About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Lil Wayne” is a native of the south. I think he is Louisiana stock. His descendants were brought here by southerners in the slavery years.

  2. Without southern based slavery, Lil Wayne would not be here. He would be living in a mud hut surviving on a diet of road kill and insects, in his homeland, Africa.
    Had the south simply tended their own cash crops and cleaned their own homes, we would not have nigger scum like Lil Wayne in the US.

  3. Nah, not really, Hunter. My family emigrated from Germany post civil war.
    It’s your people that fought to keep them.

  4. Hunter:

    Lil Wayne is a fellow Southerner your families have lived side by side together for hundreds of years you much prefer his company to some damn white Yankees with all dem city slicker ways.

    • Yankees came here and killed hundreds of thousands of White Southerners so that America could have its “New Birth of Freedom” in which Lil” Wayne would be your equal and fellow citizen.

      They even went through the trouble of rewriting the Constitution at gunpoint to make that happen. After the war, they banned segregation and repealed all their own anti-miscegenation laws, so that even their women could be integrated with their fellow Americans.

      All the “Civil Rights Movement” did in the 1960s was impose the North’s social system on the South which had existed there since the 1870s.

  5. I think Lil Wayne is worth over a hundred million dollars. He’s done quite well for a southern boy.
    He is a son of the south. A good ole boy from Louisiana.

  6. “He is a son of the south. A good ole boy from Louisiana.”

    Yes, and if we had it our way he would still be out working in the field where he belongs with the other farm animals. Only thing they’ve ever been fit for.

    Now you can see why we don’t like yankees. They actually consider these beasts their equals. Killed a bunch of white people just to turn them loose. How stupid can you be?

    Deo Vindice

    • As Lincoln said, their nation was based on the “proposition” that Lil’ Wayne was their equal, and Stephens said ours was based on exactly the opposite idea:

      “Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

      Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.”

  7. The Brits and Latins enslaved them before the South, we inherited it. Some idiots have this false notion that the South owned all the slave ships and created the trans-Atlantic slave trade in North America, wrong.

    Do you really think Yankees and Southerners would have created the slave trade if Europeans didn’t? It would have never happened.

    When James Oglethorpe founded the Georgia colony he banned slavery. He founded Georgia for Britain’s worthy poor as a model agrarian society that would preserve and nourish fundamental principles of the British nation, principles he believed were being eroded by urbanization and social disintegration. Reminds me of MacDonald’s comments on the hobbits of LOTR.

    The Portuguese were the first to exploit the “free labor” of black Africans, and then other Europeans followed suit.

    As to the video, he’s a stupid nigger, like his audience. I expect them to be petty criminals and disrespectful, littering, loitering, being loud and obnoxious, acting like the subhumans that they are.

  8. Yes, and if we had it our way he would still be out working in the field where he belongs with the other farm animals. Only thing they’ve ever been fit for.

    Niggers as field hands lost their usefulness a long time ago. They’re outdated farm equipment. We should have finished what we started with the Liberia project.

  9. Supply and demand. The south wanted niggers and they were subsequently shipped to the south. Lack of foresight and ignorance is the southern way.
    But, blame Yankees for your mistakes.
    The Yankees you blame, who are they?
    You all lost the war over a hundred and fifty years ago.
    It fascinates me how you people are stuck in a time warp.

  10. It’s funny when niggers tell on themselves. Lil Wayne’s 8th album is titled I Am Not a Human Being (2010).

  11. The modern world will walk all over you as you complain about a war that you lost a hundred and fifty years ago.
    Transplants and Mexicans are the new southerners and what do you do? Complain about Lincoln and the civil war.

  12. Of course the Civil War was started because Southern slaveholders wanted to spread their darkies all over the United States so they could out compete White men doing honest labor, when they failed in this endeavor they left the Union ,seeing that the USA today would be less than three percent black if we would have let you go,fighting the Civil War was the North’s biggest mistake.

  13. Those honest “White men” made sure to repeal the anti-miscegenation laws in Iowa and Kansas for the negroes would feel more welcome there. Some of them like John Brown were willing to die for negro equality.

    The South seceded from Union because the North had lost its mind. In seceding from the Union, the South relinquished its claim to (most) of the West.

  14. Read Lincoln’s words.

    You were dedicated to the idea that negroes were your equals. You were willing to die to emancipate your fellow negro Americans. You even made John Brown’s body your national anthem as the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

  15. “testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.”

    It’s rather obvious that the South couldn’t endure it, it being Yankee tyranny, that’s why we wanted to secede.

    No mentally healthy individual wants to endure living around third-worlders as their equals. Typically it’s only bleeding-heart liberals who live apart from them in gated communities while preaching diversity.

  16. I was dedicated?
    Hunter, you have no idea what your saying. I or my kin have never supported anything negro. You need to travel some. Have you ever left the south?
    It’s a big world outside of Dixie.

  17. The southern ethnocentric view of the outside world is the key to understanding the single minded ignorance of the region.
    By southern logic, everyone above the mason dixon line is a fanatical liberal.
    Ignorance at its finest.

  18. Exactly what are you trying to prove, Sean?
    That you are better than somebody else, or what?

    Deo Vindice

  19. Not in the least, Apuleius.
    I get tired of Northern Men being blamed for southern failure.
    Aside from that, you all are righteous Men.

  20. The repealing of the anti miscegenation laws was wrong but it had nothing to do with love of the Negro or a desire to make him an equal it’s just too much bother to turn your whole society upside down to oppress a people who make up less than two percent of the populace who most White people have a firm instinct to avoid. Living in a normal nearly all White society means you can let your guard down a little and breathe a little a 2 percent black population still poses a long term genetic threat and should be remove but in the short and medium term it’s no biggie.

  21. Hunter Wallace says:

    ‘My mom was born in Austria.’


    Your mother was born in Hitler’s homeland?

    Stonelifter is gonna be so pissed.

    Didn’t he say that Southerners who didn’t have family roots going back three generations should be expelled from the new Southron nation?

    What was her maiden name? Greta Von Hoffmeister or something like that? LOL

    Wait! I could be way off base.

    Or maybe … Goldstein?

  22. “Stonelifter is gonna be so pissed. Didn’t he say that Southerners who didn’t have family roots going back three generations should be expelled from the new Southron nation?”

    – I wouldn’t worry about ol’ Stonelifter. Stonelifter expelled himself. He split for Eastern Europe.

  23. “Not in the least, Apuleius.
    I get tired of Northern Men being blamed for southern failure.
    Aside from that, you all are righteous Men.”

    Let me make an announcement for you.
    Feel better?

    Now we can get back to talking about how niggers like Little Wayne are not our equals and need to be put back on a leash, and of course, how badly we need to get away from the innocent yankees.

    How’s that for righteous? Did I do good?

    Deo Vindice

  24. My pal Sammy, master of the personal attack, desperately seizing upon any personal details he can find out! What a courageous fellow.

    Sorry boys, stonelifter is gone from here. Must take even more courage to argue against someone who isn’t even here to defend himself. Are you jackals or men?

    Prussiancroat, shouldn’t you be off slaughtering Serbs instead of worrying yourself over negro oppression?

    Angry, bitter, sociopaths with nothing better to do.
    The SPLC could always use some extra help.
    Oh wait, I forgot you all are scared of Jews.

    Deo Vindice

  25. You all are lucky HW finds your idiocy amusing.
    You three really belong in the tard corral.

    Deo Vindice

  26. Why else would you deliberately ban segregation, repeal your black codes, integrate your public schools, repeal your anti-miscegenation laws and make the negro a citizen with all the same rights – rewrite the Constitution, and even put them in charge of five Southern states – unless you really believed all that Yankee bullshit about freedom and equality?

  27. The New Englanders were not so evil as tended to be believed, the so called damnyankees were during the war betwixt the states very similar to Southerners nowadays. Lest not be forgotten that the North was invaded by foreign races long before the South(lest you count the negros) and that southerners such as Thomas Jefferson destroyed the Yankees economy. Forget not that their children were stolen to public education centers for propaganda and be none to hasty to also not realize that varying lands can have radically different wants and desires. This Union by the Constitution which acted as a Trojan horse for centralized goverment was the impetus for all degrees of friction between regions and it not Yankees was the reason for the war of northern aggression.

  28. I really like all these guys. They are just motivated by Yankee Pride. There is something wrong with you if you don’t believe that your ethnic group is better than everyone else. That’s a healthy sentiment. You see it over in Europe.

  29. Hunter Wallace says:

    ‘As far as I know, I am not related to Big Von. My ancestry is Welsh/English/German.’

    Didn’t think you were. Just toying with ya.

  30. Hunter, I must say I respect your equanimity and grace.
    Both are qualities that I wish that I possessed.

    Deo Vindice

  31. Apuleius

    Prussiancroat shouldn’t you be slaughtering Serbs

    I’ll get to it I’ll get to it nag nag nag you are worse than my wife. By the way aren’t you due to visit the back of the slave quarters your quota of mulatto slaves was off last year.

  32. Mark says:

    It’s funny when niggers tell on themselves. Lil Wayne’s 8th album is titled I Am Not a Human Being (2010).

    That is so funny, because when I was watching the video the first thing I thought was that Lil Wayne acts like nothing more than a hairless jungle monkey.

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