How Rainbow Confederates Lost The Culture War


Connie Chastain writes:

“That, of course, is not true. First, there’s no such thing as Rainbow Confederates …”

A “Rainbow Confederate” is someone who 1.) claims to venerate and wants to preserve Southern heritage, usually in the form of flags, symbols, and monuments 2.) while simultaneously rejecting and abhoring the racial beliefs of previous generations, particularly with regards to slavery and segregation, which are deemed illegitimate, and 3.) who subscribes to a utopian fantasy of an integrated, multiracial South, in spite of the disastrous results of that Yankee experiment, and 4.) who usually, but not necessarily, projects post-1980 racial attitudes back on the historical Confederacy.

These people are overwhelmingly Baby Boomers. This mindset was non-existent in the South until the 1970s and 1980s at the earliest. It peaked in the 1990s. They clash with Southern Nationalalists who are ethnonationalists as well as older Southerners who still cling to our traditional racial and cultural beliefs.

and second, the cultural conditions that empowered blacks to attack Confederate symbolism were not created by disagreeing with official government oppression.


Memphis is the fruit of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which empowers black majorities, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which strips Whites of their ability to preserve the racial integrity of their school districts, businesses, and neighborhoods, which in turn generates the black crime and the downward spiral in property value, school quality, public services, and public safety that drives Whites out of cities like Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Richmond, and New Orleans.

Experience has shown time and again that segregation and white supremacy are necessary to preserve White majorities in a multiracial environment. The people who denounced segregation and white supremacy as illegitimate undermined the cultural foundation that preserved the White majority.

In Selma and Memphis, the White majority was lost and the new black majority captured control of the city government. In both cities, the result of black empowerment was an attack on Confederate symbols and monuments, which follows naturally from black empowerment and ultimately from the naive Rainbow Confederate belief that “oppression” is illegitimate, as opposed to just and necessary to preserve a White level of civilization for posterity while living among Africans.

If Griffin’s very simplistic view of causes and effects (“Baby Boomers done it!”) is very widespread among Millennials, that means they are far less capable of preserving Southern heritage than the Baby Boomers he decries.

This is a straw man.

In the South, the Civil Rights Movement was imposed from above by federal power. The “Greatest Generation” and the “Silent Generation” opposed integration even in some cases to the point of violence.

They were outvoted and outgunned within the context of the Union. Most of these people never changed their racial and cultural beliefs. It wasn’t until the 1980s and 1990s that Southern racial attitudes really began to change and that was due to Baby Boomers adopting the poisonous values that their parents had rejected in the 1960s.

That was the point when Southern heritage came under relentless attack and began to crumble because its so-called defenders – the Rainbow Confederates – had embraced the “anti-racist” values (read: anti-White values) of BRA and the counterculture.

In fact,he is so obsessed with one thing — it apparently defines the whole world and all of existence for him — he seems absolutely clueless about what heritage preservation (and restoration) will require. Fortunately, I don’t think his myopic and clueless views are all that prevalent among Generation Y, so there’s hope yet.

Allow me to illustrate:

Segregation is immoral because blacks are “oppressed” >> utopian belief an integrated, multiracial society is possible >> federal laws and federal court orders that enfranchise blacks and which prohibit segregation >> rise in black electoral clout/influx of blacks into White neighborhoods >> rise in violent crime, decline in property value, lowering of quality of school districts as blacks move into areas from which they are previously excluded >> White flight to suburbs >> further decline in White electoral strength >> eventual black majority in cities like Birmingham, Atlanta, and Memphis >> economic decline/loss of social capital as Whites abandon city or county >> attacks on Confederate symbols and monuments by black politicians answerable to a political base of impoverished blacks.

Fortunately, I don’t think his myopic and clueless views are all that prevalent among Generation Y, so there’s hope yet.

The people who are around my age who care about the preservation of Southern heritage can see that the Rainbows are the only generation in Southern history who failed to preserve our heritage.

As late as the 1960s, the Confederate monument on Stone Mountain was being completed. By the 1980s and 1990s, Confederate symbolism was under siege across the South and the Rainbows were ceding ground on every front in the culture war. These people can’t even protect the unborn or preserve the definition of marriage.

Where do these failures get off condescending to us?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Rainbow Confederatism is attractive to a limited number of weakling who think they can dance around the hard questions about their ancestors.

    Rainbow Confederatism creeps up everywhere, even among the best. For example, saying that N.B. Forrest wasn’t a slave trader—heck he owned, or was a partner in what was called Forrest & Marples “Negro Mart”. Seriously. LOL.

    Although it is true, that often when real estate was purchased, Negroes went with the property, or were offered as an incentive to buy.

  2. Vox Validus, how about “each state is sovereign,” instead of the “Damn Yankees are not us” meme? But I agree with: “If they want to help the southern cause. Let them remain in the north and push their northern brothers and sisters to leave us alone and not move down here.” Yes, let’s do respect ALL of our states’ sovereignties, but also respect our common genetic heritage, and religion — especially those of us who descend from Britain, whether we were born north or south of the Mason Dixon Line. For my part, I don’t “look down on” any Southrons. As for those troublesome, social engineering “NETS” who “move down there,” well, they are mostly the rootless cosmopolitans who don’t belong to any place. They are attracted to “trendy” and high “GROWTH” areas, and they bring their money with them to finance even more GROWTH. Of course the states they leave are better off without them.

  3. “We trusted that lot once when we joined the Union.” Over-distinction, I think, between an “us” and a “THEM” (“THAT LOT”) who share common ancestry from the same island. This is the Hatfield versus McCoy spirit being revived and applied on a much larger scale, an embarrassment and distraction at this critical moment when we should all be concentrating on the essentials.

  4. Stonelifter wrote: “And you mosin, claim were kin and that you are not anti Southron. Just another yankee liar”

    What? For telling the uncomfortable truth about the prevalence of pro-Zionism and support of endless globalist war, and the changing demographics due to transplanting and foreign immigration, and the erosion of faith and marriage and morality in general among whites south of the Line? ALL of my statements are true, and it is all very SAD, not pleasing.

    But I really shouldn’t have written “Send them transplants south!” in response to the frequent taunt here: “Send them Niggers north!” but even so, I’m NOT anti-Southron. I’m not Southron either, but I wish you all the best in your effort to secede, which you have FULL right and reason to do. I hope also that some states, or parts of states, north of the Line might also manage to secede.

    Stonelifter, my view is that Lincoln never preserved the Union, but destroyed it, in the 1860s, although the ghost of the original Republic has continued to appear for more than a century since he ordered the Federal invasion and “reconstruction” of the legally (constitutionally) seceded states — thus erasing the original agreement — DESTROYING the constitution!

    But the habit of blaming or hating “damnyankees” is morally wrong and confused, and also counterproductive and self-destructive, for you and everyone, I think. The Hatfield versus McCoy approach to defeating “BRA” is doomed to failure.

  5. “Rudel and Connie Chastain. Bitter clingers.”

    If you’ve actually read what I’ve posted here then you know I have nothing in common whatsoever with Connie Chastain. I cling to nothing but my family and friends. You are simply a resentful moron with a bad attitude that will get you exactly nowhere in life, let alone anywhere in the realm of politics.

  6. “But the habit of blaming or hating “damnyankees” is morally wrong and confused, and also counterproductive and self-destructive, for you and everyone, I think. The Hatfield versus McCoy approach to defeating “BRA” is doomed to failure.”

    Mosin- You have written some very good posts on OD, and I think, here you hit the raw nerve of many posters on this forum (especially) who are not of the ilk that would seriously defend their homeland, should an armed engagement with FEDGOV/Antichrist come to pass.

    Sorry to use Yankee terms here, folks, but I fear I have to. Because of the ahistorical nature of the South’s variant on real Christianity- i.e., anabaptist isolationism- that sort of hyper-individual ‘me, God and the Bible’ (in that order!) has utterly destroyed the sense of folk, culture, and cohesiveness that once might have been there, in a pre-urban, pre-industrialized South.

    Southernors talk a good talk, (Lord knows, we’ve seen that here in spades!) but, at base, the few posters here, (from what I have gleaned over about two or more years of reading) have regressed about to the cultural level of the warring Scots clans of early medieval Christendom – which is a pretty pagan, and not a Christian ‘culture,’ no matter what your Baptist preacher may say, as he quotes from his Scofield Libel.

    Morever, over here in America, these Southernors have added to that earlier pagan culture on the cusp of civilization and Christ, a soft, mildly effeminate, drunken ‘good-old boy’ BS pseudo-culture, that mocks the Cavalier culture that last made its appearance, in GWTW and Margaret Mitchell’s generation of the 1930’s. When one now sees (even on TV) grossly obese men (and women) in the South, and it matters not the color thereof(!) the references Liberals constantly make about monster truck rallies, double wides, and snake handlers come, sadly, far to easily to mind.

    I was willing to disregard that as little more than Demon-crapic propaganda, but after a walk in a mall in a GOOD suburb (Katy, TX) this past summer, I sadly realized that 90% of the constructs the Jewsmedia constructed about the South were fairly honest! While there are gentlemen and ladies in the South, (as there are in the north) the stats about money spent on education, mean IQ by state, levels of crime, and the whole other raft of data, show that these ‘nice southernors’ are FAR outnumbered by the uncultured, obese, tasteless, boorish, tacky, crass, vulgar, and STUPID image of the Southern White man, that is redolent of a Waffle House, Wal-Mart, and War Games re-enactment crowd. AND THAT IS WHY PEOPLE LIKE CONNIE CHASTAIN SEEK TO DISTANCE THEMSELVES FROM ALL TAINT OF THAT SORT OF ‘SOUTHERNOR.’ That is my belief. That, and the propaganda about the Negro being our ‘equal’ is actually believed by them.

    For this is the generation that finally ‘broke free’ of the ‘poor, disadvantaged South, when Toyota plants, and the baby Bells, and other industry ‘discovered that the South’s people have just as much gullibility to live beyond their means, as do the rest of the country- a sort of ‘Greed is good, Y’all’ mindset, as it were.

    In short, most Southernors who care about what they THINK is the South, and who speak positively about the stars and bars, the WBTS, the necessity of slavery, ‘them damn n*ggers,’ etc., substantively LACK the intellectual mettle to FIGHT THE LIBERAL NORTH. The ‘great white hope’ of the South’s renaissance, it would appear, are, unbelievably, nothing but a bunch of BUBBAS. The hope that the South would start the secession spark died with Obama’s tacit disregard of the petitions on the ‘.gov’ website last year.

    While it may yet begin, and may begin with those very Bubbas, who will be the fodder for FEDGOV’s last stand at Hegemonic Antichrist rule, even with a believeable leader to guide them, we lost far more in the south than their ‘freedom of association’ when Gov. Wallace defied the Feds. I believe the South lost its very soul at about the same time, and doesn’t even know it’s missing. In fine, Mosin, I think ‘du hast recht.’

    It IS little more than the Hatfields vs the McCoys, from Texas to Arlington, that you are seeing today. The South doesn’t even know that they traded in their chosen people status, with every ‘mess of potage’ FEDGOV gave them, over the years.

    The Yankees pretended it didn’t matter and lost their souls thereby. The South thought a little here, and a little there (like being a little bit pregnant) wouldn’t hurt them. Clearly, it has.

  7. The one “thing” that WOULD renew white identity across the southern states, and everywhere, would be their return en masse to true Christianity.

  8. Father John, while I don’t agree with it completely that post made more sense than any post you have ever made on this site (probably because you stayed away from your usual unique nutjob Orthodox CI theological rant.) Keep up the good work!

  9. Fr John, I was visiting the Mindweapons blog where the tactics of emulating the Talmudists in creating a new dominating elite in the urban setting, and of converting whites en masse to the Muslim faith as a means of using Islam to overthrow the system were being considered, but returning to Christianity is off the table!

  10. Re: “theological ranting”: Right doctrine or theology is ESSENTIAL to Christianity, which is essential to white identity and survival.

  11. “The one “thing” that WOULD renew white identity across the southern states, and everywhere, would be their return en masse to true Christianity.”

    “True” Christianity? Protestantism is defined by hundreds of differing sects and it looks like the Anglican Communion is about to splinter again bigtime.

  12. If you’re not clinging to anything, tooldel, why get your Depends in a bunch, just like Chastain, when someone calls out the boomers?

    You fucked up man. Now move on.

  13. You all shouldn’t be fighting AT ALL with racialists who are located physically north of the Mason Dixon Line!

    Generally speaking, we don’t.

    We don’t consider YOU to be the problem. The problem is the millions of White liberals in the Northern states who dwarf you in number and who without fail combine with the blacks, Hispanics, and Jews to crush us under a tidal wave of immigration and civil rights and whose votes swing the entire country perpetually to the Left on every issue.

  14. “Generally speaking, we don’t” fight with racialists north of the Line is true, except when the “damnyankee” meme is in play.

  15. “why get your Depends in a bunch, just like Chastain, when someone calls out the boomers?”

    The only thing I’m clinging to is your contribution to the proceeds of my Social Security check, thank you very much. Ha ha.

  16. “The problem is the millions of White liberals in the Northern states who dwarf you in number” — or else the problem is REALLY: the millions of cosmopolitan, liberal Whites of the METROPOLITAN areas, who dwarf the populations of rural conservative whites in some states.

    But the New England states appear to be an exception to the general urban-rural rule, thoroughly liberal in rural as well as urban sections, and your theory seems to apply there.

  17. A better strategy, from my point of view, would be to encourage independence (secession) from the Federal beast EVERYWHERE possible, or nullification of its unconstitutional acts everywhere possible, and a return to Christian morality and orthodoxy (with the small “o”) everywhere possible — and cease imagining that racialists north of the Line wish those south of the Line to fail, or take delight in their past sufferings or present injustices.

  18. Rudel says:

    Yes geek speak, the sum total of the cultural and scientific contribution of the Gen-Xer’s so far to date.

    Generation X outpaces the Boomers volumes ahead for contributions of societal advancement to today. Their Silent parents spearheaded the space programs and NASA. They founded the first ever computational systems of data gathering, calculation, algorithmic procession planes, GUI interface, ARPANET, the first series of computer programming languages, and successfully transferred their love and exploration of computers into their Xer babies. Xers then begat from their Silent predecessors the next generation of programming languages, the Internet, video games, web design, online shopping/eCommerce, interactive personal e-tech, CGI special effects, robotic arms, the whole nine yards from what we have right in front of us. The Boomers were “busy” partying, making nihilistic Hollyweird entertainment, spoiling their kids, bashing their own parents, enacting bigger government and indoctrinate education anti-Whiteness, proping American Negros to live for free, voting for more foreign jingoism, waaayyyy behind giving their fair share of civilized advancement. But on the string of computer contributions, I’m sure any Apple users here thank Boomer Steve Wozniak for its existence and i-everything. Those Chinese no-suicide slave factories isn’t much of a stain.

  19. Mosin Nagant says: You all shouldn’t be fighting AT ALL with racialists who are located physically north of the Mason Dixon Line! Resist the temptation to “divide (ourselves) and be conquered” by building on the notion of “the damnyankee.”

    Firstly, we are divided already; we and the Yankees are different people and have different identities. It is not accurate to make it sound as though we and they are the same tribe, some of whom just happen to live north of an arbitrary line on a map.

    Secondly, the Yankee racialists themselves are fighting with Southron racialists by opposing Southron nationalism (which they almost invariably claim to be divisive to white unity).

  20. Mosin says we should not fight with those vile beats born above the line, but yet he rejoices in the damnyankees who move South and fuck up our towns, cities and States. You said what you said. You are the enemy, but you fuckers have never been able to light yourselves up with out harming my people and rejoicing in it.

    You are a lair trying to back out of your lies.

    There can be no peace with “men” like him and any damnyankee

    Blaming the damnyankees is not counter productive, it reminds the Southron White man who made this mess, who the real enemy is and why we must leave the union if we want a chance of surviving as a people. We are doomed if we stay tied tied to the yankee and the pro nigger anti White man nation he created.

    Why would we for a moment think yankees want to destroy what they created?

  21. Why would we for a moment think yankees want to destroy what they created?

    This point needs to be made again and again. There are far too many naive Southrons (mostly white nationalists) who believe that uniting with the tribe that caused the racial mess is the solution to the racial mess. We Southrons are more than capable of lifting ourselves out of the present demographic disaster if we are left to ourselves to do it without interference.

  22. Stonelifter and LongLiveDixie should READ and not “read-into” my comments such as “A better strategy, from my point of view, would be to encourage independence (secession) from the Federal beast EVERYWHERE possible, or nullification of its unconstitutional acts everywhere possible, and a return to Christian morality and orthodoxy (with the small ‘o’) everywhere possible — and cease imagining that racialists north of the Line wish those south of the Line to fail, or take delight in their past sufferings or present injustices.” You see, I do not rejoice in the sad spectacle of rootless wealthy “damnyankees” moving south and bringing “change” with them. But it is IRONIC that while they are occupied changing things down there we are rid of them up here, much like your oft-stated solution: “Move them niggers north!” Also, LongLiveDixie, I am not opposed to “Southron nationalism.” Every state has the right to secede, and to nullify, etc., all on its own, or in cooperation with other states. Read my posts, rather than “reading into” and please take off those “damnyankee”- tinted lenses when you look north of the Line!

  23. Once again, for Stonelifter and other “damnyankee” theorists: A better approach is to encourage independence (secession) from the Federal beast not only south if the Line, but EVERYWHERE possible, or nullification of its tyrannical acts EVERYWHERE possible, and the revival of Christianity — and cease imagining that racialists north of the Line wish those south of the Line to fail, or take delight in their past sufferings or present injustices.

  24. Canned anti-white drivel. Robert Throckmorton links to the Jewish Supremacist Deborah Lipstadt. Enough said.

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