Former Mayor Ray Nagin of “Chocolate” New Orleans Indicted


Larry Langford of Birmingham, Kwame Kilpatrick of Detroit, Tony Mack of Trenton, Marion Barry of Washington, DC, Sheila Dixon of Baltimore … and now, Mayor Ray Nagin of “Chocolate” New Orleans joins the illustrious list of black mayors that have been indicted on corruption charges:

Note: Rep. William Jefferson, the guy who hid a $90,000 bribe in his refrigerator, was the “first black congressman” from Louisiana since Reconstruction.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m completely not surprised. If you let people of African decent into positions of trust, this is what happens. I’m certain there are many more that haven’t been caught yet.

  2. Negroes can’t run a successful government without corruption and danger to those that support it in fact.

    Nagin is a prime example of that, there have been numerous others in Chicago, New York, and Washinton, D.C..

    Lots of people know about Willie Brown in California, few know that he had a Jewish Godfather that was his financial backer, mentor, and overall advisor. Brown didn’t make a move without this man’s guidance. The San Francisco Chronicle ran a story on this, it’s no secret in California, but is to others.

  3. @Jeppo

    Sorry, but that petition is an utter joke. 400 pussies couldn’t even muster the courage to sign even their first name?? Pathetic.

  4. Diversity creates a racially polarized climate where candidates are elected for their race, not their abilities. This is similar to what happens when people get elected simply for being liberal. We are not selecting leaders by ability, but by group.

  5. The response isn’t the point and the numbers with the guts, to put their name to it aren’t the point either.

    The point is Obama gave us a big free billboard, to promote the White Genocide message to the entire USA and we used it.

    Because of that, the Washington Post gave us another free billboard and from what I understabd, MSNBC were discussing it as well.

    A petition to ‘stop white genocide’?

    You guys might also be interested in this video:

    STOP White GeNOcide

    The last I saw of it, it was at 7000 and seemed to have slowed to a crawl. Then a BUGSER posted it at reddit a couple of days ago, they were “disgusted”, put it on their front page and it shot up to 50,000 views.

    We get the anti-Whites to spread the message for us. That is practical politics in action.

  6. I’ll post this again without the links so it isn’t picked up by the filter:

    Hunter Wallace says:
    January 19, 2013 at 8:34 am

    “You need 100,000 signatures to get a response now.”

    The response isn’t the point and the numbers with the guts, to put their name to it aren’t the point either.

    The point is Obama gave us a big free billboard, to promote the White Genocide message to the entire USA and we used it.

    Because of that, the Washington Post gave us another free billboard and from what I understabd, MSNBC were discussing it as well.
    Google: Washington Post:
    A petition to ‘stop white genocide’?

    You guys might also be interested in this video:

    STOP White GeNOcide

    The last I saw of it, it was at 7000 and seemed to have slowed to a crawl. Then a BUGSER posted it at reddit a couple of days ago, they were “disgusted”, put it on their front page and it shot up to 50,000 views.

    We get the anti-Whites to spread the message for us. That is practical politics in action.

  7. 313Chris says:
    January 19, 2013 at 7:07 am

    “Sorry, but that petition is an utter joke. 400 pussies couldn’t even muster the courage to sign even their first name?? Pathetic.”

    If you haven’t put your full name on the White Genocide petition, you can’t criticize others that make their initials public and gave their information to the government.

    Have you signed it? I am betting you have not.

  8. What the initials and the low numbers show, is that being Pro White makes you a real and persecuted dissident.

    People have no problem signing session petitions, that is “safe”.

    But telling the government you are Pro White… Well that scares the hell out of everyone, including the radicals at Stormfront and for good reason.

    That petition should tell you everything about the power of a little word, starting with “r”. If the power of that word isn’t broken, Whites aren’t going anywhere.

  9. “90,000 bribe in his ‘refrigerator’, was the “first black congressman”

    Large chunck of cash least put it in a vault.TNB

  10. Hi Anti-Whites. White “genocide” is a bogus meme for people that don’t understand white solidarity has always had something greater at its religio-cultural center than “whiteness”. Crass celebration of whiteness for whiteness sake repels most whites and always will. From pg. 170 of Stoddard’s The Rising Tide of Color.

    This is perhaps also because white solidarity is so pervasive that we live in it (Author’s emphasis), and thus ordinarily do not perceive it any more than we do the air we breathe. Should white men ever really lose their instinct of race-solidarity, they would asphyxiate racially as swiftly and surely as they would asphyxiate physically if the atmospheric oxygen should suddenly be withdrawn.

    … the white peoples were continually expressing their fundamental solidarity by various unifying concepts like the “Pax Romana” of antiquity, the “Civitas Dei” or Christian commonwealth of the Middle Ages, and the “European Concert” of nineteenth-century diplomacy.


    What the initials and the low numbers show, is that being Pro White makes you a real and persecuted dissident.

    That’d be the goal because the people screaming “genocide” want to be martyrs. But what it really shows is “pro-Whiteness” qua “pro-Whiteness” is something few people will support and if they do support it they feel shame, rightfully so.

    If you want to discuss this with me, do so like a human please not a weird white genocide troll.

  11. It’s a good petition idea.

    I’d add another:

    Stop the Genocide of the the Founding population of the United States.

    Stop the Genocide of the historic population of France, Britain, Germany etc through the policy of mass third world migration etc… Link some of to nationalism.

  12. @ “We are not selecting leaders by ability, but by group….”

    Great. Can we have some more Wasps soon, lol?

    About Nagan and like vids: I always like looking at the one white face during those things. There’s usually at least one. Nor are they anti-white, imo, seems more like people who just kind of got stuck for whatever reason, family ties, long time in the area, whatever. They seem to muster the blankest faces known to man as whatever ‘chocolate world’ statements are made.

  13. Whites are so racist they’re unconsciously, often hypocritically racist. Even liberal Whites rarely associate with much less marry non-Whites. They’re called disingenuous white liberals for a reason.

    Don’t get me wrong now, BUGS serves a purpose. It’s like a homeless shelter for Whites that just don’t fit in anywhere else but have pure intentions. I wish Bob Whitaker the best. He should throw the muddy boot at you for preaching to the choir though.

  14. Stop the Genocide of the the Founding population of the United States.

    Stop the Genocide of the historic population of France, Britain, Germany etc through the policy of mass third world migration etc… Link some of to nationalism.

    How about “Stop the Stop the Stop White GeNOcide” petition?

    or “We’re NOT Going to NOT Protest!!!!”

  15. Even though this is HW’s site Tamer I’ll take a crack at this, and since negroes are actually boring, could you in a sentence describe your wordist ego boost?

  16. wordist

    I want to talk to a human being that speaks English not some dystopian internet language. I’m not a drooling fence-sitter on youtube. I’m pro-South, pro-White, pro-Christian.

    What I will say is that if you actually believe Whites are being genocided and your idea of resistance is spamming Youtube comments then either there is no genocide or you don’t take it seriously enough. There’s your sentence. I’m not going to beg anyone’s pardon here. I consider OD’s commentary a smoke-filled room where those here can speak openly. Maybe there are better places to pay homage to King Bob, with all due respect.

  17. It’s good strategy. The petition process they designed is an open goal mouth.

    Even if people don’t sign it, they will read it. The mantra is quite well crafted and some of it will stick. Much more useful to have it on a petition sure than here of course.

  18. Agreed with Tamer. This is a speakeasy. The beauty of this site is that it’s open season, say what though really think. No one around to tell you off or drop you in the shit. It’s very useful.

  19. The mantra is quite well crafted and some of it will stick. Much more useful to have it on a petition sure than here of course.

    I listened to a small part of a radio broadcast this morning from the mantra site, having followed the link from the youtube video posted earlier. The directive was to ignore any questions about blacks or the holocaust otherwise this is considered “tailgaiting” and “you’re not talking about white genocide anymore”. That is a lesson in how to win points in reddit threads with undergrads not have a genuine discussion. It doesn’t belong here.

    In real life I tell it like it is about Negroes to Whites. If they brought up the Holocaust I’d ask how many they think died and agree with them because guess what, I don’t care. Whitaker knows words are fuzzy but Stalin knew numbers were even more worthless and Nietzsche knew facts themselves were useless, only interpretations matter.

  20. Hitler missed a few didn’t he? That’s my answer on that question.

    I also think that because the war was Primarily fought in Eastern Europe that those living in Eastern Europe were the most likely to get killed. That’s the pale Jews. They were also the most likely to get displaced as they were a sort of middleclass by that time.

  21. Fucking retards, you hicks from the south are proven morons with the lowest IQ`s. Stop thinking you`re anything but that. Always remember this: You`re just a bunch of low class, hick, idiotic, pretentious, worthless, pseudo christian, culture-less fucking morons.

    Greetings from atheist Norway.

  22. The problem with USA is not Negroes or Jews. The problem is your retarded healthcare system and your lack of welfare.

    USA: People with lack of money=no healthcare. That`s inhumane and insane.

    Norway: Universal healthcare and far superior to the weak and pathetic American system.

    USA: Americans work the hardest in the world but have less job security and less vacation that many. You never know when you`ll lose your job.

    Norway: High salaries, 5 weeks paid vacation, sick days, sick leave with pay for as long as the doctor prescribes. maternity leave with pay for 1 year, paternity leave for 2 weeks with pay etc. Steady jobs in Norway are secured for life.

    Norway: Socialist.

    USA: Capitalist.

    What system do you prefer?

  23. Obama’s main selling point was that he was clean and articulate. That’s not personal hygene, that’s clean as in politicans.

    Politicians of any other ethnicity pay a political price for corruption; Blacks rally around their corrupt politicians even when they themselves are the ones being hurt by the corruption. You see this everywhere, not just in America where slavery and the White man tryna hold a brotha down is the excuse for everything, but also in Africa, where slavery and the White man tryna hold a brotha down is the excuse for Zimbabwe going from the breadbasket of Africa to needing food aid.

    Blacks will have decent politicians when they deserve them. Which is to say, never.

  24. How many blacks had Norway in 1960? How many in 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000?

    How is the increase in the nog population straining your social democracy? The Swedes have steadily abandoned their generous welfare state as the tide of brown arrived in Malmo. The Danes have also busily dismantled their safety net with the advent of the brown tide.

    One more thing, why do Norwegians support Liverpool FC do much? I’ve never been able to understand the attraction to that team for the Norse?

  25. Hey, just check my ip address, you`ll see I`m Norwegian. Many Norwegians have a deep interest in British soccer, I do not at all. So I frankly don`t give a poop about your soccer question(-:

  26. Hi Chris. yes I`m here. I forgot about you, but thought I`d return because I remember your site questioning my ip address once. Have your leader check it if you`re in doubt.

  27. I also recall you doubting my origins, I`d be happy to communicate with anyone in my native language if you like(-:

  28. Trine says-“Norway: Socialist.

    USA: Capitalist.

    What system do you prefer?”
    Norway and small countries enjoys the fruits of Pax America big federal military spending and such abroad creating inflation within.

  29. If slavery is off the table I prefer social darwinism in a negrified society. The opposite of a safety-net, more like a a giant social garbage disposal. Society with Negroes must be a well-oiled machine, slip-up and get caught in the ever-turning gears.

  30. Spruce,

    Norway is a Petrostate, with virtually no niggers. Gasoline and White people.

    Trine is a Yank.

    It called English Premier League Football…

    “British Soccer”.

    Fake as a three dollar bill.

  31. John, you just proved my point about hicks. You claim I am a yank, yet you are wrong. So what do you think? When do you think you`ll know I`m not a yank? How many weeks, years?

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