White House: “Our States Remain United”

District of Corruption


Editor’s Note: I found Obama’s response to the secession petitions in my inbox when I got home last night.

Jon Carson, Director of the Office of Public Engagement

Thank you for using the White House’s online petitions platform to participate in your government.

In a nation of 300 million people — each with their own set of deeply-held beliefs –democracy can be noisy and controversial. And that’s a good thing. Free and open debate is what makes this country work, and many people around the world risk their lives every day for the liberties we often take for granted.

But as much as we value a healthy debate, we don’t let that debate tear us apart.

Our founding fathers established the Constitution of the United States “in order to form a more perfect union” through the hard and frustrating but necessary work of self-government. They enshrined in that document the right to change our national government through the power of the ballot — a right that generations of Americans have fought to secure for all. But they did not provide a right to walk away from it. As President Abraham Lincoln explained in his first inaugural address in 1861, “in contemplation of universal law and of the Constitution the Union of these States is perpetual.” In the years that followed, more than 600,000 Americans died in a long and bloody civil war that vindicated the principle that the Constitution establishes a permanent union between the States. And shortly after the Civil War ended, the Supreme Court confirmed that “[t]he Constitution, in all its provisions, looks to an indestructible Union composed of indestructible States.”

Although the founders established a perpetual union, they also provided for a government that is, as President Lincoln would later describe it, “of the people, by the people, and for the people” — all of the people. Participation in, and engagement with, government is the cornerstone of our democracy. And because every American who wants to participate deserves a government that is accessible and responsive, the Obama Administration has created a host of new tools and channels to connect concerned citizens with White House. In fact, one of the most exciting aspects of the We the People platform is a chance to engage directly with our most outspoken critics.

So let’s be clear: No one disputes that our country faces big challenges, and the recent election followed a vigorous debate about how they should be addressed. As President Obama said the night he won re-election, “We may have battled fiercely, but it’s only because we love this country deeply and we care so strongly about its future.”

Whether it’s figuring out how to strengthen our economy, reduce our deficit in a responsible way, or protect our country, we will need to work together — and hear from one another — in order to find the best way to move forward. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to learn more about the President’s ideas and share more of your own

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Did we really expect him to say, “sure, leave when you desire.” I believe the comparison with stinkin Lincoln is valid.

    Will anyone fight this tyranny? Will we have a Lexington and Concord moment? Are there any folks who will ban together and fight! Or do the honest hard working people have too much to lose? Is everyone too comfortable like the frog in the slow boil?

    I predict there will be small pockets of isolated violence like Ruby Ridge with law enforcement made to look like heros.

    Now if Obama was banning something really important to the life of the southerner like the SEC, then maybe we would see people fight.

  2. The White House response is “Lincolnian”:

    1.) The Union is perpetual, but that was the Articles of Confederation, which was dissolved by the states.

    2.) The states are indestructible, but Congress can dissolve the states, appoint military governors, and force states to ratify constitutional amendments as a condition or rejoining the Union.

    3.) The Founders provided us with a means to “change our government” through the ballot, but each state, not “the whole people,” ratified the Constitution.

    4.) The War Between the States “settled the principle” of a permanent Union. In reality, the North and South couldn’t agree on “principles,” and violence “settled” the question.

  3. So what they are saying is they will attack, if Whites try to leave them.

    “I predict there will be small pockets of isolated violence like Ruby Ridge with law enforcement made to look like heros.”

    That won’t be real resistance either. It will just be gun hoarding right wingers, waiting for the government to come take their guns. Waiting for the government to do something to you, isn’t resistance or activism, it is just the usual right wing reactionary nonsense, which has only led to endless losses.

    Sitting around waiting for some event to occur, to make everything better (like the economic collapse for instance), is just Cargo Cult mentality and is not worthy of a White man.

    If Whites want something, they are going to have do Activism. There is no way around it. When Whites start mass organizing and doing effective activism, big things will start to happen. Until then, keep watching.

  4. The whole thing is one big pile of American boilerplate. How our differences make us stronger. The Union is strong! Bullshit like that.

    It was also a declaration that the North won the war so therefore they make the rules and that this is “indestructible.”

  5. The ratification of the Constitution resulted, eventually, in the War Between the States. The War Between the States solidified this centrist document. Nothing riles me more than to hear conservitards cling to the Constitution as a document that limits government and assures liberty. It is not and never was such an instrument. From the beginning it was about a strong, central government designed to swallow the authority of the free sovereign States. If not for the Bill of Rights, which some Federalists fought tooth and nail against, I would not doubt that we would be worse off than the old Soviets.
    Here’s what this letter says, in a very PC way: “Might makes right”. The sentiments of a bully.
    BTW, ever notice how the only part of the Declaration of Independence that gets quoted by the establishment is the “all men are created equal” part? The “throw off government” part is swept under the rug.

  6. All good points, Hunter. Obviously, the Founders did believe in dissolving ancient bonds– they themselves split from Britain.

    Did we not bomb Kosovo to allow it to secede from Serbia, after Kosovo had been an integral part of Serbia for 900 years?

  7. Leftists love democracy. The stupid mob has been a cinch to control since the boob tube monopoly. Democracy, as I am sure they understand, leads to anarchy, and anarchy is the perfect opportunity to institute a new order in which we have universal equality…and universal poverty.

  8. Article 13 of the Articles of Confederation stated that the union created under the Articles was “perpetual” and that any alteration must be “agreed to in a Congress of the United States, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every State”. Rhode Island did not accede to the Union until May 29, 1790. The Constitution took effect on March 4, 1789. The Constitution was therefore “illegal” re the Articles.

    The Constitutional convention began without a quorum, and the delegations waited until 7 of 13 state delegations arrived.

    The Constitution came into force with 3/4 ths of the states conducting “conventions” (not plebescites) in favor of the Constitution. One can only imagine how “democratic” that was, for better or worse.

    We have Obama right where we want him, on a battlefield where we reign supreme. On the battlefield of historical analysis and constitutional scholarship, sloppy stupid Obama can be routed!

  9. How we respond:

    It would be a coup to have a sitting active Reconstitutional Convention before Obama gives his State of the Union, which I have read will be on Lincoln’s Birthday. Let Obama report that the Union is cracking up under the weight of Marxism, cultural and economic, and that for the first time since the Civil War a rival government is forming in America instead of the lying clap trap that we have seen with this “response”.

    A Flag Campaign would be another visible sign of the growing might of Partition. A decent flag costs 10 to 20 bucks on Amazon, and folks can also participate by taking down US flags, flying them “in distress” where legal, or flying only the state flag.

    I would love to see the various groups like Texas Nationalist Movement and League of the South form an umbrella group and host a Convention that invites people from across the country and of various political persuasions to work on Partition and post-Partition relationships and laws. All white-and-normal, and all with an idea that “we will be better off after Partition”. “Bourgeois” as the Marxists would say. I would nominate somewhere near DFW airport for convenience.

  10. Translation: “the United States is a PRISON.” Anyway, self-determination is a venerable principle of international law. If Texas were to secede, for example, it would need to follow steps established by international law, such as obtaining a recognition of its newly acquired independence from the international community. If France, China, etc. were to recognize Texas’s independence it’s game over for the central government.

    All these questions were recently addressed by the Canadian Supreme Court. It specifically concluded that Quebec could secede from the Canadian federation in accordance with the precepts of international law. International law is equally applicable to Texas, Mississippi, and Quebec.

    Pursuant to s. 53 of the Supreme Court Act, the Governor in Council referred the following questions to this Court:

    1. Under the Constitution of Canada, can the National Assembly, legislature or government of Quebec effect the secession of Quebec from Canada unilaterally?

    2. Does international law give the National Assembly, legislature or government of Quebec the right to effect the secession of Quebec from Canada unilaterally? In this regard, is there a right to self?determination under international law that would give the National Assembly, legislature or government of Quebec the right to effect the secession of Quebec from Canada unilaterally?

    3. In the event of a conflict between domestic and international law on the right of the National Assembly, legislature or government of Quebec to effect the secession of Quebec from Canada unilaterally, which would take precedence in Canada?


  11. There is no hubris like ‘American’ hubris. Hitler only claimed that the Third Reich would last a thousand years. These Lincolnites believe their Reich to be eternal.

  12. Will anyone fight this tyranny? Will we have a Lexington and Concord moment? Are there any folks who will ban together and fight! Or do the honest hard working people have too much to lose? Is everyone too comfortable like the frog in the slow boil?

    Dead-on: comfort is the issue. Caucasians will rise up when their wealth goes away and they become unemployed. Whites already make up the vast majority of the tax base, and they can expect to see vast increases in taxation just within the next year. As our downward slide speeds up whites will continue to lose out on jobs and education for the sake of preserving diversity. Much rides on the economy staying afloat.

    Secondly, I think it’s shortsighted to assume that future resistance will follow the exact same path as past resistance. The federals lost four agents at Waco, and would have lost a score if the Davidians hadn’t allowed them to collect their dead and wounded. The Davidians were massacred anyway; armed with this knowledge, future resistors will act accordingly.

    Except this time it won’t be a handful of religious types under the gun, it will probably be everyone in the country who owns a semi-automatic rifle and one or more standard 30rd magazines for it. Observing this government’s myriad mistakes while assuming this same government will effortlessly crush any resistance is defeatist thinking, especially given its track record in Iraq and Afghanistan. I think there’s now too much momentum for gun control to dissipate the way it did in the past. Mandating the surrender of 30rd magazines and registration of semi-auto carbines will force millions of fence-sitters out of their comfort zones, whether it come through SWAT teams kicking in doors or the IRS issuing five-figure fines.

    Anyway, we’ll see what happens. Each of us has his own line in the sand. Very soon we’ll see just how much Rebel is left in our common stock. D.C. is now all but demanding it.

  13. Tamer of Savages says: One day Obama will be paraded around the south with a gold leash around his neck.

    God willing. That’s when we know we’ve won.

    A sight we would love to see, but it will likely never happen.

    He is going to retire to the only state with an immigration policy per se. 5-0 can know within 99.9999% certainty who is on those islands at any time. While protected by distance and egress, the same is Hawaii’s problem if this county begins to fall ….

  14. Abraham Lincoln was the biggest mass murderer of Americans the world has ever seen. I get nauseous when people invoke him.

  15. Anti-whites are evil, you are correct, that is not real resistance. That is my point. There will be no resistance, at least none relevant. If you watch the audience during any SEC game what will you see? You will see thousands of white men fawning over black thugs. There are simply not enough whites who pay attention and give a damn to mount any real resistance.

    Join an activist organization? Which one would you recommend? Which one has not been marginalized to the point of irrelevance?

  16. @Douglas
    “Join an activist organization? Which one would you recommend? Which one has not been marginalized to the point of irrelevance?”

    I’m sure there several to choose from. The one I am from is BUGS. Google anti-White and BUGS to find them.

    A successful group in my opinion, is one that encourages all of its members to go out and push their message at all times, be it in the real world, or out on the internet. They are very practical. They only use what works, they report back and discuss the results they are getting, along with the methods they are using and are constantly improving.

    Organizations that have not been effective, ask for money and do things on behalf of their membership. Not only are they not harnessing their full membership base, their goals change from pushing the core message, to that of doing what it takes to keeping the money flowing in. Once they reach that point, they are preserving the institution for its own sake.

  17. Translation: we, the oligarchs, have created a new religion whereby the dessicated husk of liberty and freedom lend its former trappings to soft tyranny.

    Slavery in the name of liberty.

  18. If Whites want something, they are going to have do Activism. There is no way around it. When Whites start mass organizing and doing effective activism, big things will start to happen. Until then, keep watching.

    Absolutely true. But it’s also true that the tighter the screws, the more likely people are to start taking action. It’s going to take much hotter water to really make the frog jump, IMO. I think WNs should seriously consider the fact that the white race is probably more likely to amalgamate with the rest of humanity than it is to notice that it’s on a conveyer belt into the slaughterhouse, and jump off. Whites seem just docile/individualistic/whatever enough to stay in the boiling water, as long as the cook doesn’t do anything stupid.

    Which isn’t to say that Euro-Americans should give up, but that they should be planning for every contingency, especially the ones that seem most likely to come about.

    The simple fact is, humans aren’t really wired to give a shit if their ancestors 5 generations from now are of a completely different stock than themselves. People capable of giving a shit are a tiny minority.

  19. The simple fact is, humans aren’t really wired to give a shit if their ancestors 5 generations from now are of a completely different stock than themselves. People capable of giving a shit are a tiny minority.

    And that minority was for the most part slaughtered or subdued across the white world over the last two centuries by ‘enlightened’ peasants. We need aristocracy now.


  20. “I disagree. When is controversy and noise considered good? Is this a country or a rock and roll concert?”

    Ever witnessed a negro church service?

  21. Svigor says:
    January 13, 2013 at 2:55 am

    “If Whites want something, they are going to have do Activism. There is no way around it. When Whites start mass organizing and doing effective activism, big things will start to happen. Until then, keep watching.

    Absolutely true. But it’s also true that the tighter the screws, the more likely people are to start taking action. It’s going to take much hotter water to really make the frog jump, IMO. I think WNs should seriously consider the fact that the white race is probably more likely to amalgamate with the rest of humanity than it is to notice that it’s on a conveyer belt into the slaughterhouse, and jump off. Whites seem just docile/individualistic/whatever enough to stay in the boiling water, as long as the cook doesn’t do anything stupid.”

    I disagree. The left and the Jews have never waited for things to get bad. They just get on with the business of taking power and keeping it.

    When people are saying Whites won’t listen, what they are really saying is the methods they are using do not work. My suggestion, discard the methods that are not working and search for methods that do work. If your leaders won’t get with the practical program, find new leaders.

  22. Ha! Actually had the unexpected misfortune of suffering through a Harlem choir called “Sing Harlem Sing” , evidently they perform at the restaurant below Studio 54 during Brunch. Color me surprised when they went from a gospel number about freedom into a sexual rock song while gyrating, then doing the hip rotation and minstrel handwave. It was not even 11am. I want my innocence back.

  23. The question is, what can we do right now that’s productive?

    I mean, this is the question, what can we do besides wait for ZOG’s big fail? This project needs to be more than fiery rhetoric on the Internet while taking it up the ass IRL.

    I think it would be helpful to get a mass street movement going. The Tea Party and OWS could be a model. It would be great to get a million people for secession into the streets on July 4th with signs like: “Dixie Yes,” “1776,” “1861,” “Peaceful Divorce,” and “Let Us Secede.” The idea would be to get people into the street, shake things up to the extent possible, and keep the secession meme alive in the media. Ironically, I think MLKs approach might be a useful model for this stage: peaceful mass protests until something other than peaceful protests becomes feasible…it’s not as if other options are feasible.

    The protests wouldn’t go anywhere (needless to say) in terms of convincing TPTB to allow a peaceful secession, but that wouldn’t be the point. The point would be to build consciousness and gain sympathizes. The media would go into a frenzy which would redound to our advantage by exposing their pathological hatred. We might even be able to draw the Feds into an overreaction with the whole world watching.

  24. At this current time maybe join Republican party just for state level purposes? Run for mayor of your town? Is that a good idea?? Just become a pillar of your community, be at the gun range etc.? If you live in Texas join the secessionist org. If you live in the north, maybe plan to gtfo?

    We might even be able to draw the Feds into an overreaction with the whole world watching.

    The ‘world’ doesn’t care about us because we’re a.) white & b.) christian which means we’ve somehow oppressed them. The world ptb love Obama and support his negro holy-war against us.

  25. By world, in this case I didn’t mean the literal world but the universe of potential converts and recruits to secession already within America. This would be people who are presently lukewarm about secession or natural supporters of it who are unaware of how depraved this regime really is.

    When the Southern authorities opened up the firehoses on blacks, it was an overreaction captured by Jewish media then used against the South. Those images were used to undermine sympathy for the South and its moral credibility. Of course, in retrospect, their focus on blacks was a moronic mistake given the forced integration effort was being led by white folks in Washington DC. It would have made a lot more sense to open up the hoses on the white Congress, judges, and federal troops. They were the responsible parties not the blacks.

    Greg Hood has an article here deep in the archives dealing with this notion of how a regime overreaction can foster revolutionary change. And secession in this context will requirw a form of revolution.

    As for going to the range and becoming a pillar of the community, people ought to be doing those things anyway. Joining the Republican Party even at the state level would be a complete waste of time. You will be drummed out the first time you mention secession.

  26. We have Obama right where we want him, on a battlefield where we reign supreme. On the battlefield of historical analysis and constitutional scholarship, sloppy stupid Obama can be routed!

    Yes, but the problem isn’t Obama; it’s the whole DC ruling class in both parties and the system itself that gives us charlatans like he and Romney. The ruling class doesn’t care about legal arguments, facts, evidence and logic any more than Pol Pot did. This a soft tyranny. The difference is one of degree.

  27. Ironically, I think MLKs approach might be a useful model for this stage: peaceful mass protests until something other than peaceful protests becomes feasible…it’s not as if other options are feasible.

    Do you actually think niggas are going to sit back quietly while we protest supporting them?

  28. a long and bloody civil war that vindicated the principle that the Constitution establishes a permanent union between the States

    More concisely: If I can kill you, I was right.

    I wonder how this principle of vindication will otherwise be applied.

  29. Spokesdrone in 2016:

    …a long and bloody civil conflict and mass internment that vindicated the principle that the second amendment does not allow personal possession of firearms

    The future of principle vindications will much resemble their past.

  30. Your online secession petition got what; less than 200000 signatures? That’s most of the people who support secession; not enough to justify having any kind of referrendum. I am very proud of the Lincolnian response to this treasonous action. The greatest mass murderer in this country as a leader was Robert E. Lee, who brutally betrayed his country for the idiotic idea of states’ rights, thus making the Confederacy much stronger. I’m hoping to take a trip to Virginia this summer so I can personally and literally spit on his grave. That will be a true sign that I have given my entire heart and soul to the multicult; never have I been so proud to be in an American than to fight this treason.

  31. Lew what we need to do now is recruit, train the new recruits, agitated, and stock up. the overall level of angry has not hit the point where overt action outside of political agitating will be successful

  32. @ “… idiotic idea of states’ rights, thus making the Confederacy much stronger…”

    Why is state’s rights terrible? Do you believe humans should have any thoughts, feelings and rights to express them? Any form of freedom? Why not? I mean, is it something personal— like you have no thoughts and feelings or creativity, yourself, and so want people to live having their souls crushed? It helps you hide your personal inadequacy, or what?

  33. No Dixiegirl; I believe that states’ rights does more to crush people’s thoughts and feelings than a central federal government. This was proven by the way that states discriminated against the black people during the Jim Crow era, and finally it was the federal government who stepped up and protected them, thus allowing them to express themselves.

  34. Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
    No Dixiegirl; I believe that states’ rights does more to crush people’s thoughts and feelings than a central federal government. This was proven by the way that states discriminated against the black people during the Jim Crow era, and finally it was the federal government who stepped up and protected them…”

    What? That would be true if black people were the only people in the whole wide world, lol. Why do you HATE diversity? You are stuck on “Jim Crow” or something, a billion years ago, before I was born, LOL!

    What about the other 300 MILLION PEOPLE who have NO VOICE, thanks to you?

    Can you not “protect” people (who are weak and need protection) WITHOUT DESTROYING ALL RIGHTS, for everyone else?

    You’re saying it’s an “either-or” situation, and the only rights that matter, the only voice (the only history, perspective, literature, thoughts, feelings, culture, rights to chose associations, clubs, groups, social environments and INFLUENCES in one’s own life, etc, etc.)—- THAT MUST BE DESTROYED.

    The dictator will say what can be said, and (perhaps) felt, or known, or wondered.

    You’re nuts.

  35. —sorry, was typing off the cuff. You’re saying one narrative must be imposed, lol.

    Even if you, yourself, are just simply so EMPTY as a human being that you would think central dictators are a great idea (a great idea for you, because you have no thoughts)—surely, you can understand why normal people (of any race) with creative juice (and their own thoughts, feelings, desires) might feel the centralization of hundreds of millions of people—- is like a stifling LOCKDOWN on emotions, creativity and humanity.

    From what you’ve said, I just feel sorry for you. (I’ve met some really EMPTY people out there, people who really do like it sort of dictatorial and regimented and “centralized,” so they can abnegate the potential to think, to feel, TO LIVE! — and they always say that, too).

    (BLAMING IT on blacks by saying YOU ONLY WANT PROTECTION for them, that’s why you, yourself, NEED “centralization” is very transparent. Says more about you than any blacks out there. I know—b/c I’ve known TONS of blacks, and even went to an all black school. And many of those blacks would say you are NUTS.)

  36. Global Traitor— maybe you should grow up and start taking up your own human SPACE, and instead of doing the “do-gooder” thing and hiding behind others (like blacks) by using them to make a case for WHAT YOU WANT, what you need, etc., as if it’s all for them, when really it’s all about YOU—-

    Take up your own space. You can do it!

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