Chris Matthews: Obama’s Gettysburg Address

District of Corruption

I can’t say that I disagree … Obama is a sectional president like Lincoln. He is pushing a radical anti-Southern social and economic agenda. He has no inhibitions about shredding the Constitution:

“WASHINGTON, D.C., January 21, 2013, ( – President Barack Obama forcefully advanced the homosexual agenda in his second inaugural address this afternoon, saying redefining marriage must be enacted “by [God’s] people here on earth.”

“We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths – that all of us are created equal – is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall,” he said.

The 1969 Stonewall riots, in which homosexuals in drag pelted and attempted to immolate police for raiding a Mafia-run gay bar, are considered by many the genesis of the modern homosexual political movement.

“Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law – for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well,” the president said. . . “

The Northern Republican Party (like the Northern Democratic Party in Lincoln’s time) is incapable of stopping the Yankee juggernaut from remolding America in the image of BRA. The Northern Democratic Party is full of radical anti-Southern leftists (and their cheerleaders like Chris Matthews in the Mainstream Media) who are the heirs of Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner.

Note: I guess that makes us the heirs of the Confederate secessionists like Robert Barnwell Rhett and William Lowndes Yancey.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Re: “somehow he gets a pass and people make excuses about Christian Zionists”:


    Very clearly so because “Southron” whites generally ARE “Christian” Zionists! They have no problem living among the peoples of Africa — and the Talmud! They are not pro-Christianity-as-such, nor pro-White-as-such. But they DO tend to be anti-“Yankee”!Exhorting them to be anti-“Yankee” is much easier than, and certainly not the same as exhorting them to be pro-White.

  2. I am told (don’t know by direct experience, however) that nothing preaches to the choir better than the Anti-Yankee message.

  3. Sure Mosin, that’s why Yankees who come down here are always clenching their sphincters and lecturing us on our awful racism. Cuz Yankees are the real race-realists, lol.

  4. “Ole King George was a downright good fellow compared to the cesspool we find ourselves today.”

    – No. He wasn’t.

    Yes, he was.

    I don’t think you get it Hunter. There’s a draft card and an order from above between Chris313 posting on your forum and burning your family home down.

    I have to admit that the idea of defending my home from Detroit Yankees doesn’t bother me. I also suspect the idea of getting the fuck out of Detroit to go burning southern homes probably sounds like a vacation in Aruba to said Yankees.

  5. Mosin Nagant writes:

    “Re: “somehow he gets a pass and people make excuses about Christian Zionists”:


    Very clearly so because “Southron” whites generally ARE “Christian” Zionists! They have no problem living among the peoples of Africa — and the Talmud! They are not pro-Christianity-as-such, nor pro-White-as-such. But they DO tend to be anti-”Yankee”!Exhorting them to be anti-”Yankee” is much easier than, and certainly not the same as exhorting them to be pro-White.”

    Jack responds:

    I think that’s a bit harsh and not fair.

    My take is it is very hard to find any group of Whites in North America who are both:

    Pro White
    Fight BRA
    Effectively stand up to the Jews/Zionists/Neo Cons

    If you can get any group to be good at say 2 out of 3, then cut them some slack on the bad/pandering 1 out of 3, try to make their 1/3 bad not so bad. I don’t know of anything that works with Christian Zionists except to get the. To admit the obvious that Hollywood and the hard core porn industries are’t very pro Christian.

  6. And I’d just as soon drop the whole “well I’m a rural good christian Yankee and I’m kind of German” stance. You don’t straddle any cultural chasm. You’re with Dixie you just don’t know where your feet are.

  7. Svigor, the word was “Yankee” for those who have “penis envy,” in the earlier comment, and now it is “eunuch.” Your second comment IS common sensical — it is probably universally true that eunuchs regret not having — but the first comment is STILL nonsensical.

  8. “You’re a false dichotomy, Mosin. The difference between Yankees and Souhrons is SIMPLE. Southron’s cherish Stonewall Jackson. Yanks cherish Stonewall riots.”

    Too SIMPLE to deserve critique.

  9. Tamer, your last comment is good. However, I don’t wear the label “Yankee,” and I DO know where my feet are.

  10. “Jack responds: I think that’s a bit harsh and not fair. My take is it is very hard to find any group of Whites in North America who are both: Pro White, Fight BRA, Effectively stand up to the Jews/Zionists/Neo Cons”

    I agree it seems harsh, but I hope it is beneficially “balancing.”

    Standing up to a “Yankee” straw man is not the same as “effectively standing up to the Jews/Zionists/Neo Cons” or being Pro-White as such.

  11. Tamer, as a New Yorker or New Jerseyan, unless you were (at least) BORN south of the Line or of Southron parentage, you MUST wear the label.

  12. “There’s your ‘culture of critique’….”

    I knew it was a very bad word, but dashed it off when I would have written “worthy of reply,” but I was replying.

  13. Finally getting back, re: “such a good waterboy, I’m surprised they don’t let you”:

    The age-old question: Who is “they”? To whom are you referring, Tamer?

  14. This isn’t about my life story, Mosin. Please don’t change the subject. This is about you and how you use “the Chews” as whipping boys for Yankees. Your Tourettes-like outburst about OMG TALMUD is similarly unwarranted and borderline antisemitic. Your anti-Zionism is at odds with classical Southron culture that empathizes with the courageous settlers in their struggles against terrorists.

  15. White nationalism that spans north and south has -yet again- been demonstrated to be a fraud propped up by antisemitism. The truth is that Yankees were intent on undoing white christian society before Jews showed up in large numbers. Southern Jews such as Judah Benjamin had to deal with the cheap northern antisemitism that Mosin spouts. The Yankee rags used to call Judah Benjamin “a jew with egyptian principles” for being pro-Slavery.

  16. Still undefined is “they” in your former comment. “I’m surprised they don’t let you….” Sounds somewhat “CT” (conspiracy theorist).

    You believe that “anti-Zionism is at odds with classical Southron culture” but I recognise pro-Zionist Premillennial Dispensational evangelicalism and its misinterpretation of Scripture are “at odds with” Christian orthodoxy.

    Earlier you said I am with Dixie but don’t know where my feet belong, but now, I am “at odds with” southern culture. This seems a reversal. Also, I never wrote nor thought “OM(-) TALMUD” — since one of the Ten Commandments (in the Torah) forbids taking His name in vain, which includes even “by-words.” The Talmuds are important literature, much more the basis of Judaism than the Tanakh. I’m sure you understand that.

  17. Another comment popped up meanwhile:

    “White nationalism that spans north and south has -yet again- been demonstrated to be a fraud propped up by antisemitism. The truth is that Yankees were intent on undoing white christian society before Jews showed up….”

    There appear to be three main thrusts: (1) something called WN that is BOTH northern and southern is a fraud, supported by “antisemitism”; (2) “Yankees” (people born and bred north of the Line?) are the ones who REALLY were out to destroy white Christians; and (3) Southron nationalism, which made common cause with Benjamin Judah, and has never objected to, but even fought to preserve its multiracial system, is DISTINCT from “cheap northern antisemitism.”

  18. I finally posted my last comment, only to discover you wrote “Uncle.”

    I will also say Uncle now — and Peace (if not Shalom).

  19. Yankees didn’t want to get their hands dirty dealing with the little darlings. They didn’t like it when whites in either Europe or America were exploiting darkies.

  20. It’s hilarious that I get accused on here, regularly, of being non-white, just because I believe that slavery was morally wrong, that homosexuals are non-issue, and that abortion is a woman’s personal choice. And yet Tamer of Savages, who is reflexively defensive of Jews any time they come up, as well as being hyper-sensitive to what he percieves as “anti-Semitism”, seems to go unnoticed.

    Tamer, your silly (and strangely recent) Jesus avatar, and your “Christian” blabbering isn’t fooling me.

  21. In 1860, seccession was unjustifiable. Now, it is justifiable.

    In 1860, South Carolina left in a huff because they were so offended that Kansas would be let in as a free state.

    Now, it is a good idea for South Carolina, Kansas and every other intact remnant of traditional America to seceed from a system dominated by the ideas of the Frankfort School.

  22. “Yankees didn’t want to get their hands dirty….”

    Those “Yankees,” who defeated the British, are truly evil creatures (or straw men). There is nothing those straw creatures haven’t done wrongly and with malicious intent.

  23. OMG. Yankee/Southron……..we are all White

    We need to remember that.

    Jews in the South did what they did because the Golden Circle Plantation society suited them to a tee. Please recall, every-one, that Latin American sugar plantations were strictly Kosher, and no Abolition movement has ever existed outside of Western Europe.

    Not ever.

    Southerners who don’t much mind Jews – please study the real-world, factual hisotry of Jews and Gentiles, In England, Germany, and the USA. Jews have been largely tolerated all over what used to be known as Christendom, for hundreds of years. Jews have been FULLY emanancipated in Western Euroope for at least 200 years. Jews have held the highest, most prestigious positions, on both England and Germany, with NO problems. They’ve been allowed to pretty much run loose over the USA since they got here. So they were refused access to some country clubs. BOO HOO HOO.

    Look what they’ve done to all of these Nations. Smoking ruins. Germany is the best of the lot – but most of Germany was in smoking ruins.

    Just because Organized Jewry hasn’t yet destroyed absolutely everything – it doesn’t mean they won’t.

    The Judeo Yankee partnership? Both demos have a fervent, missionary zeal. They are Right. They are Chosen. They Love Money. (Oh YES they do). So a partnership is easy. It’s very easy for Jews, and Yankees, to pontificate from afar, away from the fray, which is what Northern Jews and Yankees do. A lot of the Yankees, from where I sit, are of German descent, and they are, overall, the most stubborn creatures I have encountered. They HATE being wrong, when it comes to All Things Jesus., and will DIE before they admit they are wrong. They get this absolutely CRAZED expression – honest-to-GOD fury, and a sort of a….fixed look…a far-away look, in their eyes, when their most cherished, self-righteous beliefs are questioned or denounced. They look like 2 year old, on the verge of having a temper tantrum meltdown. A kicking screaming red-faced I’m not even gonna BREATH expression, when challenged over their Luciferian vanity in their Faux Godliness We are All Alike Underneath insanity. The problem with Yankees is that they MEAN it. They BELIEVE all the Universal Brotherhood Jesus SAVES Every-one Even Niggers,because this is RIGHTEOUS. They are Above Race, and Better Than Racism, and They will sit at God’s Special Table, at the Eternal Banquet, Right Next to God, for All Time.

    The Jews? They say what they say to get what they want. And they believe they are better than every-one else. And they get their azzes kicked all the time. It’s only a mtter of time, now…..

    The Southerners are right about the Judeo Yankees, Mosin. But you are right about Talmudic Jews. So woe unto Dixie, if they are allowed to run loose.

    Come to the Stormfront Conference, in August, and see the Anglo Celtic South!

    Is any-one going to Amren? My presence has been requested, but I dunno….

  24. There’s something that the North Eastern white doesn’t like about white colonialists. Colonizing or exploiting blacks. It’s pretty consistent. The commentary about the European scramble for Africa was pretty much the same in 1870 as it was in 1960 with Kennedy who was the grave digger of the Belgians in Congo. Qhen you look at Ameican support for the French in Indochina you can see Eisenhower (As an American) speaking out both sides of his mouth. It’s almost as if they’d prefer sacrificing white Americans instead of French officers and the most German Legionaire Etranger.

    One thing that strikes me about America (post Lincoln) is unstinting hostility to any European power and the romanticization of the African or Asian for that matter.

  25. Call it a strawman if you will but, when Germany killed off and kicked out the Jews, they did get flattened. When the native Congolese did the same to the whites in Congo, Kennedy backed the blacks. When the Vietnamese did the same to the French, the Americans came in to show those frogs a thing or two about American ingenuity , after refusing to give the Legion air support at Dien Bien Phu.

    It’s a pattern.

  26. Around 2006 I was at a party and I was talking to a “best of the best” Constitutional Christian Zionist. He was open carrying. He had gone and served in the Israeli Army as volunteer with a couple of friends. He said he was surprised that they didn’t treat them like they thought they would.

    The conversation came around to the neocons. The guy literally reached towards his gun and said “what’s a neocon?” I said “I don’t know” and walked away.

    This is the Ron Paul base “awake” Constitutional white person out here. Basically it’s enemy occupied territory. Nice to know that the people who should have had your back are more likely to shoot you in the back for a foreign people if you cross the thought crime line.

    It’s pretty freaky when you’re around people who, if you told the truth, would consider you to be a third party insurgent in an entirely different battle you had no idea they were fighting, and pretty much the exact opposite of what you would consider a good battle.

    Ask yourself how many of the would-be like minded whites around you would drop you on a land mine to save a Jew.

  27. “The Southerners are right about the Judeo Yankees”:

    Many Southrons believe in Zionism and global “outreach” — and live out their faith in global missionary (cargo cult) service and mercenary (“endless war”) service.

    Anti-Yankeeism might be their most common ground and an easy bandwagon to ride, but it might also distract too much from the work of racial and cultural preservation.

  28. “It’s pretty freaky when you’re around people who, if you told the truth, would consider you to be a third party insurgent in an entirely different battle you had no idea they were fighting, and pretty much the exact opposite of what you would consider a good battle.”

    When I let the mask slip around hippie types the results are quite interesting. You immediately realize that you are a vampire to them. Even though your main concern is that they don’t get mugged by a gang of blacks and thrown out a window like that Eilman girl. The world turned upside down.

  29. “This is the Ron Paul base ‘awake’ Constitutional white person out here.”

    Worse than that. They aren’t even up to the level of Paul, as the southern primary results showed. They voted overwhelmingly for the most military, global warring, pro-Zionist and evangelical-sounding candidates. Anti-Yankeeism and white conservatism may coexist in a person but are not the same thing.

  30. They think blending away is the solution to inequality. Based on the assumption that “Equality” is real and desirable. All that will mean is that the last 5,000 whites in any settlement will get butchered anyway. The few surviving white women enslaved by their leaders. This is exactly what occurred in Haiti. Camp of the Saints made a
    Grand fiction from it.

  31. Landshark, zombie comes from Jean Zombi. Apparently a homicidal mulatto in Port au Prince who butchered Frenchman for sport. Apocryphal perhaps but all the more disturbing. Whites think Mulatto’s are well adjusted. They are almost certainly the most dangerous type of black. They reckon they get to rule.

  32. I was more or less referring to the people I met in my Paul 2004 group and their friends, who are still my friends, I’ve just learned to compromise. For some reason these types take the Jewish issue with a gravity ironically not even seen in mainline Republican circles. We’re talking about funding “underground railroads” to get Jews to Israel so they can be protected when the world is destroyed or some such. I laughed out loud when I heard this. Obviously Israel is going to get blown sky high. They didn’t think it was funny.

    Republicans consider the issue a price to pay to win elections for other reasons.
    Constitutionalists consider it something worth sacrificing their lives over.

    The Churches in America teach some seriously whacked-out shit. But one thing is universal – the Chosen are chosen. And it’s no easier to peel these people from this belief than it is to convince a Jew a Jew isn’t a good thing to be.

    Are these people even white anymore?

  33. Interesting then John that the Zombie theme is so popular now with our mulatto President. Predictive programming?

    Blacks don’t bother me all that much. For me the puzzle is why whites are so broken.

  34. My experience is that if you have a good sense of humor you can be as antisemitic as you like to a Jew’s face. Just saying. I also think until you run into an Arab nightclub in Queens with your friends, toss your Jew friend into a chair and carry him on to the dance floor singing “Hava Nagila”… You haven’t lived.

  35. What do you mean by predictive programming?

    Care to elaborate? I’ve always thought that themes in TV and Films are quite deliberate acts of propaganda.

  36. “I was more or less referring to the people I met in my Paul 2004 group and their friends, who are still my friends, I’ve just learned to compromise. For some reason these types take the Jewish issue with a gravity ironically not even seen in mainline Republican circles.”

    I understand now. Sounds a different breed of Paulists, half Neocon.

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