The Tragic City: Metro Birmingham Ranked 197 of 200 Metro Areas


After poking around some more on David Sher’s hilarious DWL website The Comeback Town, I noticed that Birmingham was recently ranked 197 out of 200 metro areas by The Milken Institute:

“Birmingham is one of the worst performing large cities in the nation, according to a new report from the Milken Institute.

The Magic City ranked 197th out of the 200 large cities in the report, and didn’t rank higher than 131st in any category in the report. Birmingham dropped 15 spots from last year’s ranking.

Milken’s report ranked metros based on job growth, wage growth and high-tech gross domestic product growth, among other factors. …”

Birmingham-Hoover MSA plummeted 15 spots to 197 from the 2011 Milken Survey. To put this in perspective, the Birmingham-Hoover MSA is now underperforming the Detroit-Livonia-Dearborn MSA which is ranked 190.

The New York Times interactive map of the 2010 U.S. Census shows that the population of Jefferson County (AL) is now 52% White and 42% African-American – White residents are fleeing to Shelby and St. Clair Counties and are being replaced by smaller numbers of low-income African-Americans and Hispanics.

African-Americans comprise 74% of Birmingham’s population. This makes Birmingham the 4th blackest metro area in the United States. Detroit, which will soon come under the supervision of an emergency manager, is still the flagship of Black America. Wayne County (MI) is now 50% White and 40% African-American.

Sher laughably tries to pin the economic woes of the Birmingham metro area on the prosperous White suburbs:

“Metro Birmingham is ranked 197th out of the 200 based on job growth, wage growth and high-tech gross domestic product growth, among other factors.

Let me emphasize…they are talking about metro Birmingham–not the City of Birmingham.  …

Life in Mt. Brook and Trussville may be great, but until we understand that we’re all in this together, we will remain stagnant and our future and the future of our children will slip away.”

The Birmingham-Hoover MSA includes the “City of Birmingham” which is 74% African-American and the single largest municipality in Alabama with 212,237 residents. The “vibrant” economy of the “City of Birmingham” is powered by job creation in the payday loan, title pawn, and check cashing industries.

The median household income in Vestavia Hills is $87,154. It is $100,483 in Mountain Brook, $66,943 in Trussville, $75,365 in Hoover, $55,431 in Homewood, $45,786 in Gardendale, $45,244 in Jefferson County (AL), $68,308 in Shelby County (AL), $51,914 in the United States as a whole … and $26,735 in Birmingham.

The Birmingham-Hoover MSA includes cities in Jefferson County (AL) like Vestavia Hills, Mountain Brook, and Hoover as well as Shelby County (AL) which are significantly wealthier than the national average. These areas haven’t been crippled by the chronic black dysfunction which triumphed in Birmingham in the 1960s, which is now celebrated in in public monuments, and which has caused the population of Birmingham to decline from 340,887 in 1960 to 212,327 in 2010.

As far as the rest of Metro Birmingham is concerned, the crime is lower, the public schools and public services are superior, the property value is higher, and the job market is better in the White suburbs outside of Birmingham – the things which ordinary White people really care about – which are only diminished by being lumped into the same abstraction called the “Birmingham-Hoover MSA” with Detroit South.

After fifty years of holding civilization in Jefferson County hostage to “civil rights,” Birmingham is now a violent, declining city governed by incompetence, corruption, and imbecility, which is a reflection of the “content of character” of the black political machine and its capacity for self government, which under the cover of “democracy” has controlled City Hall since 1979.

It is too bad the city fathers who surrendered to MLK and the Civil Rights Movement couldn’t hitch a ride with Marty McFly in Doc Brown’s time machine in 1955 venture into the future to behold the spectacle of Birmingham as it exists in 2013.

We don’t need roads, jobs, sheriff’s deputies, or freeway lights here either.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “…until we all understand that we’re all in this together, we will remain stagnant and our future and the future of our {black} children will slip away.”

    In other words, the white dog must forever carry the black fleas. It never seems to occur to them that one of these days the dog will get disinfected.

  2. Meh. This post and the preceding are nothing but ‘nigstats’ (Nigger statistics).

    We’ve already proven the facts. We need solutions.
    Secession. Now. Today. Forever.

  3. You are all racist pieces of shit and soon people like you will be obliterated. The world is changing!

  4. If you want to be raped, go to a country where guns are banned.

  5. Ramz on secession:

    While he could have used any other of the myriad examples that are available instead of Rand Paul, “Americans” like Ramz are coming around and starting to shed their parents’ Hollywood idea of patriotism even as they invoke it.

    More of Ramz’ sardonic approach is definitely needed. Linder did it well 10-12 years ago before he went off into la la land.

  6. “As far as the rest of Metro Birmingham is concerned, the crime is lower, the public schools and public services are superior, the property value is higher, and the job market is better in the White suburbs”

    Just like up North. Fortunately, you can get away from niggers if you live outside of the Deep South by moving further out to the countryside. This is not true in rural areas of former plantation states where you will just find more niggers.

    The South will be forever cursed for importing all those slaves to work for a handful of rich planters. No great loss. Appalachia has a decent climate whereas the Deep South has a fetid subtropical one not fit for White men who evolved in Northern climes.

  7. . . . the Deep South has a fetid subtropical one not fit for White men who evolved in Northern climes.

    I wonder what our uninvited colonists would say to that.

  8. Sher is crazy. He’s mental. I didn’t want ot post on his site – but he’s completely mental.

    If any of you HAVE posted – please tell him the only way to save Birmingham is to get rid of the Negroes.

  9. Just posted for Sher, doubt that he’ll approve it for view.

    I remember the old black & white news reels of the era (pre-1964).

    Seems like all those fear mongering klan marchers, protesters against busing & forced integration and common sense were right after all.

  10. “Appalachia has a decent climate whereas the Deep South has a fetid subtropical one not fit for White men who evolved in Northern climes.”

    Overstated and pettifogging the issue.

    There were slaves in Appalachia, too, just not as many (conditions not suitable for cotton).

    White men can live anywhere, even on the moon for short periods.

    Deo Vindice

  11. “Overstated and pettifogging the issue.”

    On the contrary, I find the Deep South and Florida to be fetid climatic hell holes.

    BTW, White men do not thrive in the tropics, they die like flies from various and sundry tropical maladies when away from modern air-conditioned cities like Singapore with their well stocked hospitals. The Negro however is well adapted to their native tropics even extending to what we would consider pathologies such as sickle cell anemia which for the black man was a healthy adaptation to malaria.

    Hillbillies owned very few slaves. Slave ownership among White households was only 25% throughout the entire Confederacy. In Appalachia it was far, far less as can still be seen in the geographic distribution of Negroes down to this day. Not very many coons in the Ozarks or Blue Ridge.

  12. “Appalachia has a decent climate”

    Level, rich farmland is not abundant in southern Appalachia.

  13. “You are all racist pieces of shit and soon people like you will be obliterated. The world is changing!”

    Thank you Rachel for your candor. You reveal the genocidal hatred anti-Whites have for us, stripped of the phony higher morality your kind usually hides behind.

  14. “Level, rich farmland is not abundant in southern Appalachia.”

    Neither are Anglican plantation owners and their slaves. Why do you think the Scots-Irish pioneers headed for the hills once their indentured servitude was up? To get the hell away from asshole planters that’s why.

  15. On the contrary, I find the Deep South and Florida to be fetid climatic hell holes.

    The simple solution is to stay in your cold northern climate. I don’t think any Southron will miss you.

    BTW, White men do not thrive in the tropics, they die like flies from various and sundry tropical maladies when away from modern air-conditioned cities like Singapore with their well stocked hospitals.

    The only tropics in Dixie are southern Florida, which was uninhabited by whites until Yankees drained the swamp and built cities there.

  16. OT:

    The Southern Poverty Law Center sent a letter earlier this week to Attorney General Eric Holder and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano urging the government to establish a task force to investigate the supposed domestic terror threat posed by the likes of Alex Jones, We Are Change, Oath Keepers, the Constitution Party, the Tyranny Response Team and thousands of other Americans outside of the orbit of the establishment.

  17. What happened to the posts about the Yankee girls walking across the South? Hunter probably had to delete it because of all the misogynists on here trying to find pictures of them.

  18. Why don’t you ask him instead of trolling?

    PGRT must have a pathetic life. Nothing better to do than troll.

  19. I’m paranoid enough to think it may have been a honey trap.
    This site hasnt caused a stir exactly, but Hunter must be a person of interest.

  20. One of ’em woke, under an old oak, in Hunter’s arms / Near what used to be slavery farms.

    Yankee Princess Leia had been beaten down by her “pick of the litter” / She never thought the buck would hit her.

    She open’d her bruised kaleidoscope of a good eye as blood drained from the bad / twas the worst wound she ever ‘ad.

    Scanning ’round, making nary a sound / She only saw one set of foo’ prints on the cold hard southern ground.

    “I thought I lost you, Hunter, you found me. Why do I smell like cheap beer?” / He spit some tobacco and drew close to her ear……

    I love you. I carried you here.

  21. Southern Florida climate is 8 months of Heaven followed by 4 months of pure hell. It’s a pretty good ratio if you ask me. I just hide out in the AC for those 4 months and wait for it to pass.

    About Birmingham, this first time I saw this, I thought is was sooo cool!

    I thought it was some kind of monument to military dogs. Duh. I guess we all have our moments.

  22. Hey everybody,

    Get a load of the latest from this guy PGRT.

    Says his life isn’t pathetic yet has nothing better to do than stop by OD to troll.

    Actions speak louder than words me thinks.

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