Former Mayor Ray Nagin of “Chocolate” New Orleans Indicted


Larry Langford of Birmingham, Kwame Kilpatrick of Detroit, Tony Mack of Trenton, Marion Barry of Washington, DC, Sheila Dixon of Baltimore … and now, Mayor Ray Nagin of “Chocolate” New Orleans joins the illustrious list of black mayors that have been indicted on corruption charges:

Note: Rep. William Jefferson, the guy who hid a $90,000 bribe in his refrigerator, was the “first black congressman” from Louisiana since Reconstruction.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ask me questions about norway then? but then again, you wouldn`t know anything yourself so that would prove to be useless.

  2. John,

    Making a point of neutral countries such as Norway , Belgium,Switz etc are protectorate of Pax America that pay for it(minus nig nog)

  3. The usa does not have a capitalist economy because the govt interferes with every aspect of our life including how we make our money, how we spend it, who we can sell to, bug from etc

    The type of govt I would prefer is one based on the idea the rights of individual White men matters more then the govt/ society; one that holds personal sovereignty and property rights sacred; one were individual White men have as much firepower ( or) then the govt and one based on kinism, White supremacy and patriarchy, one where only White men with large White families and genetic ties to the founders have political power…. there are other things but that’s a good start

  4. What year did Norway gain independence from Sweden? Who was the main political activist who advocated partition from Sweden?
    How is Norwegian independence qualitatively more just that Southern independence from narcissistic Northerners and niggers?

  5. he died in 1066, norse mythology is not a huge interest of mine, never has been. usually psycho neo nazis are into that lol.

  6. Trine needs an hour to find the answers to your questions. He might even return with a fresh Norwegian proxy. He’s a wannabe European that would be raped by Mullah Krekar if he was Norwegian.

  7. No Latrina,

    You are a fake.

    Here are some answers. Hardrada died near York in England at the hand of Harlod Godwinson’s army at the Battle of Stanford bridge. This effectively ended the Viking era.

    On questions about Modern history here are the answers:

    Additionally St Olave was your first Christian king and the founder of the Norgwegians state.

    Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

  8. Incidentally Trine just provided a wonderful example of a white Union dissolving peacefully and amicably. Norway is a great example of a nation that seceeded from a culturally and linguistically similar neighbour. Thanks Trine, you faker.

  9. i`m at work actually, and this is what i do at work, i have many breaks. and stop asking me about history, ask about norway today buddy. i`m not that old.

  10. it`s funny how you conclude that i am not norwegian because i cannot provide you with answers to questions about kings that lived thousands of years ago. i am sure you cannot give me the names of all US presidents without checking buddy.

  11. Well you immediately began talking about Norway as a state and nation. You brought it up.

    You don’t even appear to know about the players in early 20th century Norwegian history. Perhaps you are not really qualified to talk about history and statecraft at all faker.

  12. Stonelifter.

    You think you have big government, here in Norway everything, just about, is government controlled. And no one complains…..

  13. i know all about norway and how it works today. how it is living here, the system, the politics etc. this is what i know. not so much history.

  14. Kennedy, Eisnhower, Truman, Roosevelt, Hoover, Coolidge, Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft, Cleveland, Grant, Johnson, Lincoln, Buchanan, Polk, Quincey Adams, Jackson, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Washington… That’s a good portion just off the top of my head. I’ve missed a few but it’s not bad.

  15. now let me ask you guys, what party coalition governs norway (what 2 political parties) and is the state minister here an atheist or not?

  16. This is the ultimate problem with America, and why it ended a long time ago:

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams

    That means forcing people to abide by a certain level of civilized behavior. And I hate to bring it up, but that means abortion, because it restrains the libido. The social capital of Western Civilization was built on the enforcement of libidinous restraint. Social capital = Freedom.

    The US is basically 50 years into a sexual revolution. We’re living in a baby-boomer dystopian collective nightmare.

    Norway can live the way it does because you are a people first and last. We are not a people, aside from the South. We are a mass of humanity with a truly sick government that has been enjoying swinging us about like a tetherball with our collective libido.

  17. This is the ultimate problem with America, and why it ended a long time ago:

    “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams

    That means forcing people to abide by a certain level of civilized behavior. And I hate to bring it up, but that means abortion, because it restrains the libido. The social capital of Western Civilization was built on the enforcement of libidinous restraint. Social capital = Freedom.

    The US is basically 50 years into a sexual revolution. We’re living in a baby-boomer dystopian collective nightmare.

    Norway can live the way it does because you are a people first and last. We are not a people, aside from the South. We are a mass of humanity with a truly sick government that has been enjoying swinging us about like a tetherball with our collective libido.

    The this is Trine, you get to be a people. At least for now. We’re trying to be a people. That’s why we are here.

  18. Error:

    The thing is this, Trine. You get to be a people. You take it for granted that it is your country. We do not get to be a people here. We get to be tax farmed slaves.

  19. That`s true, and I second that, your politics and government seem to never work right. You better get it in shape, and get your country on track. And I don`t mean by electing more republicans either, I wouldn`t trust them any more than the dems. Your 2 party system is not good, your politics does not work for the people, and US governments never seem to be able to fix the problems of America. You need to reform your leadership and fix the country.

    Read what I wrote about how highly regarded the Norwegian healthcare, welfare and educational system is. University is free, healthcare is universal, and people have good employment security.

    How come Americans work harder than anyone else, yet you get less vacation and less job security? Why not reward good workers by giving them a good long paid vacation? Here people are lazy, they work little yet get all the security.

  20. Trine, as Americans, we don’t believe in free stuff. We don’t want to be like Europeans. We would prefer to go further towards a free market, because we like the idea of good, hard working people getting better things than those that don’t.

    Neither party is good for us, it’s true. And maybe another party is the answer. But if we can’t even get decent people to stand up in the current system, what difference does another party make?

    If I admire anything about Norway, it’s your lack of diversity. Above all things you should protect that. As for the rest, to each is own. I like private enterprise, I like success and failure, and I like charity taking care of the poor.

    By the way, you would not believe the level of health care here. Some suffer, certainly. But many, many more are getting gold level healthcare they couldn’t afford in a million years.

    It was working fine. The media you get over there about our health care was a bunch of bull.

  21. Norway is a Petrostate.

    The US invites in the third world in addition to having an internal population of stupid blacks. That’s the actual problem that creates the obesity, murder, rape, robbery stats that well meaning liberals like to pin on white Americans. It’s like with Bush, who was an idiot. He was the pointman for a coterie of Jewish advisors and a black population ready to riot at the drop of hat or a wink from Jesse Jackson. They burn cities down Trine. They burn entire cities down. Then turn round and blame whites.

  22. Landshark, I agree with some of your comments. But the concept of free stuff is misconceived by many Americans. You must give your people security if you want to be considered a civilized society. Do you want millions of people to live in desperation and fear due to lack of money, bad health or intellectual abilities?

    What if someone is unemployed, and they cannot get a job and subsequently no healthcare or a place to live or food to eat. There are certainly many who want to work who cannot, do you agree? What do you propose these people should do? Die in the street because they are down on their luck?

    If you answer yes, then I`d call that purely barbaric, it`s certainly not a civilized modern attitude that is common in the west.

    It`s true that the healthcare services you provide are very good in the US, but your healthcare system ranks very low in all surveys. Number 37 in fact and behind all the universal healthcare countries. You cannot exclude over 40 million from healthcare and not be frowned at.

  23. Trine says:
    January 19, 2013 at 9:50 pm

    “What if someone is unemployed, and they cannot get a job and subsequently no healthcare or a place to live or food to eat. There are certainly many who want to work who cannot, do you agree? What do you propose these people should do? Die in the street because they are down on their luck?”

    That is an ignorant argument. If someone’s life is threatened, doctors must treat them, even if they cannot pay. That is what occurs in the ER.

  24. But folks, we have very very high taxes and high prices, so most people live paycheck to paycheck just like you guys.

  25. Tribe,

    You do not understand that blacks are like termites or locusts. They cannot sustain civilizations. They shatter worlds.

  26. Trine, my friend, thanks for joining me here in defeating these racist lunatics in arguments. Don’t worry though; they often fight each other more than they fight us anti-white whites or the other races, so if they actually start any action like your Labor Party shooter, we can easily divide and conquer them. John, I’m glad you brought up the war in 1066; this shows that whites are not superior; they are violent rapists just like everybody else, which shows through their behavior in war. Wars are just glorified gang violence, and WWI (which Norway smartly stayed out of) was the biggest gang turf war in history. We got off the topic of Ray Nagin, but that’s one thing I like about this site; staying on topic is not as important here.

  27. The Normans were of course backed by a multicult mosaic of Europeans ranging from Brittany through France, Burgundy, Normandy to Begium and Holland drawing troops from as far south as Malta. They were just trying to enrich the English by migrating. Nasty nasty English for trying to stop them cold in their tracks.

  28. Upon reflection I’ve relized some of my comments in this thread were highly inappropriate. Who am I to judge someone’s livelihood? It turns out the person in question isn’t even male. If there are any male nurses reading this, I’m sorry. Sometimes I’m extremely rude. Please keep me in your prayers.

  29. Point in fact I know a number of Norwegians who complain. Not all Norwegians enjoy their slavery, and they are very unhappy about Norwegian woman and the all out war on men there. Some men there still have their balls.

  30. Ps however my main which was the usa is not a capitalist based economy is beyond debate so you’ve attempted to set up a false argument from the get go

  31. Yes I will pray for you Tamer; that this will be the beginning of you waking up from your racist and anti-democracy opinions. You have a good start by not being so anti-Jewish like so many here. You must Judieze yourself; join the multicult; find a Mexican or Asian woman to miscegenate with since it’s too much to hope that you would wake up totally and repent by finding a black woman.

  32. How can a superior Norwegian pick a bitch-ass nigga name like Trine? Why not a good ol’ traditional like BALDOR, HÅKON, HALLVARD, JORMUNGAND, THORBJØRN?

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