Build The Border Fence Around The South

District of Corruption

The Washington Post has a great idea:

“With its Latino population rapidly expanding, the South may soon undergo an epochal political change, as my colleagues at the American Prospect documented in the magazine’s current issue. Its reactionary white Republican state governments may give way to ones reflecting more liberal black-white-Latino coalitions. Until that day, though, if the federal government wants to build a fence that keeps the United States safe from the dangers of lower wages and poverty and their attendant ills — and the all-round fruitcakery of the right-wing white South — it should build that fence from Norfolk to Dallas. There’s nothing wrong with a fence, so long as you put it in the right place.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @Hunter

    I had an old pal of mine who wanted to build a wall around West Virginia to keep the Yankees out. LOL.

  2. Typical northern Jew. The hate is strong in this one.

    As a former Bronxite I never hated Southerns the way this one does. I always loved going to my Aunts house in Virginia and listening to here beautiful accent. A real classy women.

  3. This WaPo crackpot writes:

    keeps the United States safe from the dangers of lower wages

    I respond:

    And I bet he thinks swinging the borders wide open to zillions of Hispanics, Indians, Asians and Muslims is a good idea.

  4. If you read the comments you’ll see that Meyerson is by no means alone in his hatred of the South.

  5. What a sadistic bastard this Yankee Jew is! Some fine day, he will be surprised as hell when the multi-cultural undertow moves into his neighborhood!

  6. “What will it take to get the ball rolling on secession in earnest?”

    Activism. Palmetto Patriot has a video on YT about putting up Secede stickers. This is a good way to start putting the idea in peoples mind.

  7. Sorry Blackberry phone issues. Its mission. SN needs to grab the brass ring of moral superiority from the Left, till then its another right wing shriek gang.

  8. We already have a border, it is called the Mason- Dixon Line. Build the wall there and unless non-native southerners move back home they’ll be declared a southerner! Once the wall is built no crossing back and forth between north and south will be allowed.

  9. For your sake, my Southron friends, I hope the League of the South will publish an enthusiastic endorsement of Mr. Meyerson’s proposal.

  10. haroldcrews says:
    June 30, 2013 at 1:11 am
    If you read the comments you’ll see that Meyerson is by no means alone in his hatred of the South.

    Jack Replies:

    Does the WP allow our comments?

    I ‘m pretty skilled at countering the Yids that hate the South… Hate White South Africans, hate Germans… Hate the Russians, all Eastern Europeans, hate Catholics, hate WASPs, hate Palestinians and HATE Israel Jews, otherwise they would go home to Israel, the homeland of the Jews… So go home.


  11. I just left a comment over there. I bet it’ll make all the good libs’ eyes bleed. They might even have to make appointments with their therapists after they read what I wrote.

  12. The Jew fails to mention that the reason there is more poverty in the South is because the South has the majority of the national black population.

    It would be an honor and quite humorous to transfer our black population to his neighborhood, and watch in the following years how crime goes up and poverty increases.

    I support a fence, but only after we have transferred our enemies inside our gates to their community.

  13. Looked at some of his other articles, one where he gushes that LA has its first Jewish mayor, and that this Jewish-castizo swarthoid Garcetti is just the perfect fit for post-racial LA.

  14. 1.) Secede

    2.) Build fence at Mason Dixon Line (Or wherever the northern end of secessionist states is)

    3.) Deport all those “undocumented dreamers” on a “pathway to citizenship” to the USA

    4.) Profit

  15. “he will be surprised as hell when the multi-cultural undertow moves into his neighborhood!”

    Naw, Jews in New York have been using zero tolerance for years to clear out the black population especially from Manhattan. The hypocrisy of a New York media Jew attacking the South for Jim Crow when Jews have been quietly turning New York into a sundowner town for years is staggering.

  16. “SN needs to grab the brass ring of moral superiority from the Left”

    A good suggestion is to start demonizing the United States. For example, innocent women and children were being gunned down in the streets with sniper rifles in Bahrain where the US has a naval base – and Yankees had no qualms about that.

    Meanwhile, Paula Deen is the worst person in the world (and Baldwin gets away with his gay slurs). Make the people see that they are second-class people in an empire that despises them. Their enemies are given special protection (Baldwin) while they are continually humiliated and forced to serve and die overseas for an evil empire responsible for the deaths and displacement of countless millions.

    Make yourself look morally superior by demonizing US actions overseas and the police state at home. Demonize their flag as a symbol of Indian Genocide (38 Nooses – good book). In doing so, not only do you look morally superior (by opposing the US) but you encourage the people to separate themselves from the American identity.

  17. Build the wall there and unless non-native southerners move back home they’ll be declared a southerner!

    That means assimilating several million Yankees into the Southron gene pool, which means significant dilution of the Southron identity.

    Southron nationalism is going to have to man up to the fact that there are millions of foreign and hostile whites who have colonized our country and whose removal from our land must be a priority the moment we gain the ability to achieve it.

  18. As a Virginian I want the fence to start at the southern end of Fairfax County.

    As a descendant of eleven generations of Virginians, I do not consider it acceptable to give one square inch of Virginia’s soil to the invaders.

  19. test says:
    June 30, 2013 at 3:44 pm
    “he will be surprised as hell when the multi-cultural undertow moves into his neighborhood!”

    Naw, Jews in New York have been using zero tolerance for years to clear out the black population especially from Manhattan. The hypocrisy of a New York media Jew attacking the South for Jim Crow when Jews have been quietly turning New York into a sundowner town for years is staggering.”

    Jack Replies:

    Agreed and well said.

    Jews aren’t idiots or traitors when it comes to racial realities in their own places (New York Israel). It’s the standard party line for Washington Post Jews, Neo Conservative National Rview Jews to demand open borders immigration in to the USA, Europe, Canada, Australia and then turn around and support, cover for Israel’s ethno centric Jew only immigration policies for Israel. That’s just what they do.

  20. The fence that you build to keep others from getting in, will also keep you from getting out.

  21. O.Y.T.

    I am willing to do whatever it takes. We’ve got to do it before we lose all of our power and freedom and they’re closing in fast. It will be a thousand years of darkness.

    Back to the Land, whitey.

  22. Earl Butz says:

    I had an old pal of mine who wanted to build a wall around West Virginia to keep the Yankees out. LOL.

    On the borders facing North, other than the Mason Dixon Line, West Virginia has natural fences .

  23. Joe Whitlock wrote:

    The fence that you build to keep others from getting in, will also keep you from getting out.

    I respond:

    That’s the same kind of crackpot city bullshit we had to hear from the likes of Ron Paul et al. when he said no border fence because it would trap us in. As if anyone actually wants to flee to Mexico. Other than criminals on the lam and Mexicans who committed a crime here looking to hoof it back to Mexico to avoid arrest.

  24. @Jon

    I think you mean the eastern end of Fairfax County, VA. I get your drift about trying to keep the coloreds & catholics (Mexicans, El Salvadorians etc.), and white flight Yankees in the Washington area, and out of the Eastern Panhandle & Shenandoah Valley.

  25. @rjp

    Joe Hardy is opening a casino called the “Lady Luck” just across the Mason Dixon Line from WV in Wharton Township, Pennsylvania, close to Maryland too. That’s real near Fort Necessity, Jumonville Glenn, and other French & Indian War places. We may want to adjust the border or re-negotiate the border. LOL.

  26. “As a Virginian I want the fence to start at the southern end of Fairfax County.”

    As someone who lived in VA for some years, the humor in this statement might be lost, unless you have lived there.

    But yeah. Keep the Jews, fags, and Jewish fags, and the Anorexic bleached blond abortion-scarred womb-men and their attendant metrosexual link sausages, OUT of the Shenandoah Valley.

  27. Lynda says:
    The Jewish Daily Forward reports that mass immigration into the US is in “our strategic interests”.
    “Jews Unite to Push for Immigration Reform”

    Yes, jews are for mass immigration into the U.S – but not for Israel!

    Duplicitous, lying wretches!

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