About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This should trigger an easy, simple response:

    “They should never have been in this country.
    End immigration now!”

  2. “I don’t have a single American friend, I don’t understand them”

    Derka derka. They gave me asylum derka muhammad welfare, derka! Allah jihad bomb them!

  3. Swarthy Muslim immigrants impatient to get full amnesty from the Gang of 8 – we couldn’t have scripted this better.

  4. I would be willing to bet that the DWLs took a harsh view of the Russian war in Chechnya.

  5. This SHOULD shut down amnesty. This SHOULD mean a circling of the wagons by white America. This SHOULD therefore be BAD for Jews.

    But will it? Only if we demand it.

  6. Ooooh the ‘counter-jihadists’ are back in the game, big time. The blog wars are in full swing too: the past couple of days Charles Johnson was raking Pamela Geller over the coals for claiming it was Islamists, haha……guess he shall be backtracking now 😉
    It’s a pity Lawrence Auster missed all this!

    Serious note though, I hope the victims and their families and friends get a bit of relief knowing those murdering bastard’s spree is almost at an end. It was nice to read that the younger one apparently ran over his brother as he escaped…….and most likely helped kill him.
    “They should never have been in this country.
    End immigration now!”

    Amen Brother Porter!

  7. Its about SWPLs (or Yankees) and their goddamned moral superiority complex coupled with the idiots of the cheap labor lobby. If both types were to jump off buildings and kill themselves humanity would be better off.

  8. I wonder how many Northern progressives are now test-driving prosthetics who one-week ago would have sneered at the suggestion that being swamped by hostile aliens may have some negative consequences.

  9. Will we now get off of Russia’s back and let them do what they need to do to keep that part of the world in line:

    Scary thought: Winter Olympics in February are in that part of the world.

    I hope this ends the Presidential candidacies of a lot of race denying Republicans and Democrats and libertarians and authoritarians.

  10. Actually this problem has one and same source. When Khazar khaganate dissolved then some of the habitants went to the west and now creating problems , promoting mass immigration for example.

    The other part moved to the mountains, some of them became muslims but savage gene remained.

    In Russia they sometimes called mountain jews. This is pretty complicated question. Many touch guys came from this region, Stalin, Beria and lot of other less known savages.

    Russia attaced them twice, last time seriously and now there is relative silence. But western borders are unfortunately open and this folk also moves to the west and I actually wonder, why something like that didnt happen before. We here in Eastern Europe fought all decade to get rid from mountain guys. Now thanks God, police and army are pretty strong and civilians well armed and avare so their maffia moved avay.

  11. The terrorists are dark skinned brothers. Their mother was arrested for shoplifting 1400 dollars worth of apparel from a department about a year ago. At least she wasn’t shopping lifting fuses.
    Hey, they all are coming here for a better life….. but not for our better life.

  12. Nobody deserved what happened at the marathon. Not even Boston Yankees.

    But Bostonians and other yankees have always wanted and elected the politicians who pushed this multi-culti, open borders, come-one-come-all society. Now they’ve got it.

  13. What do muslim men have to assimilate to in this country. Libtards/Contards crowed about mooslim intergration, into what I ask. On the Left its sissy fag white males, or low IQ competitors or worst of all harpy feminist bossy bitches, yeah thats gonna work. On the Right its patriotard Israeli humpers who hate ragheads, nope not that either.

    So they have Jihad. My WAG expect a pickup in seeking paradise activities.

  14. “But Bostonians and other yankees have always wanted and elected the politicians who pushed this multi-culti, open borders, come-one-come-all society. Now they’ve got it.”

    You’re awfuly close to defing the word “deserved” right there.

  15. “You’re awfuly close to defing the word “deserved” right there.”

    Woman dates black guy. parents warn her that he’s going to do her harm. She goes out with him. He beats and rapes her. Did she “deserve” it? No. But she got consequences of being with the man she wanted. I see the difference.

    Superior, smug Northeastern Yankees want multiculturalism and open borders. Filthy Muslim immigrants blow them up. Did they “deserve” it? No. But they got the consequences of building the society they say they want.

    Now the fun part will be watching them make excuses for the people who kill them.

  16. I wonder how many Northern progressives are now test-driving prosthetics who one-week ago would have sneered at the suggestion that being swamped by hostile aliens may have some negative consequences. </i

    Heartbreaking really 🙁

  17. White Nationalist badassery is fun to watch. For all the internet sabre-rattling it is up to Chechens like the Brothers Tsaramazov or niggers like Dorner to “fight zog”. Maybe that’s partly because WN think being in the military makes you a patriotard. Keep posting the manta, whitetards. 🙂

  18. Apparently, these vile terrorist creatures resided in Cambridge, Massachusetts. For the good people of the South who may not be aware, Cambridge is the absolute belly of the liberal beast (Cultural Marxism on steroids).

    The lefties in Cambridge just got a brief glimpse of our multicultural utopian future they’ve worked so hard to forge. Imagine what’s going to happen when the EBT cards get shut off. God help us.

  19. This is one of the jihadi videos from Tamerlane’s youtube account:


    Some scenes from Passion of the Christ mashed up to black flags and spooky tunes. It kind of makes sense that they have to use that footage because the Muslim Mel Gibson (Mustapha Akkad) was suicide bombed “by accident” in Jordan.

  20. Not that uncommon. Sultan Ibragimov was another white Russian Muslim who was a heavyweight boxing champion in the recent past.

  21. Superior, smug Northeastern Yankees want multiculturalism and open borders. Filthy Muslim immigrants blow them up. Did they “deserve” it? No. But they got the consequences of building the society they say they want.

    Given the number of injuries, the odds are good they maimed at least a few smug bastards. The known killings, however, so far include an 8-year old white boy, a working class white woman, a Chinese national, and a 26-year old white cop from MIT, also working class, shot dead in his car. No smug bastards caught up in this Islamic Chechen scum’s kill tally.

    I think this how America’s power elite wants to it play out in the coming years, and I bet some are pleased. They set the table for a slow genocide of any whites who happen to stray into the wrong place at the wrong time. They created multi-culturalism and now want to watch the wrong kind of whites catch the blowback.

  22. central asians divulge with propaganda. lone bewilder critters doesn’t belong here –

    Motivation? thus far no organizations claim’s responsibility. Demented critters.
    1965 migration act brought about the situation.

  23. They look about as swarthy as your typical Greek or Armenian, who usually are considered to be white. someone please explain which Caucasians belong to the white world and which do not. (apologies if this already came up I haven’t scrolled through all comments yet.)

  24. Well John was wrong about the Somalis; totally the wrong side of the Muslim world. This isn’t going to do anything to help white or southern nationalists in their critiques of black people, or the secessionist cause, since southerners will feel like they might be next and will feel like we all need to unite as patriots. Also a Chinese immigrant was killed so that may bring up some interesting divisions in the immigrant community. Maybe some differences between Muslim, non-Muslim Asian, and Latino immigrants in the immigration debate. It will be interesting to see what Putin’s reaction is.

  25. Sultan Ibragimov was another white Russian Muslim . . ..

    He is an Avar, not a Russian.

    Superior, smug Northeastern Yankees want multiculturalism and open borders. Filthy Muslim immigrants blow them up.

    There were a lot more than Yankees in that crowd. The marathon is an international event.

    No smug bastards caught up in this Islamic Chechen scum’s kill tally.

    Smugness is a trait that transcends class distinction in New England.

  26. “I wonder how many Northern progressives are now test-driving prosthetics who one-week ago would have sneered at the suggestion that being swamped by hostile aliens may have some negative consequences.”

    Quote of the day.

    Both of these two sorry bastards are products of the Massachusetts public school system. The yankees are only beginning to find out the consequences of the multicultural hell they have unleashed upon the decrepit carcass of Amurrica. All that hate whitey rhetoric now begins to bear its bitter fruit.

    This is not enough to serve as a wakeup call for yankees. They still need to get over their disappointment that it wasn’t a white man which would have provoked their most murderous fury. Now they can begin the healing process, earnestly trying to understand and embrace their tormentors. DIEversity, indeed.

    Granny, does your dog bite? No child, he’s not a mooslim cur…

    Deo Vindice

  27. . . . or the secessionist cause, since southerners will feel like they might be next and will feel like we all need to unite as patriots.

    I know what you mean and remember that happening in 2001, but Southrons uniting with Yankees is the opposite of patriotism. Patriotism is love of country, not love of occupier.

  28. No-Man says:
    April 19, 2013 at 7:58 pm
    White Nationalist badassery is fun to watch. For all the internet sabre-rattling it is up to Chechens like the Brothers Tsaramazov or niggers like Dorner to “fight zog”. Maybe that’s partly because WN think being in the military makes you a patriotard. Keep posting the manta, whitetards.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    And how exactly does planting bombs at some White running event in Boston “fight ZOG”. These Chetnian Muslim bandits also put bombs in Russian Kindergartens to murder 250 plus White Russian children. How exactly does that “fight ZOG”?

    We certainly get lots of confused, foolish comments here at OD.

  29. There is no wake up action strong enough to wake up most yankees. Hell they’ve been doubling down on BRA my entire life, going further to the left every election cycle

  30. And how exactly does planting bombs at some White running event in Boston “fight ZOG”. These Chetnian Muslim bandits also put bombs in Russian Kindergartens to murder 250 plus White Russian children. How exactly does that “fight ZOG”?

    Ugh. Beslan and Boston were single attempts at provocation, not campaigns in themselves. But your comment is interesting because morality aside it shows how crippled WNism is. If anyone takes your ideology to its logical conclusion such as Breivik he is quickly denounced for “killing whites”. You are not seriously engaged in political struggle if you believe the blood of enemy political soldiers is sacred.

  31. Juri,

    Thank you for posting here. You sound like a solid White guy.

    These mountain Muslim tough guy, goat rapists are nasty unter. Let’s just toughen up on our side.

  32. Not the same at all. The Chechen scum at Breslan shot kids in the face, shot kids in the back while they were running away, and burned kids alive. All while screaming Allahu Akbar! Breivik killed young adults who were being groomed to take over destroying Norway.

  33. I’m not trying to make that comparison, Lew. Just saying that most WN will disagree with your defense of Breivik. Your defense of his actions is politically consistent and you are a better WN than those that throw him to the sharks.

  34. I agree with you WNists who criticize Breivik are confused. I agree with many of your points about WNism, actually.

  35. We need to be calling up the Gang of HATE Amnesty Toads, and raise the roof. Deliver merciless taunts to the staff. Etc.

  36. Twenty Years After Waco . . . Last Kings, Chapter One
    Part One.

    A LITTLE UNDER THREE MILLENIA AGO, A PROPHET named Elijah struggled, at God’s behest, with the government of his day, one ruled openly by kings. These Israelite kings promoted the worship of a new god, the nature god Baal, to enhance their power. It wouldn’t do for their people to attend the holy days at Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem. They might want to reunite with their brothers, the Jews. So the new state god, Baal, was established, and woe unto anyone who followed the old ways. Worship of the LORD became synonymous with treason. What I am going to write about is Elijah’s run-in with the King and the police forces of his day, as mentioned in II Kings, Chapter one.

    IT MIGHT BE A PRETTY GOOD TALE, the reader might say. But what has that to do with today? Glad you asked.

    In the best literary traditions of Geoffrey of Monmouth, Joseph Smith, Robert Graves, and Gary Jennings, I must, simply must, relate what happened to me the other day. I was turning up my garden to bury a duck when an angel appeared unto me and made me dig up a pot with a scroll inside. There, in the ancient Hebrew, which I was all of a sudden able to understand, was the expanded first chapter of II Kings. The angel commanded me to publish it. So I did, then the angel took off with the scroll and my understanding of ancient Hebrew. I’m going to put it in today’s vernacular: Angry White Male Redneck-Peckerwoodese. Here goes:

    Last Kings, Chapter 1

    Verse 1 — Then a whole bunch of pissed-off people called Moabites rebelled because they wouldn’t put up with any more of the King’s shit and they sure weren’t scared of Ahab’s boy.

    Verse 2 — And the King fell off the bed and through a lattice in the White Palace while screwing his latest whore, and his right and third leg just wouldn’t heal. So he sent messengers and told them, “Go, ask Baalzebub, the Philistine State God of Healing at Ekron, if this is just another sore and when I’ll get better. I sure feel my pain.”

    Verse 3 — But the angel of the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite, “Get up and go down to meet the messengers of the king and tell them, “What! There’s no God in Israel that you gotta go down and lick the bronze butt of Baalzebub, Philistine State God of Healing in Ekron?”

    Verse 4 — “Now the LORD says this, “Your pecker will turn black and fall off. Then you will die of frustration because of no more bimbos and because you lie so much that nobody will bother to listen to you anymore. Plus the Queen will nag you to death.” Elijah nodded, then left.

    Verse 5 — And when the King’s messengers returned, the king asked, “Back so soon?”

    Verse 6 — They told him, “Some holy geezer pestered the shit out of us and he told us to come back and tell you this: “The LORD says, “Is there no God in Israel that you gotta kiss Baalzebub’s bronze ass in Ekron? Your pecker will turn black and fall off. No more whores, everyone will ignore you because you lie so much. The queen will nag you to death. You will die of frustration.”

    Verse 7 — “Who was that mean old holy geezer?” the king asked.

    Verse 8 — And they answered him, “He was a hairy guy, with a girdle of leather about his nuts.” And the king said, “Elijah, the Tishbite!”

    Verse 9 — Then the king sent a captain of fifty with his fifty agents: the King’s Bureau of Wine, Hashish, and Swords, the King’s Bureau of Investigation, the King’s Sneakret Service, the King’s Marshalls, a whole alphabet soup of King’s goons. The captain, a slick young thug, saw Elijah sitting atop a hill. Scattering his men in a circle around the hill, the captain held a pair of shackles as he climbed the hill saying, “Don’t mess with me. I killed a whole bunch of weavers in their hut, speared them all in the back. My best man shot an arrow into the wife’s head. We are the King’s men and we will never be held to account.” As he neared Elijah, the captain said, “Now you had better cooperate with me and the King, you smelly old man of God, or I’ll slap a harelip on you faster than you can say “Police Brutality.”

    Verse 10 — And Elijah rolled his eyes, shook his head, and said to the young police thug commanding fifty, “If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven, and consume you and your fifty murderers.” With a Whoosh!, fire came down from heaven, burning to death fifty-one murderous King’s rascals.

    Verse 11 — Then the King sent out another chief goon of fifty with his fifty. The captain, a grizzled old killer, looked at the remains of the previous fifty-one and said, “Funny, I thought we were the only ones allowed to besiege people on private property, then burn them to death. No matter,” he said as he drew his sword. ‘The King wanted you two hours ago, so get your nasty old man-of-God ass right down here — now!”

    Verse 12 — And Elijah answered and said unto them, “You murderous pigs won’t learn, will you? Very well then, if I be a man of God, let fire come down from heaven, and consume you and your fifty.” And the fire of God came down from heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

  37. Twenty Years After Waco . . . Last Kings, Chapter One
    Part Two.

    Verse 13 — And the king sent again a captain of the third fifty with his fifty. And the third captain of fifty saw the damage about the hill. He soiled his armor. So did the rest of the King’s men. It’s a whole lot more fun to kill unarmed civilians than to be killed yourself. The captain crawled up the hill like a scared snake, and came and fell on his knees before Elijah, and besought him, and said unto him, “Oh man of God, I pray you, please, please, please let my life, and the life of these fifty of your servants, be precious in thy sight.” Then the king’s bureaucrat peed in his armor again.

    Verse 14 — “I see that there came fire down from heaven, and burnt up the two captains of the former fifties with their fifties: therefore let my life now be precious in thy sight. To hell with the rest. Even though I set fire to the King’s tower the other day and roasted some of the King’s men and serving women and their babies, and blamed it on a Moabite in a speeding oxcart carrying a load of manure, an unregistered dagger, and no road tax license from the King. It’s not all my fault. I had the help of the scribes and town criers, S.O.B.s (Sons of Belial) all, who helped me put the blame onto the rebellious Moabites. The common people didn’t want to find out any different, because they lack the physical and moral courage to do anything about it. It ain’t fair that I should burn without all my crooked buddies getting the same as well. Everyone knows that the King can do whatever he wants.”

    Verse 15 — Elijah wanted to call down fire on this rapscallion and his lot. But the angel of the LORD said unto Elijah, “Go down with him: be not afraid of him. He and his fifty will get the same fate on earth as the King and his family — serving as dog and bird food.” So Elijah arose, and went down with him unto the king, keeping a twenty pace margin upwind.

    Verse 16 — And Elijah said unto the King, “Thus saith the LORD, forasmuch as you have sent messengers to brown-nose to Baalzebub, Philistine State God of Healing in Ekron, is it not because there is no God in Israel to inquire of his word? Therefore you shall not come down off that bed you lie on and every place else for that matter. Your pecker will turn black and fall off. You will die of frustration because there will be no more whores for you. Nobody will listen to anything you say, especially after today, and the Queen will help nag you to death. I’ve had enough of you.” Then Elijah left the White Palace.

    Verse 17 — So the king died according to the word of the LORD which Elijah had spoken. Nobody missed him except the whores and other Sons of Belial, (S.O.B.s) and even them not too much.

    AND THAT’S PRETTY MUCH THE WAY IT WAS. Ahab’s line came to an end when a rebellious general named Jehu killed Jehoram. Jehu ordered Queen Jezebel thrown out of a window, and before he got around to burying her, the dogs ate all of her except her head, hands and feet. Jehu killed all of Ahab’s children, Ahab’s State-God Priests, and Ahab’s Kingsmen, at least all that he could find. Since Jehu did such an efficient job of it, God promised him that his dynasty would last four generations. God kept his word. Regrettably, Jehu soon turned out to be as wicked as Ahab’s bunch. God got tired of the Israelites and he allowed the Assyrians to take them away in captivity, where they were scattered and never heard of again.

    THREE THOUSAND YEARS HAVE PASSED, and people still remain the same.

    This article first published in The Southwestern Missouri Libertarian, Issue #11, April-May 1995

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