The Cost of the Union: Gay Day

District of Corruption

As I have been saying, the existence of the Union means that … well, among other things, it means that the U.S. government can record every phone call you make with the permission of a secret federal court in flagrant violation of the U.S. Constitution, the states now have to “dignify” homosexual marriages as being on the same level as Christian marriages, affirmative action can continue to exist indefinitely, and by the end of the week it could mean open borders and amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.

This isn’t a single White Southern Christian on the U.S. Supreme Court that gave us this decision this morning:

“A divided U.S. Supreme Court overturned the federal law that defines marriage as a heterosexual union, saying it violates the rights of married gay couples by denying them government benefits.

The vote on the Defense of Marriage Act was 5-4. Justice Anthony Kennedy joined the four Democratic-appointed justices in the majority.

The law “places same-sex couples in an unstable position of being in a second-tier marriage,” Kennedy wrote for the court. “The differentiation demeans the couple, whose moral and sexual choices the Constitution protects, and whose relationship the state has sought to dignify. …”

Have you seen enough of this degenerate Union? Are you sick of wasting your time trying to “Take Back America”? Join the League of the South.

Note: I swear this is not an OD parody: the governor of Connecticut has raised the rainbow flag in triumph at his official residence.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Today, will go down in history as the day our ALL Catholic & Jew Supreme Court turned America into a homosexual nation.

  2. I do not claim to be an ‘American’ nor do I have any interest in being such a foul thing. The thought of being such fills me with revulsion. You can not be an ‘American’ and a Christian.

  3. There is ultimately no difference between support for Israel and support for gay marriage.

    Confusion of one is confusion of all. Confused people don’t have nations. They are serfs left to wander the earth.

  4. Today doesn’t mean anything really.

    The damage is already done and far gone. Today is just really:

    “Rub their noses in it day”

  5. I haven’t had the opportunity to write about the Voting Rights Act decision yesterday, but the Supreme Court merely struck down the formula that had been used. It did not say that the federal government has no right to interfere and micromanage state elections.

  6. OT:

    Anyone following the Trayvon Martin trial? Pull down some clips, and check our “the prosecution’s” star witness — imagine the most stereotypical, functionally illiterate, < 70 IQ, obese, ghetto black female, multiply by 100, and there you go.

  7. “You missed yesterday’s ruling where the central part of the Voting Rights Act was overturned.” – Congress is still free to impose tyranny, they just have to be a little more even handed about it.

  8. Today, will go down in history as the day our ALL Catholic & Jew Supreme Court turned America into a homosexual nation.

    The Catholic justices voted 4-2 to uphold the Defense of Marriage act, while the Jewish justices voted 3-0 to gut it. Big difference.

    Unlike Earl Butz or No-man, I’m pro-Catholic andpro-Protestant. I’m also pro-Southron and pro-Yankee, pro-American and pro-European, pro-Nord and pro-Med. Basically I’m pro-white, pro-Christian and anti-everybody else. 🙂

    I wish more commenters at this ostensibly honky-friendly website felt the same way. Back when whites were self-confident and all-powerful we could afford to indulge our petty differences. But not anymore. White Christian unity is the sine qua non of any successful movement to reclaim our civilization. United we stand, divided they* win.

    * = The Judeo-Islamic-Afro-Asiatic-Latino-Satanic-LGBTQ Imperium.

  9. Keeping in mind the talk given by Michael last Saturday we can certainly exploit this development among Christians through creating a meme.

    Anyone out there with artistic ability who can turn the Statue of Liberty into the Whore of Babylon?

  10. Jeppo says:

    “I wish more commenters at this ostensibly honky-friendly website felt the same way. Back when whites were self-confident and all-powerful we could afford to indulge our petty differences. But not anymore. White Christian unity is the sine qua non of any successful movement to reclaim our civilization.”

    I have to agree with this. I’m not a Southern Nationalist because I’m not Southern but I don’t rationally see how a renewed South can exist outside of a renewed Occident.

    So where ought we find a basis for White Christian unity? I believe it has to start with a fundamental agreement that one may not support the nation of Israel and call oneself Christian. One doesn’t have to go out and actively seek its destruction. One just has to have a conclusive spiritual stance of of the non-legitimacy of Israel, and when asked, must respond accordingly.

    That is the beginning. Just like it was in the beginning of the beginning.

  11. I’m with Jeppo and Occigent on this. Even though we’re Southron nationalists, we must reach out to like-minded non-Southron whites of good will. We’re not the only ones sick of the Union. I know that people out West are teed off about BRA too.

    White Christian unity, like Occigent mentions, is all important. However, it can’t be based on just a rejection of the Israeli state. That too negative, as a stand alone position. A better idea, IMO, a starting point, would be a common acceptance of the Apostle’s and Nicene Creeds and an effort between Catholic, Protestants, and hopefully Orthodox, to understand each other to overcome the dispute of the past. Otherwise, our enemies will exploit our differences and we will go nowhere fast.

  12. Jeppo: Great post! Concur 100%!

    Next the Marxist cockroaches will challenge the States, and the Surpreme shitheads will have to rule for equal protection, forcing sodomy on every state. They will also begin pushing gay pride and “early intervention” in schools. Maybe over the next 20 years of propaganda from the MSM, Amurrica will be ready to allow children “the right to choose”.

    Folks, Greece and Rome both tolerated homosexuality, but thrre was only one ceasar among the first 12 who actually married another man an he was reviled for. it–that ceasar was Caligula. That, friends, is where the West is today.

  13. Just had a big realization.

    Sure gay marriage is something I’d vote against but does it affect the economy? No it doesn’t. Thus it’s really a distraction from the real issue, as are most of these social issues, perhaps with the exception of abortion, which involves life and death.

  14. Metal Head: economies can be rebuilt, as can cities and commerce. But once your people are gone there is no hope.

  15. “It did not say that the federal government has no right to interfere and micromanage state elections.”

    According to the 15th Amendment, the federal government has the right to pass laws to ensure that voting rights are not infringed by race.

    • “According to the 15th Amendment, the federal government has the right to pass laws to ensure that voting rights are not infringed by race.”

      Perhaps you can remind us how the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were passed?

  16. “affirmative action can continue to exist indefinitely”

    The Supreme Court simply punted the issue. The days of affirmative action are numbered.

    • “The Supreme Court simply punted the issue. The days of affirmative action are numbered.”

      Yes, the days of affirmative action were numbered in 1979, 2003, and now in 2013.

  17. In 2003, the Supreme Court ruled that affirmative action was okay. This time, they refused to rule that way and instead sent the case back to the Appeals Court.

    Affirmative action is also especially unpopular among Millennials (the opposite of gay marriage). People are realizing that affirmative action is probably the greatest hindrance today to recognizing a post-racial society.

  18. Hunter Wallace says:
    June 26, 2013 at 9:58 pm

    Today, we saw another great victory for Northern conservatism, 5 out of 4 justices voted to uphold the Defense of Marriage Act.

  19. Hunter Wallace says:
    ‘Today, we saw another great victory for Northern conservatism, 5 out of 4 justices voted to uphold the Defense of Marriage Act.’

    Well, 3 votes from the known jews and1 from the ugly rican crypto.

  20. EC: So, are you saying that, since our ancestors chose to allow discrimination against their descendants, that once these descendents are the minority the new majority, out of fairness, is going to end their children’s advantage?? What are you smoking.
    The goal is for aggregate white wealth to be equal to the average aggregate wealth of every other minority. The entire premise is that we are all equal so obviously any unequal outcomes is due to racism or historic injustices. But we are NOT equal.
    Keep in mind to that this is not going to stop when America becomes majority-minority because whites will still be the largest minority. The goal is to reduce whites to the same percentage of the population as other minorities. This is the evil hatched and allowed to fester by the last several generations of whites.

  21. Wayne:

    The numbers do not bear out your argument. Affirmative action is extremely unpopular among Millennials (more so than middle-aged generations), despite the fact that the Millennial generation has a much higher non-white component than older generations.

  22. Also, the races growing in population are Latinos and Asians, not blacks. These groups largely do not trace their ancestry in America to before 1965, and they have no history of experiencing institutional discrimination.

    Why do you think that California has maintained its ban on affirmative action, despite the fact that minorities are now 60% of the population there, on top of a more liberal than average white population.

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