How Rainbow Confederates Lost The Culture War


Connie Chastain writes:

“That, of course, is not true. First, there’s no such thing as Rainbow Confederates …”

A “Rainbow Confederate” is someone who 1.) claims to venerate and wants to preserve Southern heritage, usually in the form of flags, symbols, and monuments 2.) while simultaneously rejecting and abhoring the racial beliefs of previous generations, particularly with regards to slavery and segregation, which are deemed illegitimate, and 3.) who subscribes to a utopian fantasy of an integrated, multiracial South, in spite of the disastrous results of that Yankee experiment, and 4.) who usually, but not necessarily, projects post-1980 racial attitudes back on the historical Confederacy.

These people are overwhelmingly Baby Boomers. This mindset was non-existent in the South until the 1970s and 1980s at the earliest. It peaked in the 1990s. They clash with Southern Nationalalists who are ethnonationalists as well as older Southerners who still cling to our traditional racial and cultural beliefs.

and second, the cultural conditions that empowered blacks to attack Confederate symbolism were not created by disagreeing with official government oppression.


Memphis is the fruit of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which empowers black majorities, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Fair Housing Act of 1968, which strips Whites of their ability to preserve the racial integrity of their school districts, businesses, and neighborhoods, which in turn generates the black crime and the downward spiral in property value, school quality, public services, and public safety that drives Whites out of cities like Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Richmond, and New Orleans.

Experience has shown time and again that segregation and white supremacy are necessary to preserve White majorities in a multiracial environment. The people who denounced segregation and white supremacy as illegitimate undermined the cultural foundation that preserved the White majority.

In Selma and Memphis, the White majority was lost and the new black majority captured control of the city government. In both cities, the result of black empowerment was an attack on Confederate symbols and monuments, which follows naturally from black empowerment and ultimately from the naive Rainbow Confederate belief that “oppression” is illegitimate, as opposed to just and necessary to preserve a White level of civilization for posterity while living among Africans.

If Griffin’s very simplistic view of causes and effects (“Baby Boomers done it!”) is very widespread among Millennials, that means they are far less capable of preserving Southern heritage than the Baby Boomers he decries.

This is a straw man.

In the South, the Civil Rights Movement was imposed from above by federal power. The “Greatest Generation” and the “Silent Generation” opposed integration even in some cases to the point of violence.

They were outvoted and outgunned within the context of the Union. Most of these people never changed their racial and cultural beliefs. It wasn’t until the 1980s and 1990s that Southern racial attitudes really began to change and that was due to Baby Boomers adopting the poisonous values that their parents had rejected in the 1960s.

That was the point when Southern heritage came under relentless attack and began to crumble because its so-called defenders – the Rainbow Confederates – had embraced the “anti-racist” values (read: anti-White values) of BRA and the counterculture.

In fact,he is so obsessed with one thing — it apparently defines the whole world and all of existence for him — he seems absolutely clueless about what heritage preservation (and restoration) will require. Fortunately, I don’t think his myopic and clueless views are all that prevalent among Generation Y, so there’s hope yet.

Allow me to illustrate:

Segregation is immoral because blacks are “oppressed” >> utopian belief an integrated, multiracial society is possible >> federal laws and federal court orders that enfranchise blacks and which prohibit segregation >> rise in black electoral clout/influx of blacks into White neighborhoods >> rise in violent crime, decline in property value, lowering of quality of school districts as blacks move into areas from which they are previously excluded >> White flight to suburbs >> further decline in White electoral strength >> eventual black majority in cities like Birmingham, Atlanta, and Memphis >> economic decline/loss of social capital as Whites abandon city or county >> attacks on Confederate symbols and monuments by black politicians answerable to a political base of impoverished blacks.

Fortunately, I don’t think his myopic and clueless views are all that prevalent among Generation Y, so there’s hope yet.

The people who are around my age who care about the preservation of Southern heritage can see that the Rainbows are the only generation in Southern history who failed to preserve our heritage.

As late as the 1960s, the Confederate monument on Stone Mountain was being completed. By the 1980s and 1990s, Confederate symbolism was under siege across the South and the Rainbows were ceding ground on every front in the culture war. These people can’t even protect the unborn or preserve the definition of marriage.

Where do these failures get off condescending to us?

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Does Connie believe its good that blacks discuss what is good for blacks, does she agree its good for hispanic/meztizos to discuss what is good for hispanic/meztizos, same for asians? Then why is it wrong for whites to discuss what is good for whites?

    My apologies to the conservatives who want to wander off into some tailgating exercise in response to whatever the daily outrage is.

  2. Quit bitchin’ about the Boomers. We’ll all be dead soon enough. And I distinctly recall racism (and anti-Semitism especially) being alive and well among my peers during high school in the early 60’s.

    You PC educated dolts who were holocaust brainwashed are the ones who get their nickers all in a twist whenever the Jews get called out on this site if the posts here are any indication.

    Segregation is alive and well. Blacks move to the city to get benefits and subsidized housing and the Whites move out. Sounds like segregation is still going strong to me. If you don’t like living with the niggers your rich planters imported then get the hell out of kudzu-land and move to Appalachia, upstate New York, or Montana.

  3. Some of the blame must also go with the Yellow Dog Democrats. My grandfather, who was born in 1900, had as sound opinions on race as anyone but he would vote Democrat regardless. I’m not saying it was a huge factor in the undermining of White political dominance but it did play a part.

  4. Of course I like the generational warfare meme. The boomers taught us what it takes to change the country. We will need to have no less passion in claiming our right to define our world the way the newer generations see fit. We cannot forget that.

  5. Rudel wrote: “I distinctly recall racism (and anti-Semitism especially) being alive and well among my peers during high school in the early 60?s.”

    I also remember those days, and all the support and votes for George Wallace’s campaign locally, here, NORTH of the Line!

  6. The “anti-boomer generational warfare meme,” the “blame the damnyankee” habit, and the Mason Dixon Line false dichotomy of “two different peoples” are all forms of the self-destructive anti-tactic of “divide and be conquered.”

  7. Yeah, fuck that myth that all Yankees are nigger lovers (exception for our cook and Mr. Prince who did our windows, the laundress was a bitch though.)

  8. There were regular cross “lightings” less than a mile away and lots of local votes for Wallace. Supposedly this does not exist north of the Line.

  9. Mosin, divide and conquer is all that ever works. It’s what the hippies did, it’s what the Jews do, it’s what any faction that desires to move forward in the world must do. You must define who “we” are and who “they” are. Otherwise you might as well be barking at the wind.

    It didn’t make a damn bit of difference if the hippie distinction of “anyone over 30” was factual 10% of the time, 30% of the time or 80% of the time. It defined an “us” and a “them,” and they did it because it works.

  10. Plus, the people most likely to resent us in this case as we rip power from their hands are the boomers. Yet they cannot but respect the same tactics they used thrown back at them. Turnabout is 100% fair play.

  11. Instead of nobly focusing on the common goal, there is ignoble demonising, dividing and confusing.

    The real myth is the alleged existence of “White people.”

    Time and again, the “White people” who live in the North and West go out and vote for politicians like Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and Deval Patrick. Everyone here saw it happen again in November.

    I should add here that it isn’t everyone who happens to live in the North either. The White people in Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota and so on didn’t vote for Barack Obama.

    These same people move to states like Florida, Virginia, and North Carolina (or Colorado, Oregon, and Montana) and do the same thing there. Yet we are supposed to ignore this in favor of the myth that “all White people are on the same side” when lots of White people evidently feel otherwise.

  12. A common goal can be that every generation has the right to redefine the world as they see fit.

    We don’t have to fight “wrong” with “right.” Because we know that facts don’t matter. All that matters is they need to go.

  13. Hippie tactics such as sit-ins, and the Mahatma Gandhi tactics that worked against the British won’t work as well NOW against the new majority demographic electorate and new leadership that has much less patience, and NO real pity or tender conscience.

  14. “Mosin, divide and conquer is all that ever works.”

    I wrote NOT “divide and conquer” but about “the self-destructive anti-tactic” of “divide (ourselves) and be conquered” !

  15. Sure, but no LESS than that will work. No LESS than that level of passion. We haven’t really even come close to that yet. But we have every right to, and certainly no LESS than that will get us anywhere.

    We don’t even get in any faces in any meaningful way.

  16. It doesn’t matter if we divide ourselves. We are already divided. The way forward is not in being worried about being united, but in stopping the worry about being divided.

  17. When I was in Nashville with Jack Ryan on New Years’ Eve, we ran into a Yankee from Hazelton, Pennsylvania. She told me that she hated Rep. Lou Barletta because “America is a ‘Nation of Immigrants.””

  18. The White people who align themselves with Jews, Hispanics, and blacks and who consistently vote to transform America into a Third World country are the ones who are “dividing” us.

  19. Hunter Wallace writes: ‘The real myth is the alleged existence of “White people.” Time and again, the “White people” who live in the North and West go out and vote for politicians like Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi and Deval Patrick. Everyone here saw it happen again in November.’

    I understand your point here, HW. I would note though that the plantation societies essentially created the idea of ‘White people.’ It is a concept that arose in large measure from the Golden Circle. And it’s still very strong in the South and post-plantations societies. 90% of White people in Alabama voting for the same party, which we are told by the US media is a White man’s party, is evidence of the strength of the concept. It was never as strong in much of the North though. And today it’s extremely weak across the North in general, though it’s strong in some rural Northern regions.

    I think this is a strong argument for secession. People who disagree on the classification of groups of people certainly shouldn’t be in a common union. It’s the desire to dominate as well as an emotional attachment gained primarily through warfare together that preserves this awful relic that never should have been formed in the first place.

    • You’re right.

      The Southern plantation culture and historical experience with slavery created a much stronger sense of racial identity and consciousness here. The North never evolved that type of culture and many of the people who live there suffer from a chronic inability to think in clear racial terms. They prefer to think in terms of liberal abstractions and “contradictions” to those abstractions.

  20. Hunter, I don’t think the variation in voting patterns in different states, and regions, should be IGNORED. Not at all! But concluding from those statistics that white (alright, “mythically white”) people born and bred north of the Line are a different people, the “damnyankees,” with a different culture, etc. is erroneous, I think, and possibly harmful.

  21. Sure but they should be irrelevant to any purpose we seek to achieve right now, as sure as the “squares” were irrelevant to the hippie.

    Our biggest enemy is our own timidity.

  22. “She told me that she hated Rep. Lou Barletta because ‘America is a Nation of Immigrants.’ ”

    This is an interesting anecdote, Hunter. But it doesn’t prove the “damnyankee” theory. It is much more significant that Hazeltonians and Hazelton area voters ELECTED the notorious, hated-BY-HER (the woman you met), anti-immigration figure in the first place, and then re-elected him, and more recently, even more significantly, elected a Skinhead.

  23. It’s unlikely that people who consider racial partitioning unethical are going to consider geographical partitioning unethical in the real world.

    In fact geographical partitioning is probably considering a lesser evil. Thus if a real world person accepts racial divisions, they are likely also to accept geo divisions.

  24. That may be true, but they are still different culturally.

    I’d argue that the North has less of a common culture than the South, though it could be that as Northerner, I pick up on micro differences more.

    In my analysis, there’s a greater difference between Pa, Boston and Ny than there is between Georgia and Virginia.

  25. Obama won 52 percent of the white vote in Oregon (and 53 percent in Washington.) That’s not such a huge majority and it all came from Seattle, Olympia, Portland, Corvallis, and Eugene. Nationally Romney got 5 or 6 million fewer White votes than McCain did in 2008 which means Romney would have won had he polled as well as McCain.

    McCain was a terrible candidate and Romney was even worse! The problem is not with White voters per se, the problem is the Republican Party leadership which only permits the nomination of such liberal me-too duds.

    Frankly it doesn’t matter all that much. Obama will rule through presidential diktats in his second term. He has come out with a new proposal (although not a budget as he is legally required to do) for socialist legislation on a weekly basis lately. I’m sure it will all be re-iterated in the State of the Union address. He’s not going to get much passed in Congress as there is no money for it anyway.

  26. “Northerners have more in common with Canadians in their racial attitudes than Southerners.”

    Yet Canadian “white” (mythically white) people west of Quebec are as likely to be purely or mostly Anglo-Celtic as the “white” inhabitants of any southern state, and they are much more Anglo-Celtic than the “white” people of the states north of the Line, who are more Germanic than Anglo-Celt, with significant admixture of Slavic and Mediterranean.

  27. The point of this thread was not to pick a fight with Northern racialists over the existence of Northern liberals, but with the Southern Rainbow Confederates over what has transpired in Memphis and Selma.

  28. A boomer doesn’t argue because that would admit of a possibility of an imperfection in their own conclusions.

  29. We all agree on the existence of northern LIBERALS, and all understand the evil nature of what has transpired in Memphis and Selma.

    Good post, Hunter.

  30. “The point of this thread was not to pick a fight with Northern racialists over the existence of Northern liberals, but with the Southern Rainbow Confederates over what has transpired in Memphis and Selma.”

    Yeah, the niggers took over the inner city just like they did in a lot of places up North.

  31. “A boomer doesn’t argue because that would admit of a possibility of an imperfection in their own conclusions.”

    With age comes wisdom. Live with it.

  32. “the “squares” were irrelevant to the hippie.”

    It was the “squares” that the hippies absolutely required in order to define themselves. Actually it was the Beats that did that. The hippies just copied it.

  33. You ever notice that no matter how much truth is given, people like Chastain just cannot admit that they are/were wrong? They have to hold on to this nonsense world view they have all the way to the grave. Setting the record straight is not “dividing” it is liberating.

    The overwhelming majority of people over the age of 55 Northern or Southern will never give up on Americanism. It has been hard programmed into their minds from the mass programming they received through post WWII allied propaganda and the massive amount of cultural marxist training they absorbed during their young adult years through media/education and now that they are collecting social security and military pensions, they are pretty much chained to the system. The only thing they will engage in til they die is system approved kosher conservatism. That is the height of their resistance.

    Also, notice the total lack of leadership from among this age group as well. Look at the leaders they are producing! It’s pathetic! Young White males have no one to turn to except Ron Paul who is totally inadequate.

    Anyone among them who could have been a leader was destroyed years ago.

  34. The fight with the Rainbow Confederates is more important because we basically agree with Northern racialists on the most important issues whereas the Rainbows have been fatally undermining the resistance here at home.

  35. Ulfric,

    Before she was banned from the LoS Facebook group, Chastain went into a long rant about “shacks and hovels” in Fort Deposit in Lowndes County that haven’t existed in decades. The brain tend to ossify once it reaches a certain age.

  36. “And so castles made of sand melts into the sea, eventually.” Jimi Hendrix

    Rudel and Connie Chastain. Bitter clingers.

  37. “The fight with the Rainbow Confederates is more important because we basically agree with Northern racialists”:

    You all shouldn’t be fighting AT ALL with racialists who are located physically north of the Mason Dixon Line! Resist the temptation to “divide (ourselves) and be conquered” by building on the notion of “the damnyankee.”

  38. Damn Yankees are not us and I see no reason to join with them for any reason. If they want to help the southern cause. Let them remain in the north and push their northern brothers and sisters to leave us alone and not move down here. That is the best thing Yankees can do for us. There are some fine northerners. Even some married to Southerners, but southern culture and the southern racial fight will be carried out and won by southerners or not at all. We trusted that lot once when we joined the Union. Never again should we regain our sovereignty.

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