Chris Matthews: Obama’s Gettysburg Address

District of Corruption

I can’t say that I disagree … Obama is a sectional president like Lincoln. He is pushing a radical anti-Southern social and economic agenda. He has no inhibitions about shredding the Constitution:

“WASHINGTON, D.C., January 21, 2013, ( – President Barack Obama forcefully advanced the homosexual agenda in his second inaugural address this afternoon, saying redefining marriage must be enacted “by [God’s] people here on earth.”

“We, the people, declare today that the most evident of truths – that all of us are created equal – is the star that guides us still; just as it guided our forebears through Seneca Falls, and Selma, and Stonewall,” he said.

The 1969 Stonewall riots, in which homosexuals in drag pelted and attempted to immolate police for raiding a Mafia-run gay bar, are considered by many the genesis of the modern homosexual political movement.

“Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law – for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well,” the president said. . . “

The Northern Republican Party (like the Northern Democratic Party in Lincoln’s time) is incapable of stopping the Yankee juggernaut from remolding America in the image of BRA. The Northern Democratic Party is full of radical anti-Southern leftists (and their cheerleaders like Chris Matthews in the Mainstream Media) who are the heirs of Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner.

Note: I guess that makes us the heirs of the Confederate secessionists like Robert Barnwell Rhett and William Lowndes Yancey.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I understood that the Ron Paulists were a bit antisemitic and their fed bank talk was encoded jew-wise talk.

    Well you live and learn.

  2. “Tamer of Savages says:
    January 23, 2013 at 2:17 am
    My experience is that if you have a good sense of humor you can be as antisemitic as you like to a Jew’s face. Just saying. I also think until you run into an Arab nightclub in Queens with your friends, toss your Jew friend into a chair and carry him on to the dance floor singing “Hava Nagila”… You haven’t lived.”

    I see. So you basically view the Self Chosen, and actual Semites, as props, to afford you amusement.

    Hhhhmmmmmm…….It’s so Camp of the Saints Whites Don’t Actually Die at the End.


  3. Tamer – by latest post was inspired by the Obama Niglets Throwing Gang Signs at the In-Nog-eration Luncheon.

    I didn’t cite you. I will, though.

  4. The Ron Paulists ARE Jew Wise. But a real mixed bad of nuts. I’d like to know why Whites are so broken, as well. I do NOT understand this mass lemming suicide trip.

  5. Predictive programming is the idea that to get people to accept certain things you have to get them to “buy in” by showing them what you are going to do beforehand. Then you can do it to them right in front of their face. After all, you told them. But I’m just shooting the bull.

    I’ve never met a Paulist who considered the Jewish question an acceptable area of discourse. But I’ll take your word for it. Rand Paul looks like a little Jew boy. I can’t stand those pieces of shit. Sorry.

    I tell you what, around here, and probably everywhere, at this point the Jews are a hell of a lot more centered and sane to deal with than the F&*kin Christian Zionists. It’s a real, real serious problem.

  6. The future is going to be interesting. It is clear to me that most of us who come to this site share a common hatred for many of the same groups. Has it occurred to any of you that many of the groups we don’t like hate each other? Muslim assholes hate Jew assholes. Jew assholes hate Muslims. Muslims hate queers. Mexicans hate Blacks and Blacks hate Mexicans. Imported Blacks hate domestic Blacks and vice-versa.

    The left-leaning mass media supports all of those groups and vilifies anyone who doesn’t pretend to sing songs of praise for them.

    When the day comes that these groups start seriously trying to annihilate each other on a grand scale their media cheerleaders won’t know which way to turn. They’ll probably have to blame the whole mess on Hunter.

  7. “I tell you what, around here, and probably everywhere, at this point the Jews are a hell of a lot more centered and sane to deal with than the F&*kin Christian Zionists. It’s a real, real serious problem.”

    Whites seem to ricochet from apathy to blind fanaticism, with little in between these days.

  8. I always thought “I am Legend” (the book, not the negrophillic movie) was a better depiction of Whitepocolyspe than Camp of the Saints.

  9. My experience is that if you have a good sense of humor you can be as antisemitic as you like to a Jew’s face.

    Evidently, Tamer, your experience has taken place somewhere off of planet Earth.

  10. “Has it occurred to any of you that many of the groups we don’t like hate each other? Muslim assholes hate Jew assholes. Jew assholes hate Muslims. Muslims hate queers. Mexicans hate Blacks and Blacks hate Mexicans. Imported Blacks hate domestic Blacks and vice-versa.”

    This is funny, because you know what keeps all these groups together in America? NO TABLE SCRAPS FROM WHITEY IF EVERYONE DOESN’T PRETEND THEY LOVE EACH OTHER!

    What a crazy joke. We work our asses off to create these little zoos where we can feed all the disparate animals just so we can watch how peaceful and great the world is and feel what kind zookeepers we are.

    Maybe this is the tack we should take: How do you talk a white zookeeper into abandoning his animals?

    It may be completely impossible.

  11. I am a Northerner by birth. I am a Southron by affinity. It totally pisses me off that substandard humans, like the excreble Charlie Rangel, says changes need to be made to certain “Southern cultures” vis a vis guns. Um, Charlie, actually, certain changes need to be made to certain northern cultures, vis a vis, Blacks. Oh, and thanks for the so called “Great Migration”. It wasn’t so “great”. Here’s the way I look at this: You guys had slaves. Fine. However, there was no way in hell that slavery ever had a shot at existing into the twentieth century.Period . It was going to end. You have gotten your revenge. We here in the north are now stuck with the detritus of slavery. You can be as pissed as you want at abolitionists, but it does not change the facts that public opinion would rule against you ultimately. Look, Mr. Wallace, I will not ever pretend that I have the faintest idea what the South went through after the so-called “Reconstruction”. But, despite the fact that your ancestors experienced it, and it is meaningful to you, it is also equally meaningful to Blacks that their ancestors went through slavery. The only difference in today’s world is that Whites in the south are still demonized. Nobody cares about the aftermath of the war and what it portended for Whites. This shit continues until this present day. Indeed, it could be argued, that Whites in the south are still being made to suffer for slavery, even more so, than the rest of us. Frankly, I think the days of mutual accusations should be over. We now need to fight for the very existence of our nation. I don’t want to talk about Jews, I don’t want to talk about Yankees, I don’t want to talk about Southerners. I want to talk about preserving this country as a White people established, derived, and ultimately sustained entity. We need to join forces. I forgive the South for slavery, most Whites I know, do. Please forgive the north for doing what would have been done eventually anyway. And also for a whole lot more. But, like I said earlier, you got us back with the migration. Even?

  12. I have to agree with the above posters concerning Southern Judeo-Christian “Evangelicals” and Jews. It’s clear to me that the former are the voluntary shock troops of the latter. They are ready to send their sons to Hell for Israel, and in the end, it’s always about “Amurrica, home of the free”.
    The Southern Judeo-christians become riled at the “war on Christmas” and the great disregard, even hatred, that current society demonstrates against them, yet they don’t ask themselves WHO exactly is doing this, and where is hatred is coming from. They blame the Muslims, and rage against the Muslims for defending their own religion/heritage from the same people. They don’t realize that if they were more like Muslims, maybe they would begin to garner at least a little respect.
    I really love these people, they are my family, but I just don’t know how to reach them. I have tried but they will not hear anything besides “kill Muslims” and “support the Jews”. They will never take the time to peel back the onion and really see the ugly leftist underbelly of this country, and that the country itself has turned against them.

  13. We will never be even. Ever

    IKantunderstand,it’s your yankee nation you want to preserve and not the nation of the Southron White man. I have no reason to save your nation or yankees in general. What have your people done for mine besides invade our land, burn our farms, arm negros then send them to kill us and try everything in your political power to demonize us/ impoverish us/ elvate negros above us? There is no reason for us to trust your people or want to help your people. None, despite being fond of a couple of them who post here. On top of a long list of sins against my people which next to 0 yankees recognize, express repentance for, or ask forgiveness for, uniting with you and saving your nation would only put my future progeny in the same place we are today.

    Also their is no need for us to apologize about slavery. It was legal and moral all over the world at the time and was the economic engine of the early republic. Even the economy up north. Not to mention your people tried out a slaved based economy and put slavery aside for economic reasons. And it was yankees who brought the slaves to the republic and carried the raw materials produced by slave labor all over the world

    Every part of your post drips with the assumption of your false yankee superiority

    Great post Landshark

  14. Mosin Nagant says:
    “Yankee-Southron” may be a false dichotomy.

    Only in that the New Yankee is not a New Englander, but a Northeast Transplant.

    They have a culture of which they are totally unaware. They are different and they do not know how. They were born and bred in the “Industrial North” and bring that way of life—- they are about money. Southerners are about A People.

    (The NETS do not know they are about money. They think having less money, or not worrying about money –or whatever— means they are not about money. But they are “melting pot” types, who were imported for a certain way of life —factory or military, mostly— and have often existed ENTIRELY for many centuries outside of Planter Culture.)

    Also, in Europe, many of them were serfs—- and their ideas about “freedom” in America, seems strange to Generational Americans. “Freedom” to many of them is freedom from the english or something, (lol).

    They cannot conceive of frontier life. The Pioneers have more in common with other colonists (NZ, Aus, etc.) and maybe Russia (due to vast land space and lifestyle).

    The NETS are very Latin in tone, not Northern (and the cultures really are different)

  15. Re: “The NETS do not know they are about money. They think having less money, or not worrying about money – or whatever – means they are not about money. But they (…) were imported for a certain way of life – factory or military (…) in Europe, many of them were serfs – and their ideas about freedom in America seem strange to Generational Americans”:

    Yes, probably the majority of later immigration escaped various kinds of serfdom to become cannon fodder and factory fodder in the northern and western states where the “opportunities” (industries, etc.) were concentrated. However, what about those other hundreds of thousands, if not millions, who came intentionally to settle in the northern and western wilderness, to create and claim new farm lands of their own – their own “promised land” – and to remain there in freedom? But THEY wouldn’t transplant themselves into your backyard.

  16. @ IKantunderstand says:
    I am a Northerner by birth. I am a Southron by affinity.

    I forgive the South for slavery, most Whites I know, do. Please forgive the north for doing what would have been done eventually anyway.

    Imo, that’s sort of like colonial descendants saying they are Indians by Affinity. And really, have little idea what is meant.

    Have you “forgiven” the Portuguese?

    And is that why the Northerners keep voting to let their ex-slaves over the south border (while going on and on and on about black slaves in the American south, WHICH WAS NOTHING in terms of world slavery)

    Who else have you forgiven? Anybody?

  17. I lost a longwinded post. Probably for the best, here’s the essence:

    Expecting post-Civil War immigrants (Jew or Gentile) to fully assimilate into BRAmerican “whiteness” is akin to expecting people to buy a Washington Generals jersey at a Harlem Globetrotters game.

    If dear reader you’ve never been to a Globetrotters game:

    White Yankee Americans are despicable losers. Don’t blame Catlicks and Chews for not championing “whiteness” in the Lincoln-worshipping Negro-voting country they arrived in.

  18. I lost a longwinded post. Probably for the best, here’s the essence:

    Expecting post-Civil War immigrants (Jew or Gentile) to fully assimilate into BRAmerican “whiteness” is akin to expecting people to buy a Washington Generals jersey at a Harlem Globetrotters game.

    White Yankee Americans are politically speaking, despicable losers. Don’t blame Catlicks and Chews for not championing “whiteness” in the Lincoln-worshipping Negro-voting country they arrived in.

  19. @ Mosin:

    “Yes, probably the majority of later immigration escaped various kinds of serfdom to become cannon fodder and factory fodder in the northern and western states where the “opportunities” (industries, etc.) were concentrated. However, what about those other hundreds of thousands, if not millions, who came intentionally to settle in the northern and western wilderness…”

    It’s been my experience that the western settlers were pretty much in place and …well, settling… by 1800 (not 1900).

    I don’t say this to be mean. But the experience of serfdom in Europe (and how people born for centuries to that experience were socialized, and ARE, maybe even genetically), has had FAR REACHING implications for how the u.s. is playing out.

    A serf —transplanted to a wilderness— will still FARM. But the mentality behind it prefigured the Welfare-Warfare Statism we now have. Factory, military, and heavily taxed farmer/serf—– these are the Dependency Populations of feudalism.

    It’s entirely incompatible with the mentality of the Mountain South— the pioneers (who really pioneered), then moved west.

    By the time whatshisfirstname Ryan (the VP candidate) got to the upper midwest (he claimed 5 generations in america), the war was over, the welfare-warfare statism was done and federalizing, and many of those minnesota “settlers” at that time were communists from the failed european “revolutions” seeking refuge in the u.s.

    Anyway—- The English are hated (they settled the country)—– but more than the English Planter society (which could potentially have some overlap with Warfare-Welfare Statism)—- it seems the Scotch-Irish who are hated even more.

    The pioneering mountain south simply has no patience, whatsoever, for the current state of things. It is totally antithetical to their way of life. HW and Palmetto P. can sort of try to sweep the coastal VA English into the “golden circle” (where they don’t really fit but there’s some overlap).

    But the frontier Ulstermen— no way.

    The Europeans were told it was a “Melting Pot”—- so in fairness, they never were asked to examine, very deeply, where they’d landed. Their people had conquered (without them even knowing it, in a sense)—- so they arrived in THEIR new country.

    They arrived as “the mexicans before the mexicans” without even knowing it.

    Sometimes, it seems that the English & Ulster just need a new frontier, and the other people can have what they did to the u.s. land space.

  20. —- Maybe I’ll try Siberia. The climate is such that many people would not follow. Russians are lucky in that.

  21. There are about 40-45 million blacks in the US. They have their Moses in MLK with Obama they have their Joshua, David, Solomon rolled into one Harvard educated package.

    You lot do realize that this is the forward edge of a new religion? This MLK day is soon to rival Christmas it has clearly eclipsed Easter. What evil have you raised and permitted in your midst?

  22. “It’s been my experience that the western settlers were pretty much in place and…well, settling…by 1800 (not 1900).”

    True in this eastern state, where the wilderness was mostly claimed by the early nineteenth century, but westward the process stretched longer – and not ALL those who arrived here and took up farming after colonial days (though my people were here by the early 1700’s) were of serf background rather than family farm tradition. The contrasts being drawn between people born and bred north of south of the Line and before and after about 1800 are too sharp, unless they are rhetorical.

  23. There are about 40-45 million blacks in the US. They have their Moses in MLK with Obama they have their Joshua, David, Solomon rolled into one Harvard educated package.

    Their Abraham is……… Abraham.

  24. “The Southerners are right about the Judeo Yankees”:

    Many Southrons believe in Zionism and global “outreach” — and live out their faith in global missionary (cargo cult) service and mercenary (“endless war”) service.

    Anti-Yankeeism might be their most common ground and an easy bandwagon to ride, but it might also distract too much from the work of racial and cultural preservation.

    More penis envy. The five racially-aware Yankees want the hundreds of thousands of racially-aware southerners to drop everything and make common cause.

    Sorry, Yankees are racial eunuchs.

  25. I’d love nothing more than for Yankeeland (northeast) to become tierra del Yanqui. I stand on the mountain top and watch a Christian army, marching on its bean-filled stomach towards sanctuary cities cleanse the land of hyphenated-Americans, liberal trash and negro pets. All despite the protests of a few alienated white nationalists on the internet and salafi muslim Negroes in the streets.

    If they’re not in Texas or Dixie, they’re fine by me.

    Sorry Mosin but maybe it’s time to sell your petting zoo before you’re annexed by Allentown.

  26. @Svigor

    “More penis envy.”

    – Who’s penis? “The South’s”? Sweety, you guys have been dickless for 150 years. Nothing there to envy.

    “The five racially-aware Yankees want the hundreds of thousands of racially-aware southerners..”

    – There’s more of us by the day, and fewer of you by the year, then you’d like to believe. But just keep drooling over your “nation’s” religion — nigger football — along with the rest of y’alls kin. You’re less relevant with each passing minute.

    “ drop everything and make common cause.”

    – Please. I don’t want a damn thing from you people. I wish you would secede and fuck off and shut up finally.

    “Sorry, Yankees are racial eunuchs.”

    – Says the flaccid, impotent, Southerner who who elects niggers to public office in the wake of Obama’s re-election. Says the people who spread ass for the queer lobby over some fast-food chain. Says the region that birthed Lyndon Johnson — arguably the most nigger-loving president in American history and who’s policies eclipsed those of Lincoln by a hundred moons.

    Don’t make me laugh. You Southerners aren’t any more racial than Northerners. You just dig up the dead and walk around in their suits.

  27. What does “sell the petting zoo” mean? Do you pretend to mean that literally in the sense of an animal zoo? Or do you suppose pet BROWN people? Both ideas are fictional. Nor could he be accessed or “annexed by” Allentown or any other city.

    This otherwise surprising flaming attack comes unsurprisingly from a New Yorker or New Jerseyan (therefore wearing the label “Yankee” manditorily on this site!!!) who apparently likes to dance (!!!) and visit predominantly gay “New Hope” (!!!) and tells everyone here that “you haven’t lived” until you pick up your Jewish friend and carry him onto a dance floor!!!

    Why city people are never trusted. Watch out, true southerners, they’re rootless and you will attract them to come to you.

  28. I envisioned you as the operator of a petting zoo, Mosin. Pardon me if I am mistaken.

    Northeast Yankee Whites will never make common cause with a white guy in Michigan…. a German in Pennsylvania or a manchild that lives in a treehouse in Kirksville and blames Christianity for his problems.

    Drawing attention to this simple truth is too much to bear for the handful of white northern racists on the internet. Rootless? Shuttup Mosin. Your German ancestors were rootless.

  29. True white conservatives don’t visit or recommend visiting “Arab” nightclubs in Queens, or gay “art” communities. True white conservatives who are truly rooted to their land and heritage would never bash themselves and their land and unique heritage in favour of “Southrons” who are rooted in a different land and a different heritage. It is NOT NATURAL!

  30. True conservatives living in states north of the Line, and even other countries and continents can learn with TRUE “southern” conservatives on this site, but AGENTS of flaming division contribute nothing of value.

  31. “Shuttup Mosin. Your German ancestors were rootless.”

    Which is some of them HAD TO LEAVE, were essentially forced out of Germany at peril of their lives, and when they came here by Penn’s kind and wise invitation, their descendents mostly remained in the same three or four counties in the same state to this day. The Germans were particularly noted for not “moving on,” slashing and burning, eroding and wearing out and leaving farm after farm before the stumps and rocks were removed. They tended to remain stillen stand in place, removing the stumps and rocks before they built their houses, and in many places today the soil is more fertile than in its virgin condition. Rootless indeed. Illusions of city folk.

  32. “Sorry Mosin but maybe it’s time to sell your petting zoo before you’re annexed by Allentown.”

    The snarky quip at the end of a post is often a sign of Hasbarat. Uncle Nastiest on Irish Savant does something similar.

  33. My friends and I hassled some drunk Muslims by rubbing their face in my friend’s jewishness after a Mets game. There are fag flags waving in every northern city, Mosin. I’d rather be at S.N.O.B. in Charleston or even Dirty Dick’s in OBX but if I want a good meal without going to NYC it can be found in New Hope.

    My heritage? I’m English aka unhyphenated American. The last thing I identify with is “the North”. The South represents the founding stock AND founding principles of the USA.

  34. Art generally isn’t “gay” btw. young students exhibit heterosexual promiscuity to some extent but its actually very button down and uptight. the people who make art are often misfits, so they gnerally are not oversexed. Like sportsmen or glib MBA types. Far too many Jewish dealers though. Good art is something that is exclusively found in the Occident.

  35. “Northeast Yankee Whites will never make common cause with a white guy in Michigan (or) a German in Pennsylvania”:

    I have almost no experience with New Englanders (about as much as with Negroes) having only passed through three of their states once when I was young, and having known only two or three New Englanders, in school, all of them from Maine. I’ve HEARD they are naturally “contrary,” and hard to “make common cause with” about MANY things, but that may be a generalisation by outsiders.

  36. Something not right about “drunk Muslims” in an Arab nightclub. Not all Arabs, Syrians, Lebanese, Egyptians, etc. are Muslim, or even of Muslim background.

    “Fag flags” do NOT wave only in “Northeast” cities I’m sure, but also in Southeast cities.
    No gay problems at all in South Carolina? Look at the legislators they elect. Nor in the Atlanta metropolitan area, Charlotte, Research Triangle, New Orleans, Florida….??? If you are not rooted where you are, in the Northeast, and you identify entirely with the Southeast why not transplant there?

  37. I relent from the ranting now. I would rather agree, or at least agree to disagree, than argue at all. In any case, it’s time to work now.

  38. Charlotte and Raleigh are pretty much pure yankee and has been for 20 plus years. To the point now where true Soutbrons from their have to go to lengths to prove their claim of being native

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