About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Sure, my idea of Yankee Doodle Dandy.

    These Chechnyans should have just forgotten about terrorism and instead spent $250 apiece to buy extra vowels for their names from Vanna.

  2. The leftist sites are really pushing the Caucasian thing.
    I guess for Jews and Blacks anything lighter than Kardashian is white.

    We through the looking glass…this country will cease to exist very soon. If Zapato Zimmerman and this Colchis Catamite are whites then the English language has no meaning.

  3. The American victims of the Boston Terror bombing deserve a better patsy narrative from the DHS than mr Chechnyan / US citizen terrorist 9/11. Wouldn’t you love to know who thought of that? For crying out loud – they can’t get a script doctor from Dreamworks or Pixar over to Washington to help them out with their patsy subplot in their stupid script?

    I give the schmucks in charge of the dorcus malorcus a big fat zero for their patsy subplot. Their stupid movie and head number on the American people deserves to tank at the box office.

    In due course I look forward to seeing the jogging backpackers being interviewed on Israeli television.

    The schmucks in charge of this operation think they can count on the J-wire, the J-nn, the jewnewsspew and the jewswithviewsonthenewsspew to run the schmoscreen, but already the plausible deniabilities are looking transparent. Even if they give ‘mr 9/11’ a better badass profile than the guy in the cave who took down NORAD on that infamous day and directed the airliners into the Twins, pulverizing steel into dust – I confidently predict, it is not going to hold up their schmo-screen.

    And jest we forget – Jet engine fuel burns at what temperature? Steel melts at what temperature boys and girls?

    So the schmo-screen for the dorcus malorcus is not very secure. Let’s hope they at least manage to stay within the laws of physics and plausibility this time. But whether or not – the goyim will yuck it up. This is because White America is demoralized.

    Demoralisation is stage one of the subversion process.

    What this stupidass story about mr chechnyan / Us citizen terrorist 9/11 means is that the operatives of the Boston bombing (a well-planned and executed psy-op) have been extracted from the scene. So now the patsies can be taken into custody.

    DHS is wall to wall Yid.

    Their counterparts on the Muthaship (segue to Imperial Death Star and cue Hatikva) are now red rover, red rover coming right over to help their fellow Yids with their operation, tidy up the loose ends on the cover-up, manage the Boston emergency services – esp the first responders (the real American heroes) and generally kick-ass.

    Yuri Bezmenov, former KGB, gave many public lectures on the science of Revolution and the theory and tactics of Leninist subversion of nations targeted for subversion. He infallibly stated to America in the 1980s “If you let these schmucks bring the nation to crisis what you will have is a Bolshevik police state worse that what we had in USSR.” Think Kaganovich. Think Commissars. Think Gulags. Think the secret police and summary executions for thought crimes like anti-semitism or crimes against the state like growing potatoes during one of their engineered famines. Think – over 50 million White Christian Russians genocided.Think the Party Apex of wall to wall Yids above the Duma, the KGB, the Party and military. These lectures are now available on YouTube.

    To understand the Boston bombing, you have to understand how the messhuggeneh operates through the dorcas malorkus and is cloaked in the schmo-screen. You have to know that Revolution is a science and is always and without exception executed from the TOP.

    In short, you have to understand the science of Revolution and the tactics of Leninist subversion.

  4. Tamerlan Tsarnaev looks very Turkic. His little bro is getting all the face time though. Watch the desperate left call them YT.

    I might add that only 200 Chechens were allowed to move to the US. Mostly women. Think about this: we have 10,000s of Somalis, Sudanese, Iraqi, Syrian, Palestinians respectively. It’s only going to get more violent and unbearable.

  5. The older one had a mud shark wife with sharklet and he still went jihad imagine those hard up ugly skinnys and what they are gonna do to Murika? Thank god being black they are too dumb to make IEDs been ut they can still shoot AKs.

  6. John, you are the resident troll and dysinfo on this messageboard. Please get on your bagel and make the jump into hyperspace. Don’t forget the jar of gefelte fish.

  7. Robroy,

    The local government in Boston and Mass is going to feel the heat. I’d add that the FBI and CIA will also face questions. It turns out that Putin’s boys warned the US about the travel plans of Tamerlan Tsarnaev in the Stans. The DHS filed it all away into the wastepaper basket. The Russians have consistently blocked Chechen migration to the US apparently. The political fall out from this could be rather interesting.

    I’m also quite interested in the flood of Somalis climb to the US to avoid the bloodshed there. What plans are being hatched by those pirates and bandits I wonder? If 200 odd Chechens produce 1 terror cell, then how many African-African cells are operative?

  8. I haven’t been following this event closely because frankly I no longer believe any US standard Jew-controlled MSM outlet, I wouldn’t trust them to tell me accurately what water is made of, the evil lying Jews.

    But is this guy’s name really Tamerlan? As in Timur the Lame, as in Tamurlaine, as in, one of the greatest mass murderers in history?

    Imagine if some immigrant guy applied for US citizenship, and he said his name was Frankenhitler. Wouldn’t you ask a few questions?

    Well who am I kidding, what I meant was, wouldn’t you ask a few questions if you lived in an actual nation with a real people, instead of an artificial theme-park governed by Jew-bots?

  9. Other “Americans” that the Russians have warned the FBI CIA and sate about:

    Pol Pot Nguyen

    Thuggee Patel

    Beria Bomba McGee

    Moe Szee Tongue

    Bela Kun Kaganovich

    And last but not least

    Cobra Commander

  10. Pancho Banastre Tarleton-Villa III
    Country of Origin: USA
    Country of Issue: Nigaragua
    Color of Eyes: Brown
    Height: 4′ 11″ (with Sombrero)
    Occupation: Murders and Acquisitions

    nothing to worry about here…move along there’s a good boy.

  11. As I said earlier – they always capture the patsies after the extraction of the operatives. Inside Job (as usual)

    Oh yeah, this was clearly a false flag op just like 9/11, Madrid 3/11, London 7/7, Fort Hood and all the other 20,000+ acts of “Islamic” terrorism worldwide this century that were really perpetrated by the Mossad.

    Anyone who thinks otherwise is a Jew-loving hasbara kosher talmudic sheeny mamzer who should take their yarmulke, their dreidel and their gefilte fish and go back to Israhell.

  12. Jeppo,

    Apparently the Patriotic success of this event is also being hailed worldwide. By Sean.

    What a joke.

  13. Bostonians pat themselves on the back for cowering in their houses.

    This is truly terrifying to watch the eunuchs celebrate their abjection.

  14. Of course, just like after 9/11 don’t expect anything to be done about the endless flow of 3rd world immigrants, even from Muslim countries. No, we got the “patriot” act, HSA and TSA instead.

    I noticed an ABC report on TV yesterday doing the best it could to make excuses for and non demonize the two non white bombers. They are probably mad as hell they weren’t blue eyed, blonde hair, Nordic looking white guys.

  15. Unfortunately the brothers are white aryan, this was white terror. Today we are all Americans. Thank you Boston Police. On behalf of whites, we are sorry about those two.

  16. If we had a country of our own, the chechens wouldn’t attack us. They’d realize we are white brothers. That’s why everyone must follow Mr. Covington. Please move to the pacific north west or go home, john.

  17. You’re an idiot, John. Tell me which water fountain they would have used.

    The way that white e-activists such as yourself consistently employ the no-true-scotsman fallacy is sickening.

  18. You have mixed up the universal and the particular here.

    It’s reasonable to assume that when the word white is used by niggers and journalists of various stripes that they mean a Redneck, Teaparty, Anglo who votes Republican. Noone was thinking that it would refer to a Muslim refugee from Chechnya.

  19. It’s reasonable to assume that when the word white is used by niggers and journalists of various stripes that they mean a Redneck, Teaparty, Anglo who votes Republican.

    Who cares about how journalists and niggers misuse language?

    Noone was thinking that it would refer to a Muslim refugee from Chechnya.

    Founders of which Thomas Jefferson was most prominent made it quite clear that religious liberties in Virginia and later America would protect white muslims. White Nationalism has no ground to stand on when it comes to withholding “whiteness” from those outside a Christian family tradition. White Nationalists don’t care though. That’s why it is a treehouse for deracinated rightwing ex-Prots and not a coherent worldview like Southern separatism.

  20. In the Treaty of Tripoli (1796) the US formally distanced itself from Christianity to appease Muslims.

    As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen, and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.


  21. It’s quite clear that Sirota was not hoping for a Swarthy, Central Asian, Turkic, Muslim…

    He was hoping for a white guy called Dermott O’Malley with red hair and penchant for Ar-15s and Minuteman politics.

  22. The brothers are Turcics. Just like the Khazar.

    Great info, indeed, Lynda. The bakcpack thing is the Other Show, Dropping. ‘

    I was just recently tipped off to 4Chan. I was almost choking with laughter, re: the Comments on this latest Jews Story. I was on the phone with my cohort, Haughty Blonde. We were nearly in fits over the wonderfully audacious threads, and pictures. Apparently our obscenely over-paid ZOG thugs – the FBI and the cops – got most of their leads from 4Chan.

    4chan posted links that got around the police scanner blocks.

    No wonder the Yids want to gain control of the ‘Net!

    I snagged some terrific Ann Frank stuff. 4Chan is totally hip to Die Jude. The JooTrolls kept trying to win sympathy, fomr the posters – to no avail what-so-ever. Awakened, aggressive, dispossessed and TOTALLY cheesed off Techie White Boys.

    I’m in love!

  23. Sirota is a Jew. I think he’a a homo, too, but I can’t be bothered to research that data.

    ‘Nuff said.

    I think the 1796 Treaty thing was about the US Government “The Feds shall establish no State Religion” thing. A reaction to the centuries of mischief created by State Religion, in Europe. It’s all Enlightenment boilerplate

  24. ‘Murika is a freak show, that the reactionairies struggle mightily to keep alive, think of Southeners shoveling money to the college marxists so they can watch blacks pummel one another, that’s America and frankly one of the less freakier worthless endeavors. Boston is off the effin scales freak show, armed mud puppies carjacking a high priest of PC’s Benz adorned tastefully with a coexist bumper sticker then followed by incompetant over paid white uniforms who lock down a city full of yankee pussies.

  25. Let me show you the old classification of Caucausian type.


    The guy in the top corner, Nordic. That’s what a white man looks like. My people and family look like this. Tamerlan and Joker look like the fellows in the bottom right.

    Turks, Afghans, various central Asians.

    When you lose control of your self definition as a people and give it over to Sirota or niggers you have lost everything.

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