Yes To Independence 6.0

South Carolina


Good points.

Why should Southern children be serving as cannon fodder in America’s endless imperial wars in Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Panama, Serbia, Libya and Afghanistan, etc? Why should we be antagonizing the people who live in those countries – now with predator drones, which Eric “My People” Holder would like to deploy on American soil – to make their governments safe for American capitalism or to force their ancient cultures to conform to American democracy?

Why should we commit ourselves to certain financial suicide by enslaving future generations to America’s insoluble long term debt crisis? Why should we jeopardize our own development and future prosperity by staying within this crumbling Union where we will only be governed by “the majority” of people who live in dysfunctional cities like Detroit, Chicago, and New York City?

It’s a conversation we need to be having. 🙂

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ” Why should we jeopardize our own development and future prosperity by staying within this crumbling Union where we will be governed by “the majority” of people who live in dysfunctional cities like Detroit, Chicago, and New York City?”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    What are you saying? That my Chicago isn’t a well run, safe, prosperous all American town, a good place to raise a family and live the American dream?

    Well this weekend it’s nasty, NASTY March Chicago – the dreaded South Side thaw, dirty snow, dog poo, plastic bags in the trees. March in Chicago is for people who don’t drink can know what a bad hang over is like.

    Dreadful, horrible. I’d rather be in Fulaga Iraq.


    God bless all our people all over the world.

    Try to make the best of where you are.

    I do/I am.

    14 words

  2. Yes, Hunter you are right.

    Jessie Jackson Jr. was my 2nd Congressional District Congressmen – forced to resign for spending campaign contributions on $40,000 watches and elk head wall mounts…

    His supporters also tried to bribe incarcerated ex-Illinois governor Rob Blogovitch to buy Jessie Jr. a US Senate seat.

    Well, what are ya gonna do?

    Southerners had Edwin Edwards.


  3. These say yes vids are great.

    The women really does have it right: WHY SHOULD people (especially Generational Americans) WANT to be involved in the “u.s.?” Some of my friends left the country. The t.v. shows are just public management, and defame, degrade, recast, label and name Southern people in a way they never name themselves.

    The others, (brought up on t.v.) FORCE Southerners into horrible interactions because of what their mommy & daddies taught them was allowable conversation around southerners. (Like faking their accents to their face, and so on).

    Just SOCIALLY, it’s too hard to find people in your ethnic group now. NYC is only 4% North & West Euro Protestants (and those are probably recent immigrants, lol).
    Being in the “New NORTH” (THAT’S what it really is, not the “new south,” which is the northerns trying to STEAL the southern name AGAIN), means Southerns will be victim of many unconscious offenses.

    Should Southerns really discuss the “new movies” like Django with the New North transplants? It doesn’t get grosser!

  4. Chicago copperhead here, just like Jack Ryan. Although I think I live in a better neighborhood than him, and fortunately I am a heavy drinker for which this city is a wonderful place.

    These yes to secession videos are harming the Southern nationalist cause more than helping them. The people in this video are fat, ugly (especially the woman), and poorly attired. Most people care more about social status than truth.

    You need videos of slim, attractive, and well attired people who are skilled at oratory. Nobody wants to follow fat and gross people. I would hope than an independent Dixie cracks down on obesity, since that’s another failure of Americanism.

  5. @ “….Federal military spending is a noxious weed that has created economic dependence in some parts of the South….”

    Which do you think would embarrass and discourage people from joining more: the term “SDF’s” for their children (State Dependent Families). OR CS’s (citizens supported). CSF– citizen supported families. CSO–citizen supported officials.

    Linking military with welfare is the way to go—– they REALLY hate it.

    The neo-con illusion is that the military IS DIFFERENT from other spending (according to the commercials). This is what soldiers tell themselves. A) it’s hammered home that it’s NECESSARY for “defense.” B) that they don’t really make that much money (lots of t.v. spots about needy vets, which in fact many are) C) the government doesn’t care for them (i.e., “they are getting screwed, just like you”)

    Offense spending, is what it is.

    The linkage of NRA verbiage (“defense”) with the military “defense” spending— the need for “defense” has been worth billions, probably.

    Defense, must have been a very expensive word.

    Offense spending.

  6. I think SDF works best. But it’s also good to somehow point out that the “STATE” doesn’t really pay for anything, as it just collects taxes. The Productive Laborers (creative workers, independent producers, etc.) are the people who get really robbed.

  7. Military people are in a real state of “dual consciousness,” seems like.

    OTOH, they and their families are citizen supported, SDF’s. Yet the rationalizations they tell themselves involved things s/a “being conservative,” or (most LAUGHABLY) being “for private property.”

    How can somebody living on others against their will (heavy taxes) be “for private property.”

    A contradiction and hypocrisy.

    this is why many people are more inclined to support welfare over the warfare checks. At least the welfare people are right up front about simply needing money. It seems more honest.

  8. “Why should Southern children be serving as cannon fodder in America’s endless imperial wars”

    That is the most dishonest sentence to ever disgrace the pages of O.D.

    Both of Vermony’s senators (Jeffords-D and Leahy-I) voted against the Iraq war. Both of Rhode Island’s senators (Reed-D and Chafee-R) voted against the Iraq.

    Contrast that with the 26 senators from dixie, only one of whom (Graham-D Florida) voted againast the Iraq war.

    You know, and I know, exactly why America has a shit foreign policy. Southern conservatives, eager to prove how philosemitic they are, blindly follow the foreign policy lead of AIPAC approved neocon ideologues like Kristol and Perle.

    When the first president of the Republic of Dixie, Lindsey Graham, appoints Eric Cantor as his Secretary of State, don’t expect a restrained foreign policy to be the result.

  9. Thorfinnsson, You may not like the way we dress, you may not like our weight, but we are doing something for Southron Independence. I don’t care about what you say about me, but you are a jackass for talking about my wife that way. Clearly you are not someone who cares about freedom, because you believe that the government should FORCE someone to live their life a certain way dictated by you. You are clearly a Statist, and the South doesn’t need you.

  10. These yes to secession videos are harming the Southern nationalist cause more than helping them. The people in this video are fat, ugly (especially the woman), and poorly attired. Most people care more about social status than truth.

    I think you’re right. Acting classes would not hurt, either. Image is essential in selling a cause, and ultimately for the masses, it is more about feeling the cause than thinking the cause. I think Palmetto Patriot did a pretty good job on his video, but the others had a lot lacking.

  11. Jonny, obviously you do care or you would not have chosen to respond. The ire you direct at me you should reserve for your wife, who has failed to keep her body slim and sexually attractive to you, her husband.

    You are right, I don’t care about freedom. Freedom has failed. Freedom has given us a country where the majority of the population is overweight and afflicted with chronic illness. Freedom has given us a nation of lazy men and whore women. Freedom has given us a hideous strip mall landscape. Freedom has given us a plague of drugs and pornography. America today, including Dixie, may be the most aesthetically impoverished and grossly immoral civilization in world history.

    Ben Franklin stated that only a virtuous people are capable of liberty. Look around you. Are your fellow Southerners virtuous people? Can they be trusted with the freedom you yourself have failed with?

    You’re not helping the Southern Nationalist cause at all. What qualities about you are inspiration, charismatic, and inspire confidence of others? What makes you think you are fit to lead? Why do you think people would want to follow you?

    I already don’t live in the South and wish you and your fellow Southern patriots good luck in your quest for independence.

  12. Contrast that with the 26 senators from dixie, only one of whom (Graham-D Florida) voted againast the Iraq war.

    Just as the Irish once supported British imperialism, now many Southrons support American imperialism.

    It is a trait of Yankees, and especially New Englanders, to tell people in other lands how to live. This is one of many traits that has been foisted on us during the occupation of our people. After independence, we will return to our natural ways.

  13. Clearly you are not someone who cares about freedom . . ..

    Even though this was not directed at me, I can’t help but wonder why freedom (meaning individual freedom) is so essential to most conservatives. Individual freedom is solidly a liberal idea from the so-called Age of Enlightenment and it has been a disaster for the West.

    Freedom once meant national freedom (such as independence from foreign occupation), and that is the context in which I normally use it.

  14. I have to ask why would anyone want to stay in the union? The host has been taken by a parasite and that parasite getting stronger by the day. I’m a Southwesterner and the reasons for us to leave the union are the same reasons as a Southerner’s. The only folks being served by this government are rich, Jew or rich Jew. However, the parasite will not release his host without a major fight. Bet on that. There’s plenty of blood yet to suck.

  15. “Even though this was not directed at me, I can’t help but wonder why freedom (meaning individual freedom) is so essential to most conservatives. Individual freedom is solidly a liberal idea from the so-called Age of Enlightenment and it has been a disaster for the West.”

    If it wasn’t for the Enlightenment then the likes of you would still be living in a thatched hut tugging his serf forelock to the lord of the manor as he rode by.

  16. Thorfinnsson: Your view of my wife is in the light of what YOu view as attractive. Your arrogance leads you to believe that attraction os based soely upon that of what some Northern ideal of fashion industry based beliefs of beauty. My wife’s looks are none of your business. That is between her and I, and for you to tell me what I should or should not be telling my wife wife, just shows you to be the socialist you are. People should be free to live their lives as they choose as long as thier freedom does not infringe on the freedom of another.

    What do I do to inspire others you ask. My wife and I live on a small farm and grow most of our own food supplying ourselves and our two children. We are alost entirely self sufficient. We teach others to be self sufficient as well. We tell people that they are smart enough to make decisions for thier own lives and smart-assed comments from others should not be something that directs their lives. I spend the time to show others how to live thier lives not by others ideal but that of thier own, and to not be afraid of the consiquences of living wihtout the U.S., Government telling people how to live,,,,which is something you seem to think is a good thing because you go right along with how they try to tell people how to live. When was the last time someone came to YOU to ask how to live thier lives SOVEREIGNLY? Someone cannot ask you that because you are soeone who thinks so highly of his own opinon that he thinks his opinion should be enforced by a governmental entity,,,,,,,i.e. a socialist.

  17. Wow. I can’t believe what this conversation about independence has devolved into… very sad. The focus here should be on our independence from a system that is destroying us.

  18. Exactly PP. In the south, what makes an honorable person are those who allow people to live free. We chose to create a place where people could live free 150 years ago, and the North didn’t want to allow that. Freedom cannot be contained, and will win out in the end. It will only win out when good people choose to live theri lives in such a way as to allow others to live thier lives freely, as free man should.

  19. “We chose to create a place where people could live free 150 years ago..”

    – Your slaves certainly didn’t live “free”.

  20. “People should be free to live their lives as they choose as long as thier freedom does not infringe on the freedom of another.”

    Aha! There you go Hunter, an elusive “orthodox libertarian.” (And a Confederate one to boot, complete with an obese wife!)

  21. “Aha! There you go Hunter, an elusive “orthodox libertarian.” (And a Confederate one to boot, complete with an obese wife!)”

    Oh, I get it. You’re a….. dick.

  22. We tell people that they are smart enough to make decisions for thier own lives . . ..

    The problem is that they aren’t smart enough. How can you look at the state of our people today and say that the masses are smart enough to make their own decisions? A people who love their occupier are smart enough to make their own decisions? Are you for real? People are followers and they need guidance from the small number of far-sighted people among them. As nationalists, that guidance is our job.

    Maybe the Yankee’s comment was rude, but obesity is an obvious example of the inability of the masses to make their own decisions. Like children, the masses opt for the easy decision; in the example of obesity the easy choice is inactivity and unhealthy food.

    In the south, what makes an honorable person are those who allow people to live free.

    What are you talking about? Southron honour has never been judged in terms of libertarianism.

    Do you think our anti-miscegenation laws are dishonourable? If individual freedom is so important to you, then how can the state decide who can not marry whom? How far do you take your individual freedom?

  23. “Maybe the Yankee’s comment was rude, but obesity is an obvious example of the inability of the masses to make their own decisions”.

    Your comment might be oversimplifying a problem that is a little more complex. Here’s what NJ governor Chris Christie had to say about it:

    “I mean, see, listen, I think there’s a fundamental misunderstanding among people regarding weight and regarding all those things that go into, to people being overweight,” Christie said in an interview that will air Tuesday on “Nightline.” “I think folks say — yeah, well he must just not be disciplined, you know, or he must not have willpower — that kind of thing. I guess the best analogy to make is some people drink too much. Some people take drugs. Some people eat too much. See, you can go live every day without drinking. You can live every day without taking drugs. You can’t live every without eating.”

  24. More from Chris Christie:

    “There are some people who are just — you know, incredibly nasty and, and ugly and horrible,” Christie said. “That’s just the way it goes. I mean, you know, people have that kind of prejudice about them. I can’t do anything about that.”

    Christie said he’s “doing the best I can” and will “continue to.”

    “I’ve been living with it for a long time, and I’m going to try to get better,” Christie said. “And if I can get better, that’ll be great for me and for my family and for the public who likes me … it’s something that’s not easy. If it were easy, I’d already have it fixed.”

  25. I need to modify what I wrote above.

    Of the seven Republicans who voted against the Iraq war, only John Duncan of Tennessee still holds his seat.

    Republican congressman Mo Brooks of Alabama, who wasn’t in Congress at the time of the Iraq war vote, oppossed the Libya war and called for the withdrawal of American soldiers from Afghanistan after the death of Bin Laden.

    Senator Richard Shelby of Alabama was one of only four Republican senators who voted for the confirmation of Hagel.

    The delegation from Alabama and east Tennessee includes the best non-interventionist Republicans in Congress.

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