About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The gop is the party of lincoln, the 1st civil rights act and equality. Damn fine reason to not vote for the gop. And ron paul shows his true colors more often these days

  2. Yawn.

    Nothing was said here that hasn’t been said a million times before with various other Republicans. It’s an old failed strategy played over and over again with zero results.

    Rand, your ass kissing will not defeat “gimme stuff” and “get whitey.” Period.

  3. Republicans actually seem to believe that if they can paint Democrats as the real racists then Tyrone and Pedro will vote for them. Such a strategy will fall flat on its face from the outset not the least because non-Whites are reluctant to vote for an implicitly White party even if their economic interests are better served by such. This was demonstrated in the last Presidential elections where Asians voted overwhelmingly for the explicitly anti-White party even though on average they are very successful and not in need of big government hand-outs unlike blacks and Hispanics.

  4. And what is worse, is that white liberals know full well that they don’t have the answer to black dysfunction either.

  5. I thought I had personally destroyed the political career of this terrible, pandering Liberal Libertarian. But like Vampires, the undead traitorous Libertarians haunt us until we drive a stake through their hearts.

  6. Rand Paul’s a pretty smart guy. He knows everything he’s been doing lately like embracing amnesty, going to Howard, endorsing Marijuana legalization, etc isn’t going to net him any votes. But it’s going to put him into the good graces of his Jewish masters. Who knows maybe they’ll let a republican win the white house next time. Rand’s just setting himself up to be that republican.

  7. In light of recent events, I just want to say that Jack has been completely vindicated in his criticism of the Pauls. Remember those old comment threads with Bill Yancey?

  8. Rand Paul went to Israel to kiss some big time Jew ass too. Said that an attack on Israel was an attack on the United States. Promised to fight arms sales to Egypt. The photo of Rand at the wailing wall is somewhere in the archives.

  9. Rand’s strategy is very smart when you think about it. He’s winning over both the neoconservative and liberal wing of the Jewish elite. Going to Israel, wanting to stop the arms sales to egypt, wanting to cut foreign aid to Israel’s enemies, Iran sanctions, etc win him over with the neocons. Then his open borders, pro amnesty, pro marijuana talk wins him over with the liberals. And he’s also careful not to completely alienate his libertardian supporters who got him into office by doing things like his 12 hour filibuster on drones.

  10. Paul will just get smashed by JEB. It’s like watching a fox chew off
    A leg to get out of a snare originally set for a rabbit.

  11. Dear Idiots,

    Rand Paul is not Ron Paul.

    Rand Paul will never arouse 10,000 listeners (while his McCain/Romney ‘choice’ cannot raise 100), as did his father, because he is not his father!

    I never claimed that Ron Paul was perfect. He was certainly worth supporting, considering the alternatives – who were not worth supporting. Would you have supported the GOP stooge instead? Yes, I believe you did!

    Ron Paul’s 30+ year platform would have, among other things, separated the DC empire from the states’ authority,

    The point is, states’ rights could have made a comeback, short of your own lack of discernment. How the hell do you expect to divorce the disgusting union while continually falling for it’s tricks?

    Alas, once upon a time “the right” or “conservatives” were the first to point out the gruf when they saw it. Now, it seems, they no longer recognize it. Or at least they pretend not to.

    IOW, how different are you, and OD, from the Republican Party?

  12. Jack Ryan says:
    April 11, 2013 at 4:46 am

    I thought I had personally destroyed the political career of this terrible, pandering Liberal Libertarian. But like Vampires, the undead traitorous Libertarians haunt us until we drive a stake through their hearts.

    You are a political imposter. You try too hard to identify libertarians as the main danger. Are you an operative of the DNC or of the RCN?

  13. Bill Yancy writes:

    “You are a political imposter. You try too hard to identify libertarians as the main danger. Are you an operative of the DNC or of the RCN?”

    Jack replies:

    The reason I have been focusing on R&R Paul racial treason is because lot’s of good White Americans still think the Pauls are great leaders of our people and think the Pauls are on our side on the most important issues. Too many very bright White Americans continue to fall for the race denying libertarian cult.

    With the DNC and to a lesser extent the RNC, most politically active White Americans understand that the big party apparatchiks are not on our side.

    Bill Yancy, these shameful R&R pandering, treasons would never have happened if Ron Paul supporters had stopped it from the start in 2008 or even earlier. White American voters despise open borders immigration, Ron Paul’s treason on this was there for everyone to see. But Ron Paul’s supporters preferred to be blind, deaf and dumb.

    Stop doing this.

    Don’t be an enabler.

    The situations with R&R Paul is very similar to the situation at Penn State with Jerry Sandusky.

  14. Bill Yancey:

    I used to argue those points in defense of Ron Paul.

    The problem is that given how Ron Paul’s positions have evolved the last few years all evidence now suggests Paul is a lying grifter. He was on the grift all along.

    I was wrong. Jack Ryan was right.

  15. Yesterday Rand said that the GOP was the party of Lincoln, civil rights and equality. His father was a frequent critic of Lincoln, opposed the civil rights act and blasted the notion of government-provided equality in all areas outside of equality before the law. While his father’s strength was never his position on immigration even throughout his career he tried to appeal to conservatives by saying he would slash the welfare state and eliminate the magnet that was attracting Third World immigration. Attack Rand all you want. He richly deserves it. And point out where you disagree with Ron. But let’s be honest about things – Ron and Rand are different people and their policy positions are extremely different. The one area where they seem to largely agree would be on civil liberties (for example, the government not being able to kill people with drones on a whim). On this I agree with them. Ron’s main focus was always economic liberty and especially attacking the central banking system. Meanwhile Rand’s focus seems to be just getting elected to the White House. It’s hard to think of a more purely ambitious person in recent political history aside from perhaps the Clintons. Even the awful Grahams, McCains and Liebermans of the US Senate don’t seem this ambitious. That’s not a good sign.

  16. Bill Yancy

    American political life isn’t really very complicated. You don’t need a PHD in Austrian style economics. Virtually all political issues have strong racial, tribal divides. NWs in this country shamelessly work to increase the power of their groups at our expense. Eric Holder, Elena Kagin, the Black Congressional Caucus, AIPAC, ADL, CNN, MSNBC, Sharpton, Jessie aren’t trying to be “fair”, implement race neutral, Libertarian, Constitutional small government.

    It ain’t some misunderstanding that will be smoothed over by Rand Paul or Ron Paul making some pandering speech to some Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Black college students at Howard University, or Council of American Islamic Relations or AIPAC itself.

    Rand Paul is in serious danger of going full blown pandering like RFK 1968. Bobby Kennedy. RFK reversed course in 1968 and pandered to any and all non White American groups, some of these groups like Arab immigrants and pro Israel Jews have very different world views and RFK lost his life.

    Maybe Rand Paul will get caught in the cross fire of Mexicans and Black gangs rioting in LA. All the time Rand Paul will insist to his dying hour that the Black underclass and fat Mexican immigrants were all good for America as soon as his free market reforms were implemented.

  17. Paul will not win a state in the GOP primaries – just like his worthless father.

    Hope he gets primaried for his Senate seat in 2016 too.

  18. Is Rand Paul good for whites? Please save me the time of trying to read a 5000 word response on the minutate of political theology (ideology).

  19. I dream of the day when we can ask that question instead of sounding like a bunch of cubicle betas bitching about the boss. But for now we get political theology like the isms you describe and from that we are like monks trying to decipher if a wet spot on the wall looks like mother Mary.

  20. Jack nailed it with his comment about politics being tribal and racial. Which is why libertarianism sucks for Whites at this stage. If we were a smaller all White nation perhaps they’d stand a chance. But this isn’t and they don’t

  21. What a f*cking circus clown.

    Rand should just wear a dog collar around his neck, reading… “If found, please return me to my Jew master.”

    Piece of shit.

  22. PalmettoPatriot writes:

    “Rand’s focus seems to be just getting elected to the White House. It’s hard to think of a more purely ambitious person in recent political history aside from perhaps the Clintons. Even the awful Grahams, McCains and Liebermans of the US Senate don’t seem this ambitious. ”

    Jack Ryan:

    I don’t think Rand Paul or any of his still supporters think he will ever contend to be elected President of the United States. Their game is to be…

    In the Game.

    In the News – on TV in the cursed Presidential election circus. By being on TV, by being invited to the debates, by having cursed Fox News, MSM talk up Rand Paul as being one of 3 main GOP contenders, Rand Paul gets fame and what goes with it some fortune. Old White people still live to see people on TV. When Ron Paul was smeered in 2008 as A RACIST by virtually the entire MSM, the Libertarian establishment, Ron Paul sensed (correctly) that he would be driven off TV and confined to a small, alternative right rubber chicken, rented motel circuit, kind of like what I went to at Amren. You can’t make any kind of a living on this alternative right, rubber chicken, rented motel circuit.

    I’m feeling more and more certain that Presidential politics is closing shut against us – no more Buchanans or even Tom Tancredos can speak our issues and compete at the Presidential campaign circus.

    So the key is to get out of this circus and go local. We can/are/will be very competitive at the state and local level.

    Go local.

    There are Jeff Session leaders waiting to compete and win in your state and local area.

    #*($*@ the Presidential campaign circus.

  23. @Stone:

    “libertarianism sucks for Whites at this stage”

    I’m sick of the conflating of eminently sound (small “l”) libertarian economic principles such as: 1) the basic legality and efficiency of capitalist acts freely entered upon by consenting adults, 2) sound hard money principles instead of fractional reserve banking, and 3) freedom of association (which was severely damaged by the 1964 Civil Rights Act), with wild statements about unrestricted immigration, homosexual marriage, and other such nonsense espoused by certain “libertarians” over the years.

    Read the Confederate Constitution. It is quite clearly libertarian in its economic prescriptions for low taxes and free trade.

  24. Lew remarked on his misapprehension of the Pauls. Predicting that Rand would sprint toward treason rather than merely stroll was not a particularly obvious call.

    Though Lew’s been admirably restrained in noting his own early and highly accurate forecast of the 2012 election. He was as consistent as a dead Chicago voter, and since he doesn’t mention it I will.

  25. Rand Paul is doing these “giggs” for the Republican Party for the benefit of the party and only the party. He is a Senator from Kentucky and needs to be worried about his State. Not the people, but the State as a sovereign entity. Thanks to the 17th amendment, State governments have no voice in DC.
    But none of this is going to change. We will have amnesty, sodo-marriage, and eventually prohibitive gun control. 2014 will see more leftist elected and possibly they will gain control of the senate. That is what my gut tells me and honestly, it makes me sick. The mindf@ck is so bad that if you take a stand for your hearth, home, and family, your fellow whites will be the first to throw you under the bus. They have the media 100%, the parties 100%, the money, the culture, they have it all. We have no leadership, no organization, no party, no voice, and no respect. But we do have Nature and Nature’s truth on our side. That has to count for something.

  26. Only goes to show that the Republican party is and always will be the party of Lincoln and therefore fundamentally anti-white by its very nature.

    The Democratic party cast Southerners into the wilderness during the CRM, leaving the GOP to enact its “Southern strategy,” whereby Republicans would always promise much and deliver nothing.

    This has been going on for the last forty years to the cost of every white Southerner.

    The fact is white Southerners have not had representation from either party. White Southerners remain locked out of the political system unless they kowtow to the yankee BRA empire.

    The current political system is broken beyond repair.

    We will remain tied to the rotting corpse of constitutional government in Amurrica until such time as a critical mass of our people decide enough is enough. The day BRA must confront its bankruptcy is not so far off, either.

    Deo Vindice

  27. “Too many very bright White Americans continue to fall for the race denying libertarian cult.”

    Libertarian economics is not a “cult.” It is the basis for European economic progress since the end of the Middle Ages.

    To repeat:

    Stop bitching about the eminently sound (small “l”) libertarian economic principles such as:

    1) the basic legality and efficiency of capitalist acts freely entered upon by consenting adults

    2) sound hard money principles instead of fractional reserve banking

    3) freedom of association (which was severely damaged by the 1964 Civil Rights Act)

    with wild statements about unrestricted immigration, homosexual marriage, and other such nonsense espoused by certain “libertarians” over the years. Read the Confederate Constitution. It is quite clearly libertarian in its economic prescriptions for low taxes and free trade.

  28. Apuleius: maybe that’s why they want so many third world turds here among us–they know they are happy to remain chained to a rotting corpse of shit, nay, they are happy to be chained to it and will fight us to keep it.

  29. Furthermore it is absurd to conclude that operating a society on a sound economic platform in any way results in degenerate behavior.

    To do so is to fail to understand the difference between the definitions of “libertarian” and “libertine.”

  30. Rudel: I understand about free trade and commerce being good, but that’s not enough. There should be some things that are not for sale. Rand Paul would pimp out his daughter as an offering to the Almighty Invisible Hand.
    Rand Paul said we need to compete for foreign STEM majors or some other country will get them. News flash: Free trade is not war, both sides profit. Moreover, shouldn’t his almighty invisible hand cause Americans to pursue these majors???
    Man is made for society, Rand Paul’s dumb dedication to individualism is unnatural and will end us in a multicultural race war. He can’t be this stupid!

  31. A bankrupt government can’t afford to do much of anything.

    Except wage war on its own citizenry to prolong its vampiric existence.
    We are approaching that point quite rapidly, it seems to me.

    Gun control is the issue whereby this government reveals its true intentions.

    “They have the media 100%, the parties 100%, the money, the culture, they have it all. We have no leadership, no organization, no party, no voice, and no respect. But we do have Nature and Nature’s truth on our side. That has to count for something.”

    It does. The folly and misrule of BRA disregards truth. We can already see how that turns out. More destruction will follow.

    Deo Vindice

  32. Rudel: there has to be a higher good than the almighty dollar and the invisible hand. The left worships the false god of Equality, libertarian idiots worship the false god of Freedom and the Invisible Hand.

  33. “We will remain tied to the rotting corpse of constitutional government in Amurrica until such time as a critical mass of our people decide enough is enough. The day BRA must confront its bankruptcy is not so far off, either.”

    I would (and have) argued that the latter is more likely to occur, and indeed precipitate, the latter.

  34. “Libertarians are as bad as the leftist Commies. They are both fanatical religions.”

    And you would have the state direct and compel all economic activity? That’s what we got with the 1964 Civil Rights Act which stripped us of our right to conduct business with whom whoever we choose.

    “libertarian idiots worship the false god of Freedom and the Invisible Hand.”

    I fully endorse the freedom of me and mine and the Invisible Hand of the market is always at work whether you like it or not. Just wait till the money markets abandon the dollar. That smack from the “hand” will wake everyone with quite a start!

    What’s gotten in to you so-called Confederates? It was the denial of economic libertarian principles of free trade by the Yankee Republicans that was a major cause of The War of Northern Aggression. It was the mercantilist North that was trying to destroy the South with high tariffs!

    Again: economic libertarianism does not equal (or in any way imply) a libertine social philosophy. Y’all need to read more Adam Smith and David Ricardo rather than crazy anarchist radicals like Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard.

  35. “Apuleius: maybe that’s why they want so many third world turds here among us–they know they are happy to remain chained to a rotting corpse of shit, nay, they are happy to be chained to it and will fight us to keep it.”

    Right on the mark, Wayne. They are part of the new manufactured majority in the coalition of white yankees, negroes, east european Jews, Mexicans, and sodomites. What a crew! Destined for success, would you say?

    Let’s see how long the turd worlders linger when the government teat runs dry.

    Deo Vindice

  36. “Rudel, ever heard of the “reductionist fallacy?”

    Didn’t think so.”

    Having spent an entire year at university taking three consecutive quarters of logic and also in participating on this blog I am well versed in logical fallacies. I find your snide tone offensive, almost as offensive as your non sequitur arguments. If you would care to discuss the pros and cons of economic policy at a civil level I am willing to further engage you in argument. More spook gibbering about “dem ol’ debbil yankees” is hardly that.

    In which way whatsoever does a sound economic policy, derived I might add from empirical observation of what actually works in the real world and in real economic action between states, in any way relate to the “reductionist fallacy?”

  37. “This was demonstrated in the last Presidential elections where Asians voted overwhelmingly for the explicitly anti-White party even though on average they are very successful and not in need of big government hand-outs unlike blacks and Hispanics.” – Don’t be so sure of that, they benefit immensely from the overall system of ethnic preferences.

  38. Rudel: have read both of Adam Smith’s prime works cover to cover, as well as Ricardo. Have not read Ayn Rand yet. Neither advocate mass replacement of population, or trade as a continuation of war by other means. I believe in free market among the people of a blood and soil nation, not international free trade which is controlled by government which is in turn controlled by the top 1%. I believe monopolies need to be busted, now more than ever. I believe that true freedom can only exist in rural republics where every man is free to speak his mind. I don’t envy the rich or pity the poor, but a true nation should exist for the benefit of it’s citizens, not the economy, trade, growth, or what not.

  39. Our population is too large, our cities too big, the agriculture industry needs to not be an “industry”. All entertainers and entertainment venues need about a 98% tax on all profits to cover the “pollution costs”.

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