About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I am glad to see you pick up on this. Yesterday, I was appalled at the fighting going on. One thing the white race doesn’t did is more division. We have enough of that with the DWL crowd. Civil argument is healthy, but the name calling was ridiculous. It was looking like the comment section on many liberal websites.

  2. Pro White Joe, I suspect that many of them haven’t a clue as to what ARH is really about and probably wouldn’t care even if they had a clue.

  3. How many times must it be said, Hunter. Freedom didn’t fail, you failed. You allow subversive trolls, who are not Southern, who are viciously anti-Southern, who constantly lie and defame others, to run wild on your website. Is that your idea of freedom? Your continued lack of grasping this simple concept, lack of implementing basic standards of behavior and your disrespectful mischaracterization of what happened as akin to blacks having a food fight is either extremely passive-aggressive or a sign that you have some kind of a psychological disorder.

    Look at the above comments, all stupid trolls who make irrelevant, flippant comments, including you really. Your very post is trolling, it’s irrelevant, it’s provocative and has nothing to do with what happened.

    You assholes are like common liberals that want to punish descent Whites for having a normal, healthy defensive reaction to the irrational hostility of blacks and Jews. The latter’s behavior is tolerated until Whites stand up and fight back, then all of a sudden it’s a big problem and Whites are to blame for defending themselves and standing up for what’s right. It’s passive-aggressive bullshit.

    If this is how you manage your affairs, Hunter, then you have a lot of growing up to do and your forum will never grow into anything meaningful, which is typical of White nationalist forums.

    • Re: Mark

      Well, I agree.

      I don’t have the time to sit here and babysit the comments every night. It is true that I have allowed the free range comment section to spiral out of the control and several people complained about that at recent conferences.

      Every blog or forum that allows unfettered free speech (see Majority Rights and Occidental Observer) eventually produces the same result. In any case, I have turned comment moderation back on and the piss and venom in the comments will subside from now on.

  4. Sigh. I’m glad the Moderation is on. Sooner or later you will have to appreciate, as you wade through the Comments, which poster are starting the flaming, and insults.

    Some of them are unable to appreciate their own transgressions.

  5. This isn’t the first time the comments have been moderated.

    Last time around, the comment section returned to tranquility and there were a lot more productive discussions, but eventually moderating the comments became such a tedious chore that I turned the moderation off.

  6. The people at whatever conferences you’ve attended wouldn’t have seen the comments last night – which were definitely a step above the normal amount of expected fighting.

    It did surprise me however that Denise conceded that her criticisms of my ‘outings’ made no sense, considering my own outing, and the financial situations and career paths of the people involved (graduating technology student into recession vs people who don’t work or own businesses). I’m going to keep stressing this argument every time it comes up, because it clearly cuts to the truth of the matter. I harmed a forum by exposing identities. they harmed a career. Which is worse?

    • I didn’t see the specific comments which you two are referring to.

      I have spent the last two days helping my brother move into a new apartment. After I got home, I collapsed from exhaustion and went to sleep, and was woke up by Kievsky who told me the site was down. After I changed my billing information, the site was restored and I told everyone to behave and went back to sleep.

      When I woke up this morning, the Adolf Hitler cartoon thread had gone over 200 comments, mostly sniping and flaming, so rather than read through all that shit I turned comment moderation back on.

  7. Hunter, why don’t you attempt to delegate moderating duties to several of the more staid members? It is a thankless task but a necessary one in light of the obvious trolls and agent provocateurs that have chosen to pitch their tents here.

  8. Denise is one of the biggest offenders.

    I know some people may think some of my comments are harsh, but they’re accurate and true, and I’ve had enough of these anti-Southern idiots and trolls. Like Jews and niggers, these types of irrational trolls only understand one thing, force.

    You have started to surround yourself with better people, Hunter, but you still have these old ties to dysfunctional people that are hindering you.

    I don’t expect you to moderate your forum 24/7, maybe not even every day, I personally don’t like moderation, but you need better standards, not just moderation, that’s ambiguous. You need to state clearly that people who repeatedly make false claims, lie about other people and make irrelevant, irrational comments will be banned. Failing that you will be no better off than you are now.

    • Re: Mark

      I’ve made my decision.

      The comments will be moderated: flaming, sniping, and personal attacks will be deleted. I don’t want this blog to turn into a sterile circle jerk or a boring echo chamber, so substantial comments will be allowed, but the sniping will be cut out completely.

      We tried this last time and it worked out fine. I just didn’t have the time to moderate, edit, and approve hundreds of comments every day.

  9. I don’t have the time to sit here and babysit the comments every night.

    Hunter, with all due respect, I think Mark’s point is that the babysitting could be avoided if you would just ban the people who hate or belittle Southrons. You’re losing Southron support because of these people. And, “these people” includes your buddy Denise.

    • Re: Long Live Dixie

      I know Denise in real life. I don’t know you in real life. You could be anyone. The same is true of everyone here posting under anonymous usernames. I would rather people be open about their beliefs than conceal them in order to post here and disrupt this website in other ways.

  10. @Hunter
    I don’t think you need a mod, you just need to give the trolls time outs until they learn to behave.

    I have to say, I despise heavily moderated forums, because the moderation is politically motivated and it always amounts to censorship.

    AmRen in the WN scene, has the worst example of such nannying I have ever seen, where they not only reject comments, they actually rewrite them and publish them in your name. Surely that is a literary crime, on the same level as plagiarism?

    You are overly sensitive IMO. You could not possibly cope in real world of politics, if even Hunter’s comments upset you. Nationalist politics is the big leagues. Both sides are playing for keepsies and they will say mean things.

    • Re: Pro White Joe

      1.) I don’t mind the anti-Southern trolling by the Northern WNs. If we can dish it out, we ought to be able to take it. It also challenges us to defend our beliefs and generates substantial discussions in the comments that inform lurkers.

      2.) I also dislike politically motivated moderation. I don’t even read Amren because of that.

      3.) Occidental Observer is an example of what happens when comments are allowed to spiral out of control.

  11. I know Denise in real life. I don’t know you in real life. You could be anyone. The same is true of everyone here posting under anonymous usernames. I would rather people be open about their beliefs than conceal them in order to post here and disrupt this website in other ways.

    You’re right, you don’t know me in real life and some of the pro-Southron people posting here might not be genuine. But, is that a good reason to keep around someone like Denise who has alienated so many pro-Southron people here? I think it’s a safe bet that most pro-Southron people here are genuine and I think it’s a safe bet that you’re losing some of them (including people who haven’t ever posted) because of Denise, who isn’t even Southron. Is that a good trade off? I don’t think so, but maybe you disagree.

    • Re: Long Live Dixie

      1.) I haven’t followed your exchanges with Denise. I’m not sure what you are referring to. There are so many comments here that I can only read a fraction of them on any given day.

      2.) I know Denise in real life. I also know Denise isn’t anti-Southern.

      3.) As I said above, I would rather anonymous people be open about who they are than pretend to be someone they are not in order to post here.

      4.) Don’t you live in North Carolina? I think Mark lives in North Carolina too. Instead of arguing with Denise, why don’t you two do something more productive like, say, join the League of the South and push the North Carolina chapter in a more radical direction?

      5.) Of all the problems the South is facing, I don’t consider Jack Ryan or Denise or Robert Campbell to be one of them. I’m actually mystified by why there is so much arguing with Northern WNs – most of whom support secession – and comparatively so little action in the real world which would actually make a difference where it matters.

  12. Pressing the flesh has been deemed more important than ideas. Fair enough. Ideas matter, potato salad doesn’t, unless one subscribes to political millenialism. If you believe a “bug out” or “happening” or “TSHTF” is on the horizon then sure, WN and its constituent organizing principle (race over ideas) makes sense. If you believe in a longterm “brown out” then ideas and organic intellectually justifiable community matters.

  13. I know Denise in real life.

    If you know her in real life, then you’ve been well exposed to her nonsense and pathological behavior. If you condone that type of wretched personality and allow such a person to repeatedly lie and defame others then that speaks extremely poorly of your character.

    Are you afraid of the consequences, is that it? Because you met someone at a gathering once, you just allow them to be the most despicable person they can be with no guidelines? Did she give you a sexual favor, is she donating money to you? Tell us you’re at least getting something out of it.

    It’s extremely irresponsible and you’re not doing yourself any favors by associating and defending people like that.

    Feigning ignorance is not a valid defense.

    • Re: Mark

      I met Denise in real life in August 2010.

      When I was living in Virginia, I went to an event with my roommate called the “Freedom Action Conference” in Philadelphia. I ate dinner with Denise and her husband and the four of us talked about our mutual friend Robert Campbell and laughed about some of the discussions in the OD comment section. That was a week or two before I moved back to Alabama.

      No, Denise is happily married. No, I took the PayPal account down in 2010 after Matt Parrott claimed I was partying with naked black women in the Bahamas with the money I had raised during our one and only fundraiser. No, Denise doesn’t have any dirt on me.

      I haven’t read the exchanges between you two, so I have no idea what you are going on about, but I have always gotten along fine with Denise.

  14. I have to say, I despise heavily moderated forums, because the moderation is politically motivated and it always amounts to censorship.

    It’s because moderation is subjective and inherently biased. That’s why objective guidelines should be established.

  15. The problem isn’t any one personality. It’s not me, Denise, or Silver or Hunter, or Mark. Reducing disputes to personality is WN shadows on the wall. This is about a clash of worldviews, if northern and southern whites have common cause then the Southron identity is lost since it exists in opposition to the North. Hunter is hacking at the gordian knot.

    • Re: No-man

      I’m a Southern Nationalist. I think the South would be better off as an independent country, but that doesn’t mean I hate all Northerners, or that all Northerners are my enemy, or that all Southerners are on our side, etc.

      Instead of fighting with people on the internet, I am more focused on the real world these days.

  16. @Long Live Dixie, Mark, DixieGirl, et al.

    “Hunter, with all due respect, I think Mark’s point is that the babysitting could be avoided if you would just ban the people who hate or belittle Southrons.”

    With all due respect, you militant Southerners spend almost all of your time putting down non-Southerners. Y’all constantly condemn states with 53% Democratic majorities in elections as if this were a sign that the rest of that state’s population were a bunch of abolitionists. In reality we all know that the Dem & GOP election laws are a farce designed to keep non-establishment opinions from even being mentioned and that the controlled Main Stream Media (MSM) are a farce of free speech and prevent any deviation from established leftist orthodoxy from being given a voice.

    I’m sick of it and I’m glad that you’re going to be moderated. If you don’t think that Southern Independence is going to be achieved without help and support from other advocates of the political devolution of Union from other parts of the country then you are just whistling Dixie.

  17. Of course there will be disagreements and heated discussions. Goes with the territory. Flaming erupts then dies down. No big deal.

    Hunter has taken a relatively even handed approach.

    Waiting to have posts accepted ruins the flow.

    Some of the biggest cry babies are Southrons who dish it out in spades but cannot bear to have it thrown back at them.

    Stonelifter, for example, wrote of killing Northerners in their churches, schools, homes and businesses.

    The reaction from Southrons?


    Did all the -Yankees- piss and moan and demand his banning?

    Others routinely speak of killing Germans and other Whites, but get all bent out of shape if they are called a name- “Johnny Reb.”

    Oh, the horror!

    • Re: Sam

      The comment section is only getting worse. The fighting, flaming, and sniping is spiraling out of control. Something had to be done about the matter and moderating and approving comments is better than shutting them down altogether like TOO.

  18. It’s because moderation is subjective and inherently biased. That’s why objective guidelines should be established.

    But there are communities which make guidelines and don’t follow them. It’s not about having guidelines, it’s about having the discipline to follow them.

    Some communities even ignore the guidelines – until a trolled member finally retaliates – and then allow the trolls to entrench themselves further. This type of cheap moderation is actually what Silver is fond of. I don’t know if no-man is right or Denise is right. But judging by his history, I’d say Silver has a tendency to side with the troll over the person who is standing his ground.

  19. This is the type of bickering I think we will see “the day the EBT cards stop working”. There will be no white awakening to save this country. Just petty squabbling and blame spreading. Time to start taking care of ourselves and enjoy life outside of the web browser.

  20. I’ve seen my name pop up in all this back-and-forth a few times. Since I’ve not taken part in discussions on Southern Nationalism, I’m not really sure why, but this is my view:

    Clearly, the South had a right to leave the union and the War of Northern Aggression was a terrible injustice. I wish the SN cause all the best; however, it must be remembered that I blogged here back when it was a WN, not an SN, focused site, and my real sympathies lay with the Prussian tradition of Conservative Revolution, the apex of the Faustian spirit as expressed during National Socialist Germany, and Radical Traditionalism and its Germanic aggregate, Odalism.

    As a “Yankee” (I have never viewed myself as such, per se, since my great-grandparents spoke to me through thick brogues and I grew up in a Scots-Irish ethnic enclave in NJ, but I’ll accept the label) and an unapologetic advocate for a Jew-free White ethnostate, I don’t consider Southern Nationalists to be my enemy and I haven’t worked against their interests. Obviously, I’m not a Southerner, and I don’t identify with its culture, so I just don’t have much to say here anymore.

    I do what I can locally to foster ethnonationalist spirit, utilizing our pre-Christian religiosity to create and maintain social and cultural cohesion where it doesn’t normally exist, and I’ve had some nominal successes in this arena. Hunter is aware of some of these efforts.

    Despite the fact that the blog has shifted theme, and I no longer post articles here, I am still an Administrator (as Hunter is a friend and still welcomes my posts here), and I have never abused this power in accordance with some wicked Yankee subversion plan.

    Madison Grant was a Yankee, Lothrop Stoddard was a Yankee, and Carleton Putnam was a Yankee. All of these men (particularly the last) vociferously defended the rights and interests of Southerners as kindred folk.

    I think I’ll go watch “Birth of a Nation” to remind myself of a time when Nordish Americans weren’t completely insane and acknowledged that the arrival of the negro sowed the seed of disunion, and not some inherent incompatibility between the Anglo-Celtic populations of North and South.

  21. 1.) No flaming, sniping, or personal attacks.

    Agreement from Cali. Posts must be about the topic or ideas in general. THIS IS THE WAY TO GO

    How about an experiment- two comments sections for each thread, one moderated and one unmoderated.

  22. Hunter – well done!

    I’ve not wanted to cite the fact that we actually met in real life – because I don’t wish to violate any-one’s real-world privacy. You met my dear Hubby. You are one of the handful of folks that have actually met him due to his very busy schedule. I know he truly enjoyed our dinner together. The other gent at the meeting, an extremely pedigreed Yankee, true and blue – he and I have known each other for years. We’ve attended many events together, and had a wonderful time. He’s a fearless fellow, physically, and would be a welcome addition to any gathering. His appearance at a local party, several years ago, caused a the entire room to cheer. He, of course, was oblivious. He was to busy greeting old pals.

    Ideas matter, but ideas mean NOTHING if not put into action. Ideas, pressing flesh, and macaroni salad (I LOATHE potato salad) is the Holy Trinity of Real World action.

    I adore meeting my online pals, and making new friends. That’s how things actually get done. People need to be able to look each other in the eyes, size each other up, argue, debate, watch facial expressions, and reactions, and laugh together. Keep doing what you are doing; the LoS folks seem like a splendid crew. The Founders of a truly Free Dixie, I pray.

    Insults, name-calling, and complete mis-characterizations of others, based on nothing – I fear my prediction of who will out themselves, soon enough, is already in evidence.

    I am heading out for the day. I’m off to press flesh, eat, drink and be very merry. I’m known as the local Nazi. My Hubster and I have no dearth of invitations to party.

    Have a marvelous Fire Works Day!

    • BTW, the reason the site went down last night was because of a billing issue. I had my hosting account set up to auto-renew, but I lost my debit card at a bar during the LoS conference, so when the account expired and attempted to auto-renew it was denied. Kievsky called me about it and I renewed the account and it was back up a few minutes later.

    • Yes, it is nothing but wasted energy.

      Instead of arguing with people on the internet, we could be working to advance Southern Nationalism in the real world.

  23. P.S . – I’m with Robbie in the Jude-free White ethno-state thing, Hi Robbie!

    He’s more Germanic than I am. I am a Celt. MY Ideal World would consist of partying with the Wood Elves, in Mirkwood. In reality, however – my cohort Haughty Blonde essentially has the closest thing to my Ideal, going, now.

  24. I met Denise in real life in August 2010.

    When I was living in Virginia, I went to an event with my roommate called the “Freedom Action Conference” in Philadelphia. I ate dinner with Denise and her husband and the four of us talked about our mutual friend Robert Campbell and laughed about some of the discussions in the OD comment section. That was a week or two before I moved back to Alabama.

    Good for you, hope you enjoyed yourself.

    This idea that just because you meet someone, all of a sudden they’re vetted, they’re your best buddy, they’re 100% established for the cause is nonsense. We meet people all the time in our day-to-day lives, this establishes nothing, other than you know what they look like and sound like.

    You are well aware of Denise’s behavior on this forum, it’s been going on for a long time, this is nothing new or something you haven’t known about.

    I don’t care what you do, but your repeated claims of ignorance of her and the situation are silly.

    • Re: Mark

      1.) I got home around 6 PM last night after spending the previous two days helping my brother move into his new apartment. I went immediately to sleep. A few hours later, Kievsky woke me up and told me the site was down, and after resolving that issue, I briefly browsed the Hitler thread, noticed the flame war going on, told everyone to behave, and went back to sleep.

      2.) I honestly haven’t been reading your exchanges with Denise. I don’t read all the comments on this website.

      3.) That’s true.

      I met Greg Johnson and Matt Parrott in real life. As a rule though, the fewer the anonymous relationships, the better. I’ve never had any problems with Denise.

      4.) You asked for some objective comment guidelines. I provided some above.

  25. “Instead of fighting with people on the internet, I am more focused on the real world these days.”

    And you do a fine job of posting articles mining the historical record for our edification and also covering racial/political events in the entire country.

    I just wish there was a little more knowledge among the posters as to the cornucopia of facts recently uncovered by the revolution in genetic analysis of populations based on DNA. Most eastern Europeans are of the R1A haplogroups and most Western Europeans are R1B’s as a result of the migration of Neolithic farmers into Europe roughly 5000 years ago via different routes. Scandinavians have more residual ancient H and I haplotypes. R1b shows a definite east to west cline with 20% R1b in Germany, Holland and Northeast Britain showing 40% R1B, and going to over 80% in the Scottish Highlands, Wales, Brittany, and far Western Ireland.

    This closely follows what we know of the the historical record of the Dark Ages Völkerwanderung of conquests/migrations. As full autosomal sequencing of the entire genome becomes cheaper and more widespread we will know even more about the history of our race and the specifics of our own ancestry.

  26. When thinking about it, the whole “southern nationalism” thing is historically errant.

    The south didn’t want the confederacy to be a nation like the union. They wanted each state to be only loosely connected.

    The idea of connecting each southern state was just to fight off the union.

    Thus General Lee wasn’t fighting for “southern nationalism” but for “states rights.”

  27. I just popped in for a moment, haven’t read most of the comments on this thread but noticed this: “Of all the problems the South is facing, I don’t consider Jack Ryan or Denise or Robert Campbell to be one of them. I’m actually mystified by why there is so much arguing with Northern WNs – most of whom support secession – and comparatively so little action in the real world which would actually make a difference where it matters.”

    Truly, I am 100% supportive of secession. I don’t agree with everything everyone believes here, and I speak the truth as I understand it. I appreciate very much the excellent free speech forum and useful information that Hunter provides here.

  28. I’m happy to see you care when there’s nothing but hatred being spewed at people who post on your blog. I’ve been looking for a Nationalist blog that promotes camaraderie and planning for the future (in addition to people who know it’s the Jews), but I haven’t found one yet because there’s always people who are allowed to post that are anti-white or anti-Christian and they just cause division. I don’ t see the point, unless it’s just the typical Internet forum where the same people babble endlessly 24/7 for no reason at all. You’re too good of a writer for that and the research you do to present stats is amazing.

  29. Re: Mark

    The no flaming, sniping, and personal attacks rule applies to everyone, including you, and it is not the same thing as the Northern vs. Southern back and forth on this website. There’s a difference between, say, Palmetto Patriot and Mosin arguing about the Golden Circle, and calling someone a cunt and accusing them of performing sexual favors, or 313Chris and Stonelifter threatening to kill each other.

  30. The root cause of the “food fights” here has to do with the true nature of Whitetrashionalism/White Nationalism.

    WN is a fraud, an artificial fabrication completely lacking any authenticity. The nationalism of WN bears about as much resemblance to authentic nationalism as the aritificial and contrived neo-pagan Wicca does to real paganism.

    No “white nation” has ever, or will ever, exist. White people exist as variety of ethnic groups or “nations,” and always have. Loyalties radiate out from the most basic unit, the family, and from there to ethnic group, ethnic family, and race. The construction of a “racial nation” is a universalist, utopian, abstraction. Merely an ideological extension of the “proposition nation,”

    Deracinated northern whites, repulsed by the dominant liberal ideology of their nation and bereft of any cultural identity of their own in the universalist “melting pot,” are ineluctably drawn to this false alternative.

    At best, WN is simply an umbrella term used by anti-Semitic sociopaths who resent their identification as such. They have no other coherent ideology or basis for their so called movement, comfortably ensconced in the lunatic fringe. Misappropriation of a malignant political ideology from early twentieth century Germany hardly counts as having a coherent basis for any organic nationalist movement. A hothouse flower planted in sterile soil that is doomed to wither and die.

    White Southerners, who are an actual people with an actual history and an actual culture, instinctly recoil from the monstrosity that is WN. WN is merely another of manifestation, albeit a reactionary one, of hydra-headed utopianist yankee ideology.

    WN instinctively realize this, which is why they heap invective and scorn upon SN. They may at times mouth support for SN to ingratiate themselves to unsuspecting Southerners, but their true motives are subversive.

    They easily appropriate the language of our enemies when called out. Protesting of “division among whites” and “not all yankees are bad,” their rhetoric comes straight out of the leftist lexicon of the 1990’s with its concern for “divisiveness” and moral equivalence of “straight” and “gay” lifestyles. They espouse and adopt degenerate practices such as homosexuality and feminism which they eagerly disguise or disingenuously deny.

    At the end of the day, WN is a shabby, dishonest, dysfunctional postmodern delusion.
    Phony as a three dollar bill. A grandiose lie puffed up with its own pretensions.

    It is your site. You may freely choose to endorse WN barflies and other sociopathic degenerates who will use it as their personal playroom. That can indeed be an entertaining distraction, but it removes this site from any notion of seriousness in its aims or intentions. Your site can be a personal toy for your amusement or part of something more important. Choose wisely.

    As my grandfather always used to say, “Sometimes your friends ain’t always your friends.”

    Deo Vindice

  31. Not that anyone cares, but my comment wasn’t against Denise. I thought surely people were complaining about Chris313 and people like him. I should read more before I post. 🙂

  32. Moving forward, I want to spend less time arguing on the internet with Northern WNs, and more time advancing Southern Nationalism in the real world because at the end of the day WN is powerless and arguing with them is really just entertainment and a distraction from the things we ought to be doing here.

  33. Moving forward, I want to spend less time arguing on the internet with Northern WNs

    You’re not moving forward, that’s the problem. You allow the trolls while disarming your compatriots against them. You make no sense at all.

    • Re: Mark

      I’ve asked everyone several times now to knock it off and to stop flaming and sniping in the comments. So, and this is the last time I am asking, stop doing it. I don’t care who started it, but it is not going to continue, and that goes for everyone.

  34. Iceman,

    Some communities even ignore the guidelines – until a trolled member finally retaliates – and then allow the trolls to entrench themselves further. This type of cheap moderation is actually what Silver is fond of. I don’t know if no-man is right or Denise is right. But judging by his history, I’d say Silver has a tendency to side with the troll over the person who is standing his ground.

    What are you talking about? I advocated outright banning certain proven troublemakers, not merely moderating comments. This blog has taken a strident SN direction, but its genesis was as a WN blog and for that reasons many posters assume that more general WN(-ish), pro-white or broadly race-realistic positions can be taken and discussed. But then there are posters like you and no-man who stand firmly against any form of racially explicit politics, WN or not. It’s not just that you disagree with it personally but are willing to allow such thinking to exist; you are out to extirpate it. I cannot imagine what benefit there could to the blog in allowing you to post.

    Wait, I’ve got it. It must be that Hunter “knows you in real life!” That’s the standard by which everything is to be judged these days. One would think the quality of comments could be judged by their written content, but Hunter has determined that the decisive factor is whether he knows you in real life.

    It’s all very reminiscent of his turn against “intellectualism” a couple of years ago. Back then the worth of a comment was decided by whether it was “too intellectual” or not. Now the “real world” is the only thing that matters – as though the internet were the only place where people behaved eccentrically or unsteadily, or as though no possibility whatsoever exists of productive discussion on the net. Everything has been reduced to either “real life activity” – considered inherently productive – or “fighting on the internet.”

    As I see it, Hunter figures he has the luxury of eschewing debate because white southerners vote overwhelmingly Republican, so it doesn’t matter much what they actually think. When the times comes he supposes he’ll be able to simply impose his racial agenda on them whether they really know anything about it or approve of it or not. He’s probably not entirely wrong, but it seems foolhardy to proceed this way on the basis of a hunch.

  35. . . .anti-Semitic sociopaths. . .

    When Mr. Ford claimed the International Jew to be the World’s Foremost Problem, he was wrong?

    The jew paper money hegemoney over Earth is not our AND the South’s AND the entire world’s basic problem? Oh yes it is.

    Try establishing a money system not under “their” control and see how far you get.

    Our problem is monopoly- information and monetary. That’s it.

    I look at sites like this as btn- better than nothing. I don’t think it is.

  36. @Apuleius
    “not all yankees are bad,”
    This is objectively true.

    This is a well used, subversive rhetorical technique and no more than mere sophistry.
    Let’s examine some corollaries.

    All negroes are not bad.
    All Jews are not bad.
    All Mexicans are not bad.
    All homosexuals are not bad.
    All Communists are not bad.
    All feminists are not bad.
    et cetera…

    All of these statements are objectively true. The use of statements such as these in an argument is to undermine the integrity of a stated position by oversimplified counterexample. A rather potent leftist mindweapon.

    This is merely a variation on the “they are just like us” argument used to disarm opposition and undergird the multiculturalist vision and objectives of globalist/universalist/”one world” types. Nothing more.

    Subversion today is so pervasive as to be like the water in which a fish swims.
    Do we even notice it anymore?

    “I know my own and my own know me.”

    Mark and others here speak often of the implicit understanding that exists among Southerners. This understanding is derivative of our common kinship and culture which forms the basis of our nationalism. A nationalism that is based on what we love, not what we hate.

    We bear no ill will toward other peoples, well, at least toward those who can restrain themselves from constant imposition into our affairs or attempting to submerge our identity into their abstract notions of nationhood.

    “All we want is to be left alone.”

    Deo Vindice

  37. Even when the blog was in its “vangaurdist” stage, then its “mainstream” stage which came before the current stage, which all came after the “odessa syndicate” far-left far-right synsthesis stage, there were people posting who didn’t agree with the mission statement of “building a jew free ethnostate in north America.” I personally disagreed with Hunter’s obsession at the time with Guy White and Ian Jobling, his defense of Alex Linder and Ted Sallis, but I never directly attacked Hunter over disagreements. So your analysis that I use underhand tactics to remove ideological opponents (such as slander, hacking) is wrong. But if you go back to the days of odessa syndicate, since you are so into “the old times,” I was an author here, you never were.

    Secondly No-man and I do actually know each other “in real life” and we talked on the phone. Hunter and I have talked over the phone, but never met physically. And because you lurk so much at the forums who do it (me and no-man both agree on this), you should know that “free speech forums” that talk about being “high brow” and “high quality” suck in quality. When disputes come up, you take the side of the troll over the poster who is being trolled.

    In the pecking order, I place southern nationalism higher than white nationalism, but I still obviously (as in this thread) have disagreements with it.

    Basically you are an opportunist who thinks that bashing “kane” is still popular and probably arrived at your conclusion about no-man for the same reason.

  38. “The jew paper money hegemoney over Earth is not our AND the South’s AND the entire world’s basic problem? Oh yes it is.”

    The world’s current fractional reserve banking system was established by J.P Morgan. If you sort the world’s billionaires by “source” as banking in the latest Forbes list you will find that Jews are definitely in the minority.

    You best be prepared for Asian bankers as calling the shots, not Jewish ones. There simply is too much money and too many people in the world to blame the Jews for calling the shots. There are 6 or 7 billion people in the world and only 12 million Jews. Not enough of them to control things.

  39. “All we want is to be left alone.”

    Most people would ascribe to that. Alas not the United States of America.

    “Let’s examine some corollaries.”

    All negroes are not bad.
    All Jews are not bad.
    All Mexicans are not bad.
    All homosexuals are not bad.
    All Communists are not bad.
    All feminists are not bad.”

    Those are not corollaries they are carefully selected straw men. Do you mean to maintain that all non-white Southrons are “bad?” It’s absurd on the face of it.

  40. “When Mr. Ford claimed the International Jew to be the World’s Foremost Problem, he was wrong?”

    While it may be something of an achievement that a man of “Mr. Ford’s” limited education could actually read and successfully parrot the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” I would be rather chary of holding such a devotee of Mammon as a moral authority.

    The “dumbing down” of industrial processes, degrading workers to the status of a mere cog in the industrial machine, and the ruthless exploitation of labor through thuggish tactics are all hallmarks of the antihuman materialist philosophy espoused by “Mr. Ford.”

    “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”

    We now live in a world that represents Fordism wrought to its uttermost.
    Do you like what you see?

    Deo Vindice

  41. WN is a fraud, an artificial fabrication completely lacking any authenticity.

    That might be so, but WN is powerless, and arguing with WNs is just a waste of time. Even if we win the argument with WNs, nothing is accomplished for Southern Nationalism.

    It is like arguing with Scientologists. All it does is absorb our time and attention which is better spent on organizing our own people and delegitimizing the real enemy which has power over us.

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