Supreme Court Refuses To Take Up Alabama Immigration Law

District of Corruption

In 2011, Alabama passed an immigration law called HB 56 that made it a crime to harbor an illegal alien. The SPLC and the Justice Department sued Alabama in federal court. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked several key provisions of HB 56.

Alabama asked the Supreme Court to reconsider the 11th Circuit’s decision. The Supreme Court said “no” this morning. Can you figure out our problem?

Note: This is another miniblog.

Update: Exactly 50 years ago, the Supreme Court ruled on this day that segregated courts were unconstitutional.

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The 10th Amendment is a damned joke. When are states going to start ignoring these idiots and their OPINIONS? Make the Feds come to Alabama and stop it.

  2. The 10th Amendment is a damned joke. When are states going to start ignoring these idiots and their OPINIONS? Make the Feds come to Alabama and stop it.

    That’s a very good point. Alabama should enforce the law HB 56 as it’s written, and if the feds don’t like it, tough bananas. Like Wayne said, make them come to Alabama and try to stop it.

    I’m pretty sure that marijuana is still technically illegal nationwide, yet Colorado and Washington are flaunting that federal law with impunity. Those states are asserting their constitutional rights under the Tenth Amendment to override the feds on the marijuana issue, so why can’t other states assert their similar rights vis-a-vis illegal immigration?

    By refusing to enforce federal drug laws in CO and WA, the Obama administration is setting a legal precedent that could be used by other states to challenge federal law in a whole slew of different areas, like immigration and affirmative action for example. Alabama should use this precedent as an excuse to enforce HB 56 without federal oversight, and dare the feds to do something about it.

    Obama and My People Holder are unwittingly breathing life into the moribund Tenth Amendment with their soft-on-drugs policy. Little do they realize it, but they might turn out to be the most effective champions of states rights since Strom Thurmond and George Wallace.

  3. Heard tell GA passed a law modeled on the AL law.

    As I’ve said time and time again, mexicans, dope smokers, and all sorts of folks get what they want by ignoring the law. White folks need to do the same thing

  4. “White folks need to do the same thing”

    Not follow Christ, but rather copy the mexicans, dope smokers, etc. who “get what they want,” to get ahead?

    There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the end thereof….

  5. Be like the non-whites, but with more and better weapons. Might determines right. In reality, unlike religious fantasy, the Goliaths always win.

  6. Whites need to do what works. Grow a set of balls for once in your life. Nothing about ignoring laws that are destroying our people is anti Christian but if you keep rendering unto Caesar there will be no Whites in america left to restore.

    Your pointless in every topic. I didn’t say smoke dope or the like, but recommend
    Whites ignore affirmative action laws, fair housing laws, deny non Whites their “rights” use jury nullification to ensure Whites don’t get jail time defending White interests etc. But by all means keep doing all the things you’ve been doing. Hell it worked perfectly until now. White folks in this nation are in great shape and have no need to change strategy and tactics.

    Your are a fool or die hard supporter of BRA.

  7. Oh, we’re great supporters of “BRA” (catchy lusty term) and have no desire, and see no need to engage in politics.

  8. Don’t be confused. Two previous comments are ironic.

    “Pointless in every topic” — for those who will not see.

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