Japan is like that today. Nowadays, we need law ENFORCEMENT because nobody really believes in the majority of the laws any more, that they are either just or good. Obedience must be compelled.

  37. I agree with the comments above regarding the need to go on the offensive, put on the Al Capone and throw off the Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. It’s only through constant media conditioning that Americans, we are told, want compromise and not hostility during elections and debates. Of course, what they really mean to say it that Conservatives should never ever offer defense of their positions and that they should, at all costs to the argument, strictly obey the dictates of political correctness. Of course, it’s all bullshit. Americans WANT to see the fur fly, they want knock down drag outs. It’s only the media that don’t want to see these things–from the Right only, of course.

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