About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. They were fatally undermined in Portugal. Just like the pied noirs in Algeria were fatally undermined in France and the Rhodesians were fatally undermined in Britain.

  2. Southerners in SC, FL, LA and MS were outnumbered by their slaves but ruled those States until the USA imposed democracy and equality upon them. Leftist Americans destroyed the pro-White government of the South, just as Leftists in Portugal, England and France destroyed pro-White governments in southern Africa and the New World. What is interesting is that the nearly all White societies of the USA, England, Portugal and France (at that time) supported the anti-White policies, while Dixie and the colonies mentioned above fought to maintain their pro-White policies.

  3. There would have been no room for undermining if the issue of African labor, and the resultant demographic calamity it ultimately created, hadn’t been part of the equation in the first place.

  4. It wasn’t part of the equation in the Northern states, Britain, France, Portugal, the Netherlands and other areas where the battle was lost and where the policies that were imposed on the peripheral areas were formulated.

  5. The real calamity was not demographics (creating thriving, White-run societies in areas of the world that had been devoid of civilization) but rather the outside-imposed policies of democracy and equality which all-White societies forced upon the White minority-run societies. The real enemy of White people were the White Leftists of the all-White societies. That has not changed. Look at the stark difference in racial views and voting patterns of Mississippi and Vermont, for example. The nearly all-White people of Vermont are enemies of White people, by and large, while the proportionately much smaller White population of MS is far more pro-White.

  6. Exactly.

    The calamities that befell the Belgian Congo, for example, were caused by Brussels which capitulated to decolonization and democratic elections after France threw Algeria and the rest of Francophone West Africa under the bus. The order came from the top down.

  7. The real calamity was not demographics . . ..

    For all the talk of the white nationalists about white greatness, it’s ironic that they think one Western outpost after another was overthrown by sub-Saharan Africans.

  8. “Southerners in SC, FL, LA, and MS were outnumbered by their slaves but ruled those states until the USA imposed democracy and equality on them.”

    – This after losing a war with the USA which those states initiated. Be thankful you weren’t all made into slaves yourselves — an historically common fate for the defeated in war. As things go, the USA spared you people from ending up like the French in Haiti. So put it away already.

    “…while Dixie and the colonies above fought to maintain their pro-White policies.”

    – Oh get off your martyrs cross, Palmetto. You people don’t deserve a single tear. There was NOTHING “pro-white” about Southern or Colonial society. “Pro-white” sure as hell isn’t choosing the greedy, short-sighted option of cheap nigger labor, over white labor at a fair wage — something that would have created demographic dividends in the form of national stability in the long term. Pro-white sure as hell isn’t encouraging indolence and self-entitlement at the expense of learning the value of hard work.

    The disgusting societal arraignment that you alternately champion and grieve for, was as ANTI-white as is possible.

  9. Palmetto Patriot offers a diagnosis. Long Live Dixie corroborates, backhandedly. What is the remedy?

  10. “The calamities that befell the Belgian Congo, for example, were caused by Brussels which capitulated to decolonization and democratic elections”

    Of course, the first real calamity to befall the Belgian Congo was when the Belgian King Leopold murdered half of Congo’s population in a genocide that resembled the Holocaust. The second real calamity was when the democratically elected leader Lumumba was overthrown in a coup supported by the CIA and the Belgian government, and replaced with the dictator Mobutu Sese Seko who stole virtually all of the nation’s wealth for his own personal use.

    • That’s absurd.

      The Belgian Congo was thriving in the 1950s. The country was making rapid economic progress when it was decolonized. As for Patrice Lumumba, he embroiled himself in the Cold War conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, and military coups and the extortion of wealth by a predatory elite was the norm in sub-Saharan Africa at that time.

  11. There was never a “genocide” in the Congo (an organized attempt to eradicate some specific African tribe) … well, at least until the Tutsis chased the Hutus into the eastern Congo during the fallout from the Rwandan genocide.

  12. There was never a “genocide” in the Congo (an organized attempt to eradicate some specific African tribe)

    Well, then, why don’t you tell us what did go on there, Mr. Wallace?

  13. Blacks genociding others is so common place, that no one ever brings it up. There are no organized groups attempting to brainwash black children into feeling guilty for crimes they did not commit. There are no organized groups telling black people and everyone else that blacks are eternally guilty for crimes, committed hundreds of years in the past.

    This is only ever done to White people and IMO it is a racial incitement against us. They are not anti-racist they are anti-White.

  14. Granger III:

    Schools teach about American history, not African history. In America, whites enslaved blacks, not the other way around.

  15. @E C
    “Schools teach about American history, not African history. In America, whites enslaved blacks, not the other way around.”

    No one in Africa or Asia blames Asians or Africans, for genocides committed hundred of years in the past. This is only done in White countries. Only White children are targets.

    My point stands. It is incitement against White people, by so called “anti-racists”.

  16. The Belgians had no interest in exterminating Congolese tribes and replacing them with their own people.

    There were only a handful of Belgians operating in the Congo – the Royal Geographic Society was still mapping the place – during the time of the Congo Free State. Forced labor was used to extract rubber, ivory, copper and other natural resources to build up the economy.

    By 1960, a land of savages had been elevated to airports, electricity, running water, automobiles, roads, hospitals, and so on. The place was thriving when it was decolonized in 1960. It was thriving to such an extent that the world was shocked when it fell apart so rapidly.

    Nothing that happens in the Congo shocks anyone today.

  17. It’s because the Africans raised taxes too much, and over-regulated business.

    And yet the cold, hard fact of the matter is Mozambique today is wealthier than it was during Portuguese rule. There’s no question the country went through some hard times after independence in the mid-70s, what with the commitment to communist ideology and all that. But a corner was turned some 15-20 years ago (give or take) and things since then have most certainly been on the up and up. One may attribute that to investment pouring in from outside, but that really just shows that it doesn’t take a huge amount of guidance to get Africans headed in the right direction once they’re willing to be guided.

    Now, this is all rather meaningless to an aristocrat-wannabe like Greg Hood. He’s not in the slightest part interested in the common desires of common people – neither those of his own race nor those of other races – to better their lives in whatever ways, small or large, they can. He has another set of priorities completely apart. But if one does care about the welfare of the common man, and if one understands the contribution that “pro-people social systems” have made to that welfare, then then one is justified in taking an optimistic view of goings on in Africa.

  18. Hunter, if hotels are your thing, weep for the fate the old Grand Hotel Mozambique you may, but check this out:


    And rest of Maputo isn’t falling to bits either. http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=1446879&page=26

    These threads typically showcase the nicest parts of town. Other parts of the city I’m sure are horrifically rundown, but these are seldom displayed. Still, the exercise demonstrates that the very worst assumptions about Africa that WNs make are unfounded.

    • There are fabulous tourist resorts in Jamaica and the Bahamas, but those areas aren’t representative of the quality of life of the average black person in either country.

  19. Schools teach about American history, not African history. In America, whites enslaved blacks, not the other way around.

    EC, don’t play dumb. History in schools isn’t taught for history’s sake. It’s moral indoctrination. It’s all well and good to want better-functioning citizens, but the effect of what has been taking place is that whites learn to feel permanently miserable about themselves while blacks feel justified in permanently hating whites. That’s hardly fair. Just what would be wrong with teaching that if genocide is the horrific wrong that we all agree it is it’s something that every group on earth is capable of and many of which (besides whites) have committed?

  20. Hunter, if the standard is GDP per capita, then yes, I’m sure. I’ve confirmed it from multiple sources. There was a long slide from the mid-70s to the mid-90s. But colonial era per capita production was matched about 2000, and since then has been considerably exceeded. It’s a common pattern in much of Africa. There’s little reason to expect that Africans will ever match whites, but there’s also little reason to assume Africans have hit the limits of their productive capacity.

  21. I suppose that working people to death like animals is not genocide at the same level as Hitler, but it is separated by only one degree. Think concentration camps without the gas chambers.

    Regarding the modern era: if Lumumba had remained in power, Congo could have invested the proceeds from its mineral wealth into building its infrastructure and providing social services to its people. The country could easily have evolved into a modern-day Botswana, and perhaps even into a Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately, Mobutu ended up stealing the wealth for his own personal accounts, and now the militias that control the copper, cobalt, and coltan mines are doing the same.

  22. “No one in Africa or Asia blames Asians or Africans, for genocides committed hundred of years in the past.”

    How do you know that schools in Africa or Asia do not teach about their own past genocides?

    Also, slavery ended less than 160 years ago. Its end came through the bloodiest war in American history. Prior to that, it was central to the Southern economy and to Southern society. It is therefore a very important subject for schoolchildren to learn.

  23. Think concentration camps without the gas chambers.

    In other words, think of what was actually the case, since there weren’t any gas chambers. (Of course, there’s a chance there may have been, but since you feel justified in claiming there were when the weight of evidence and logic suggests that there weren’t, I can feel many times more justified in speaking as though there definitely weren’t.)

  24. Re: E C

    1.) Please tell us the specific Congolese tribes – presumably, half the entire population of the Congo – which were targeted for extermination under the Congo Free State.

    2.) When the Congo Free State existed, Europeans like Henry Morton Stanley were still mapping the region. There were only a handful of Europeans in an area the size of Western Europe and the ones who were there didn’t know much about life in the interior away from small little river stations.

    3.) The only way in which the Congo Free State is reminiscent of the Holocaust is the lack of evidence supporting ridiculous assertions of genocide.

    4.) If Lumumba had remained in power, there is no reason to believe that Congo would have turned out any differently from Angola, Ethiopia, Guinea, Tanzania, the Republic of Congo and the rest of the Soviet Union’s satellites in Africa.

    5.) Sub-Saharan Africa including the Congo is littered with infrastructure projects like the Inga Dams on the Congo River or the Volta River Dam in Ghana.

    6.) Lots of failed African states like Tanzania and Burkina Faso have provided social services for the people.

    7.) It’s a myth that Mobutu stole all of Congo’s wealth and hid it away in Swiss banks. It would be more accurate to say he was the top thief in a country of thieves which systematically devoured the country’s economy like a horde of locusts.

  25. Is this due to foreign companies extracting natural resources along the lines of Angola or Equatorial Guinea?

    It hasn’t played as large a role as in those countries.

    There are fabulous tourist resorts in Jamaica and the Bahamas, but those areas aren’t representative of the quality of life of the average black person in either country.

    Well of course they’re not representative. But you posted the rundown grand hotel, suggesting that they weren’t even capable of maintaining such a property. The pics I posted prove they can.

  26. Chris313 replies with his usual insults and attacks on the Southern people. I have come to expect nothing less from him. He offers nothing. Notice, for example, that writes: ‘This after losing a war with the USA which those states initiated. Be thankful you weren’t all made into slaves yourselves — an historically common fate for the defeated in war.’ Not only is his historical analysis extremely poor, he pompously advances the notion that we should be ‘thankful’ that the all-White society of the USA at the time didn’t make White slaves of us. This truly is alien thinking. A racially-based plantation society such as Dixie would never produce such thinking. He then moralizes that our social arrangement which brought about great wealth and civilization and put Africans to productive use was ‘disgusting’ and ‘anti-White.’ lol Only a hater of the South and civilization could come to such a conclusion. Everything about Chris313’s comments are alien to us. What is truly disgusting is that he attacks pro-White historical regimes and the advancement of White civilization while defending the odious USA – which is the most anti-White regime in history.

  27. E C says:
    June 26, 2013 at 9:05 am

    “How do you know that schools in Africa or Asia do not teach about their own past genocides?”

    There are no government programs targeting non-White children, forcing collective racial guilt on them for crimes they did not do, inciting other races against them, while deliberately flooding their lands with unending millions of people that are not their race, until they become minorities.

    These programs are found each and every White country and only in White countries. It is called “diversity” and we are supposed to celebrate our people being blended out of existence forever.

    Asia will still be Asian, Africa will still be African. Only White people will disappear in the name of “anti-racism”.

    If you wish to find exceptions to this rule, then please list them. No White country anywhere is allowed to remain White.

  28. 1) No specific tribes were targeted. The forced labor system applied to all of King Leopold’s holdings in Congo.

    2) As you acknowledged, the river basin was well-known. This is where the atrocities took place.

    3) Here is another good article about this topic:

    4) We do not know what would have happened under Lumumba, but it certainly could not have been worse than under Mobutu. Given Congo’s mineral wealth, it could have easily become the richest country in Africa. As an example of the importance of Congolese minerals: 80% of the world’s supply of coltan, the critical substance in cell phone capacitors, comes from the Congo.

    5) A few dams do not constitute adequate infrastructure. In order to develop, a country needs to establish a extensive and well-maintained system of roads and rail lines that interconnect all parts of the nation, an electric grid that extends to rural areas, etc. One of the key factors behind Botswana’s prosperity is its good system of roads. Well-built schools and hospitals are also essential, which brings us to:

    6) No country can develop without a system of basic primary schools to teach children literacy, a health care system to minimize the disease burden (essential especially for disease-ridden places such as Africa), and a food distribution systems that ensures that everyone (particularly children) can afford basic nutrition. Not only is solving child malnutrition and illness the morally right thing for a society to do, but doing these things along with solving basic illiteracy are the key ways to improve children’s potential in life.

    7) Nigeria is famous for corruption. It is, however, in much better shape than the Congo despite having much less resource wealth. Mobutu’s kleptocratic reign accounts for at least some of the difference.

  29. “There are no government programs targeting non-White children, forcing collective racial guilt on them for crimes they did not do, inciting other races against them”

    Which government programs do this to white children currently? If you are talking about race-based affirmative action, which targets white adults, then I agree that it is immoral and should be abolished completely.

    “while deliberately flooding their lands with unending millions of people that are not their race”

    This criticism could be valid for Europe, but not America.

    In the 1840s and 1850s, there were many WASPs who said the same thing about Irish immigrants. Nativists in the late 19th and early 20th century said that about Southern and Eastern European immigrants. Here’s the point: America has always been a nation of immigrants. There is nothing in the Constitution or Declaration of Independence that establishes America as a “white” or “Anglo-Protestant” country. Having said this, I realize that the South has always been the exception to the “nation of immigrants” concept, and the Anglo-Protestant old-stock is still the dominant non-black ethnic group there.

    Also, Eastern Europe is a pretty good exception to the trend of non-European immigrants coming to European countries.

  30. “Which government programs do this to white children currently? ”

    Why are you asking for specifics when everyone is subject to these programs? Are we living on different worlds? lol This question is clearly to waste my time.

    “This criticism could be valid for Europe, but not America. ”

    America was 90% White in 1965 and like all White countries, was opened without a vote or discussion allowed. You don’t get to justify genocide against White people, based on where they live.

    And your last comment about WASPS has nothing to do with the genocide of Whites.

    “Also, Eastern Europe is a pretty good exception to the trend of non-European immigrants coming to European countries.”

    So you have the last remaining White countries in the world, on your mind! What a coincidence, anti-White!

    Eastern Europe has been asked regular as clock work for years, “when it will be ready for this immigration”. Only now are they opening up due to this pressure from your anti-White friends.

    As I said, no exceptions are allowed. Asia will still be Asian, Africa will still be African. Only White people will disappear..

    And I see you don’t care about this Genocide. You could only not care, because you hate Whites. So why am I talking to you?

  31. What did I tell you all about Southerners being smeared with the WWII German tar baby??? Once you accept the one-sided story we’ve been fed for 60+ years, you surrender the moral highground.

    Hey Marxist, egalitarian cockroach E.C., without slavery you will get no Western style progress, that benefits all, in Africa. The European’s only mistake was accepting the white man’s burden in the first place.
    And no, blacks have never freed themselves except in Haiti, and how did that turn out??

    Always it was egalitarian white nut are destroying their bretheren through democrazy and equality.

    Now every time there is a war with civilian casualties it’s “genocide”. Give me a break! War sucks!

  32. @Wayne says:
    “And no, blacks have never freed themselves except in Haiti, and how did that turn out??”

    He has no clue, because they don’t teach real history in “anti-racist” school.

    The answer is the Blacks killed every White man, woman and child in Haiti.

    That is just one of many genocides by non-Whites, that “anti-racists” have sent down the memory hole.

    They only rant about genocide committed by Whites, to incite against Whites. Incite against Whites. Make Whites a minority in all of our own countries and you get what happened in Haiti.

  33. When I was in Haiti the general sentiment of the Haitian people was that they would love for the US to free them from black Haitian rule. They need jobs, medical service, water, food etc. one implement a slavery system to achieve these goals faster

    Before you egalitarian nutjobs start, remember that communism and slavery are pretty much the same.

  34. Slavery isn’t ever coming back Wayne. They only way you will have a slave is if you have a time machine. lol

    Machines are here to stay and they are far better than any slave. You should see the robots on Youtube. They are getting close to the Terminator.

  35. They also conveniently forget about Ghengis Khan, Attila, Ottoman conquest of Asia Minor, and the Moors invasion of Spain. And, oh yeah, that little kosher operation on the Russian people and Ukranians.

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