About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’m against “gay marriage and whatnot” everywhere. Starting in our own families and communities, and our own counties and states, we take a hard-line stand for truth. Evangelism begins at home.

  2. “Seems like the discussion has gone very far afield from “Anti-Racist Hitler”.

    Good. Hitler is boring, he has his own channel (history channel) he’s over-exposed.

  3. Hunter, I don’t know you and I don’t want to tell you what to do. But, what are you thinking encouraging that repulsive Yankee woman to attend LS events?

  4. I hope you don’t despise WHITE PEOPLE at the north.

    The white people of the North are the ones who have made the North what it is. They are the ones behind the invasion and conquest of our land. Someone recently posted that he despises the North because it is liberal. That’s a good start, but the real problem with the North is that it’s filled with Northerners – liberals, conservatives, who cares? They’re Yankees. Even most of the supposedly pro-South Yankees are repulsive and have a compulsion to tell Southrons how to live. Denise is a great example of that.

  5. The people who were anti-Union at the time of the Civil War and Jim Crow laws indeed believed in a society that included blacks.

    They just didn’t believe in an a society in which blacks and whites were treated the same.

  6. I believe that most of the northern abolitionists and even Abraham Lincoln were not for negro equality, they just disagreed with the institution of slavery.

  7. “SN are multiracialists”

    “You have been here long enough to know that’s a lie.”

    I have been here long enough to remember it repeated constantly: “a slave-based culture”. Golden Circle culture is ESSENTIALLY multiracial, caste, and elitist. The Southronist objection to negroes and dark mulattoes is not so much to the presence of the dark skins, but that northerners don’t know how to control them and work to DE-control them.

    • Re: Mosin

      The SN position is that negroes are easier to control and have caused us fewer problems than Yankees. Were it for the existence of the Union, we could deal with the negro problem at our leisure, and would have done so a long time ago. WNs attach great importance to whiteness, but the people who have caused us the most problems throughout history are other White people.

      Before we can do anything about the negro, we first have to “control” our own states, and the existence of the Union – as we saw in the Civil Rights Movement, and now with gay marriage and immigration – is what makes that impossible.

  8. continual display of malice by WN yankees here convinces me that they intend far more ill to Southrons than any other group. In that, they “out-Jew” even the Jews who intimidate and scare them so much.

    That’s correct, they’re no better than Jews. In fact they’re worse, they have the mentality of Jews but the IQ of niggers.

    Is this parody?

  9. “Even most of the supposedly pro-South Yankees are repulsive and have a compulsion to tell Southrons how to live.”

    I am the most pro-Confederate Yankee that posts here and I never tell Southerners how to live. I merely point out some of the the errors in their illogical conclusions, e.g. how Negroes are not members of the species Homo Sapiens.

  10. Are you being ironic, Robert? What are you confused about? The context of what occurred here should be sufficient for anyone with an IQ above 100 to understand.

  11. I am the most pro-Confederate Yankee that posts here and I never tell Southerners how to live. I merely point out some of the the errors in their illogical conclusions, e.g. how Negroes are not members of the species Homo Sapiens.

    When does that ever come up? That’s a red herring and just another example of subtle trolling. You should direct that at your fellow Yankees.

  12. “That’s a red herring and just another example of subtle trolling.”

    Disagreement with your particular opinions does not constitute “trolling.” The de-humanization of Negroes has often been a Southern Nationalist meme among Southron members who post on this board.

  13. Mark,

    Are you referring to all Northern WNs in such terms, or merely those with whom you’re arguing here?

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