Precious: The Meaning of “Creepy Ass Cracker”


Rachel Jeantel told Piers Morgan that Trayvon Martin was creeped out by Piers Morgan because he thought George Zimmerman might be a homosexual rapist:

MORGAN: But you — but you felt that there was no doubt in your mind from what Trayvon was telling you on the phone about the creepy ass cracka and so on, that he absolutely believed that George Zimmerman, this man, you didn’t know who he was at the time, but this man, was pursuing him?


MORGAN: And he was freaked out by it?

JEANTEL: Yes. Definitely after I say may be a rapist, for every boy, for every man, every — who’s not that kind of way, seeing a grown man following them, would they be creep out? So you have to take it — as a parent, when you tell your child, when you see a grown person following you, run away, and all that.

Would you go stand there? You going to tell your child stand there? If you tell your child stand there, we’re going to see your child on the news for missing person.

Note: The chimpout has begun at a Wal-Mart in Los Angeles.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Perhaps the Black OWS ends quicker than we all thought. You know the left steals trillions from the productive and they can’t produce crap worth a damn, they suck.

  2. I have never seen a better example of Darwinian evolution. She looks just she just got down from the trees. Her grasp of the English language makes me believe her IQ isn’t much higher than the big apes either. Seriously, what a joke.

    Doubt the “chimp outs” will come to my neighborhood, but I took some advice from an old SBPDL article. I invested in a Sig Sauer 716 .308 calibre. It goes nice with my pistols and home defense model pump shotgun.

  3. Trayvon was calling Z a creepy “Ass-Cracker” (ghetto slang for homo). Everyone writes up the phrase as creepy-ass cracker, so everyone looks at it from the racial angle.

    Duh, Z was a kinda weasly looking hispanic guy (before he gained the weight), not a white guy.

    That’s the most effed up part about this: Trayon thought Z was a creepy gay pedophile, and jumped him. It was a “keeping it real” gay-bashing

  4. Wow, Piers Morgan’s guests are getting lower and lower. He’s now reached homo erectus. Did she arrive with Jack Hanna?

    The United States must be the laughing stock of the civilized world.

  5. “Trayvon was calling Z a creepy “Ass-Cracker” (ghetto slang for homo).”

    No, it’s not. You read this on some comment dung heap and regurgitated it. That sentence tells me you have no real experience with blacks save what you see on tv.

    Nigs use the word “ass” ahead of a lot of words: Fuck ass nigga, puss ass cracka, bitch ass nigga ect.

    The homo thing Jeantel injected was a poorly executed feint.

  6. Mr. Wallace — why don’t you re-post the Jeantel clip you originally linked? In talking to Piers Morgan about Martin’s funeral, Jeantel said something like, “I didn’t put him in that casket.”

    As far as I could tell, that was gratuitous. Neither Piers Morgan nor anyone else had suggested she had put Martin in the casket. I’ve been wondering whether, actually, she did. While Martin and she were on the phone, did Martin tell her he was going to jump Zimmerman? Did she egg Martin on or, at least, express the view that that would be a good idea? I didn’t closely follow her cross-examination (during the trial, that is), but I gathered she had not originally told anyone–neither Martin’s family nor the police–that she’d been on the phone with Martin around the time of the altercation. She was contacted about the phone conversation after her number was discovered in Martin’s cell-phone records. She explained her inaction away, by saying she’d thought she would be contacted–about the death of her friend–after the discovery of the phone records, as on the television show The First 48. Defense attorney Don West said to her something like, “You didn’t contact the police because you knew Trayvon Martin had started the fight.”

    I can’t help wondering whether Ms. Jeantel–who was supposedly going to prove the case for the prosecution–has always been, in fact, the key to Zimmerman’s defense.

  7. Why the dead silence here on the case of Edward Snowden, a non-Hispanic non-Jew-related white man whose act of heroism is unquestionable and far more important and historic than this Zimmerman’s tussle?

  8. CNN, the most vicious white-hating major news organization out there. Literally guilty, along with the rest of the media, of sponsoring the racist mass-murder, rape and ethnic cleansing of whites. The proper charge against them is not that they’re hypocrites when it comes to coverage of racial violence, the proper charge is war-crimes. The U.S. government itself has shut down many newspapers and radio stations during the recent excellent adventures overseas on the grounds that they were spreading hate and were complicit in war crimes. Hard to see why the U.S. media doesn’t qualify as war-criminals by the same U.S. government standards.

  9. “Why the dead silence here on the case of Edward Snowden, a non-Hispanic non-Jew-related white man whose act of heroism is unquestionable and far more important and historic than this Zimmerman’s tussle?”

    Outstanding comment, Mosin Nagant! The best I’ve seen in a long, long time. Edward Snowden is a courageous and honorable man. He, Julian Assange, and a few other, less well-known, whistleblowers are in a league all their own.

  10. But we must concentrate on Trayvon here, because BLACKS (thanks to “northern” Whites) RUN AMERICA!

  11. It’s a lie made up by the Scheme Team lawyers. She has been coached for about a thousand hours to get her story right. They needed a reason for poor little St. Skittles to be scared. Anyone who believes a word out of this chimp’s mouth needs their head examined.

    And guess what? This missing link is probably going to have more kids than you, and you get to pay for them.

    This country disgusts me.

  12. Hunter,

    All praise I hope. Well, maybe not from Jack. I haven’t been here for a while but how much praise is too much for that man?

  13. You can call me cracka, but don’t you ever f-ing call me cracker – didn’t SNL or ILC do this skit about the silliness of nigga vs. nigger?

    I wish I could find it on YouTube. It was hysterical.

  14. “And guess what? The missing link is probably going to have more kids than you..”

    – And none of them will live past the age of 18.

    “..and you get to pay for them.”

    – Actually I won’t. I don’t live in Florida. Apuleius will be paying for them 🙂

  15. Well, you can calls me nigga … but ya doesn’t has to call me nigger.

    Reminds me of Raymond J. Johnson Jr.

  16. “Apuleius will be paying for them”

    All whites will be paying for them as long as the glorious union/yankee BRA empire exists. Those who think otherwise have the mental capacity of Rachel Jeantel.

    The solution: a free and independent Dixie.
    In the fullness of time you will all come around to this way of thinking.

    Deo Vindice

  17. “Outstanding comment, Mosin Nagant! The best I’ve seen in a long, long time. Edward Snowden is a courageous and honorable man. He, Julian Assange, and a few other, less well-known, whistleblowers are in a league all their own.”

    Julian Assange? You mean the same guy that published the membership list of the British National Party in an attempt to harm that organization and its members?

  18. “Julian Assange? You mean the same guy that published the membership list of the British National Party in an attempt to harm that organization and its members?”

    Didn’t know that. Take him off the heroes list!

  19. Shirner is correct about “ass-cracker” being a slang term for queers. I don’t know whether it’s a black slang word or not, but a simple Google search revealed links to porn sites for sods that used it as a name for them.

    Interesting thought: sodomy is rife in the black community because of the lack of responsible black fathers. Was Trayvon projecting black rage on to Zimmerman because of his father’s irresponsibility?

  20. I think it’s obvious she’s lying now. It wouldn’t do for whites to notice what blacks really think of them, so she now claims, after what appears to be heavy coaching, that it was really an anti-homosexual slur not a racial slur. The amusing thing is, anti-homosexual slurs are just as acceptable in black culture as anti-white slurs are.

    I think her testimony during the trial was a lie too. Both men and women treat a man’s risk of being raped as zero, though it really is not. Are we really to believe that she told Trayvon he might be stalked by a rapist? Does not compute.

  21. So how come the jew media didn’t jump on what this fat sow said? It’s OK for blacks to be homophobes?

  22. In terms of victim status, there is definitely a hierarchy of victimhood.

    Jeantel is way behind the times if she thinks the race card trumps the faggot card in the jew msm. Better get a couple of fat yentas from CNN to jewtalk some sense into her.

    If young Trayvon thought Z was a prowling faggot, any effort on his part to ward off advances from the rear would be taken as bullying homophobia, crimes invoking federal jurisdiction.

  23. Personally I suspect that this sheboon egged on Martin to woopass. That is after Tray-Trey his stash of drugs at the Green residence and doubled back.

    Once the pops had disposed of the drugs stashed by his son he reported/claimed his son missing. Somehow Tracey Martin missed the crimescene tape and ambulances a few hundred
    Feet up from Ms Green’s condo.

    Rachel is clearly brain damaged from ingesting drugs. Admittedly she started from a fairly low level of intelligence, but her lifestyle has obviously taken its toll.

    How did Treyvon even know her anyway? Were they both Bakerized truants?

  24. “Trayvon was calling Z a creepy “Ass-Cracker” (ghetto slang for homo).”

    No it isn’t. Anyone who says this makes themselves sound both stupid and dishonest.


    “Everyone writes up the phrase as creepy-ass cracker, so everyone looks at it from the racial angle.”

    Wrong, “creepy-ass” *does* suggest homosexual.


    A gay-bashing gone wrong makes perfect sense.
    A gay-bashing is a nightmare for the liberal narrative.

  25. “Personally I suspect that this sheboon egged on Martin to woopass.”

    Agree and “i didn’t put him in the casket” suggests she might be feeling bad about it as well. A skilled interviewer could probably get her to admit it if they wanted to.

  26. It never ceases to amaze me at how many entertain such quaint illusions regarding the negro and his animal nature. The “noble savage” paradigm combined with our natural tendencies toward anthropomorphic projection create such fantasies, I guess.

    “Interesting thought: sodomy is rife in the black community because of the lack of responsible black fathers.”

    Uh…no. Negroes lack fathers due to the nature of negritude. The “black community” worldwide is largely matriarchal. The presence of the father in the black fambily is and always has been noticeably lacking. Unless there is some molestation to be done…

    The rapacious sexual appetites of negro bucks are polymorphously perverse by nature. Call it the “muh dik” factor, if you will. White countries have no need for “Don’t Rape” billboards like they have in Apefrica, AIDS capital of the world. Ever notice where the incidence of syphillis is concentrated in the US?

    Given the right circumstances and the right opportunity and even family pets are not safe among negroes.

    “Rachel is clearly brain damaged from ingesting drugs. Admittedly she started from a fairly low level of intelligence, but her lifestyle has obviously taken its toll.”

    Uh…no. Drugs may indeed stupefy the beast, but the cognitive processes were never there to begin with, so nothing was or could be destroyed. One banana difference (OBD) means that negroes respond completely differently to chemical stimulus from the way that other races would, with completely different effects.

    How many white people are aggressive after smoking marijuana? I have never seen an aggressive white stoner. On the other hand, both Trayvon and the Miami cannibal were stoned on weed before their aggressive actions. Coincidence? I think not.

    “Personally I suspect that this sheboon egged on Martin to woopass.”

    No doubt about it. These humongous negresses are both sullen and combative. If you have never had the opportunity to see two of these buffarillas go at it, you have missed a most entertaining spectacle. I just love the way they tattoo their names just above their huge titties these days. Truly vomit inducing.

    Same species as other humans? Yeah…right. Some of you just don’t know nigger.
    Believe what you want to believe, but a lifetime among the savages has shown me otherwise.

    Deo Vindice

  27. Cannabis makes quite a lot of the smokers paranoid. It’s by no means mellow. It was the drug of choice for the Hashishem aka Assassins.

    It’s also about the economics of dealing. Why was he loitering for example? Was he waiting on a deal? Waiting to buy or sell? Or break in? If Zimmerman disrupted a deal or a planned burglary the feral beast would have been angered. I do not think he was even slightly intimidated by Zimmerman. He was stashing gear of some type then returned to beat up Zimmerman, egged on by precious to whoopass cracker.

  28. “It’s also about the economics of dealing. Why was he loitering for example? Was he waiting on a deal? Waiting to buy or sell? Or break in? If Zimmerman disrupted a deal or a planned burglary the feral beast would have been angered. I do not think he was even slightly intimidated by Zimmerman. He was stashing gear of some type then returned to beat up Zimmerman, egged on by precious to whoopass cracker.”

    Frequent drug activities in the premises..Trayvon knew Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch. Usually they won’t not take a chance of being busted not knowing who the person is.

    Police investigator was aware of it that’s why Zimmerman was never charged.

  29. Zimmermann lost sight of Trayvon.He went back to his suv.then Tray appear behind his truck. How did Trayvon knew that was his vehicle? Tray scoped him out days before in his vehicle.

  30. Shonuff this ho egged Tray to whoop on the Z-Man. Y’all remember the Epic Beard Man showdown? There was an ugly black ho egging the “brother” on as well. The result of that confrontation was shall we say, entertaining?

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