Montgomery’s Crime Problem


Montgomery has a growing violent crime problem:

“Due to the efforts of his church, shootings in the neighborhood have stopped, Nettles said, but violent crime in the rest of west Montgomery seem to be on the rise.

Just 72 days into 2013 and Montgomery has recorded 15 homicides. Last year, the city recorded 32 homicides.

Overall, violent crime is up 22 percent this year compared to the same time period in 2012.

Blackshear said parts of west Montgomery are “like a third world.”


The violent crime problem seems to be concentrated in west Montgomery, parts of which are said to be “like a third world,” and where “desegregation” has left behind “islands of concentrated poverty.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “All they see is dollar signs,” he said. “They are not afraid of death or jail. They don’t believe in heaven and hell. It doesn’t bother them to take a life.”

    And they wonder why others want to be segregated from them….

  2. The first universities were in Africa? There certainly were early universities in North Africa but there were nothing so much as resembling universities in sub-Sahara Africa. Most scholars credit Europe with founding the first universities.

  3. ““All they see is dollar signs,” he said. “They are not afraid of death or jail. They don’t believe in heaven and hell. It doesn’t bother them to take a life.”

    Sounds like jews as well. One group can think more than an hour ahead, the other can’t. That appears to be the only difference between the two races.

  4. How, exactly, does teaching African Americans lies about their heritage (they invented universities, they invented airplanes 1000 years ago back in Africa, etc) help them?

    God these people are delusional. “Magical-Thinking”

  5. When I was young in the early 1970s, we would visit the west Montgomery mall. When I drive through that area now, I think there is no way I would stop any where along that area unless it was in the daylight and only then in an emergency. Truckers used to call the town “monkey town” on their CB radios. I wonder if they still do.

  6. “Just 72 days into 2013 and Montgomery has recorded 15 homicides. Last year, the city recorded 32 homicides”


  7. I’m 90% in agreement with the WN. However, when the other side gets it right… what’s right is right. A valid critisism is to take group pride for something in which you have no personal connection. Jews do the same thing and if it’s wrong when the Jews do it, “wrong” still applies when whites do it. No one here took any part in inventing the air plane.

    A personal objection to WN is that it is a group which can never be defined. The reason Jews are so able to define their “race” is because it’s self regulating. According to their own rules, if you claim to be a Jew, you are a Jew. Maybe it’s not quite so simple but anyone is free to convert to Judaims ( on paper ).

    Would the same rules apply to WN? Would you allow a pitch-black Nigerian into a WN group if he acted like whites, adopted white values and was otherwise white? On what grounds would you kick out a lily-white person who was shown to have no white values at all? I’m not against the WN movement. I simply don’t see how you can make it work as a “white” movement.

    As I see it, the WN movement is going the wrong way. It splits up groups that would otherwise cooperate against a common enemy, Mr Jew. We’re playing poker against an adversary with a rigged deck and all the chips. WN’s need all the help they can get… as do blacks and as does every other sub-group in America. A better strategy is to define who we are by what we oppose and who we oppose. The Jew has done the job of defining what is Jewish. Our group should be “not that” or “anything but Jew”.

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