About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “RobRoySimmons says:
    April 20, 2013 at 4:48 pm
    ‘Murika is a freak show, that the reactionairies struggle mightily to keep alive, think of Southeners shoveling money to the college marxists so they can watch blacks pummel one another, that’s America and frankly one of the less freakier worthless endeavors. Boston is off the effin scales freak show, armed mud puppies carjacking a high priest of PC’s Benz adorned tastefully with a coexist bumper sticker then followed by incompetant over paid white uniforms who lock down a city full of yankee pussies”

    FLAWLESS assessment!

    You are knocking ’em out of the park ,these day, RRS!

  2. Even Beck admits that this freak show is about over, frankly thats more dramatics than rational assesment, but normalcy bias is strong so I think he is wrong. Can anyone imagine the standard Contard Southener told that there would be no Saturday football and how they would have a fit? Never mind Northern white sheeple told that there would be no more union jobs or football, IMO most citified Notherners are only qualified to be male prostitutes for Turkish Sultans (this is not an exageration for Northern SWPLs)

    Contard uniform fetishists this in on you, all you.

  3. The guy in the top corner, Nordic. That’s what a white man looks like. My people and family look like this.

    Step 1.) Declare only nordics to be white
    Step 2.) Pound chest

    You’re a vulgar little piece of Eurotrash that has never read an 19th or 20th century racial anthropological book in your life. If you had you’d know that Nordics were always considered one of many white sub-races, not the white race. Please go home and stop poasting.

  4. Contemporary Anthropology pushes the idea that there are only three races. Even then they seem to be disinclined to use such categories for PC reasons.

    Mongoloid, Caucausoid and Negroid. This is, more or less, an attempt to wipe out distinctions that people can actually we with their own lying eyes. The classification becomes so broad as to mean fuck all.

  5. No Man – I’m not surprised that Whites in the UK are converting to Islam. It’s their means of defense, as they are being slaughtered off by the Jew Government.

    It’s TRAGIC.

    Hitler didn’t lose WWII. The West did.

  6. If you had you’d know that Nordics were always considered one of many white sub-races, not the white race. Please go home and stop poasting….

    posting. And an important “sub-group” it is. Very different from other sub-groups, and clearly should have had its own countries.

  7. the best chum of Rescorla in 9/11 was an American Spec Ops fellow who converted to Islam. Multigenerational American.

    What’s your point No-Man?

  8. Those two cockroaches were Turkic, about as white as Jews are–ie they have a white colored shell, but totally different wiring, loyalties, and behaviors on the inside. Moreover they in no way of a European ethnicity, regardless of caucasoid or not.

  9. I’d suggest that it probably is the only group worth worrying about.

    The German Anthropologists who came up with the Cauc…blah blah category were probably attempting to act in concert with some foreign policy aim that the Second Reich wished to promote in loosening Russian control of that area. Similar to the CIA backing the Arabs at liberty in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

  10. My point is that as an organizing principle secular “whiteness” is deeply flawed because in an attempt to appeal to white christians, pagan trash and atheists it leaves the door open to even less savory critters like caucasian Jews and caucasian Muslims. Then the hilarities ensue, for instance the “white colored shell” theory.
    The German Anthropologists who came up with the Cauc…blah blah category were probably attempting to act in concert with some foreign policy aim

    This kind of half-assed speculation combined with your grating tendency to tie yourself in knots due to faith in non-falsifiable concepts like “whiteness” are why many here would love to see you go home.

  11. Fuck you.

    It’s not half assed. The Germans fermented Jihad in the British and Russian empires. It’s fact you stupid cocksucker.

  12. I’m not actually a WN. I don’t think that Humter is either.

    It’s not as if you are terribly popular either, so watch out.

  13. Hunter, spelling error there. Sorry Hunter.

    What is non falsifiable about defining whiteness? These creature hailed from the very periphery of Europe. One is named after a goddamned Tartar who claimed Gehghis Khan as an ancestor. What’s white about Tamerlaine?

  14. TAtar, not TARtar. I have Polish Tatar ancestry through my mother. We’re no less “white” than any of that nigger-loving Nordic trash you evidently hold as the standard for “whiteness”.

  15. Either spelling is acceptable Chris. I’m not the best proofreader on here but either spelling is accepted.

  16. @Jewdel

    Go refill your viagra prescription and masturbate to an old Grace Kelly photo. No one is interested in senile moon-barking.

  17. John,

    Kant and others were claiming Arabs, Turks and Persians as white before Germany even existed. Your apprehension of “whiteness” is non-falsifiable because you believe one’s “whiteness” can be abrogated by actions, geography, culture and religion. This is because you’re trying to use biological terms you know nothing of to interpret a cultural landscape you’re similarly clueless about.

  18. Being “american” was a worthless title the moment the damyankees decided to kill other americans. The concept of amercian citizenship was further degraded when the damnyankees decided to extend the citizenship to non Whites, and the damnyankees crushed what ever value there was in citizenship when they brought in ethnic Whites to “elect a new people” and grind down native born citizens. The open border stuff is just pissing on a rotting corpse.

    Patriotism is foolishness in the extreme. Why should a man be loyal to a government hell bent on his enslavement and the genetic eradication of his bloodline, clan and tribe?

  19. I did actually point out that I’m not a WN.

    However, I do know a Persian isn’t white, certainly not Occidental.

    Kant? Who cares. Everyone south of Dover used to be considered a WOG.

  20. It died with Scott. A black porter in St Louis filing suit in a white man’s court. This case contributed mightily to Bloody Kansas and a guerilla war in Missouri. Well before Sumpter. All over a monkey who didn’t want to carry bags no mo’.

  21. No-Man, are ME “white” countries being flooded with millions of non whites with whom ME’s are forced to integrate and “assimilate”, a.k.a. intermarry, with?

  22. I did actually point out that I’m not a WN.

    However, I do know a Persian isn’t white, certainly not Occidental.

    You claimed to not be a WN but the fact you view meta-racial analysis like some kind of naturalization process betrays you. Only a WN or fellow-traveler would actually give a shit whether someone in Goatfuckistan is “white”. That information doesn’t inform the worldview of people with coherent identities such as southern nationalists or old dead Prussian guys.

    Kant? Who cares.

    You did imply that German racial theories were most likely cynical machinations directed by Berlin.

  23. No-Man, are ME “white” countries being flooded with millions of non whites with whom ME’s are forced to integrate and “assimilate”, a.k.a. intermarry, with?

    This is an example of why it’s not worthwhile to talk about race with degenerate moderns such as John and “more of the same”. In the US political landscape identifying someone as “white” means they share some kind of invisible backpack full of pressure-cookers with other “whites” that could harm “non-whites”.

  24. The anthropological theories that were emanating from German universities were, as they are today, heavily influenced by political imperatives.

    The Orthodoxy of Equality that we have to deal with today is just as much a cynical power play as anything coming from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in the 1890s.

    I dont care much if the perp is white or “white” but I certainly don’t want the government running around labeling Zimmerman or Tamerlan as YT. I consider that a label worth defining to a limited in group. Breivik, yes he’s white. Definitely.

  25. Actually the Yids hail from the periphery of Europe. And a lot of their behaviour could be described as racially peripheral – blood passovers, sacred terrorism, communism, gulags for white Russians etc.

    Their Zionist imperium currently has both fists up the wa-zoo of the American ZOG in the District of Corruption. So it is only a matter of time before white Americans are frog marched off to another war for Israel in some Stan or other on Yid home turf – the Caucasus.

    In his vid “Everything You Know is Wrong” , Lloyd Pye, gives an account of the Neanderthal Zana Sabekia.
    Once upon a time it was all the go for the peripheral European ethnicities like the Yids, the Bulgar-Mongol-Turko-Tatars etc to catch female Neanderthals (called Almas) and keep them as sex slaves in the village prostitution pits. The descendants would look pretty much like your standard Yid in a Brit uniform – Jabotinsky


    No neck, low forehead, heavy brow – but white. Did I mention savage tribal loyalites and penchant for genocide? Even the best of the goyim should die.

  26. Check out The Craft logo and patch
    “Despite what your momma told you violence does solve problems”

    So whose problem was The Craft private military ‘solving’ at the Boston marathon?

  27. What exactly are you posting or reading on here to accomplish?

    Forget about the question of whiteness, it’s just about his for most of the dumbasses. Concentrate on the notion that white is being “othered” already. Concentrate on the fact that it was possible for two Jews like David Sirota and Ben Shapiro to sit down and discuss YT as a theoretical evil, the text designed and consumed by a white audience. It’s as if “whites” are experiencing their own destruction as an aesthetic and moral pleasure of the highest order. Whiteness is a useless category and it’s toxic now. I prefer ethnic chauvinism and bigotry. If the net for the category is allowed to be cast do widely it simply hastens the destruction of the people.

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