About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Because they have more cunning than the useful idiots they use as a power base?

    The President who created the Secret Service was none other than our old friend Lincoln!

    The first President to be assassinated was Lincoln because if you live by the sword, you die by the sword.

    Imagine that the previous 15 Presidents didn’t even think to protect themselves with guns, because they protected themselves using political wisdom!

  2. A cheeky advert would show that gun grabbers are intent on disarming amurreca’s future astronauts and doctors as well as aspiring rappers.

    It’s a good advert.

    All Citizens are equal but Vampire Squids are more equal than others.

  3. HW,

    Steph Cutter says that the Obama WH is going to reassemble the campaign team to take on the “gun lobby,” i.e. the NRA. The trouble with that, from the Obama perspective is this:

    With just one ad, the one you show above, the NRA has engaged in more serious political-personal combat against the person of Barack H. Obama II than all of Obama’s political opponents have against him since his ill-fated run for Congress in 2000 challenging Bobby Rush in the Democrat Primary for IL-1. This ad was a more severe direct body blow to Obama personally than everything that Alice Palmer, Blair Hull, Dan Hynes, Jack Ryan (not OD’s Jack Ryan, mind you), Alan Keyes, Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Mitt Romney and John Boehner COMBINED have “brought” against him.

    That said, the NRA with its racial egalitarianism is still problematic. But they’re not going after the NRA for its racial egalitarian idiocy that we notice.

  4. The NRA can excuse itself in the knowledge that a black felon can’t own a weapon legally. That’s 1/3 of the apes knocked out before you even have to lift a finger or even clear your throat. They brought the artillery with this advert.

    I would prefer armed guards at schools.

  5. John,

    It can add that programs to enforce vigorously felon-in-possession (read: many blacks-in-possession) Federal gun laws in big cities (you know who) were NRA-designed, and those programs were started over the objections of loudmouth black politicians, and that Obama has been cutting back on those kinds of prosecutions.

    Other than that, I can do without the “gun control is racist” histrionics.

  6. In the 2007 primaries gun control policy was deep sided by the candidates. On liberal sites pushing for Obama if you mentioned gun control you were shouted down.

    No mention of gun control in 2008. It’s a funny old Democratic Party.

  7. Obama survived ties to domestic terrorists and a pastor that wants America destroyed.
    He’s blown-off calls to release passport info, college info and his birth certificate is suspect. He doesn’t worry about the NRA which was longtime headed by a great actor but Nigger-lover named Heston. There will be deputized Niggers bending rifles around tree-trunks in the suburbs within five years.

  8. I think not Tamer.

    Obama has been silent on the gun until now. The barrels of rifles might be more than he chew. He danced around this topic for the best part of 7 years out of political self preservation. He’s fucked.

  9. Obama has ushered in the new BRA that proudly loses wars against Muslims and he spends his so-called political capital at home on projects like Obamacare, gay marriage, amnesty, entitlements, now gun control. He’s successful because Yankees can never leave well enough alone at home.

    To think like a Yankee politician one must look at the gun crime rate as though we are a homogeneous society. Race doesn’t enter the equation since all statistics were created equal and every American is the same and every foreigner is a pre-American. Yankee politicians don’t differentiate between a southerner with guns and a gang member with guns. Except during an election when they court the gang member vote.Their thinking is race-less and no one can mention race in polite BRA society because well, that’s racist which is apparently an evil thing.

    Our founding fathers were evil racists but somehow Obama is still legitimate and we can all wave the Yankee rag. The only way to contort the mind to that fantasy is the Lincoln cult. The entire American experience is incomprehensible to non-White trash like Obama unless read backwards in the Lincoln looking-glass. The fact that Lincolnism is by default the ideology of BRA is grounds for secession because it is inherently anti-White anti-freedom AND is why gun rights are soon to be greatly reduced. Obama is now taking us through that looking-glass by becoming the new Lincoln that doesn’t fight other countries, just his own in order to carry out feel-good crusades.

  10. The NRA tries to stay out of every argument save one. Their single-mindedness is one of the keys to their success. Such an approach doesn’t work for everything, but it is perfect for their cause.

    You can tell how deep this add cuts them by measuring the butthurt from the usual sources. By that metric, this add is a raging success.

  11. “Gov. Christie called that NRA ad “reprehensible” for involving the Obama kids.”

    That’s because Gov. Cristie loves kids… fried extra crispy and served with slaw.

  12. How despicable is the ACLU for refusing to defend the 2nd Amendment?

    Better question:

    How dumb are we for giving a toss about a short-sighted piece of paper that was subverted 150 years ago? After the renig I threw out most of the books I had about US Presidents. Probably should’ve burned them. They were just links in our chains.

  13. A consensus will be reached with the administration and the NRA. Within six months the gun freedoms we enjoy now will seem a part of a quaint, idyllic past. Then another bite will be taken in another six months, and so on. Nobody is going to draw a line the sand, nobody is going to stand outside the given consensus in any meaningful way. The flat out truth of the matter is that anyone with the depth of understanding to see what is going on can only look around at the mindless, blithering idiots of all colors and creeds this nation produces by the millions, and say, what’s the point? For this shit pile? What’s the point?

  14. I’m leafing through Howard Zinn’s book…On War. He fails utterly in his catalog of American outrages against the Vietnamese, Mexicans, Philipinos, Haitians… To mention that none of this could have existed without Lincoln butchering 300,000 Southern Redneck racists. No Union no Imperial America. Simple stuff.

    He also fails to name the Jew openly: Albright, Clark, Berger, Weinberger, Kissenger. All war criminals all Jewish

  15. Shame on this state. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/18/kindergarten-suspension-pink-bubble-gun_n_2507017.html

    This is NOT an isolated incident. There have been many other suspensions of children for making similar “terroristic gun threats” in recent years, without even carrying anything to school, not even a plastic toy. All the city-bred or city-miseducated teachers and other education establishment authorities who are responsible for these incidents and who otherwise work to destroy the minds of rural children should be identified and immediately, permanently suspended by the local school boards — but a more likely outcome is the child will be put on psychiatric meds for the rest of her 12-year public school sentence.

  16. Note that she allegedly said IT, allegedly, in the school bus line allegedly, ALMOST off the school property allegedly, and that she the alleged NEVER brought the alleged deadly gum weapon onto the school property.

  17. “Gov. Christie called that NRA ad “reprehensible” for involving the Obama kids.”

    LOL He’s a pizza guy in republican suit.

  18. As Deconstructing Leftism sometimes says, leftism is a creed of “salvation by faith alone.” Do whatever you want, but as long as you believe the tenets of the faith, you’re fine. Likewise, if you live a blameless life, it’s all for naught if you’re a racist.

  19. All politicians, Obama, rich people, celebrities, have a heavy gun presence at all times. Obamatron just signed a bill to give him lifetime secret service protection all paid for by the people he wants to disarm. In other words people paid for by taxpayers to lay down their lives if necessary to save Obamatron’s sorry ass. Obamatron should try and disarm his people before he tries to disarm Whites. Disarming Whites ain’t agoing to happen.

  20. Just wanted to point out that Jews are four-square behind gun control. I’ve seen two pieces now where they’re bragging about it.

    Oh, and all the good Catholics, too. The King of Rome has spoken.

  21. As Deconstructing Leftism sometimes says, leftism is a creed of “salvation by faith alone.” Do whatever you want, but as long as you believe the tenets of the faith, you’re fine. Likewise, if you live a blameless life, it’s all for naught if you’re a racist.

    That’s increasingly my thinking, too. It’s certainly true that leftism operates via received wisdom, exactly the way Abrahmic religion does. They have a big Narrative that guides them in everything, and there are no principles in it to speak of (any time someone tries I can invariably find exceptions) beyond “who-whom?”

  22. To back to the Bill of Rights 1689 of true Englishmen.

    All Protestants can own any fugging firearm they like. See how the enemy like that.

  23. What good has the 2nd Amendment done anyone in terms of keeping a check on BRA tyranny? No one has taken advantage of it since LHO and the NRA was quick to help ban mail-order guns after that. Lots of gun closets with Barrett m82’s….. Still have an African Atheist socialist President. White BRAmericans have refused to use their best weaponry against demagogues, choosing to kill kids in classrooms or movie theatres instead. Even the Sikh temple thing was retarded.

    A Louisville slugger and a navy revolver can kill a pile of Negro crooks. It doesn’t seem like Papa Benedicto is concerned about stuff like that.

  24. What good has the 2nd Amendment done anyone in terms of keeping a check on BRA tyranny? No one has taken advantage of it since LHO and the NRA was quick to help ban mail-order guns after that. Lots of gun closets with Barrett m82’s….. Still have an African Atheist socialist President. White BRAmericans have refused to use their best weaponry against demagogues, choosing to kill kids in classrooms or movie theatres instead. Even the Sikh temple thing was retarded.

    “What good has my insurance done me? We haven’t had a flood in years! Everybody’s just putting the insurance companies’ stockholders through college!” Great, so cancel all your insurance. You don’t need it.

  25. “What good has my insurance done me? We haven’t had a flood in years! Everybody’s just putting the insurance companies’ stockholders through college!”

    Pretty much.

    What good has my 2nd Amendment done me? We haven’t had a respectable country for 150 years. Everybody is just putting the Negroes through skool/life.

  26. Right now the yankees and their BRA is hen pecking at us. Firearms will be a more useful tool if they ever decided to root at us like hogs

  27. Our Founders knew that the 2nd Amendment was for a militia to maintain freedom for freemen and keep slaves sorted. It was NOT for hunting & NOT for protection from free Negroes. Trying to be constitutionalist stealth racialist by supporting 2nd Amendment to mitigate our Negro problem only legitimizes the perverted Constitution. Now the argument seems to be “we need guns to stop the government from taking our guns”.

    The 2nd Amendment no longer serves its purpose because we white men are no longer free in a meaningful civic sense since we are overwhelmed by female and colored voting blocs in a one pulse/one vote system. Not to mention we are tax slaves for single women and coloreds. Any manner we could change our position in this land would originate outside the system thereby outside constitutional law.

  28. “Right now the yankees and their BRA is hen pecking at us. Firearms will be a more useful tool if they ever decided to root at us like hogs.”

    They are swine acting like hens now?

  29. Re: “Right now the yankees and their BRA is hen pecking”:

    In English, the verb would be “are,” but “is” may be used in Southron.

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