About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The South has always been firmly grounded in the Greco-Roman tradition. Southern racism is of a wholly different nature than the passionate “cry from the heart” German racism. So far as the South was culturally “germanized” it can only be degraded. A German can be a great American, a great Roman, a marvelous engineer….. but he can’t civilize a western man. He is only as civilized as he is western.

    The South was at its best when the popular religions had Latin forms ie Anglicanism and Catholicism. The fact that the white southron and the nigger are both baptist lowchurchmen illustrates that Jim Crow was about hygiene and public safety, not culture. The best of the South had been deracinated after the war and their culture irrevocably violated, that’s why baptist churches sprung up like turd-blossoms.

  2. Now only some of the groups included as “White” in the government definition are targeted for genocide so the government definition is no good therefore there’s a practical political need for those people who are targeted for genocide.

    “White genocide”? You just can’t stop abusing language: go kick rocks.

    I’m still not entirely clear on what you see as the right response for whites in the current context. Whites are being targeted as whites in the sense that you seem to reject not based on culture, ethnicity, region.

    “Whites” are attacked “as whites” precisely because they have no culture, no ethnicity, no region and no religion. The correct response would be to become cultured, understand ethnicity, take pride in your region and find religion. If that is done then the “enemy” will have to attack a culture, a people, a region and a God — not just a virtual-whipping boy of angry pale-skinned guys on the internet.

  3. No-man,

    The only paleface WN on here is probably Chris313. Maybe Rudel.

    Most other posters wear their ethnicity on their sleeve.

  4. “understand ethnicity, take pride in your region and find religion”

    This from one who thinks inter-ethnic marriage is alright, the raping of virgin negresses is justified, urban existence is comfortable, the so-called “War on Terror” is good to participate in, and doesn’t even attend mass but admires the evil, heretical Papacy from a distance.

  5. I’m a New Netherlander, Mosin. I’m gonna watch the Yanks crush the Jays this weekend. 🙂 Who are you to criticize inter-ethnic marriages? You’re a mix of German and Welsh, two nations whose Europeanness goes about as deep as the war-chest of their civilized neighbors.

    Rudel is a ‘good Roman’, I know that for a fact.

  6. I respect Christianity and believe it is and should be a centerpiece of Western culture, however, we need a new operating system that is impervious to leftist assault and, in fact can infect and destroy the leftist machine. That operating system, in my opinion, is raw unadulterated evolutionary theory. Evolutionary theory destroys the concept of equality that has been an excuse for every leftist movement since the Protestant Reformation.

    You can’t corrupt the corruption and call it ‘correction’. The Protestant reformation was a deeply flawed peasant revolt instigated by a flatulence obsessed, foul-mouthed nun-fucker named Luther. Evola described him as a “failed monk” which is perhaps more generous than the original “devil’s bagpipe” but they both fit. Mosin can attack my character like the sanctimonious bitch he is, but he would obey Luther’s command to ignore whether he (Luther) is “saint or scamp” and judge his message.

    For the bitter fruit of Lutheranism, the antechamber to atheism and state power we can look to atheist and socialist Sweden. Should be a nordic paradise free of semitic “fairy tales”, it’s 80% atheist……

    Somehow it’s full of Muslims – not only that, but the doughy barbarians that Xenophon described can’t protect their women.

    “It is far too easy to get a Swedish whore…… girl, I mean;” says Hamid, and laughs over his own choice of words. “Many immigrant boys have Swedish girlfriends when they are teenagers. But when they get married, they get a proper woman from their own culture who has never been with a boy. That’s what I am going to do. I don’t have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get fucked to pieces.

    Since, where these three elements exist—reverence towards heaven, practice in military affairs, and obedience to command—all else must needs be full of happy promise.

    Those precepts don’t discriminate. People that rebel against them will be humiliated in this life by those that adhere to them.

  7. Concerning the underlining motivating doctrine of gradualism underlining Evolutionary Theory, Darwinism, and several other important areas of modern science, I strongly recommend as a point of departure for understanding why it is NOT a suitable weapon against our enemies a reading of James P Hogan’s essay “The Modern Medievalism,” in his book Catastrophes, Chaos and Convolutions, followed immediately by his excellent book and survey of some prominent scientific controversies, Kicking the Sacred Cow.

    The Modern Medievalism brings back up and discusses several crucial conceptual details about our civilization and advancement recognized by Spengler and that has been overlooked by modern racialist and pro white writers.

  8. Brutus is on target with “the underlying doctrine of gradualism” in the atheistic-agnostic-secularist use of evolutionary science, which I agree is NOT suitable for our use as a weapon or as our “new operating system” or foundation.

    Tamer of Savages, the Welsh ethnic church resisted full Romanisation for centuries after the English had given in, and some of the Germans also showed an independent spirit against the blasphemously-styled religious tyranny of “Vicarius Filii Dei.” Thus they are proven to be some of the MOST Western, least “Oriental” in character of all white peoples. Whereas you elevate “practice in military affairs” (military employment) as the summum bonum, the truly white values are: Truth and Freedom.

  9. You’re both correct about evolutionary theory being a dead-end, most marxists these days never even heard of Lysenko. They’re not bio-reductionists so it doesn’t matter much to them.

    Whereas you elevate “practice in military affairs” (military employment) as the summum bonum, the truly white values are: Truth and Freedom.

    Your splinter of a splinter-sect basement church “truth” not to mention your “freedom” to be a prick on the internet wouldn’t exist without real men willing to fight and die for real freedom. Go ahead and keister-stash your amorphous “white values”, helot. Send some money to a movement svengali while you’re at it. Most importantly, have a nice day – it’s too sunny to be on the computer, cheers!

  10. Did someone piss in your tea and scones today, British John? You’re a spineless resident-alien who is too cowardly to stand up for his own country IN his own country, so you hide underneath your wife’s citizenship in this one, screeching at it like a bitch all the while. I would tell you to go home, but at this point I hope you stay, so some random nigger might eventually make you a statistic. Limey maggot.

  11. I’m not saying we have to believe Evolition or substitute a religion for it, I’m saying use it to win. The Left excels at deception to accomplish what it desires. It is quiet impressive, we must admit, to have won such a long string of victories. Does anyone really think the leftist intelligencia really believe the bunk they use to sway the idiot masses. Most of our system of beliefs we attribute to religion have their foundations in evolutionary theory and the struggle for survival. Example: marriage–not about love or equality, but about procreation, less contention within the klan/tribe, and inheritance.

    No-Man: I agree with your assessment of the PR, however, I would go even farther by saying that Christianity directly contributed to the destruction of the Roman Empire.

    No-Man: your judgement on Sweden is grossly off–their behavior, like the behavior of most Western nations, is currently skewed by the unnatural and unsustainable level of ease and luxury brought about by wealth and socialism. Wealth and luxury always leads to efemmacy, weakness and eventual destruction because it is against Nature, and Nature always wins. Lies cannot endure forever, and the West is living in a house of lies.
    I’m not saying I believe some economic crash is just around the corner that will “bring it all down”, as the Left is too smart to let that happen; but I am saying that Nature will not be mocked.

    Mosin and No-Man: by all means maintain your religions, cultures, ethnicity, etc. Europe always was very diverse (in the real sense of the word). These are good things. However, your logic is exactly that infecting the Indian nations of North America, namely each tribe was for themselves only, they could not understand that they did have a common heritage that collectively they could have preserved. Had they united, they would have been a very considerable force, but they likely had a Chief No-Man in every tribe. Now I’m not for uniting Europe and hate the EU. What the people’s of Europe do will be different from what we in America must do–American whites of European descent must unite or we will disappear same as the Indians. And yes, it is genocide, but no, it’s not going to get us any sympathy or help.

  12. No-Man: You spend a lot of time in this “splinter of a splinter” group. Can you tell any of us about these “real” freedoms you are gifting us with?

  13. John: Ignore Chris 313. He obviously does not understand that England is America’s mother country. There should always be a special place for our English cousins here.

  14. “Your splinter of a splinter-sect basement church ‘truth’ not to mention your ‘freedom’ to be a prick on the internet wouldn’t exist without real men willing to fight and die for real freedom. Go ahead and keister-stash your amorphous ‘white values,’ helot.”

    Rather truth in a basement than lies in a cathedral. The true Church may have local and ethnic, independent, apparent “divisions,” but is uniform everywhere on the Essentials. These “white values” are NOT “amorphous” at all, but very clearly spelled out, plain enough for those willing to live by them.

    The so-called “real freedom” you are proud to be employed to protect is the freedom of tyrants to enslave white “helots.” Or is the “right” of “nigger noctis” another kind of “real freedom” secured by “real men” with only the best weapons and training?

    In another thread, you praised the men who went over the top in the First World War — “the time when men were still ‘real men.’ ” Nonsense! They were fools causing immense harm. Bullies who believe their might makes right will all be beaten and shamed in the final end — and someday, Babylon will fall.

  15. No-Man: Marxists don’t really believe in evolution, they just use it as a hammer (effectively, I might add) as a hammer to drive down Christianity. The left is as religious as any bunch of evangelicals, Orthodox Jews, or Muslims. Their God is Equality, and they will have their Inquisition.

  16. Chris, the English are or were the free-est people in Europe. I identify closely with them, though I don’t have ENGLISH lineage as such.

    Wayne, I understand you bear no ill will toward Christianity and want to harness Darwinism for the cause.

    Re: “they could not understand that they did have a common heritage that collectively they could have preserved. Had they united, they would have been a very considerable force”:

    I am in agreement about the common heritage, and the uniting, etc., but the Roman Papal establishment is not the right leadership or common ground for the revival of European peoples.

  17. “Mosin and No-Man: by all means maintain your religions, cultures, ethnicity, etc.”

    How can anyone who lives “urban,” fights for Zog, practices and condones inter-ethnic and inter-racial ” relationships,” and doesn’t actually practice the religion (Romanism) that he says he admires, possibly be “maintaining religion, culture and ethnicity”?

  18. “Chris, the English are or were the free-est people in Europe.”

    – That’s seriously got to be one of the most false statements I’ve ever heard. Put a little ice in that scotch, would ya?

  19. your judgement on Sweden is grossly off–their behavior, like the behavior of most Western nations, is currently skewed by the unnatural and unsustainable level of ease and luxury brought about by wealth and socialism. Wealth and luxury always leads to efemmacy, weakness and eventual destruction because it is against Nature, and Nature always wins. Lies cannot endure forever, and the West is living in a house of lies.

    Your analysis is completely materialistic. The ‘white’ ‘racialist’ tendency for gnawing on the bones of progressivism is for lack of a better word: enlightening. You might not be allowed at the table but you’ll lick the Left’s hands for scraps. Malta, Saudi Arabia along with other wealthy religious nations throughout history go against your crude marxian appraisal.

    I would go even farther by saying that Christianity directly contributed to the destruction of the Roman Empire.

    There.you.go.again. Not interested. Keep reading, Wayne.

  20. However, your logic is exactly that infecting the Indian nations of North America, namely each tribe was for themselves only, they could not understand that they did have a common heritage that collectively they could have preserved. Had they united, they would have been a very considerable force, but they likely had a Chief No-Man in every tribe.

    Would you like to buy the ‘white world’ a coke, wayne?

    Now I’m not for uniting Europe and hate the EU.

    Unite! I’m not for uniting! You’re getting caught in your lederhosen.

    And yes, it is genocide, but no, it’s not going to get us any sympathy or help.

    The fact that you even take the word ‘genocide’ seriously shows how deeply modern and fucked up your worldview is.

  21. Can you tell any of us about these “real” freedoms you are gifting us with?

    Ask the next man in uniform you see, internet badass.

  22. The “uniform” marks the man who is a “real man,” some believe, especially many foolish women. Others, who recognise that war after war after for war for the anti-Christ was unnecessary, unjustified and destructive see that the uniform marks the murderer.

    Uniforms are good for parades, but wearing the uniform otherwise nearly always means or leads to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8Tbs9tu-kI

  23. John Adams Visits Worcester, rants at the English for taking their liberty for granted. Liberty according to him was born in this battle.

    “The people in the neighborhood appeared so ignorant and careless at Worcester that I was provoked and asked ‘And do Englishmen so soon forget the ground where liberty was fought for? Tell your neighbors and your children that this is holy ground, much holier than that on which your churches stand. All England should come in pilgrimage to this hill, once a year”

  24. @no-man/Tamer of Savages

    “Ask the next man in uniform you see, internet badass.”

    – I mop my kitchen floor with your stupid uniform, GI Jack-off. The Second Amendement is what protects my freedom, not you or any other government thug.


  25. Battle of Worcester, for your example of a just war? I agree, but thought you were royalist-leaning, John?

  26. “Just pointing out what the Revolutionaries saw in themselves.”

    Being educated men of action they respected the most noble Roman of them all:

    And in the nights of winter, when the cold north winds blow,
    And the long howling of the wolves is heard amidst the snow;
    When round the lonely cottage roars loud the tempest’s din,
    And the good logs of Algidus roar louder yet within;

    When the oldest cask is opened, and the largest lamp is lit;
    When the chestnuts glow in the embers, and the kid turns on the spit;
    When young and old in circle around the firebrands close;
    When the girls are weaving baskets and the lads are shaping bows

    When the goodman mends his armour, and trims his helmet’s plume,
    And the goodwife’s shuttle merrily goes flashing through the loom;
    With weeping and with laughter still is the story told,
    How well Horatius kept the bridge in the brave days of old.”

  27. No-Man: American whites, the sons and daughters of Europe of mixed Western ethnicities need to unite or lose relevance. Europe is a different story.

    When you are as well versed in Roman history as Gibbon, then I will take your story over his.

  28. When Gibbon is as knowledgeable as Augustine…

    If you took a more critical look at 18-19th century German jacobinism and spent less time trying to handcuff God to a corpse you wouldn’t scratch your head and gape whenever you think about WWI. German nationalists wanted the guillotine to move east, not Napoleon. Why, he was a thermidorian caesar that presented a “crisis” to Germans that only total-war could solve!

  29. German Jacobinism, landed in Missouri in the 1850s and tipped the scales toward the Union. See Sigel and Solomon, two German-Union officers.

    At this point however I think that No-Man is getting his Hasbarat wires crossed. He’s had a good laugh so far but the noxious fumes of sulphur are emanating from him.

  30. I’m surprised that the pair were ever allowed to set foot in the UK after their little party a cross the pond.

    Pitt, Castlereigh et al were good sports. Which, in the end, is the highest calling.

  31. Are you saying Augustine, as in SAINT Augustine, gives a fairer evaluation of the decline and fall of the Empire than Gibbon? Man, you are gullible.

  32. It’s not like he’s not going to make the church smell like roses, right?? I don’t like Rousseau, but he had Christianity pegged.
    Barefoot friars and convents did not build Rome, and could not sustain it.

  33. Are you saying Augustine, as in SAINT Augustine, gives a fairer evaluation of the decline and fall of the Empire than Gibbon? Man, you are gullible.

    Just as 313 needs to be told irreverence is not wit, you must understand a genetic fallacy isn’t of anyone’s interest. By your cheap thinking I could mention how Gibbon was a deeply confused man that was at various times of his life a revolutionary atheist, a protestant, an apostate protestant, a catholic, and later an apostate catholic. Instead I’ll stick to the fact that his intentionally vague claims about the negative impact of Christianity on roman society are just that: bleary bullshit that is dismissed by most scholars secular and religious alike. His passages about Christianity are catnip to the half-educated such as yourself.

  34. German Jacobinism, landed in Missouri in the 1850s and tipped the scales toward the Union. See Sigel and Solomon, two German-Union officers.

    I agree.

    At this point however I think that No-Man is getting his Hasbarat wires crossed. He’s had a good laugh so far but the noxious fumes of sulphur are emanating from him.

    This is a suggestion I am Jewish? Please, grade DeShawn’s paper you coffee-breathed adjunct.

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