About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. My favorite small town Jews of all time was Otto Mears. Look him up. He was certainly one of the best representatives of his people in modern times. He was also an orphan, so that may have had something to do with it.

  2. It’s extremely difficult for me to imagine such a thing as a Good Jew, so totally have these, if they ever existed, been eclipsed by their lying, deceiving, thieving, scheming, warmongering, power-hungry, totalitarian, murdering brethren. After several decades of increasing anger at increasing discoveries and observations, I’m obliged to say that a good Jew is a Jew who has not had the opportunity to be bad. Building roads sounds like a good thing. So does building hospitals (Milken’s choice).

  3. “More Jews live in the South today than ever before. But today those Jews are almost all living in the region’s cities. Smaller communities…have really undergone a significant decline. From the early 19th century, Jews built synagogues alongside the cotton fields and plantation houses of the Deep South. Today, the vibrant communities they built are dwindling down to their final members. Yet even now, many of these Jews bask in a certain aura of accumulated high regard….”

    What do we learn from this? (1) There has been a brain and money drain from the rural plantation setting into the southern metropolitan areas, where the money is now. (2) The “golden circle” economy of cotton, tobacco, and slaves or sharecroppers that they helped found and manage, for which they are remembered so fondly by some, has been replaced by the economy of Globalism.

    The OD thesis is that the troubles of the “Southrons” are caused by the Anglo-Celtic and German “damnyankee” white people born and bred north of the Line — and that only full separation from the anti-Southron malevolence of northern whites can make it possible for a multicultural (Jewish, Anglo-Celt, African, French and Spanish) Southron paradise to flourish again.

  4. After the parasites kill the host they move on to greener pastures. LOL.

    A good way to tell that a Southern institution has lost its way, is when they put Jews on the Board of Directors!

    Also, I wouldn’t assume that anyone with common Germanic surname is a Jew, nor would I assume that anyone with a Biblical first name or middle name is a Jew. It was a common practice to pick names out of the Bible for first names and middle names in the 18th & 19th century.

  5. “I wouldn’t assume that anyone with common Germanic surname is a Jew”

    Good point, and so with any other ethnic name. All names are possible.

  6. A key indicator of NON- Anti-Christ-ness is not having a more-likely-to-be-white- sounding name, but that someone truly “lives out” (not only claims to believe) the Christian faith. Anti-Christ-ness and Christ-likeness are distinct and incompatible.

  7. This post is an excellent example of the OD position, that white “Yankees” are the true enemy, the destroyers of Southron civilisation.

    Re: “A good way to tell that a Southern institution has lost its way, is when they put Jews on the Board of Directors!”

    Are you referring to Benjamin Judah?

  8. I’ve mentioned this before, the bitterest ante-bellum political enemy of Jefferson Davis was Judah Benjamin.

    Even today there are people who think that the Jews are hyper sensitive race of violin players.

  9. 3% “WASPs” in NYC. But where’s the article on that?

    Where’s the warning to the descendants of the founders that they just shouldn’t go there? They are increasingly not in the south, either.

  10. Biological anti-semitism was a non-starter in the South because the land had a solid Anglican heritage which left no reason to feel threatened by Jews. The Jew as a religious creature should be casually disdained, not frothed against.

    A Danish study in 2008 demonstrated that Anglicans/Episcopalians/Anglo-Catholics have higher IQ’s than Jews. Anti-semitism is a vulgar german import via Lutheranism that finds a home in gutter, low-IQ congregations.


    Google “intelligence religiosity nexus” to download more information in pdf (nyborg.pdf) form.

  11. Basically Jews don’t care if you accept “6 million” or deny the holocaust completely. They just want to be the center of attention. It’s easier for the sheeny object to catch the eye of a lowchurchman steeped in the “regulative principle of worship”; his faith is a barren altar before a cold germanic godhead, almost anything is a welcome diversion. The Anglican and to a greater extent, the Catholic refuse the Jew the primacy he desires.

  12. It’s true.

    Southern Jews weren’t notable for their antagonism toward slavery and segregation. There were Jewish mayors of Montgomery and Selma that enforced the Jim Crow laws.

  13. I’ve mentioned this before, the bitterest ante-bellum political enemy of Jefferson Davis was Judah Benjamin.

    Rubbish. Judah Benjamin was one of Jefferson Davis’ most capable cabinet members. In the end he didn’t leave the country without permission from Davis.

    If there are any good southern folk that are interested in getting back to their high church roots I recommend the website of “Royal Cello”, a monarchist celloist and convert to conservative Anglicanism.


  14. Episcopalians, Jews, Unitarians, and Methodists (and also, yes, Lutherans, according to the study results you posted) — who are more likely to be agnostic or atheistic, or at least not especially religious — all happen to be more intelligent, on average, than Disciples of Christ, Pentecostals, and Baptists. Other studies show similar results:

    “Atheists scored 1.95 IQ points higher than Agnostics, 3.82 points higher than Liberal persuasions, and 5.89 IQ points higher than Dogmatic persuasions. I’m not saying that believing in God makes you dumber. My hypothesis is that people with a low intelligence are more easily drawn toward religions, which give answers that are certain, while people with a high intelligence are more skeptical….” http://www.atheistnexus.org/profiles/blogs/the-strong-correlation-between

    Someone did a study proving that Presbyterians are the most intelligent religious group, a good fit with their belief that “signs of election” show they are the predestinated “elect.”

  15. Jews are busy screwing over blacks so as to make their sunk costs in real estate hold up in value. Now we get gay black basketball scrub shoved in the World Wide Hip Hop demographic’s face as the face of the good black man. And they deserve it.

    As for no-man and his contention about christianity, wrong. I’m 50 and within my life christianity will be no more popular amongst ‘Murikan white men than it is in Sweden. Basically christianity is becoming a foot washing cult with white men as the marks/suckers in that whole gag.

  16. Conservative Latinist monarchist cellist?

    What Latinist monarchism, and Jewish-Latinist cooperationists are conserving is entirely different from the true conservatism of “cold germanic godhead and barren altar”-worshipping, “peasant-notion-of-freedom”-loving, so-called “helots.”

  17. Great article – makes me sad. Many of my stepdad’s (a pillar of white society in Montgomery once upon a time) good friends were Jewish, particularly a wonderful journalist from Selma.

    I think it’s hard for non-southerners to understand the relative lack of antagonism that southern whites have for Jews – I’ve seen it on so many forums. But, decades ago, jews were much more integrated into (to use that odious phrase) the southern community, a community defined chiefly by religious faith, the cornerstone of southern culture. It certainly didn’t mean that everyone was all up in everyone else’s business (like Mr. Dees and his ilk today) – it meant that everyone recognized everyone else as a god-fearing southern gentleman (or lady), and that’s what really mattered.

  18. “decades ago, jews were much more integrated into (to use that odious phrase) the southern community, a community defined chiefly by religious faith, the cornerstone of southern culture (…) everyone recognized everyone else as a god-fearing southern”:

    Everyone is god-fearing, all integrated in the supposed religion of “Judeo-Christianity”?

  19. That’s a fact. The ante-bellum animosity between Jefferson Davis, and, Judah Benjamin was so bad, that they nearly fought a duel, but, Judah Benjamin backed down in typical Jew style.

    It’s true that Jews were so scarce in the South, that most White men had never seen a Jew, or someone they could identify as a Jew. All they knew about the Jews was what they read in the Bible.

  20. Benjamin didn’t back down, the conflict was resolved when Davis apologized. This is common knowledge. Judah Benjamin was a hero of the South that went on to become a well respected barrister in Britain that presided over a case that saw British refusal to turn over Confederate funds to victorious Union creditors.

  21. “A Danish study in 2008 demonstrated that Anglicans/Episcopalians/Anglo-Catholics have higher IQ’s than Jews. Anti-semitism is a vulgar german import via Lutheranism that finds a home in gutter, low-IQ congregations.”

    No- Man, you’re newer here, and so, perhaps can be forgive your gross ignorance on matters religious, racial, and covenantal. Especially when it comes to the enemies of my race, the Whites of Christendom. I don’t know you yet, to make the assumption that they are YOUR race as well.

    First off, however. The term ‘semite’ does not, and cannot apply to Jews.
    From Rev. 2:8,9 and St. John’s Gospel, John 8:44, we learn that the Church (and the Messiah) considered the ‘Jews’ (as they are now called) to be both a) non-Israelites, and b) false religionists. Secondly, in this vein, the works of Benjamin Freedman, Arthur Koestler, and Schlomo Sand (all self-confessed ‘Jews’ – and one a Nobel Laureate) clearly have pointed out the same fact- Jews are not Semites, they are not even Judeans- as that term should be translated in the KJV, and for which mistranslation, over the last 400 years, the sons of the Khazarian Kagan, or the Sephardim have used to great advantage, in forestalling criticism of their accursed race. Thirdly, Luther had a Doctorate, and was a University professor. So, his ‘german narrow-mindedness’ doesnt’ stick, in that he used the very doctors and saints in his disputations against the might of Medieval Rome- and won.

    If the Jews aren’t ‘semites,’ therefore, there can be no such thing as ‘anti-semitism.’
    That term also (like Trotsky’s ‘racism’) are merely CUDGELS used to keep White Adamites of Christendom from seeing the Jew as the Kike he is.

    Have a good day.

  22. “all integrated in the supposed religion of “Judeo-Christianity”?”

    (See above)

    there is NOTHING ‘Judeo’ in Christianity, whatsoever.
    Hebraic, yes.
    But Jewish? Nyet.

  23. HW- one good thing (if you can see it) is that, when the Secession arrives, we won’t have to kick the Jews (and their usury, and sexual perversions) out with the Blacks.

    They will have already gone- and the demolition of the SPLC buildings can proceed on apace- 9/11 style. Fighting fire… with fire, as it were.


  24. “most White men had never seen a Jew, or someone they could identify as a Jew”

    More likely the latter than the former.

  25. “They will have already gone”

    Note that the article reports they are increasing in the southern states, not decreasing except in “brain-drained, backwater” rural farm communities.

  26. Note that the article reports they are increasing in the southern states, not decreasing except in “brain-drained, backwater” rural farm communities.

    And increasingly yankee-poisoned 😉

  27. Why the heck would Jefferson Davis apologize to Judah Benjamin for comments made about Davis by Judah Benjamin? That doesn’t make any sense!

    Judah Benjamin was Jew scum of the worst kind, and, he got out of the defeated Confederacy with the help of members of his tribe, and many believe he also took what was left of the Confederate treasury with him into exile in England where he lived the good life as you note.

    Never, never trust a Jew.

  28. Fill in a few gaps here.

    Benjamin provided pensions for various Confederates after the war. including Davis’s family.

    He was a Barrister and made his money from the Bar. Of which he gave quite generously to his Southern colleagues. One must have a career after a war, and Benjamin would have probably been executed by Unionists.

    He retired to Paris and is buried there at Pere La Chaise.

  29. “From the early 19th century, Jews built synagogues alongside the cotton fields and plantation houses of the Deep South.”

    Sephardic Jews ran the slave-trade and were too few in number to take over the existing elite.

    It’s only with the mass immigration of Ashkenazi Jews from the 1880s onwards that they had the numbers to consider replacing the existing elite and only after the abolition of slavery that they could use slavery as a divide and rule weapon against white people without harming the interests of Jewish slave traders.

  30. Jews are the Spawn of SATAN, and I’m a CELT.

    I’m glad the Jews of the South are dying off. Jews everywhere should follow their lead. I don’t believe a word they utter, though…..Yankee Jews are moving like locusts into SC – so I wouldn’t start sitting shiva just yet….

  31. Gayle- I am not in the South. I am an unreconstructed Yankee, who now understands all too well the Utopian, Unitarian nature of the North, and how the South was destroyed for an ideology that had no more of Christianity in it, than does the modern Moloch state.

    (Though I am trying for a job in the South, God willing- where, (I gather) there are more sane individuals who are willing to call a spade a ‘spade’ and who don’t care for ‘what man thinketh.’

  32. “Jews of the South are dying off”

    The article in Forward indicates they are “disappearing” from some places, by moving to others, within the same region.

  33. Jews were funding, aiding, and abetting the Communist (another word for “Jew”) “Civil Wrongs legislation. Theres’ very strong indication that Lincoln was a Kike.

    You guys can’t see the viper in your bosom.

  34. He retired to Paris and is buried there at Pere Lachaise…”

    really? I’ll bring along a jar of urine next time I am in Paris, to bless this son of Edom’s grave. This is all Jews are good for- to be P*ssed on.

    Anathema sit.

  35. I would hurry Fr. it seems the French are passively allowing the mooslims to judenfrei their once fair land. And I doubt there will be too many jewish cemetaries untouched after the Momos take care of business while the remaining french take vacation.

  36. The reason that there was so little anti-Semitism in the South is because from the earliest times Jews had been accepted into the establishment in lots of Southern cities (i.e., Birmingham, Montgomery, Selma, New Orleans, etc.) and never mounted any organized challenge to the South’s racial customs.

    Now, the Jews are peddling the false idea that they were victims of discrimination like the blacks, when that was never the case, at least in the South.

  37. So the mayor of Selma was a jew and pretty nice guy too wow that settles jews are A-OK in my book from now on.Oh by the way I know this black guy at my job he is a really nice guy never raped or killed anybody goes bowling and likes heavy metal music I am sure you now admit that because this one black is a nice guy and there would be no problem in having blacks taking over the South and marrying your daughters. What more proof you need then one persons experience with one black to turn you whole society upside down.

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