About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I predict calling people an anti-racist Hitler will be the most powerful meme of the year, and perhaps ever for traditional America.

    Get it out there. This one is going to stop the amnesty in its tracks.

  2. Wendell Phillips the abolitionist-extraordinaire attended that school.

    Re: the white identity, I believe it is destroying our people, whoever our people are. We’ll never get to know our people until they step away from the horrible cultural abortion that is whiteness.

  3. Well, it’s already been othered. That’s my point. I don’t appreciate what k am being lumped in with Brown people (and the Tsarnaevs are brown) as a opportunistic way for liberals to kill me off and kill off my particular nation or related nations.

  4. If everyone is white, no one is white. I kind of look at it like that.

    The ultimate stick-chasing is when people see the media attacking “whites” and reflexively play defense. It’s better to experience political ego-death by rejecting the media’s label. Being white doesn’t confer privileges anymore, that social contract was broken. Things are very tough now for the ethnically mixed caucasians here whose parents put all their genetic chips on the US remaining a “pro-white” country. My heart goes out to them.

  5. I put that marvelous Anti racist Hitler on my wee blog – and I am going to post is EVERYWHERE. It’s brilliant.

    I’ve known about it since last year, when Horus spoke of it at the Stormfront Conference.

  6. “Things are very tough now for the ethnically mixed caucasions here who’s parents put all their genetic chips on the US remaining a “pro white” country. My heart goes out to them.”

    – To be exact, it was my great-grandparents who landed here with simple hopes of self-determination and the quiet dignity of being free men and women, but I neither want or need anyone’s condolences — this city, and this country are my home and my birthright, and one way or another, if it takes the rest of my life, I will see them to restored to the manifest dreams of my forebears.

  7. Gentlemen, it’s not that complicated. White is only a loose word for Western or European. When “white” is used negatively by our enemies, they mean exactly this and in no way mean to include Turks, Arabs, Jews, Indians, etc. When the left lays the guilt trip on whites, accuses us of white privilege, racism, etc., they mean Western aka European whites only.
    For the purposes of infiltration, dilution, sewing confusion, mayhem, and volunteering us for genocide, they include all these other groups by pinning white as “caucasian”. That is why crime stats include Mestizos and North Africans as white when they commit crimes. This is why Jews like Tim Wise can volunteer us for genocide and say he is “white like us” when is clearly is not and KNOWS it.
    Our enemies further like to divide real Western aka European aka white peoples by conjuring up fraudulent groups like “White Hispanic”, “black Irish”, etc.
    We can’t rely only on our ethnicities alone because 1) each individual ethnic group is too small to stand alone against the turd world hordes, 2) White Americans are a mix of ethnicities, 3) The governments of most Western countries have decided to make membership in their ethnic nations independent of race.
    When I use white I generally use Western or European along with it. The left excels at manipulating the language, causing us to need to extremely accurate and precise in our meaning.

  8. And by including hordes of non-European, non-Western peoples as white, they are attempting to invalidate our identity, make it meaningless like they already did with American, and deny us the right to exist.
    One more thing, since Europe is so screwed up by multiculturalism, always designate”ethnic” before any nationality. This helps ensure turd world scum living there are not included. Example: Use Ethnic Russian not simply “Russian”, as Asiatics and Jews and Turks live in the country of Russia.

  9. “The New York Times Now Conspiracy Theory News Medium?”

    The JewcyYawk Times has already reported on the Big Q over the Boston marathon bombings.

    “These [terrorist] dramas were facilitated by the FBI whose undercover agents and informers posed as ‘terrorists’ offering a dummy missile, fake C-4 explosives, a disarmed suicide vest and rudimentary training . ‘Suspects’ naively played their parts until they were arrested.” NYTimes April 20, 2012 David K Shipler


  10. Here’s the method to the meshuggeneh. With the Boston bombings we have witnessed the successful lockdown of an American population


    While eyes in the political theatre were rivetted stage left, on stage right the House passed CISPA – H.R. 624 allowing tech and telecom companies to hand over vast amounts of user data to gov’t agencies.


  11. Your great grand parents came here to do to native born Whites what mexicans are doing now. And you, like the mexicans have no respect for those who built what your people could not.

  12. Just as St. Paul had to point out to the early Church that ‘he is not a Jew, that is one outwardly, et. ‘ Rom. 9:2

    So, too, one needs to drive home the fact- over and over- citizenship is not extrinsic, but INTRINSIC. One cannot be a citizen, an “American,” unless one is White, Christian, European, and civilized.

    Golden Dawn NYC hits the nail on the head, far better than you are doing, by tacitly ‘inclusivizing’ these Chechyan dogs.


  13. “And by including hordes of non-European, non-Western peoples as white, they are attempting to invalidate our identity, make it meaningless like they already did with American, and deny us the right to exist.”

    Wayne, BRAVO. Exactly.

    Niggers are not Americans. Spics are not Americans, Chinks are not Americans. Vatican II Catholics are not (extrinsically) Americans, if they have fallen for that marxist propaganda that inclusivizes the entire hominidity of the world, as Christ’s [sic] brethren, as well as theirs.

    Sorry to be blunt, but heresy is heresy, whether it’s political, or theological.

    Europe is the [Christian] Faith: the Faith is [White] Europe. – Hilaire Belloc, a catholic who knew what being a Catholic was all about- same with GKC, too- and JRRT, and CSL.

  14. Thank you, Wayne, for clearing up the confusion about what “white” means. I’ll bet 99% of OD readers and posters know what you are saying beforehand, save someone trying to stir the pot.

    Anti-whites will insist on an accurate definition of what “white” is or claim there is no such thing as “white” at all. This starts off useless, endless debates and quibbling over history, current events and other minutia . All of it is designed to invalidate our identity and facilitate our genocide.

  15. @ We’re no less “white” than any of that nigger-loving Nordic trash…

    No one has benefitted more from “diversity” than darker Europeans. The billions spent on blaming, shaming, demoralizing and degrading the proverbial blonde-blue pressured them to intermarry with “the other.” Well, they weren’t going to marry blacks and “natives,” so they wound up marrying darker euros, instead.

    GREEN eyes seem to have now vanished completely from my family, btw, not the blues, but you never even hear about that.

  16. From the comments at Sailer’s:

    Mr. Anon said…
    “Chechens. said…

    While I am intensely skeptical of “terrorist” acts, considering most to be false flag operations,..”

    Don’t you ever stop to think how ridiculous it is to maintain, as Infowars does, that all terrorist attacks are “false flag” attacks. That nothing – nothing at all! – is as it seems. Every single damned thing in the world is a mystery, hidden in a riddle, wrapped in an enigma, and covered with tiny chocolate sprinkles!

    That is the world-view I would expect of a teen-ager who thinks that “The Matrix” was a deep and significant work of art. For an adult to think so is just embarrassing.

    4/21/13, 1:49 AM

    Ha ha, so true. Please don’t aid and abet the liberal media’s whitewashing of Islamic terrorism by spreading ridiculous conspiracy theories with no basis in fact.

  17. Wayne,

    Well said. This is exactly what Sirota meant by saying white. Ethnic Western European. Caucasian is simply a means to deracinate.

  18. Fr. John,

    I think the list should include:

    Be active in local politics, local business, social organizations.

    The system is really shutting us out at the top, but there are real opportunities at the bottom.

  19. Well said. This is exactly what Sirota meant by saying white. Ethnic Western European. Caucasian is simply a means to deracinate.

    Yes, Wayne is well versed in how White Nationalists and their anti-White foils define whiteness. Don Black and Joan Walsh would also agree. Let’s re-read Wayne’s post and ignore the fact Georges Cuvier was writing about a caucasian race in the 1700’s. He wasn’t “manipulating language” to deracinate a bunch of Americans on the internet or support German aims in India.

  20. Then there’s basis for discrimination.

    Voltaire’s Candide was more honest than any number of Anthropologists and Geographers you’d care to mention.

  21. For the purposes of infiltration, dilution, sewing confusion, mayhem, and volunteering us for genocide, they include all these other groups by pinning white as “caucasian”.

    [. . .]

    This is why Jews like Tim Wise can volunteer us for genocide and say he is “white like us” when is clearly is not and KNOWS it. Our enemies further like to divide real Western aka European aka white peoples by conjuring up fraudulent groups like “White Hispanic”, “black Irish”, etc.

    Jews are white aka caucasian. Thus a Jew doesn’t need to “infiltrate” a white country. That doesn’t mean Jews aren’t harmful – far from it – it just means that whiteness is insufficient defense against Jews and other undesirable whites such as the Tsaraev brothers.

  22. Voltaire depicted England as land of Spleen, where Admirals are hanged for losing a ship. It’s accurate.

  23. Jews are not white. Indeed, they can shapeshift into East Asian and African skins. For the moment they still desire to infiltrate European types, the blonde blue eyes thing is still the refined standard of beauty.

  24. It’s completely obvious the FBI was up to its eyeballs in this. A kid goes extremist in the middle of Cambridge, MA and Homeland Security or the FBI know nothing of the extremist mentor there? The kids spend three years around Cambridge after going full blown mental and they had no idea what he was up to? No way.

    There are bomb-sniffing dogs all over the area, cops on roofs, private contractors with backpacks and radiation detectors, and cops constantly reiterating that “it’s only a drill.” How many millions of dollars of police and paramilitary operations went into “protecting” the race?

    I’m telling you this thing is going to blow wide open, and there will be government agents up to their eyeballs in it. No doubt whatsoever.

  25. @stonelifter

    If I’m not mistaken, you’ve personally renounced this country a number of times on here, and consider yourself a “Southron” or “Dixian” as opposed to an American. And now you’ve announced intention to move yourself and your family to Eastern Europe in the immediate future. So you don’t need to concern yourself with why my people came here — this ain’t your country anymore. Now get on with fucking off.

  26. No-Man caught himself out with the Jews are white statement.

    This is one group that can still be reigiously and ethnically Jewish even if they are Chinamen, Malays, Mexican, Black etc etc.

    I like to think of them as white when they tally up jobs or college places to make it look like Brad Smith is dominating the economy and Jewish outsiders when victimized by Anglos by exclusion from Golf clubhouses. Opportunistic Whiteness.

  27. Denise, thanks for the links. The description of “Jews as spanning the gulf between European and Middle Eastern populations” is accurate. This would of course place Jews firmly within the caucasian ie white race. Most anthropologists over the centuries have subscribed to the tri-racial concept of White-Asian-Negroid or bi-racial White-Asian with the Negroid counted as subhuman view.

    By describing Jews as white I’m making a dispassionate anthropological observation. It doesn’t mean I’m trying to ennoble them or that I approve of their existence. Shrill rootless types such as John are so wrapped up in their white identity they get emotional over these things. The historical fact is that an Arab or a Jew or any caucasian for that matter in this country always enjoyed the same rights as an Englishman.

    Words have meanings, the white race is either a race or it isn’t. Saying that the racial make-up of a Jew has no bearing on his racial classification doesn’t make sense. Semitic is a linguistic term, not a biological one – as we can plainly see from your links that Semites overlap with Europeans genetically.

  28. There are black Jews. Plenty of them, plenty of yellow ones too.


    I’m pretty sure that Gove is a crypto Jew. He was adopted by Anglicans, the actual ID of the biological parents is a mystery to this day. His neocon ways and antiracist Schtick is
    a fairly good indicator of him knowing that he’s got a Jew in the woodpile. Just like Hitchen’s discovered his Jewish roots in his late thirties.

    No-Man you’ve been caught out on the Jewish question. They can be religiously and ethnically Jewish and be black and yellow and whatever and everything in between. Fess up.

  29. You’re a feminine inductive thinker, John. I don’t care who ‘Gove’ is or what grand conclusions you arrive at from his biography.

    No-Man you’ve been caught out on the Jewish question.

    Start making sense or I’ll start ignoring you entirely.

    They can be religiously and ethnically Jewish and be black and yellow and whatever and everything in between. Fess up.

    Apparently “whatever and everything” is a new euphemism for white.

  30. You stated that Jews are white. No, it’s simply not the case. You can have an ethnically Jewish black. They are a flexible people.

  31. That Khemiri guy looks white to me, despite which side if his heritage he identifies with. If he didn’t have an Islamic-sounding name, and introduced himself to you simply as ‘Jonas’, you wouldn’t have any idea about his father’s ethnicity.

  32. There you are Chris. That’s your radar for such things.

    Here’s a couple of Jewish people identifying themselves as Non-white. Kevin Macdonald captures the ontological problem quite brilliantly.


    This currently links to a story about a conversation between David Sirota and Ben Shapiro about how they don’t feel white. I tend to agree with them. They are not.

  33. The following quote ought to be a banner headline on here:

    “racism exists. But it is not the dominant force in American life. Speaking of which, I do find it odd that Jews are considered members of the white privileged class when less than two generations ago, whites wouldn’t let us into their country clubs.”– Ben Shapiro

    I agree with Ben that he’s not white and that his coreligionists are not either.

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