50 Years Forward: Birmingham Celebrates July 4th


Comeback Town!

“BIRMINGHAM, Alabama – Police begged and warned and pleaded with Birmingham residents not to fire guns into the air to celebrate the Fourth of July.

But Birminghamians fired away. In fact, a shot was fired every 76 seconds, according to the city’s ShotSpotter.

The Birmingham Police Department’s ShotSpotter system, which detects shots and triangulates the location, recorded 1,127 incidents of gunfire between midnight Wednesday and midnight Thursday, said police spokesman Sgt. Johnny Williams Jr.

The number of shots recorded this year is slightly up from last year, when 1,098 shots were detected. ShotSpotter picked up 75 gunshots on the Fourth of July in 2011, and 495 in 2010. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Sher’s blog comments are moderated and dissenting opinion scrubbed.

    But fill his inbox anyway.

  2. How much more white guilt till Birmingham comes back? I’m pretty confident that a majority in this country realizes that the PC race industry is a cruel joke. Derb made note of what I’ve been saying for sometime now, the big city Jew mayors are trying to run the EBThugs out of their cities.

  3. “the big city Jew mayors are trying to run the EBThugs out of their cities.”

    I can hear the anti-White chants already, “Zero tolerance policy is rayyyycist!”

  4. “Police begged and warned and pleaded with Birmingham residents not to fire guns into the air to celebrate the Fourth of July….. The Birmingham Police Department’s ShotSpotter system, which detects shots and triangulates the location, recorded 1,127 incidents of gunfire between midnight Wednesday and midnight Thursday, said police spokesman Sgt. Johnny Williams Jr.”

    “You get one last chance. And if you screw up again, you’re going to get another last chance.”

  5. “the big city Jew mayors are trying to run the EBThugs out of their cities.”

    They also run out the “white trash” in the process, and make white urban middle class become “trash”. Cities have always been Destroyers.

  6. “How much more white guilt till Birmingham comes back?”

    It’s not white guilt that keeps Birmingham from coming back.
    It’s the federal government and its cibbil rights policies.

    Deo Vindice

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