Knights of the Golden Circle, Order of the Lone Star, and Northern Mexico


Here’s an excerpt from David C. Keehn’s new book Knights of the Golden Circle: Secret Empire, Southern Secession, Civil War that sheds light on the KGC and their activities in Northern Mexico:

“U.S. filibusters had long been lusting after Mexico’s four northern-tier provinces – Nuevo León, Coahuila, Chihuahua, and Sonora. These provinces were barren and sparsely populated, but Sonora, as well as Guanajuato Province to the immediate south, were rich in silver, gold, and other minerals. In 1840, Texans had backed an attempt by Mexican Federalist Party leaders, including northern strongman Vidaurri, to declare independence from Mexico’s central government and create an independent “Republic of the Rio Grande” to include the four provinces. This was nipped in the bud by Mexico’s central army, but between 1849 and 1859, five separate U.S.-based filibuster expeditions had been launched to try to wrest portions of Mexico’s northern provinces. Participants in each risked the outcome of the 1857 expedition into Sonora led by California state senator Henry Crabb. In Crabb’s unfortunate case, the Mexican army captured and systematically executed him and his company of one thousand men.

Bickley and the KGC sought to use the shaky position of the Liberals to advance their goal of expansion southward. Northern Mexican stongman Santiago Vidaurri was a committed KGC supporter and actively cooperated with its leaders. Manuel Doblado, second in command of the Liberal army and governor of Guanajuato Province, also had reportedly reached an understanding with the KGC’s emissaries. “We have the invitation of four [Mexican] State Governors to come and shall receive their cooperation if only we take care of the people of those States.” 

The Knights of the Golden Circle grew out of an older established group based in Texas called the Order of the Lone Star:

“To continue the mission of freeing Cuba from Spanish rule and eventually annexing it to the United States as a slaveholding territory, Cuban ex-patriots and southern adventurers formed the Order of the Lone Star in 1851 at the offices of the pro-expansionist Lafayette (La.) True Delta newspaper. John Henderson, a Mississippi cotton planter and U.S. senator, formulated the OLS ritual, and Pierre Soule, another U.S. senator from Louisiana, served as its president.

The OLS, like its KGC successor, was organized in a hierarchical fashion with three degrees, including the military degree at the bottom and a fund-raising benevolent degree above that. At the apex was the political degree, with the goal of supporting U.S. political candidates who would advance the society’s filibustering and proslavery objectives. A supreme council governed the group’s overall policy. …

Ford described the OLS’s secret initiation ceremony as highly ritualistic, with candidates passing through a succession of increasingly solemn steps incorporating cabalistic passwords. The final step was a dramatic conclusion that Ford said ended with something the initiate would never forget. An observer of a Lone Star encampment at Richmond, Virginia, similarly described the initiation ceremony as a “magnificent spectacle” that pantomimed with López expedition.”

The Knights of the Golden Circle became a mass membership organization by merging with the Order of the Lone Star:

“During his sojourn across the South, George was somehow able to convince the leaders of a preexisting southern society called the “Order of the Lone Star” (OLS) to merge with his Knights. This had truly an exponential impact since the OLS already had more than fifteen thousand members and at least fifty chapters spread across ten southern states with large concentrations in Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Alabama. It also had chapters in northern port cities including Baltimore and New York, where it operated out of Tammany Hall and the Empire Club. This merger with the OLS suddenly transformed Bickley’s nascent KGC into a truly powerful force with far-flung members and prestige.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yeah it’s too bad the Golden Circle didn’t succeed the South could have had millions of Mexicans living with you a century earlier. The South may one day get its independence from BRA but spare us any talk of kicking out negros and spics you Southern boys like having non-whites around to take orders, so it was so it shall ever be.

  2. Excerpt from David C. Keehn’s new book: “Participants in each risked the outcome of the 1857 expedition into Sonora led by California state senator Henry Crabb. In Crabb’s unfortunate case, the Mexican army captured and systematically executed him and his company of one thousand men.

    Except from Wikipedia’s “The Crabb Massacre”: “…when Crabb arrived in Mexico, his command was attacked and ultimately defeated. Some fifty survivors of the battle, out of about eighty-five men, were executed by the Mexicans.”

    Both of these accounts can’t be true.

  3. “Ford described the OLS’s secret initiation ceremony as highly ritualistic, with candidates passing through a succession of increasingly solemn steps incorporating cabalistic passwords”.

    It was just another “bully club” for childish men, however its one practical accomplishment — fomenting the war — was not silly.

    “It also had chapters in northern port cities including Baltimore and New York, where it operated out of Tammany Hall and the Empire Club”! Everything rotten in the world is bound to have a New York source or connexion.

  4. I would have been an enthusiastic supporter of the KGC. Northern Mexico, the Yucatan, Cuba and Nicaragua should all have been part of our great Southern confederacy of republics. It would have been the most pro-White government on this planet and as Rhett said, also the most free (in the Southern sense of that term – not in the US democratic sense) and useful society in the world.

  5. I remember studying history of the period when I was young and wishing more land had been added in the Southwest. But now, I think, northwestern European white people are not really suited to that climate and latitude. Dark-skinned people predominate in the lower latitudes, deserts and tropical climates. Land bridge Asians also have a homeland there.

    Perhaps God put a stop to the endless over-reaching for more gold, silver and other resources (wealth) toward the south and west — but the Knights of the Golden Circle club, like every dog, had its day.

  6. “It would have been the most pro-white government on this planet..”

    – Except for the governments of countries who’s populations were comprised, exclusively, of, you know, WHITE PEOPLE. Not nigger and mestizo slaves.

    “..also the most free (in the Southern sense of that term..”

    – There is no “Southern sense” of freedom. Your failed excuse for a civilization was literally defined by human bondage.

    “..not in the US democratic sense.)”

    – without which, you would likely be toiling in some mine somewhere, having never even learned to read, for whatever your life would be worth, Michael — instead of enjoying the freedom to bitch about how bad you have it because decent men finally took away your great great great granddaddy’s pet niggers.

    “..and useful society in the world.”

    – Useful to who? You people reject science, reject evolution, cling to the bible and all it’s backward horseshit, and needed enslaved niggers to fold your clothes and cook your meals for you. You people were utterly spoiled and helpless in your own personal lives in most vomit-inducing sense of the words, but you have the nerve to insist that your ancestors’ disgusting way of life and the arrogant sloth it produced, would be “useful” to the greater world. You’re delusional.

  7. “In particular, Baja California and Sonora would have been excellent additions to the Confederacy and would have given us a Pacific Coast and enormous mineral wealth.”

    Lots of expats down around Cabo. Spent a month there once. Great place. Sublime combination of desert and ocean there in between the Bay of Cortez and the Pacific. Pueblo Bonito Sunset. Perfect place to take that special lady.

    Deo Vindice

  8. Chris 313 writes:

    “It would have been the most pro-white government on this planet..”

    – Except for the governments of countries who’s populations were comprised, exclusively, of, you know, WHITE PEOPLE. Not nigger and mestizo slaves.

    As I and HW have pointed out numerous times it was the all-White societies of the North, metropole France the UK which destroyed the pro-White societies and governments of the South and the Caribbean. Even today pro-White sentiments are generally held much more strongly in the Lower South where Whites are a much smaller part of the population than in the Upper North.

  9. ‘We will expand, as our growth and civilization shall demand – over Mexico – over the isles of the sea – over the far-off Southern tropics – until we shall establish a great Confederation of Republics – the greatest, freest and most useful the world has ever seen.’

    -Robert Barnwell Rhett

  10. If I were asked to describe in a word the primal source or germ out of which this commotion has sprung, I would say it was the egotism of Southern character. There are no people in the world who have a higher opinion of themselves and of their surroundings than the inhabitants of certain districts of the South. They are accustomed to speak of themselves as possessing the very highest type of civilization; as pre-eminent in all the qualities of generous manhood; as hospitable, frank, brave beyond all other people; quick to resent dishonor; keen in their perception of what is great or noble; refined and elegant in manners. They claim, besides, superior talent, more acute insight, and higher energy than their neighbors. They are prolific in statesmen, orators, and politicians. They are manly, truthful, and chevalresque. This is the portrait they draw of themselves.

    — Slavery the Mere Pretext for the Rebellion; Not Its Cause, pages 5-6, 1863

    Southrons: A century-and-a-half of fooling nobody but themselves.

  11. Palmetto,

    I often never understand why you didn’t just stay in spain, instead of pushing that on generational americans who are from a different culture (north and west european non-catholics)

    If not spain, then anywhere in the south of europe—like croatia, italy, etc, or even some of central europe, although not so much

    I’m not flaming, I hope—- but KGC seems awful to me.

    Idk—- maybe my family should just go back to England, instead.

  12. Sorry, but seriously—- there are so many in u.s. who have real aversion to the Brazilification. I’m glad you, personally, like those south american cultures Palmetto, but not everyone does.

    Had friends who left miami just due to all the Santeria. It gets old paying taxes to clean messes of gonered animals off court house steps before their endless trials, the animals offered in sacrifice so they will be let off the hook for the crimes. Not to mention those weird bull fights, cock fights, horrible food (I don’t like it), and countless other things.

    Another friend who took her family to miami on what they thought would be two week vacation—- literally lasted one day. They cut it short, took the financial loss, got on the plane (top price tickets then) and went back home, totally grossed out.

    A million stories like this.

    • Sorry, but seriously—- there are so many in u.s. who have real aversion to the Brazilification. I’m glad you, personally, like those south american cultures Palmetto, but not everyone does.

      We’re glad that Texas, Louisiana, and Florida are part of the South. Cuba, Arizona, and California escaped our orbit due to the existence of the Union which checked our expansion.

      BTW, if the White Nationalists were right, Vermont and New Hampshire would be a paradise for “White people,” and countries like England wouldn’t be a liberal dystopia committing suicide.

  13. Final comment—

    Reading this blog, over time, I have become less (not more) interesting in the confederacy. And the reason is that I’m not into the Brazilification that people here seem to champion. I’m sure many people have felt the same, even if they never posted.

    I was raised more on the “state’s rights” idea from the past, small and limited government and so on—- things that are more appealing to me, precisely because IF I HAD THEM, it would have meant a way to resist having to be exposed to latino culture.

    I broke up with a guy who wanted to take me to puerto rico for a vacation. It was like being asked if I wanted to be boiled in oil, no offense to puerto ricans. A pretty place on a level, but just not having to do with my own culture, no offense.

    The whole thing made me want to RUN to England. Just saying.

    The English, Scots, Germans who created the constitutional republic should have a right to some area in your NWO.

  14. Sorry, I’m not being very clear (you all know what a stupid redneck I am), but I have to talk my way to a thought.

    I just don’t even see the difference between the NWO (that some southerners say they don’t like, even in the southern movement) and the KGC. It’s the same thing. Same people, probably.

    I admit to wanting a society with freedom of association, freedom of religion, freedom of thought. And to live with people who can handle living in such a place without constant gross misbehavior —apparently that is not the ‘nation of immigrants” or melting pots or whatever, who COULD NOT HANDLE living in such a place—-

    I need to be in a country where I can think, feel, talk— and live like a human being. A lot of people (I now realize) CAN’T HANDLE THAT— and need dumbed down education, programming telling them who to associate with (diversity or otherwise), and THICK rule books, telling them what to do all the time.

    I, personally, do not require that.

  15. DixieGirl says:
    July 16, 2013 at 3:36 pm

    “Idk—- maybe my family should just go back to England, instead.”

    Dixie you seem to be saying Whites should home. What you don’t seem to understand and yet everyone else does, the anti-Whites are flooding the UK with non-Whites as well. So much non-White flooding that Whites are a minority in their capital city of London.

    Anti-Whites say, No White countries are exempt from White Genocide and they mean it.

  16. Not sure why you guys think living around non-Whites, is any protection from White Genocide. It seems you still do not comprehend, how Cultural Commies subvert populations.

    I remember an Eastern European that lived under Communism, visited America. She took one look at the place and immediately understood what was going on. She shook her head knowingly and said, “Communists!”

    Under Communism, it was class war. Incite lower class Whites, against upper class Whites.

    Under Multiculturalism (Second Generation Communism), it is racial war on Whites. Incite non-Whites against Whites (“White Privilege”).

    Same people using the same methods.

    • Not sure why you guys think living around non-Whites, is any protection from White Genocide. It seems you still do not comprehend, how Cultural Commies subvert populations.

      The support for White Genocide tends to emanate from the whitest places.

      1.) The Jacobins in metropolitan France vs. their own colonials in the French West Indies.

      2.) The British abolitionists vs. their own colonials in the British West Indies.

      3.) Yankee abolitionists vs. White Southerners in the antebellum era, the War Between the States, and Reconstruction.

      4.) The international hate campaign against Rhodesia and South Africa.

      5.) The worldwide communist movement spearheaded by Soviet Russia.

      WNs are obsessed with the racial composition of any given society as if that was the only metric for measuring its stability and viability. Look at Jacobin France, the negrophilia of Britain in the early nineteenth century, New England’s hate campaign against the South, Soviet Russia, etc.

      Closer to home, Vermont shows that it is not enough to be “White.”

  17. “The whole thing made me want to RUN to England.”

    If you have any Welsh ancestors in the area, consider some rural parts of NORTHERN Wales that remain VERY ethnically “cohesive”. They are resisting violently (they burn them out!) the invasion of wealthy English and English-Talmudists who would buy up all their best land and houses for “second homes” and “third homes”, real estate investments, and vacation and “bug out” purposes.

  18. BTW, if the White Nationalists were right, Vermont and New Hampshire would be a paradise for “White people,” and countries like England wouldn’t be a liberal dystopia committing suicide.

    I’m no white nationalist, but generally speaking the whiter a state or country is, the higher the overall standard of living. By that I mean higher incomes, lower unemployment rates, longer lifespans, lower crime rates, better schools and hospitals, better governmental services, cleaner streets, less garbage and graffiti, less drug abuse, less corruption, more social cohesion, etc. Simply put, whiter = richer, healthier, safer, cleaner, better.

    Don’t you think Alabama would be a better place to live if it had no blacks? Or Hungary with no gypsies? Or France with no Muslims? Or Arizona with no Mexicans? Or Western Canada with no Indians? Of course they would.

    Check out the Statemaster website on your sidebar. They list New Hampshire as the best state to live in and Vermont as #3. The blackest state in the Union, Mississippi, comes in #50. The list doesn’t exactly follow a ‘whitest=best’ to a ‘least white=worst’ trajectory (for example, very white West Virginia finishes #46 while its not-as-white neighbour Virginia finishes #5), but it comes pretty close.

    • Re: jeppo

      I think we would be better off with Jamaica and without Vermont because the White liberals in Vermont would prove to be a greater problem than the blacks in Jamaica.

  19. Hunter Wallace says:

    ‘BTW, if the White Nationalists were right, Vermont and New Hampshire would be a paradise for “White people,”’

    Interesting subject for contemplation. I checked Wiki for some information.

    New Hampshire is about 94% White and 1% black. For that reason alone crime must be very low.

    In 2008 the state tied with Massachusetts as having the highest scores on the SAT and ACT standardized tests given to high school students.

    Ranked #6 among the States in Median Household Income – over 60K.

    I believe Whites could live, work or vacation there and feel very safe, comfortable and happy.

    They have tended more to the left in recent years, but the people surely can’t be as weird as the residents of L.A. and Frisco.

    Besides that, how great it must be to live your life without having to rub elbows with and having to be in close proximity to niggers.

    Seriously, it must be heavenly for that reason alone.

  20. “I have to talk my way to a thought. I just don’t even see the difference between the NWO (that some southerners say they don’t like, even in the southern movement) and the KGC.”

    That is also my conclusion. A New York connexion makes the “Knight club” operation very suspicious. The proposed Latin/Hispanic land grab was really to benefit…WHOM?

    • That is also my conclusion. A New York connexion makes the “Knight club” operation very suspicious. The proposed Latin/Hispanic land grab was really to benefit…WHOM?

      My guess would be that it was on the same level as the Latin/Hispanic land grab in Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and the Southwest (California, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico).

  21. Sean and Dixie Girl, When I discuss the Golden Circle and the origins of our civilisation it is learn and explain how we came to be, why we are different from Americans (Northerners and other non-Southerners), how our civilisation was destroyed, what remains and so forth. I am not advocating that we mount a filibuster expedition to re-take Nicaragua or Barbados. When I express regret that Nicaragua, for example, was lost, that is not to say that today I want to make Nicaragua (with its present population) part of the South. Had William Walker remained in control of that country and had his policies been implemented (as they were beginning to be before he was ganged up upon by the British and an alliance of Central American nations), that country would today look very much like the rest of the South. He invited Southerners to move there and build plantations and bring their culture with them, just as Southerners moved to Florida, Louisiana, Texas, etc. and took their culture with them. Texas in the 1860s was not a Mexican land. Neither would Nicaragua had been a Mestizo-dominated land if Walker and his supporters had been able to remain in power there. That country, and others like it, would have become Southern over time.

    As far as why I didn’t remain in Spain, although I enjoyed my time there, I am not Spanish. In fact, that country is going through most of the same problems we are going through here with regards to mass immigration, anti-White indoctrination, political correctness, etc. And as a foreigner there was little I could do to help out there. Here I am among my own people and can do much more to fight the negative trends destroying the Western world.

    I think you misunderstand my intentions if you believe I want to see a ‘Brazilification.’ In fact, under the present system the South is becoming more and more of a Third World land. Equality, democracy and US rule are doing that – not Southern values and ideals. I strongly oppose what is being done to the South. Reforms I would institute would result in the South being more White – with the deportation of Mexicans and the ending of welfare state which would encourage the outward migration of a significant portion of the mostly non-White underclass. We are not enemies here. I think you just misunderstand my intentions.

  22. Jeppo you’re right. Sam, you are also right.

    Hunter, do you really consider that sunburnt little island, with its multiracial mostly non-white and Catholic population, A BETTER PLACE than pure white rural New England that is green and seasonal, never droughty or overheated and in roughly the same latitude as the fatherland (“Old” England)?

    • Hunter, do you really consider that sunburnt little island, with its multiracial mostly non-white and Catholic population, A BETTER PLACE than pure white rural New England that is green and seasonal, never droughty or overheated and in roughly the same latitude as the fatherland (“Old” England)?


      Jamaica would be far easier for us to bring under control than a place like Vermont. The White liberals in Vermont and other parts of the Deep North have inflicted far more damage on the South than any Union with Jamaica ever possibly could. For the same reason, I would rather have Puerto Rico as a state than Massachusetts.

  23. “it was on the same level as the Latin/Hispanic land grab in Florida, Louisiana, Texas, and the Southwest (California, Nevada, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico)”

    Those territories were mostly very lightly populated and tenuously held by Spanish, French and Mexicans, compared to Mexico proper, Cuba and most of Central America — and the “takeovers” appear to be just: White Protestant settlers outnumbered Hispanics in Texas for example, before Texas became a state. The English colony of Georgia was threatened by the Spanish claim in Florida.

    But invading Mexico, annexing Nicaragua, Cuba, etc. would definitely be taking it to another level, possibly a level of outright greed and injustice.

  24. Mosin Nagant, there was a great deal of support among the Cuban upper class for being annexed by the US and becoming a Southern State. This was because the Madrid government was constantly threatening to force abolition upon Cuba if they didn’t stay in line and do as told. Havana was a huge trading partner with New Orleans. The two cities were pretty closely linked. It’s not much of a stretch to imagine Cuba having become a Southern State. Nicaragua was different but was sparsely populated and controlled by a tiny elite of Spanish people. The farming members of that elite could have easily adapted to the new Southern government of William Walker – and indeed Walker did have some friends in that country and was supported by one of the major parties there.

  25. “better off with Jamaica and without Vermont” seems clear enough, Palmetto.

    I revisited the source, where he says: “because the White liberals in Vermont would prove to be a greater problem than the blacks in Jamaica”.

    Yes, I did lose sight of that clause, Palmetto, while I was being carried away with my thought, or vision, of the COMPLETELY CONTRASTING (black versus white, hot versus cool, African versus English, etc.) sceneries of those two places.

  26. “It’s not much of a stretch to imagine Cuba having become a Southern State. Nicaragua was different but was sparsely populated and controlled by a tiny elite of Spanish people.”

    I realize Nicaragua was sparsely populated then, and still is, compared to the Mexican heartland, El Salvador and some other Hispanic places. Belize is lightly populated, remained with the British.

    You mentioned the relationship of Cuba to New Orleans. How many more Catholic, darker, Mediterranean-related enclaves besides southern Louisiana, do you think southern white Protestant culture could “absorb” without changing?

    The answer to that question is coming, with millions and millions of Hispanic immigrants from all the territories you wish had become states long ago.

  27. I think we would be better off with Jamaica and without Vermont because the White liberals in Vermont would prove to be a greater problem than the blacks in Jamaica.

    First of all, the hard leftism and venomous anti-white bias of most Jamaican politicians make the white liberals of Vermont look like the NSDAP in comparison.

    Second, the per capita GDP of Jamaica is all of $5402 compared with a healthy $44,000 in Vermont.

    Third, in 2005 Jamaica had a murder rate of 58 per 100,000, the highest in the world. In 2011, Vermont had a murder rate of 1.3 per 100,000, the lowest in the US.

    Fourth, the average life expectancy in Vermont is 80.5 years, which if it was an independent country would be in 26th place internationally. The average life expectancy in Jamaica is 73.4 years, down in 122nd place.

    Fifth, the US has the third highest Human Development Index ranking in the world, and Vermont’s HDI is higher than that of the US as a whole. Meanwhile Jamaica’s HDI ranking is a lowly 86th place.

    The differences between Vermont and Jamaica are a perfect microcosm of the differences between white and black civilization in general. If you’d ever been there then you’d understand that no civilized nation would ever want anything to do with Jamaica or Jamaicans. But in your irrational anti-Yankee fanaticism you think that Jamaicans would be preferable to Vermonters as your countrymen. It is to larf.

  28. Hunter Wallace says:
    July 16, 2013 at 8:40 pm

    Re: jeppo

    ‘I think we would be better off with Jamaica and without Vermont because the White liberals in Vermont would prove to be a greater problem than the blacks in Jamaica.’

    Jeppo beat me to it.

    Jamaica? With it’s high rates of crime? Was the mugging, rape and murder capital of the world a few years ago and is still in contention for top honors. An island plagued by dumb-ass drugged up feral niggers hacking tourists with machetes?

    Some of my relatives vacationed there and were told they had better NOT wander away from the resort for their safety and lives could be greatly jeopardized.

    No thanks!

  29. Of course it’s no surprise that the Southrons on here would prefer the company of niggers to that of white Northerners (“Yankees”) — white Northerners stomped them into oblivion in the only war that the South, as it’s own nation, ever fought. And to add insult to injury, the North progressed technologically, academically, and industrially at break-neck speed, while the South stagnated as a backward, God-hollering, inbred, nigger-infested backwater.

    Their resentment toward the civilization which bested them is plain as day.

    • Of course it’s no surprise that the Southrons on here would prefer the company of niggers to that of white Northerners (“Yankees”) — white Northerners stomped them into oblivion in the only war that the South, as it’s own nation, ever fought.

      As I said above, Jamaica would cause us comparatively fewer problems than Vermont. How many centuries would it take for Jamaica’s criminals to cause us the damage that Yankees caused us during the War Between the States and Reconstruction?

  30. Jamaica would be far easier for us to bring under control than a place like Vermont.

    Maybe you should concentrate on bringing Birmingham, Montgomery, Mobile, Memphis, New Orleans, Jackson, Atlanta et al under control before worrying about Jamaica, which is a million times worse than all those places put together.

    Chris is right: this egregious anti-Yankee animus isn’t driven by logic or reason, but by petty jealousy at your fellow countrymen who bested you in war and in peace.

    • Maybe you should concentrate on bringing Birmingham, Montgomery, Mobile, Memphis, New Orleans, Jackson, Atlanta et al under control before worrying about Jamaica, which is a million times worse than all those places put together.

      Oh, we are concentrated on bringing our cities under control, and we realize that in order for that to happen it will be necessary to dissolve the Union with Yankees, who are responsible for imposing that devastating system on us – and themselves – in the first place.

      Chris is right: this egregious anti-Yankee animus isn’t driven by logic or reason, but by petty jealousy at your fellow countrymen who bested you in war and in peace.

      Is it really irrational?

      Yankees come here and kill hundreds of thousands of us, annihilate our economy, unleash the blacks, rewrite the Constitution to make them U.S. citizens, throw open the borders, elect Obama as their president twice, and back every federal civil rights law in American history that was ever passed by Congress, and it is irrational for us to believe that our connection with them is a problem?

      What has Puerto Rico or Jamaica ever done that compares to any of that? There is nothing that Puerto Rico or Jamaica could ever do that would be worse than the influence that Massachusetts and Vermont have on the South today.

      • BTW, if we had simply lost a war, it wouldn’t be a problem.

        What were the consequences of losing that war? It was the loss of our independence which has put us at the mercy every foolish decision made by nYankees – see Obama’s reelection last year, or the Senate passing amnesty a few weeks ago – that has happened since then.

        • Excellent find, Snowhitey!

          The Cause of the Civil War: Historian Thomas Fleming Discovers the “Yankee Problem in America”

          By Thomas J. DiLorenzo
          July 13, 2013

          Historian and novelist Thomas Fleming is the author of more than fifty books, including two very good revisionist histories of the two world wars: The New Dealers’ War, and The Illusion of Victory in World War I. He has authored biographies of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, and has written extensively about the founding generation, including his best-selling book, Liberty! As a regular on PBS and NPR he is as “mainstream” as it gets. That is, he was, until he published his latest book, A Disease in the Public Mind: A New Understanding of Why We Fought the Civil War. …

          Fleming contends that the real reason for the war – and for why, of all the nations on earth, only the U.S. associated war with the ending of slavery – was twofold: First, there was the extreme “malevolent envy” of Southerners by the New England “Yankee” political class, who had long believed that they were God’s chosen people and that they should rule America, if not the rest of the world. Second, there were a mere 25 or so very influential New England abolitionists who had abandoned Christianity and even condemned Jesus Christ, while embracing the mentally insane mass murderer John Brown as their “savior.” This is part of the “disease in the public mind” that is the theme of Fleming’s book. …

  31. Oh, we are concentrated on bringing our cities under control, and we realize that in order for that to happen it will be necessary to dissolve the Union with Yankees, who are responsible for imposing that devastating system on us – and themselves – in the first place.

    Who’s this “we”? Does your movement number in the dozens or the hundreds? Let me know when it numbers in the tens of millions, the minimum you will need if you ever hope to establish an independent Dixie.

    It was the loss of our independence which has put us at the mercy every foolish decision made by nYankees – see Obama’s reelection last year, or the Senate passing amnesty a few weeks ago – that has happened since then.

    The South Atlantic states voted for Obama–twice.

    The South Atlantic senators voted 10-4 for amnesty.

    Physician, heal thyself.

    • Re: jeppo

      1.) Southern Nationalists.

      2.) We know the story of what happened to “Birmingham, Montgomery, Mobile, Memphis, New Orleans, Jackson, Atlanta” – Yankees passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and used military force to integrate Arkansas, Alabama, and Mississippi, which is why the entire South was integrated in the 1960s.

      Were it not for Yankees, the borders wouldn’t have been opened, the civil rights laws wouldn’t have been passed, and MLK would died from old age as an obscure Baptist preacher in Alabama.

      3.) In Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida, Yankees vote in combination with Jews, Hispanics, and blacks. They do the same thing in every other Southern state as well as California, Nevada, Colorado and other places they settle.

  32. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 were both signed into law by your fellow Southron, Lyndon Johnson. Those, along with the Immigration Act, the Gun Control Act, the Fair Housing Act, all the Great Society legislation, and the thumbs-up-the-ass handling of the Vietnam War, are on YOU Southrons.

  33. “New England abolitionists who had abandoned Christianity and even condemned Jesus Christ”

    I have referred here many times to that APOSTASY of the northern settlers from the Faith — succumbing to Transcendental, Spinozan, utilitarian, agnostic, materialistic, ANTI-Christian TALMUDIC influences etc. — as the root of evil north of the Line, and the primary cause of the unjust, unconstitutional invasion of the southern states .

  34. “LBJ like Truman before him and Carter and Clinton after him was pandering to the dominant Northern wing of the Democratic Party.”

    Because they come from south of the Line, they wear the Emperor(of the South)’s Clothes, and everyone praises their beautiful southron-ness. No matter how liberal they act or govern, they cannot be liberal at heart, no sirree! They were forced to pander, is all.

    You can be sure that the Carters and Clinton are still not liberal, not even today, because liberals never spring from Southron roots.

  35. Hunter Wallace says:

    ‘LBJ like Truman before him and Carter and Clinton after him was pandering to the dominant Northern wing of the Democratic Party.’

    Why is it so hard for you to admit there were/are a whole lot of Southerners with the same goals as many of the Yankees you despise. Do really think Bill (the first black prez) Clinton was not a pro-negro lefty radical from his earliest college days?

  36. It has always been commonplace in American history for the two parties to nominate candidates from where they are the weakest. The GOP nominated Romney to appeal to Northern Whites and the Democrats nominated Clinton and Carter to keep enough Southern Whites in their coalition.

    James Buchanan and the rest of the doughfaces like Stephen Douglas and Franklin Pierce were nominated by the Southern dominated Democratic Party in the 1850s.

    Southerners have to run far to the left and Northerners have to pretend to be more moderate to get elected president.

  37. Clinton and Carter don’t look liberal at all when you’re looking through Southronist eyeglasses.

  38. Conservative and liberal, good and evil, wise and foolish…it all comes down to this: which side of THE LINE you come from, with a few rare exceptions (“there are always outliers”) on the northern side, and possibly no exceptions at all (not even Carter, Clinton, Gore, Edwards, Lindsay, etc.) on the southern side.

  39. Fact: Clinton, Carter and Johnson before them, were Southern-born & bred U.S. presidents who were sincere liberals and pushed and all pushed a catastrophic, anti-white agenda throughout their terms.

    Hunter: “They wasn’t really liberal! They was just funnin’ y’all!

  40. Lest we forget about Al Gore (claimed he invented the internet) and John Edwards of North Carolina.

  41. Clinton, Carter, LBJ, and Truman would have never been elected in an independent South.

    In a purely Southern electorate, there would be no need to shift far to the left of the Southern mainstream in order to appeal to enough White liberals and moderates in the North to get elected president.

    The existence of the Union is why this happens: Clinton, Gore, Kerry, and Obama all had to pretend to be more moderate and conservative than they really were in order to get elected president.

  42. “Clinton, Carter, LBJ, and Truman would have never been elected in an independent South.”

    You seem to mean PRESIDENTIAL elections, for which most (POTUS) candidates, whether northern or southern, tend to play the “safe, sensible moderate” to reassure the public.

    What about the elections (and in some cases, REPEATED elections) of these very liberal, evil southerners, by southerners ONLY, to their offices in southern states? Are you saying that southerners would think and vote differently if only they were not part of the United States? But southerners DID choose and create these evil liberal leaders, who eventually came to rule over ALL the states as “Commander in Chiefs” for many years!

    Now shall we type in a more complete list of names of liberal southern politicians who are not Yankee transplants who were chosen by southerners in southern state-level elections?

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