Rainbow Confederates React To Memphis


Connie Chastain has responded to my Memphis post:

“For him, they’re black people. For me, they’re leftist leaders and culture changers — people who either helped to create or used the civil rights movement, the feminist movement, the gay movement, the anti-war left, the radical environmentalists, in the war against the existing culture — such people as Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers and his terrorist bunch, the neo-Marxists of the Frankfurt School, (Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, among others), Betty Freidan, Gloria Steinem, Students for a Democratic Society, Tom Hayden, Jane Fonda, Angela Davis, Susan Sontag and countless others.”

Yes, there is a black elephant in the room in Memphis.

Memphis hasn’t had a White mayor in 21 years. In the early 1990s, Memphis became a majority black city, and Willie Herenton was elected as the first black mayor of Memphis. He finally stepped down in 2009 after 18 years in office. A C Wharton is now the black mayor of Memphis.

Birmingham hasn’t had a White mayor since 1979. Richard Arrington was the first black mayor of Birmingham. He was mayor for the next twenty years. Atlanta hasn’t had a White mayor since Maynard Jackson was elected in 1973. New Orleans had a black mayor from 1978 to 2010. The black stranglehold on the city government in New Orleans was only broken by Hurricane Katrina.

The renaming of the three Confederate parks in Memphis has nothing to do with Saul Alinsky or Bill Ayers or Jane Fonda. It is just the effect of the Black Undertow driving out the White population in Memphis in the 1980s and 1990s (through a combination of violent crime, integrated public schools, and the destruction of property value) combined with federal enforcement of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act.

It is really nothing more than the dominant ethnic group (the blacks) displacing the previously dominant ethnic group (the Whites) and using its new political power to reshape the public square to honor Ida B. Wells instead of Nathan Bedford Forrest. The exact same thing has already happened in Selma for the exact same reason.

The Rainbow Confederates who “strongly disagree” with “official government segregation or any other kind of oppression” are responsible for creating the cultural conditions that empowered the blacks who have since gratefully returned the favor by using their political power to displace Whites in literally every major Southern metro area (most spectacularly in Memphis and Birmingham) and to attack Confederate symbolism from one end of the South to the other.

Note: Here’s a useful contrast:

The bas relief sculpture on Stone Mountain in Atlanta, the Confederate version of Mount Rushmore, was commissioned in 1916 and was pushed to completion by those odious segregationists who were so inferior to our Baby Boomer Rainbow Confederates like Connie Chastain.

Nathan Bedford Forrest Park in Memphis, which has now been renamed “Health Sciences Park,” which is the final resting place of Nathan Bedford Forrest, was created by the very same segregationists and white supremacists in the Jim Crow South who erected literally every Confederate memorial that the Rainbow Confederates have consistently fail to preserve.

Memphis and Lexington should remove any lingering doubt (as if any further were needed after the result of the flag wars in Georgia and South Carolina) that the Rainbow Confederates are incapable of preserving Southern heritage.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Very interesting highlight.

    In a normal country you might have the left and right arguing over policy. Here she claims that civil rights were innocent things corrupted by leftist insurrgents. It’s crazy. Civil rights is a leftist conspiracy. It was designed to dispossess whites.

    Seems the woman is aware of the Jewish role, but she fails to have the courage to saw it out loud.

  2. How emblematic of our debased times that the resting place of one of the greatest warriors in history has been renamed “Health Sciences Park.”

  3. The problem with women like her is that the “holy grail” for them is feminism. She apparently believes that there is a “legitimate” feminism that doesn’t seek to destroy the dominant culture. Since there is a “legitimate feminism” in her belief system there also must be a legitimate civil rights movement, gay rights movement etc. Feminism WAS IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE an attack on patriarchal prerogatives and white western civilization. White women won’t admit this to themselves and give up on feminism until there are enough minority women to displace them en masse in, e.g., their human resource, marketing and teaching jobs. When that happens they’ll squeal like stuck pigs. Note that means that white women will play feminism long enough to risk white genocide rather than give up their ill-gotten gains when we have better odds. Ask this female dog whether the jews in bolshevik russia or the blacks in Rhodesia and South Africa have given whites any hope that we will be treated well when we become a minority in this country. Wait a minute you mush-brained cow! We should have our own damn country and rule ourselves!

  4. I’m positive there are sculptures of Rommel in some place of other.

    Anyway, maybe Forrest’s body should be dug up and reconstructed like Richard III. Might be a shot in the arm, when people realize these Confederates were flesh n blood.

  5. She apparently believes that there is a “legitimate” feminism that doesn’t seek to destroy the dominant culture.

    According to Gloria Steinem, “the first thing Hitler did was to make abortion a crime against the state.” Her feminism has always been an inductive explanation of and attack against authoritarianism. She says that feminism is important because “oppression of women” normalizes violence hence legitimizes state-violence against other countries.

  6. All those firsts.

    Bans guns (not actually true)
    Bans abortion (but is still a eugenisist)
    Bans art (stages art exhibit Degenerate Art exhibition that proves to be the most highly attended art show in history)
    Kills all of the Herman Jews (80% of them survive ww2)

    So many fucking firsts.

  7. HW till the Confederates get over their groveling fear of “racist” perjorative expect little real progress. Basically you Southern patriots are falling for wordist bullshit and end up debating nonsense with antiwhites and stormfront web troopers. When you get to the point where Southern whites can discuss what is good for Southern whites explicitly then you are getting somewhere. IMO Mindweapons’ blog is the it place not debating conservative wordist crackpots posting from their moms basement

  8. RRS is right again. We need only ask “what is good for us and our posterity?” The Rainbow Confedrates surrender the moral high ground. That is why they lose

  9. Every name dim bulb Chastein came up with is either a Jew, married to a Jew (Ayers), or an employee of Jews (Fonda, Davis, Hayden). Typical of white neo-conz that they cannot name the Jew even as it destroys them.

  10. Hunter, clearly the south can not ‘rise’. The demographics alone are a huge barrier. The media will continue to degrade White south. There is zero leadership in the south for succession.
    Simply put, succession is not going to happen. Do you have any new fresh idea or perhaps a different plan?
    Whistln’ Dixie in the wind is no solution.
    Think on it….

  11. Sean, you incorrectly assume that current trends will continue indefinitely. This is fallacious as our current financial system and the federal government are clearly headed for insolvency. When the government in Washington has no more money to spend there will be major turmoil, war, and social unrest. Secession in the form of smaller self sufficient social units will be a natural result of the collapse of federal power.

  12. Rudel, you are correct. However, demographics have a huge role. We are on the cusp of a huge influx of hostile immigrants. This will be a game changer.
    I think we should be more realistic about the future.
    Succession is not going to happen. Whites are already a minority. In ten years, or so when the bottom falls out, I don’t see a White minority taking charge anywhere.

    I honestly don’t see how this can be reversed.

  13. Yes, there are more and more irreversibly solid, gerrymander-proof “blue” counties southern states, as millions and millions of mixed rootless transplants and non-white foreign immigrants settle in.

    Send them immigrants and rootless transplants SOUTH — where the most “growth and change” is happening! They ARE attracted to GROWTH, and either bring with them, or can help create, more “immense wealth”!

  14. I forgot to add that the human invasion is not the only factor driving “Change” in the southern states. As Sean noted above, “The media will continue to degrade White south.” Yes, degrade and debauch. Divorce and adultery are rife. Southern churches are nearly all pro-Zionist, whether evangelical or liberal, and Southerners are most supportive of globalist “endless war.”

    Sean noted (above) that “There is zero leadership in the south.” Are Virgil Goode and Rand Paul the best leaders that southern genetics can create?

  15. In a sane world, Kevin MacDonald would be a Noble prize winner.

    “For him, they’re black people. For me, they’re leftist leaders and culture changers

    This comment illustrates MacDonald’s point that whites tend to form in-groups based on abstract ideas. For non-whites, it’s always race/ethnicity first. What makes these black leaders a problem isn’t that they’re blacks pursuing their racial interests. They’re ideological leftists who happen to be black pursuing ideological left-wing goals.

  16. @ “…The problem with women like her is that the “holy grail” for them is feminism. She apparently believes that there is a “legitimate” feminism that doesn’t seek to destroy the dominant culture. Since there is a “legitimate feminism” in her belief system there also must be a legitimate civil rights movement…”

    Isn’t she just frightened, approval seeking and self-serving?

    Has she given ONE THOUGHT to the millions of women who will never be on the For-Show “career tracK?” Who will never be the FEMALE TOKEN? Who will not be “The One” who really does have the “career” worth bragging about?

    What about the MILLIONS of women swept along by her self-centeredness, who used to live in humble circumstances as wives and mothers— but who now work at unforgiving jobs, with low wages, (never to be raised) and who will BE FIGHTING ON THE FRONT LINES in the military now?

    Has this self-serving poster-child for “feminism” EVER thought about those real women?

  17. Lew says:
    This comment illustrates MacDonald’s point that whites tend to form in-groups based on abstract ideas….”

    But underneath that, many of the same sub-groups among whites JUST HAPPEN to hold the same “abstract ideas.” The only difference is the veil over it. MacDonald plays dumb on that.

  18. “who will BE FIGHTING ON THE FRONT LINES in the military”

    This is an abomination that can not last. Notwithstanding the immense destruction of unit cohesion and discipline at the squad and platoon level as men flout their mission directives (consciously or subconsciously) in order to be overly protective of the female members of their squad, the overt or covert sexual jealousies, and the near certain pregnancies which require replacements who must be integrated into the team; putting women of prime childbearing age into the infantry or combat engineers is outright racial suicide due to the casualty rates.

    I was talking to two gals just last night who were about to deploy to Afghan (as 92b supply troopers thank goodness.) How in God’s name can we expect a 5’2″ 105 pound girl to maneuver under fire as an effective member of a mortar or machine gun section? Women have roughly 2/3rd’s the strength of a man of comparable size. It’s absolutely absurd on the face of it.

    And no I don’t think that fire departments with women firefighters are as effective as ones with all male crews and women cops have a far greater propensity to use their firearms to shoot suspected perpetrators than men do.

    A lot of state police forces used to have minimum height requirements for service in order to maintain an intimidation factor. That’s all gone by the wayside because of all the rest of the feminist rot that has infected our society.

  19. Certain regiments in the British army still maintain a height minimum.

    Rudel, I guess the question is: what is being protected by such a military?

    It’s not hearth and home.

  20. It’s also interesting that you connect the recruitment of women in the army, when the reality is these women are needed to breed soldiers for 20 years down the road. Eventually the economy will fold and with it the sinews of war: money, will fail. Then the battlefield defeats will start piling up.

  21. Let it burn. They’re not defending us. If the US military wants to degrades its capacity to be effective who cares?

    They first time one is captured and raped to death or beheaded with a kitchen knife, they will find a way to blame men, I’m sure.

  22. “They first time one is captured and raped to death or beheaded with a kitchen knife, they will find a way to blame men, I’m sure.”

    In the US Armed forces women troops are sexually assaulted by our own nigger troopers all the time. Also, in the US Navy something like 40% of female sailors have their deployments cut short by pregnancy. It’s a ludicrous situation.

  23. I don’t understand the mentality of the nay-sayers. The doom and gloom folks who say the South is lost and we should just give up on Southern nationalism. Such thinking is alien to me. We are who we are – quite obviously. And what would it mean to give up on Southern nationalism? Would I stop being Southern? Would I no longer believe in myself or my people? Could I will myself to stop caring about our fate? And if so, what good would that do?

    If one has no hope then why waste time writing here? Why not go find a mindless video game to play? Why take the time to write that all is lost?

  24. PP,

    I’m suggesting give up in being Southern. My anecestors fought for the South like yours I assume. The issue is whether a secessionist movement organized around loyalty to the traditional south can work. The demographics are against us not just at the national level but increasingly on our own turf. VA, NC and Florida are gone. Texas will be soon.

    The last time the Southern states seceded, the state governments did the seceding. Unless you have a concept for secession that would not require capturing the state governments and then having those governments secede based in the collective will of Southerners, then I don’t see how secession has a prayer.

    Using the 1861 model, the first step, or at least a necessary step, would be for secessionists to capture the state governments. This would seem to be out the realm of possibility given the demographic trends.

    I don’t think that means give up; but I do think it means reconsidering any approach to secession that requires capturing the state governments.

  25. Stonelifter: “And you mosin, claim were kin and that you are not anti Southron. Just another yankee liar”

    What? For telling the uncomfortable truth about the prevalence of pro-Zionism and support of endless globalist war, and the changing demographics due to transplanting and foreign rein immigration, and the erosion of faith and marriage and morality in general, among whites south of the Line? ALL of my statements are true, and it is all very SAD.

    But I really shouldn’t have written “Send them south!” in response to the frequent taunt here: “Send them N—— north!” but even so, I’m NOT anti-Southron. I’m not Southron either, but I wish you all the best in your effort to secede, which you have FULL right and reason to do. I hope also that some states, or parts of states, north of the Line might also manage to secede.

    Stonelifter, my view is that Lincoln never preserved the Union, but destroyed it, in the 1860s, although the ghost of the original Republic has continued to appear for more than a century since he ordered the Federal invasion and “reconstruction” of the legally (constitutionally) seceded states — thus erasing the original agreement — DESTROYING the constitution!

    But the habit of blaming or hating “damnyankees” is morally wrong and confused, and also counterproductive and self-destructive, for you, I think.

  26. Lew wrote: “(A) necessary step would be for secessionists to capture the state governments. This would seem to be out the realm of possibility given the demographic trends.”

    This reinforces my statement, but it is obvious. There is full right and good reason, but not the necessary level of support among the electorate of states south of the Line, and year by year less support given the current demographic trends AND the continuing degradation and debauchment of the indigenous population through the evil influence of media and education.

  27. “The electorates north of the Mason-Dixon line are already Democrat because 41% of the White people who live there vote for Democrats like Obama.”

    There. Fixed it for ya’.

  28. But Chris, in the primary he DID vote for Romney, against the much better candidate (in my opinion) and the only candidate who recognises Lincoln’s sin, and respects and would uphold the right of states to secede, or to nullify the actions of the Federal tyranny.

  29. Rudel,

    It varies from state to state. A majority of White people voted for Obama in the Northwest, Iowa, and New England. A slight majority of White people voted for Romney in the Midwest and elsewhere in the Lower North.

  30. That’s right.

    I voted for Mitt Romney in the primary. After winning the Republican primary, he retreated from the tone on immigration he had struck in the primary and began to make noises about supporting Marco Rubio’s DREAM Act, who has since come out in support of a comprehensive amnesty for ALL 11 million illegal aliens.

    I’m glad that I didn’t vote for John McCain in 2008 or Mitt Romney in 2012. I also seriously doubt that I will be voting for the Republican candidate in the 2016 presidential election.

  31. It is hard for southerns to admit they were soudly defeated in the ‘civil war’ and apparently just as hard to accept that succession is a pie in the sky fantasy.

  32. “It is hard for Yankees to admit that many of their own family members and neighbors are indistinguishable from the Jews in their political preferences.”

    I admit that some of my family members and neighbors are indistinguishable from the Jews in their political preferences (except perhaps on Israel and on a no growth energy policy and on deficit spending.) I don’t care because all my neighbors are White (except for some Asians who I don’t even see because they are so meek and reserved in public unless they are driving in which case they are a menace to life and limb if they are Chinese.) So there!

  33. Rudel, you are correct. However, demographics have a huge role. We are on the cusp of a huge influx of hostile immigrants. This will be a game changer.
    I think we should be more realistic about the future.
    Succession is not going to happen. Whites are already a minority.

    Whites are a majority in every Southron state except for Texas.

    In truth, the most worrying aspect of Dixie’s forced demographic change is the influx of Yankees. They look more like us, are more likely to intermarry with us (thus diluting Southron identity in coming generations), and are not shy about pushing their liberal and foreign ways upon us. They are the primary reason why vast areas of Dixie are Southron in name only. They have done more damage to us in 60 years than Negroes have done in 400. We have always known how to deal with non-whites and we could whip the Negroes and Mexicans with one arm tied behind our back if we were not held captive by the Yankee Empire and subject to mass colonisation by their people.

  34. Are Virgil Goode and Rand Paul the best leaders that southern genetics can create?

    Rand Paul is a Pennsylvanian.

  35. Yes, LongLiveDixie, he was born in Pittsburgh. The family did move to Texas before he could remember but he certainly wasn’t born of “Southron genetics” either. A serious mistake to include him (technically a “NET”) as an example, in the hasty comment. I remember I was going to write Lindsey Graham or a few other examples for “conservative” born-and-breds, but right now, Rand does stand out as (or is supposed to be) one of the most conservative major politicians of any state south of the Line.

    Constant turmoil of people moving around, moving in, and moving out, is destructive of the culture of any white community or any other culture or community. Thanks to the key permitting factor of air conditioning, and the irresistible attraction for “prosperity”-loving rootless cosmopolitans of your “RAPID ECONOMIC GROWTH,” your culture and communities continue to suffer.

  36. “(B)est leaders that southern genetics can create” rhetorically “assumes” there is such a thing as “southern genetics,” like saying “your people” assumes there are “two different peoples.” But ironic rhetoric aside, I doubt there is IN REALITY any “southern” genetics distinct from “northern” genetics.

  37. In such situations where the Black underclass (prefer this term to undertow) has taken over public political power, public schools, even public parks, it is indeed time to start privatizing Southern history and heritage.

    The Nathan Bedford Forrest Grave should be moved to a private place (museum, sacred private park). OK, the new, crime ridden Black place of Memphis doesn’t want Nathan Bedford Forrest, if we live the grave monument in a crack cocaine plague Black public park/space, yeah – the grave, monument will be defaced. Nathan Bedford Forrest led the war/fight to see that horrors like modern day Memphis and Birmingham wouldn’t takeover his beloved South – well lots of public places in the South have been taken over, defiled, so regroup in other places where Southerners are in control. Think of it as a military maneuver. What would the real living Nathan Bedford Forrest do? Certainly not camp down in enemy controlled territory.

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