Conference Reflections


Here are some thoughts on the CofCC and League of the South conferences in June:

1.) White Nationalism vs. Southern Nationalism – After attending both the 2013 CofCC and League of the South conferences, I resolved to devote less time to this issue in the year ahead.

The only White Nationalist groups of any significance in Dixie are the CofCC and the Klan. Neither group poses a threat to Southern Nationalism. The League’s only real competitor in the South are the Rainbow Confederates in the SCV.

The legions of anonymous WNs on the internet similarly pose no threat to Southern Nationalism:

– First, the majority of WNs do not live in the South and are not our target audience, so we are not trying to convert these people to SN anyway

– Second, the WNs who do live in the South are generally sympathetic to secession, and most of these people are simply unaware that the League has changed its position on race in recent years and can now accommodate their concerns.

– Third, WN is powerless and this hasn’t changed in twenty years and shows no sign of ever changing in the future. Scientologists have more power in America than WNs. Arguing with WNs accomplishes nothing for SN because these people have no power or influence over the Southern people.

– Fourth, arguing with WNs over ideological differences is a form of time-wasting and a distraction from the hard work we need to be doing. Sure, it is fun to argue with, say, Harold Covington and his 10 followers in the Northwest Front (he defeated President Hunter Wallace in Montana with his fictional army), but every hour spent doing that could just as effectively be spent playing video games.

– Fifth, the existence of dissident movements elsewhere in America and Europe poses no real threat to us.

– Finally, I have already said all that needs to be said on this subject, and the most effective way to end this debate once and for all would be for the League to breakout in the real world, which isn’t going to happen through writing another essay on the internet about the flaws of WN.

2.) Site Redesign – A major goal for the year ahead will be to create a merged Occidental Dissent/Confederate Renaissance with a spiffier look and a shorter URL that will be easier to remember. I also want to improve the quality of the posts on the main page and the comment section.

3.) My Book – By this time next year, I want to have published my first book, Shattering The Golden Circle: The Failure of Free Society in Dixie, Haiti, and the Caribbean.

4.) Local Chapter – I’m planning to create a local chapter of the League and the CofCC. This is already in the works.

5.) Physical Fitness – I’m typing this post on the treadmill at the gym. I’ve made huge strides in this area and plan to be in far better shape at next year’s conferences.

6.) New Girl – There are a lot of SNs and WNs who might fail to see the wisdom of showing up at conferences and putting in the hours at the gym.

Well, I recently met a young woman at one of these conferences who shares my racial and political views, so I am quite happy it was me and not some other guy. That was the highlight of the two conferences. 🙂

7.) Social Events – If there is any takeaway lesson from the two conferences in June, it is that the social nature of these events needs to be emphasized over the academic lecture format for more people will show up.

There is no point in driving 600 miles to hear a speech that you have either heard a million times or can watch in your boxer shorts on YouTube. This is even more of a problem when speaker doesn’t have anything interesting to say.

When we have a “conference,” it needs to be more in the mold of the scene at Twelve Oaks in Gone With The Wind. After years of my best friend getting an earful of my political views, I finally got him interested in the League of the South when he realized that social gatherings are a way to meet interesting new people rather than the equivalent of sitting through a class to listen to political bullshit and history lessons.

Another takeaway lesson from both conferences is that we need a roundtable where we can all sit and talk and shoot videos and hear each other rather than being split up at several tables in a noisy restaurant.

Next time, it needs to be emphasized in advance that there will be an afterparty for socializing. My own preference would be to consolidate the best speeches into a single day and reserve the second day purely for social functions.

8.) Stage Control – This was an issue at both conferences. I wasn’t there the second day of the League conference, but I heard about it. This is another area where there is a lot room for improvement.

9.) Speech ContentPalmetto Patriot addressed this topic in his speech at the League conference. The content of speeches at a national conference should be about what we have done, what we are doing now, and what we are going to do in the future. The audience needs to be told what to do – the speakers have a year to come up with well-reasoned proposal – to advance White Nationalism or Southern Nationalism in their area.

10.) Women – This goes back to what I said about conferences being social events.

How do we get our people to show up at these conferences? A good place to start would be to make an extra effort to get as many young women as possible to show up at our events, take a lot of photos, and show everyone on the internet how much of a good time we are having and what they are missing out on by not coming to our events.

11.) Goals – As a movement, we need clearly defined goals and tactics to achieve those goals. An unstated goal at the League conference was to boost youth turnout over the previous year and we accomplished that goal.

12.) Preparation/Advertising – Next year, we need to do a much better job advertising and getting people to plan in advance to show up at these conferences. I just showed up at the CofCC conference this year. I should have advertised the event well in advance.

13.) Urban South – As I said at our little afterparty, we can do a much better job at recruiting the White Southerners in our cities and suburbs.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. ‘Scientologists have more power in America than WNs. Arguing with WNs accomplishes nothing for SN because these people have no power or influence over the Southern people.’

    lol…. Too funny. But also very true. I’m tired of arguing with those people. Just as I got tired of arguing with the Rainbows. We blasted the Rainbows for about a year and a half and basically rid the movement of them. They are now relegated to a shrinking influence in the ‘heritage’ side of the Southern movement. As far as the WNs, they’ll probably always persist unlike the Rainbows because they are scattered across the entire Occident. Let them do their thing. As HW points out, ‘the WNs who do live in the South are generally sympathetic to secession, and most of these people are simply unaware that the League has changed its position on race in recent years and can now accommodate their concerns.’ So, the WNs in the South we ought to be able to recruit.

  2. So what’s the game plan on secession then?

    In the 3d world, who are you going to turn to for financing?

    You will need some media to get the word out, LoS is not well known.

  3. “- Fifth, the existence of dissident movements elsewhere in America and Europe poses no real threat to us.”

    It goes beyond that. Any realistic road to political independence will require you to find or make common ground with other dissidents and friendly nations during the struggle.

  4. Believe it or not, I would love to see the south shake it up. I just don’t believe it can be done. Especially now, there is no real leadership and the govt. is planning on flooding the region with Mexicans.
    If succession ever did have a chance, it would have been during the 60’s.
    There is just not enough of you now.
    Plus the south alienates everyone and no one outside the south cares or would ever aid you in any meaningful way.
    These are your problems.

  5. The best bet for succession would be to find an enemy nation and gain backdoor support from outside. Gaining independence from the US would be quite the task. Look at the wars abroad and take notes, the same tactics would be applied to the south.
    Most revolutions are heavily funded by illegal activities.
    First off, as soon as the south gains any traction, it will be labeled a terrorist group.The media will jump all over it, public opinion will matter.
    Voting your way out won’t happen.

  6. All is as it should be, and you seem to have really found the ‘shoes that fit’ after having had quite a ‘colorful’ journey up to this point 😉
    Happiness looks good on you and long may it last.

    I really just wanted to say a heartfelt ‘thank you’, for as Iceman (or was it Silver?) pointed out in another thread, that although things have evolved here, this was indeed a WN-friendly site for a quite a time, hence why there are still quite a few of us hanging about. I found it a brilliant place to learn, laugh and chat with some really wonderful people. Especially for someone like myself who was very ‘green’ at that stage. I am grateful for all that, and grateful too for having had access to your excellent writing for all these years. I still post the various ‘Color of Crime’ stats in various places on a pretty much weekly basis–always a hit with the multi-culty crowd!
    Seriously though, thank you.

    I wish you and your fellow Southerners great success, and pray that you all stay safe n sound in what looks to be a helluva fight.

  7. Right now I’m far less concerned about secession than I am with building a genuine and growing SN movement. I think we’re on a good footing now at last. And we have a little momentum. Now, can we expand our numbers and begin to make an impact? That’s what I am to find out. I think it can be done.

  8. Great points, Hunter. Glad you will be merging the sites back together with a sharper focus.

    “Another takeaway lesson from both conferences is that we need a roundtable…”
    That also occurred to me during my limited time at the LOS conference.

    There were no workshops or roundtable discussions scheduled and networking was more haphazard than planned. I thought just might have missed it, but I can see from your observations that this could be greatly improved.

    “I’m tired of arguing with those people.”
    Amen, brother.

    “Let them do their thing.”
    Unfortunately, I think we will have to find a way to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio because some are hell bent on sandbagging our efforts and trying to demoralize our people. See comments posted at 4:44 and 5:00 for examples of this.

    If we need yankee approval or “help” such as this, we are already done for.
    If you’re pro-Southern you don’t need to say it here (your comments will reveal your sincerity), and if you’re not you’re clearly in the wrong place. Best thing would be to employ the time honored yankee tradition of skedaddle.

    Some passing thoughts:
    Don’t sell the CofCC short. They advertise Secede T-shirts and such on their website, so they must be pro-SN.
    Does the Klan even really exist any more? I thought the FBI shut them down back during the aftermath of the CRM.

    May God bless our Southern people in their quest for liberty.

    Deo Vindice

  9. WN is powerless and this hasn’t changed in twenty years and shows no sign of ever changing in the future

    And what power does Southern Nationalism have? The reality is that the only people in America today with real power are the Jews.

    • That’s a myth.

      Northern Whites vote for Jewish senators and representatives because they agree with their liberal politics. There isn’t a single Jewish senator from the South and there is only one Jew in the House from the South who represents a majority White congressional district. No one forces Northern Whites to vote for Jewish Democrats.

      As for the Jewish media, it is despised in large parts of the country, but taken much more seriously elsewhere. Jews would be marginalized in this country without their Northern White allies.

  10. Fourth, arguing with WNs over ideological differences is a form of time-wasting and a distraction from the hard work we need to be doing

    And what work is this? All you ever seem to do is bash white nationalists. Or maybe that is the work you are talking about?

    • Feel free to count the number of threads here about White Nationalism.

      As for the hard work we need to be doing, I was referring to building local chapters and getting our message out in the real world. Arguing with WNs (or Scientologists) on the internet is a waste of time that accomplishes nothing. Even in victory, nothing is accomplished for SN aside from being distracted from engaging in more profitable activity to advance our cause.

  11. Hunter, as you well know I was at both conferences as well. Overall I would certainly say that the League conference was much better and had a much larger turnout. The speakers were better but more than that the CofCC conference was moribund. I’m sure the after hours was the highlight and now I kick myself for not taking part. I definitely will from here on out.

  12. “Third, WN is powerless and this hasn’t changed in twenty years and shows no sign of ever changing in the future.”

    I don’t disagree with this, however Joe Walker’s question is the correct one. What can be asserted to claim that SN isn’t likewise “powerless and this hasn’t changed in twenty years and shows no sign of ever changing in the future.”

    Pot, meet kettle.

    Don’t get me wrong. I wish it were otherwise. But unless someone in WN or SN becomes rich and buys a significant media presence, nothing can change or will change.

    I don’t agree with the WN in one sense: I think their goal of creating a White Homeland is out of the realm of possibility. (Can’t anyone think incrementally?) But as for their observations that the Jews own the media and control its content, and that this media completely indoctrinates every rising generation, more and more, it’s indisputable.

  13. “Third, WN is powerless and this hasn’t changed in twenty years and shows no sign of ever changing in the future.”

    I don’t disagree with this, however Joe Walker’s question is the correct one. What can be asserted to claim that SN isn’t likewise “powerless and this hasn’t changed in twenty years and shows no sign of ever changing in the future.”

    Pot, meet kettle.

    Don’t get me wrong. I wish it were otherwise. But unless someone in WN or SN becomes rich and buys a significant media presence, nothing can change or will change.

    I don’t agree with the WN in one sense: I think their goal of creating a White Homeland is out of the realm of possibility. (Can’t anyone think incrementally?) But as for their observations that the Judaics own the media and control its content, and that this media completely indoctrinates every rising generation, more and more, it’s indisputable.

  14. As HW points out, ‘the WNs who do live in the South are generally sympathetic to secession . . ..’

    Almost all white nationalists are sympathetic to secession, but that doesn’t make them sympathetic to Southron nationalism. Most white nationalists want all parts of the US empire to secede, but their view on Southern secession is that Dixie should remain a colony for Yankee immigrants even if we were able to break from the USA and they correctly view Southron nationalism as an impediment to their white unity utopia. The bottom line is they still intend on keeping Dixie as theirs, even if Dixie is not under US rule.

    Obviously, some white nationalists are prospective Southron nationalists, but a lot of the really ideological ones are not. And, it should also be considered that a lot of the white nationalists in Dixie are Yankees.

  15. Sean says:
    Believe it or not, I would love to see the south shake it up. I just don’t believe it can be done. Especially now, there is no real leadership and the govt. is planning on flooding the region with Mexicans….”

    Maybe that’s the whole point of “southern” organizations (that may or may not be “southern”)—– to DISTRACT people while this “flooding” (which is the real goal) can be better accomplished.

    Just a thought

  16. It’s interesting how all of this seems to come on the heels of “Anti-Racist Hitler”.

    Anyway, I sincerely wish you all the best Hunter.

  17. Early in the AM ramblings, but it seems practical politics has at least two principles, one is consistent messaging, the second is street level inquiry into what the actual people want (or convincing them what they want).

    And there is the rub all these grouplets are outlets for intellectual wonkery and conspiracy crankery (hello namers).

    I’ll say it again, and on this HAC is correct, an effective revolutionary is not someone who kills it is someone who liberates the people.

    Here is my free advice; Liberate whites from the evils of the “racist” label and other PC mindblocks. Now I know its not intellectual wonkery of the type that Mommy Prof would grudgingly get you a B, or twelve likes on a bulletin board but we are talking mass politics here.

  18. Stage Control – This was an issue at both conferences. I wasn’t there the second day of the League conference, but I heard about it. This is another area where there is a lot room for improvement.

    What do you mean by stage control?

  19. the klan doesn’t exist.

    the klan didn’t exist when david duke ‘ran it.’ After the fall of the second klan, people just invented their own. People made klans as easily as people make websites now. David Duke was not a klan leader, he lead a group which pretended to be the klan./

    The real klan – the first era klan – was a pro-slavery organization more than a white nationalist one.

    The second era klan was anti-Catholic and anti-Irish.

    Anything after the second era is a bullshit klan, it’s no different than me setting up another website and calling it occidental dissent.

    But the point is that the klan is not “white nationalist” it was nativist. It disliked the Irish probably more than the Jews.

  20. Beautifully laid out, Hunter, and I wish you success in all of it. As you know, I’m a Northerner, and to be truthful, “the South” never really existed in my thoughts until I connected with some highly intelligent, informed Southerners here on the Internet; I learned a great deal of history from them and was given an inside look into their specifically Southern feelings and desires. Southerners and Northerners have, indeed, been shaped by different events, different environments, different mindsets.

    I think it’s fine to have a Southern “wing,” such as you represent so well. But I think it’s a serious mistake to position a Southern wing against what would be called a Northern “wing” if it existed, ignoring the overlap between them, which I can’t believe you don’t recognize. However much you may resist the thought, we do also have some significant common interest in the most important events of the 20th century, here and around the globe–events and consequences that have impacted negatively on all Whites, wherever they are.

    As a Northerner, I would like to feel that you and I were on the same big team–different positions, but with similar high-minded desires for the future of Whites.

  21. To Hunter Wallace and all SN,

    I am a state-power advocate. Let’s be realistic here, this is the only solution. The White ethnos is based on a limited universality of sorts, we can have a few other “minorities” in our midst, it used to be called “variety” before Diversity existed.

    No, we will not let you Southerners secede, you will not succeed. Might does make Right, don’t you forget that. We are in this together, we just need more states rights. The answer, is to allow states rights, plus limited confederations of certain states for certain law structures.

    In other words, the route to a limited confederacy will be states rights. States should be able to set policy to determine the quality and general character of people living in their state. The policies need not be “Race” based, but rather “ethnic”based. If we return to seeing White as an ethnicity, not just a race, then some segregation will be legally possible to achieve.

    The end goal, in practical terms: Shrink the control of the Federal Government, expand the power of the states. This is what the Founding Fathers intended. Allow limited “confederations”, or similarities of states, and then you can set your own “ethnic” and “social moral character” policies.

    You must deal with reality as it is, don’t be a rebel against reality. Use is for what it is, State Government Re-Empowerment is the way to go.


    • There is only one way to shrink the control of the federal government and to expand the power of the states: dissolve the Union with the Northeast, West Coast, and Upper Midwest.

  22. Hunter Wallace,

    Precisely this is what you are going to have to explain:
    “dissolve the Union with the Northeast, West Coast, and Upper Midwest.”

    I believe that Whites love money, and we are not going to give up coastal access. As gun rights advocates say, “out of my cold, dead hands”. Do you expect the Federal Government will get so weak that you can just secede part of the country?

    In other words, I admire your end. I just don’t believe that you have the means to accomplish this, short of encouraging Black-Run America. If you help those who are trying to destroy America, the sexual “liberation” lobby, the 3rd world immigrant ponzi scheme, and the program to run the government by Blacks, BRA, only then will the Federal Government be weak enough that you can propose this.

    I would not suggest this course of action, proposing a Confederacy, despite the obvious advantages of this imaginary high ground you will never occupy. The course of action is incremental, though your goal of a better-run South is admirable.
    1)Let the Federal Government run amok, and let it REQUIRE devolution to state authority. (2024-2032)
    2) Expand State Rights and Powers, Shrink those of the Federal Government (2032-2040)
    3) After military guarantees and loyalty binds to a Union like those the Founding Fathers made (until 1856), agree to form an Alliance of Southern States, a policy alliance, not a military alliance. By 2040, Human Biodiversity will be accepted fact, and Negroes and Homosexuals will not be used as weapons like they are now. (2040 –

    Yes, we may live to see this Southern Alliance, where states finally can improve their living conditions, and maintain and increase their historical White populations, while decreasing burdensome non-civilizationally-fit Black/Aztec segments. A variety can stay, just not a Diversity.
    I love your blog. Your exposition of Yankee/Dixie differences are particularly salient. I hope you can live to see a Southern Alliance, part of the United Federation of America. Please think more about 2013-2032 though, this comes before 2040.


    • Re: hbdusa

      1.) No, I don’t.

      I don’t believe we have a choice in the matter though. We can either secede or revolt or submit. That’s our options.

      2.) There is only one reason we have Black Run America, Third World immigration, the “sexual liberation lobby,” and so on. The existence of the Union is why we have these things. Were it not for the Union, the South would have reversed course a long time ago.

      3.) There is no reason to believe that the federal government will ever devolve authority to the states. In the Great Depression and the 2008 financial crisis, the federal government expanded its power at the expense of the states. If there is an economic collapse, it will be used as another excuse to further expand the powers of the federal government.

      4.) The federal government – led by the Northeast – has steadily encroached on the reserved powers of the states for two centuries now. That was always the plan. The Federalists always wanted a consolidated government.

      5.) The Founding Fathers created the Union which is the reason why we are in this situation. The Northeast has spent the last two centuries trying to consolidate and centralize the federal government. It was a mistake to create the Union in the first place.

      6.) The existence of the Union is subsidizing the proliferation of blacks, encouraging millions of Third World immigrants to come here, and penalizing White family formation in countless ways. If we can dissolve the Union, the Southern states will finally be in a position to enact permanent reforms.

      7.) We don’t want a “United Federation of America.” We want an independent Southern Republic. There have been three “White Republics” in American history – America until 1861, the Confederacy, and the Jim Crow South – and all three White Republics were destroyed by the same people. It would be a folly for the South to give the same failed model a fourth try.

      8.) HBD was mainstream in the South for three centuries. Why did that change in the 1960s? The existence of the Union which used the U.S. military to impose integration on the South. The existence of the Union is why every hotel, every neighborhood, every public school, every restaurant, and every business in Dixie has been forced to conform to anti-racist nonsense for the almost fifty years now.

  23. @ Hunter

    I’m going to give you some Dutch Uncle advice…again. LOL.

    The key to any political effort is the ability to raise money, and lots of it. You and your friends need to spend a few hours a day on the phone, or visiting people, raising money. I’m sure Dr. Hill, or an LOS, CofCC lawyer can set up all the legal details for you to raise money for southern heritage or whatever you want to call your fund raising effort. To make it interesting, I would suggest a 60% – 40% split for all dollars raised. The organization gets 60%, the individual fund raiser gets 40%. You might want to kick around 50%-50%. You should remember that only 3 or 4 of every hundred you contact will make a donation. Although with southern heritage it might be a higher %.

    White nationalism is ok in the sense that the Founding Fathers were White nationalists. But, your approach is regional, but, you can raise money all over the USA with southern heritage, because a lot of people have moved since the Civil War. LOL.

    One of the reasons I read your stuff, is that I was a great admirer of your Great Uncle (?) George.

    I only wish I had been more outspoken when I was young…if that was possible? LOL. Surely, I wish I were more practically organized back then, but, it takes years of practice to understand that.

  24. “You will need some media to get the word out”

    Cheapest and simplest way would be a Drudge type news site designed specifically around what would most interest the target audience. By Drudge-like I mean nothing fancy, just simple links but the choice of links would be suited to the audience you want. Even very simple it would probably still be a full time job to keep it fresh and interesting enough for people to go to it first for their news.

  25. We can either secede or revolt or submit.

    With all the talk about secession (actually, re-secession), I haven’t heard anyone explain how this will come about. Do you envision state legislatures holding votes, state-wide referendum, or something else?

    • We’re not in any position to secede right now, but it could be done through, say, a state convention. Just as before, a single state seceding would force every other state to choose sides.

  26. “No, we will not let you Southerners secede, you will not succeed. Might does make Right, don’t you forget that. We are in this together…”

    Together? According to that logic, rape is somehow akin to marriage.

    “we just need more states rights. The answer, is to allow states rights, plus limited confederations of certain states for certain law structures.”

    Secession is the ultimate manifestation of state rights. The centralized leviathan state has no incentive to devolve power back to the states nor will it ever do so of its own volition. Its power becomes enfeebled over time and depends upon an ever increasing need for shrill rhetoric, censorship, paranoid surveillance, and intrusive policing.

    Like the morbidly obese, it grows weaker over time, not stronger.
    Its strength is illusory and ephemeral. Ultimately, its might will surrender to right.

    Federal overreach will create the conditions for secession in time. All empires weaken and eventually fall, particularly ones that are based upon the denial of reality such as BRA. The expansive federal government of today ruins everything it touches.

    Perversion of the truth inevitably leads to death. BRA is not immune to this.

    “There is a taint of death, a flavour of mortality in lies — which is exactly what I hate and detest in the world — what I want to forget. It makes me miserable and sick, like biting something rotten would do.”–Joseph Conrad

    BRA is the rotten fruit of a social order built on lies.

    Deo Vindice

  27. Consider something a little less than full Outhern Independence as a seperate country:

    Swiss style Southern Canton, where locals decide immigration, who can work, local control of media, also Local bank, local currency.

    Supreme Court decisions mandating affirmative action, homo marriage equality, free health care for illegals etc. – these decisions are over ruled by Southern Canton law.

  28. “Most white nationalists want all parts of the US empire to secede, but their view on Southern secession is that Dixie should remain a colony for Yankee immigrants even if we were able to break from the USA and they correctly view Southron nationalism as an impediment to their white unity utopia”

    This is a ridiculous assertion that has no basis in fact.

  29. “But unless someone in WN or SN becomes rich and buys a significant media presence, nothing can change or will change.”

    The obvious conclusion to be made is that individuals who are already rich need to fund a secessionist cause. Someone similar to radical conservatives like Nelson Bunker Hunt and the Koch brothers comes to mind.

  30. “the point is that the klan is not “white nationalist” it was nativist.”

    A distinction without a difference at the time.

  31. “If there is an economic collapse, it will be used as another excuse to further expand the powers of the federal government.”

    One that will have no money to impose its will. The feds will have there hands full just trying to protect our infrastructure and military installations, let alone insure the safe passage of grain shipments to the starving Negro masses in the city.

    A flat broke government is essentially powerless.

  32. “Swiss style Southern Canton, where locals decide immigration, who can work, local control of media, also Local bank, local currency.”

    Great point, Jack.

    Perhaps it could be something similar to the concurrent majority in John C. Calhoun’s “A Disquisition on Government.” Chesterton’s “An Outline of Sanity” and Wilhelm Roepke’s “A Humane Economy” also reveal some interesting alternatives to the “one size fits all” of the globalist leviathan state.

    I think we agree that anarchism and its equally evil twin libertarianism are to be avoided. The breakup of centralized structures and dependencies is a key component of any future order that will avoid such mistakes.

    The most telling question remains, as always, how do we get to there from here?

    Deo Vindice

  33. “Federal overreach will create the conditions for secession in time.”

    It is already happening and predictably they are de-mobilizing Army and National Guard units even as we speak. The feds have reached the point that they can’t keep printing enough money to keep both the imperial military forces and the welfare state funded.

    State nullification of federal mandates is already occurring. I believe that this is the route to actual secession at a later date when the federal government can no longer finance all the partial funding it does of its mandated initiatives like food stamps, welfare, and infrastructure. Half the super aircraft carriers are already docked because of lack of funds to operate them.

  34. “Consider something a little less than full Outhern Independence as a seperate country:

    Swiss style Southern Canton, where locals decide immigration, who can work, local control of media, also Local bank, local currency.

    Supreme Court decisions mandating affirmative action, homo marriage equality, free health care for illegals etc. – these decisions are over ruled by Southern Canton law.”

    Yes, I also believe that local nullification and devolution of power will precede outright secession.

  35. The main thing you can do is what you are doing. Building support on a ground level. You have the benefit of a sympathetic, racially seasoned population.

    Spend the rest of the year organizing, recruiting, doing Good Deeds for your communities. Show folks that the LoS are the Good Guys.

    Wait til 2014, when the deranged, literal Nation Wrecking legislation of “Obamacare” touched ground.

    Then seize your opportunities.

  36. Consider something a little less than full Southern Independence as a separate country:

    Swiss style Southern Canton, where locals decide immigration, who can work, local control of media, also Local bank, local currency.

    Supreme Court decisions mandating affirmative action, homo marriage equality, free health care for illegals etc. – these decisions are over ruled by Southern Canton law.’

    Jack Ryan, that was more or less the system that was in place until the 1960’s but if failed. No reason to try it again.

  37. All white tribal entities will in the end do as they did in our ancient past. They will subscribe to Logos or they will perish. It is only then you will understand the compromises your distant forbears made.

    It is painful to witness separation when we should be coming together. But I also understand all things happen in their own good time.

  38. “anarchism and its equally evil twin libertarianism are to be avoided.”

    I’m sick of the conflating of eminently sound (small “l”) libertarian economic principles such as:

    1) the basic legality and efficiency of capitalist acts freely entered upon by consenting adults

    2) sound hard money principles instead of fractional reserve banking, and

    3) freedom of association (which was severely damaged by the 1964 Civil Rights Act), with wild statements about unrestricted immigration, homosexual marriage, and other such nonsense espoused by certain “libertarians” over the years.
    Read the Confederate Constitution. It is quite clearly libertarian in its economic prescriptions for low taxes and free trade.

  39. Occigent – I do feel that same pain. I believe that it will come down to Race, in the end, since Whites are such a small Global minority.

    I feel the Race is bound in Logos, and Logos, in Race.

    Where-as the thought of Southern White branching off, and giving the boot to millions of non-Southern Whites, who are currently being racially awakened, and are beginning to understand and sympathize with the South, is a wee bit…….I don’t even know what word to use….I understand. Southern Whites have historical advantages that other White do not. If they can organize successfully – success engenders success.

    The German Reich was taken down BECAUSE the existence of a successful White ethno State could not be endured. The NWO ideology is cracking apart, globally.

    The L o S, and Hunter, are filled with zeal and purpose. I’ve been reading this blog for years. I sense a focus and maturity in Hunter’s goals.

    I know the Southrons care about Southrons. I care about Whites. I pray that the LoS is the American Jobbik and Golden Dawn. Whites, that succeeds help all Whites.

  40. Consider something a little less than full Outhern Independence as a seperate country:

    Why? Countries far smaller than ours are independent. There is no benefit to the Southron people in union with your people in any form. A total severance of relations would be best for us.

  41. I’ll say it again, and on this HAC is correct, an effective revolutionary is not someone who kills it is someone who liberates the people.

    Here is my free advice; Liberate whites from the evils of the “racist” label and other PC mindblocks. Now I know its not intellectual wonkery of the type that Mommy Prof would grudgingly get you a B, or twelve likes on a bulletin board but we are talking mass politics here.

    Just what sort of short-run and long-run changes do you envisage occurring as a result of whites, en masse, casting off the “that’s racist” shackles?

    In my view, while it would certainly be a total game-changer, I think by far the most likely short term effect (very roughly speaking, 10-30 years out) would be a whites politically settling into an anti-anti-white stance.

    There’s no end of material out there for people to base such an attitude on.

    For instance, just last night some young femmiloon got stuck into me when I answered her question of why I didn’t pursue some other girl who was obviously into me by saying “She’s too much of a slut. I’m not looking for someone like that.” She proceeded to tell me she’s studying sociology and, wagging her finger at me, explained that my behavior was “ethnocentric” (!). I stifled a chuckle and asked her to expand. She was a bit drunk so probably got some of the details wrong, but still, I can only imagine the kind of anti-reality lunacy she is being “taught.” There is no end of crap like this in society these days, and while not all of is pointedly anti-white, it’s part and parcel of the same deranged equality cult mindset. This crap won’t fade overnight – it’s part of a long-term world-historical trend – so there will plenty for anti-anti-whites to forcefully, unrelentingly and unrepentantly rebel (totally unlike Conservatism Inc) against for many years to come.

    In the long-run, anti-anti-whitism would achieve decent field position, but my feeling is the final drive is going to require something more – and that’s where the “wonkery” comes into it. Simply liberating whites from “that’s racist” won’t be enough by itself – if for no other reason than that literally millions of non-whites or “whites”-but-not-really-whites could easily get behind it, and this for many (or most?) whites would be considered such a friendly gesture that truly revolutionary racial animosity (think Mark or Robert Campbell) would be even more difficult to achieve than is even now the case.

  42. What happened to Proud Globalist Race Traitor? Has he been banned? He was a pretty intelligent and entertaining poster and his response to this entry would have been interesting.

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