Gay Marriage Disgusts Persian Jews


In California, Persian Jews push back against American Jews on gay marriage:

“To officiate a union that is expressly not for the same godly purpose of procreation and to call such a relationship ‘sanctified’ is unacceptable to a sound mind,” M. Michael Naim, an architect, said in an open letter to other Iranian members of the congregation. “Homosexuality is explicitly condemned in Scripture and has been categorically and passionately rejected by all classical Jewish legal and ethical thinkers as a cardinal vice in the same category as incest, murder and idolatry.”

This is reminiscent of Southern Jews on integration back in the 1960s:

“The Persian community is pretty heavily weighted against the idea of same-sex marriage,” Rabbi Wolpe said. “And there are some non-Persians who also oppose it, and have made their convictions clear to me.” …

“In my experience, it’s all about generations,” Rabbi Feinstein said in an e-mail. “First-generation Persian Jews, immigrants who were raised in the Moslem culture of Iran, have very strong prejudices against gays and lesbians, along with other strong feelings about matters such as women’s roles in families and society, families’ control over the lives of kids, roles of husbands and wives, etc. Second-generation American Persian Jews, raised in the U.S. and generally college educated, have very different opinions.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Second-generation American Persian Jews, raised in the U.S. and generally college educated, have very different opinions.”

    Yeah, its called brainwashing. America really is the Empire of Sodom.

  2. My learned hypothesis (WAG) is that homosexuality has a large genetic component and jews being a closely inbred lot carry a lot of those genes. Liberate them I say the world needs way more gay jews.

  3. “GinaMarie referred to welfare as “n**ger insurance” … and the comments were captured on “Big Brother’s” uncensored live Internet feed”


    Nigger insurance, hehe.

  4. Hello fellow (white) countrymen. I think this article further supports that Judaism is anti-Western (white) civilization. The Hebrews have always been the leaders of movements of communism, homosexuality, and abortion. And yet so many people in this country think they are on our side. They are truly bring out the rot and decay of a nation.

  5. US culture is degenerate. Very little positive about it. The world will be a better place once the USA is relegated to the trash heap of history as a failed Leftistist experiment.

  6. “‘America’ corrupts all it touches.”

    “US culture is degenerate. Very little positive about it. The world will be a better place once the USA is relegated to the trash heap of history as a failed Leftist experiment.”

    Pretty much sums it all up. It won’t get any better until it ends.
    The sooner, the better.

    Deo Vindice

  7. This post a stick in the eye of WN readers?

    What do the Talmuds allow? Since the Torah is so clear, homosexuality is condemned in the Talmuds and Mishna. But the Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 109b explains the sins of Sodom as widespread heterosexual rape and vicious inhospitality toward strangers, NOT homosexuality! Elsewhere there is discussion of rules for marriage of Rabbis to lesbians.

  8. Actually Earl, in Yiddish, a queer is called fegaleh. It means little bird or little girl. If it’s a bird, it’s probably a coo-coo, and if it’s a girl, Nellie Olson comes to mind!

  9. Don’t believe the anti-Orthodox propaganda being pushed by US news outlets/latrines. The Orthodox consensus in Amerikwa and Eretz Israel is overwhelmingly against validating such “unions”. Blaming the bias on the Muslims is ridiculous- Judaism has been around for much longer- only two thousand years.

  10. Akiva Nemetski says:

    Don’t believe the anti-Orthodox propaganda being pushed by US news outlets/latrines. The Orthodox consensus in Amerikwa and Eretz Israel is overwhelmingly against validating such “unions”.

    The vast majority of jews in this country are not Orthodox and they are overwhelmingly in favor of all things queer.

  11. “The vast majority of jews in this country are not Orthodox and they are overwhelmingly in favor of all things queer.”

    So are the vast majority of yankees.

    Deo Vindice

  12. The Ukranian orthodox Greek Catholic Church has just placed Cardinal ( I use this term loosely) Levada under the anathema. They have extended the anathema also to Benedict for his corruption of Catholic faith and morals (and not without mention of the Assisi abomination).

    Laus tibi Domine, rex aeternae gloriae.

    It should here be remembered that the Assisi abomination was inaugurated by John Paul II, during which event he ordered the removal of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ from the monastery of St Francis so that all heathen religions assembled would have easier access to their demons while performing their idolatries.

    To hell with the NWO religion of man and fraternity, liberty and impossible equality promoted by antichrists John Paul II and Benedict. When Benedict’s successor Pope ‘call me Jorge’ Francis raises antichrist John Paul II to the altars of the Church this Oct, may it please God for that anathema of the UOGCC to stand.

    All over the world, many people think they are hearing the image of that antichrist John Paul II speak and tell them ‘they are healed’ and these healings are being verified by doctors and hospitals. People are venerating the image of antichrist John Paul II with lying signs and wunderz following. It is bad now. What will it be like when Jorge proclaims him a saint? Why is there a webcam on his tomb 24/7 – a webcam that records a lot of really weird stuff?

  13. Quoted the article: “The decision by Rabbi Wolpe (…) one of the country’s best known rabbis, was very much in accordance with other Conservative congregations. Conservative Judaism is perched between the more liberal Reform and Reconstructionist movements, which have long accepted gay clergy members and (…) Some Conservative congregations have gay rabbis and cantors (…) Rabbi Wolpe said that while he looked forward to conducting same-sex marriages, he would continue to refuse to perform interfaith weddings (…) The rabbi’s letter to the congregation argued that Jewish law not only permitted such unions, but also should embrace them (…) this decision is in the best tradition of the Conservative movement which views the Torah as a living document that allows room for new understandings and approaches (…) the demand on the part of our brothers and sisters who are gay to be able to live in a sanctified relationship is a call to our conscience and our responsibility as Jews.”

    In fact, MOST of the congregation does NOT oppose “sodomy contracts”.

  14. “Persian Jews push back against American Jews on gay marriage (…) This is reminiscent of Southern Jews on integration” !

    Invite them to move to the South, to assist with secession.

  15. Off topic:

    Airline crash landed in SF was the result of wind shear jolted the plane tail hit the runway first which broke off. Boing 777 flight 12 hours, 10k miles range without refueling. Biggest passenger plane seats 350 and with luggage’s weighing tons and tons (adding more seats for profit) wind sheer overwhelm the engine thrust .

  16. Very interesting post. If anything, it demonstrates that the Jew’s proclivity towards cultural subversion seems to be an exclusively Ashkenazi trait.

  17. “it demonstrates that the Jew’s proclivity towards cultural subversion seems to be an exclusively Ashkenazi trait.”

    Notice that these dissenting first generation Talmudist immigrants from Muslim Iran are OLDER adults, and older adults are generally not able to adapt to new social environments as quickly as young people can. Notice that the younger immigants and especially their offspring are already liberal — many of them just as liberal as what you call “YANKEE Ash-ke-NAZIS”.

    Now what is the REASON for portraying Sephardim and Mizrahim as non-subversive?

  18. “Very interesting post. If anything, it demonstrates that the Jew’s proclivity towards cultural subversion seems to be an exclusively Ashkenazi trait.”

    And as Akiva Nemetski so rightly points out cultural subversion is not so exclusive among the Ashkenazim at might appear at first blush. Orthodox Jews, Israeli Jews, and many Conservative Jews do not support the homosexual agenda either.

    The Cultural Marxist Jews among the elites are cultural subversives for sure.
    As are most of the non-Jews among the elites.

    Many yankee liberal Jews only support the homosexual agenda because of Holocaust propaganda which incorrectly includes all homosexuals as among the main victims of the Holocaust. The fact that the butch queers in the Nazi party sacrificed femme queers to provide cover for their own perversions somehow gets lost in the multicultural propaganda.

    Then there is the old Martin Niemoeller quote: “First they came for the Socialists…blah, blah, blah.”

    Niemoeller was a “reformed antisemitic” Protestant minister and concentration camp survivor who did more than anyone else to foster and encourage white guilt after the war. The beginnings of European postwar ethnomasochism based upon collective guilt can be found in this quote from Niemoeller:

    “Thus, whenever I chance to meet a Jew known to me before, then, as a Christian, I cannot but tell him: ‘Dear Friend, I stand in front of you, but we can not get together, for there is guilt between us. I have sinned and my people has sinned against thy people and against thyself.'”

    White guilt can be extended almost infinitely. It can even appeal to those who would normally protest against any notion of collective guilt, such as liberal Jews.

    Truth is first casualty of any war, including cultural wars, it seems. Nevertheless, in the conflict between Subversion and Tradition, traditionalist Ashkenazi Jews can be found on the right side.

    Deo Vindice

  19. Notice that the younger immigants and especially their offspring are already liberal — many of them just as liberal as what you call “YANKEE Ash-ke-NAZIS”.

    How do you know this? How much information do we have on this small and relatively obscure (yet vibrant)community? And it seems that every immigrant group that moves to North America has to endure the liberalization of its offspring. I’m not a fan of Jewry myself, as my website makes clear, but this post just exponentially magnifies the duplicity of Ashkanazi jews,

  20. I read the synopsis and reviews (“This is one libertarian who knows that the market is wonderful, but it is not everything….”) of that book, Apuleius. Perhaps since the author is a Talmudist and a Fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies, the topic of South African white displacement will now become kosher.

    Did I ever say that Talmudists cannot be right on some things? But unless they are truly converted, they still deny the Deity and resurrection of Christ, the most extreme violation of reality that has the longest-term and worst possible consequences, and causes the worst general harm, MOST SUBVERSIVE of our culture!

    I like this entry in her blog/website: “Man Up, World! Give An American Patriot Asylum. The USA is still the biggest bully in the world. The BBC reports that ‘Mr. Snowden has already asked 21 countries for asylum, most of whom have turned down his request.’ The US has been blamed for being behind the decision by France, Portugal, Italy and Spain to close airspace to Bolivia’s president, whose plane was grounded in Austria for 13 hours as a result (…) Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro said it would give asylum to the intelligence leaker, who is believed to be holed up in a transit area of Moscow airport. Let this young man live out his life in Venezuela, instead of in a US cage. Those who’re not suspended in the moral abyss with mainstream media already know that EDWARD SNOWDEN IS THE BEST OF AMERICA. Let us prove ourselves worthy of his sacrifice. Come every Memorial Day — more aptly called “Dying For Nothing Day” — we direct a commonplace saying at members of a military that has not defended authentic American liberties for decades. It is, however, to a young man such as this that we should say: ‘Thank you for your service, Mr. Snowden.’ ”

    I also liked this entry, about Edward’s “Yankee” Pennsylvania father: “Like son like father: Edward Snowden’s father Lon Snowden, in an open letter co-authored with his lawyer, compared his son’s leaks to Paul Revere warning of incoming British troops, ‘summoning the American people to confront the growing danger of tyranny and one branch government.’ The letter, released to news organizations, lauded Edward Snowden as following the ‘honorable tradition of brave men and women refusing to bow to government wrongdoing or injustice, and exalting knowledge, virtue, wisdom, and selflessness over creature comforts as the North Star of life.’ ”

    It is possible that Edward arrived at his conviction from the example of his father? Worth looking into sometime. Edward TOOK the job, in the beginning, with the full intention of doing what he did! We hope there are MANY MORE sleepers working in various sensitive positions of the governments of the global tyranny. I knew he had to be of northern stock, since southerners tend to love war and militarism right or wrong.

  21. Apuleius, your woman writes: “a military that has not defended authentic American liberties for DECADES” — evidently meaning EVER SINCE, and beginning AFTER, World War II !

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