Obama Losing Northeastern White Working Class Voters


Check it out … Obama is down by 22 points with White voters in the Northeast since the 2012 election:

Note: He is down by 14 points with Midwestern Whites, 3 points in the South, and 16 points in the West.

“That’s why the wave of new polls showing a decline in President Barack Obama’s approval rating are potentially important. It’s not that these polls show Republicans poised to take back the White House by 2016, or something. That’s way too far away. Instead, the polls give us an idea of which voters are peeling away from Obama and, therefore, might be most receptive to switching sides if the GOP could craft a message for them. Trying to win over the voters sticking with Obama would presumably be more difficult. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mosin Nagant: says:
    “Obama or Romney – they chose to renig”
    Besides the greater Talmudic influence emanating from New York City and the eastern Megalopolis, union memberships are numerous north of the Line….

    I do hear these comments on Talmudic Influence (and having studied Talmud do understand something about what that means).

    However, the fact is that the catholic whites are the majority and outnumber the jews in the northeast cities (wasps FLED a long time ago and are like 3% in nyc, same chicago and so on, and don’t even exist in the suburbs there anymore)—

    So— saying that just makes it look like the catholic God was no match for the Talmudic one.

    Just saying.

    Better not to go on about jews and how much power they manage to have over people who so greatly seem to outnumber them. Idk…. Doesn’t that make you look weak?

  2. Even worse, it can make your GOD look weak.

    Idk, blaming others is not really a white characteristic, now is it?

  3. WTF Kinda article is this? The title itself is just stupid. Losing voters? Are you people conscious? Give a fuck about losing voters he’s done, he doesn’t need you fucking crackers votes anymore. Look, get out more.

  4. Ulfric,

    “A lot of this attitude comes from Southern baby boomer GOP (Ronald Reagan) worshippers”

    It’s the same story with Patriotard baby boomers in the North. Reagan is as untouchable as Jesus. To them, “capitalism” is the holy grail of Amurrican society. The 1980s were tremendously overrated in terms of how good the economy was, but even so, I think the 80s had a permanent negative effect on White “conservative” baby boomers who now can’t see anything beyond materialism. It’s grotesque.

    “who spent the last 30 years getting educated on economics by Rush Limbaugh”

    Not to mention the rest of talk radio, Fox News, and the “Conservative” think tank cartel. I’ve attended many Tea Party rallies over the last 4 years. Used to be a Patriotard myself. I was the only Millenial who was ever there, and there were only two Generation Xers. Everyone else was either a baby boomer or part of the Silent Generation. The economic values of the Millenials vs. Baby Boomers could not be more apparent. White millenials are primed for a message of leftist economic populism, IMO. Concurrently, an April 2012 survey showed that 58% of White Millenials think discrimination against Whites is now worse than discrimination against non-whites, as the CofCC reported. Lew is really onto something with his message of economic populism and ethnonationalism.

    “where even the slightest hint of the word socialism sparks violent anger.”

    Exactly. RACIAL socialism is the problem, not “socialism” in general. Firefighters, policemen, Social Security, Medicare…these are all “socialist” programs by definition.

    “Target the young who could care a less about Ronald Reagan and his BS.”

    Yup. I can count on one hand the number of White Millenials I grew up with who sung Reagan’s praises and the “success” of capitalism. Everyone else was either indifferent or was hostile to capitalism and Reaganomics. As well they should. What good is an economy when wages stagnate and middle class jobs are shipped overseas/stolen by immigrants both “legal” and illegal/systematically transferred to non-whites through affirmative action? Did I mention tax cuts for George Soros?

  5. “The title itself is just stupid. Losing voters? Are you people conscious? Give a fuck about losing voters he’s done, he doesn’t need you fucking crackers votes anymore.”

    You’re missing the point. What White people need is to be operating as a group. Any sign that a previously divided segment is drifting away from the anti-white coalition is a good sign.


    “The White working class is a nigger.”

    It should be obvious by now to all but the stupidest that trickle-down economics is BS.

    Prosperity comes from bulking up the yeoman population and getting self-reinforcing trickle sideways economics.

  6. The only problem with the White working class is that some of them tend to be anti-racists. And the ones I know all wear tattoos and talk like whiggers, which is indicative of a low moral character. But most working class White people aren’t like that, particularly the ones who commute from the suburbs and rural areas. Most working class Whites are normal. Yes, they like their unions, their high minimum wage, and all the social welfare programs that help them. How on God’s green earth does that make them like black people? Go ahead and keep on smearing them as entitled babies. Go ahead with the Paul Ryan/economic wonkery bullshit that insults us with the presumption that MATH is a good moral justification for why the social welfare system that was created to help our people must be gutted – while George Soros and Sheldon Adelson get tax cuts so they don’t even have to pay for the garbage they support (“Open Society,” “War with Iran,” etc).

    Another thing: While I’ve come to admire and respect the yeoman/agrarian/self-sufficient economy that used to exist in the Old South, the facts are as follows:

    1. Industrialization happened

    2. Industrialization + libertarianism = wage slavery

    Libertarian policies can only work for Whites in a traditional subsistence society. I hate to say it, but those days are over and probably aren’t coming back. That doesn’t mean we can’t bust up all the multinational food corporations (among other things), but it does mean that most Whites in this land, particularly Northerners, have no understanding of what its like to run their own farm and grow their own food. I sure as hell don’t. Good, bad, or indifferent, that’s the way of it – and we can’t presume that libertarian economic policies will work for a people that’s ill fit for them (thanks to industrialization) and doesn’t like them anyway.

  7. “Industrialization happened”

    That’s something a lot of Confederates on here can’t seem to get their heads around. The entire globe is still undergoing the Industrial Revolution, a change so profound that we still can’t see far enough ahead to see the ultimate results it will have on the human race.

    Robber baron capitalism is profoundly not libertarian (despite the use of libertarian rhetoric for propaganda purposes by the moneyed elite.). What did Adam Smith say? Whenever two or more businessmen get together the subject is always about some sort of scheme for monopolistic restraint of trade.

  8. “Robber baron capitalism is profoundly not libertarian (despite the use of libertarian rhetoric for propaganda purposes by the moneyed elite.).”

    Yep, the rhetoric is only for other people. The reality is cartels, regulatory capture and corporatism – and corporatism is socialism for the rich.

  9. Rudel,

    Well said. It seems like too many Southern Nationalists hear “industrialization” and interpret it as “capitalism.” The two are not the same. Capitalists only like industrialization to the extent that they can hoard a shit ton of money and create a plutocracy. They’ll gladly deindustrialize any White nation and force the peasants into service sector jobs if it gives them that much more money and power. See: The 21st century. Liberals are actually doing us all a backhanded favor by attacking the Koch Brothers and other plutocrats who sell their own people down the river.

  10. American plutocrats have trillions tied up in tax avoidance schemes. Corporations are holding record amounts of cash. And just to underscore the point again, the white working class has lost the most under conservative policies.

    The advocates of economic populism clearly need to do a better job making their case.

    Those facts are readily available, but there are still people here claiming economic populism won’t play in most regions and (amazingly) even calling it niggerism.

  11. Lew,

    “And just to underscore the point again, the white working class has lost the most under conservative policies.”

    Exactly. And than conservatives have the audacity to claim that “everyone benefits” from their plutocratic policies. Other than energy drilling (see North Dakota), I can’t think of a single conservative policy that objectively benefits most of our people – White people.

    “The advocates of economic populism clearly need to do a better job making their case.”

    And therein lies the problem with every union in this country. Hate to say it, but they’re all anti-racist/anti-white Marxists. They view non-whites in the working class as their “economic brothers and sisters.” This anti-racist/anti-white mentality within unions has existed since at least the 1960s when the UAW marched with Martin Luther King. It’s quite an impressive divide and conquer strategy:

    -White liberals support economic policies which advance and protect Whites as a group, but they are vehemently anti-white with their social and cultural views, always bitching about “white privilege,” “white supremacy,” “racism” etc.

    -White conservatives support economic policies which oppress and impoverish Whites as a group, but as Richard Spencer, James Kirkpatrick and others have explained repeatedly, their social and cultural views – particularly on immigration and affirmative action – are implicitly racial. White liberals claim White conservatives are “racist” for holding these social and cultural views.

    Both camps share a lot in common: They both claim that their economic policies help “all people, not just White people.” In this sense, they are quite similar to classical Marxists: They both believe that “economic prosperity” will “unite” all Amurricans of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. They simply have opposing ideas of how to get there. And White conservatives have no clue that their economic policies, such as tax cuts for George Soros, are actually just disguised justifications for why super rich plutocrats like Soros should have the (non-existent) right to hoard a shit ton of wealth. Hell, as much as I like Mencken, some of his quotes disturb me. Here’s a good example, this one from April 13, 1925:

    “If a law were passed tomorrow taking away the property of a large group of presumably well-to-do persons — say, bondholders of the railroads — without compensation and without even colorable reason, [liberals] would not oppose it; they would be in favor of it. The liberty to have and hold property is not one they recognize. They believe only in the liberty to envy, hate and loot the man who has it.”

    That could have easily come from the mouths of the Heritage Foundation. Or talk radio. The rich are quite good at getting poor and middle class Whites to enthusiastically support globalist policies which are against their own interests.

    “Those facts are readily available, but there are still people here claiming economic populism won’t play in most regions and (amazingly) even calling it niggerism.”

    Unfortunately the non-stop regurgitation of “free markets” and “capitalism is the best system ever rah rah rah” has sunk in. This regurgitation has been going on ever since Reagan was governor of California – his 1964 speech against national healthcare remains a cult classic among conservatives.

    And then there’s welfare. That’s a divide and conquer issue if I ever saw one. Let me lay it out in the simplest terms possible:

    -Welfare for Whites, paid for by other Whites, is morally right.

    -Welfare for non-whites, paid by Whites, is morally repugnant.

    We Whites have a moral obligation to take care of our own. We are not individual islands. We do not rise and fall exclusively on our own initiative. While collectivism has the inherent potential to devolve into “one race the human race” non-sense, individualism as expressed by libertarians and conservatives is just as toxic. Jack Ryan is so right about these people: They are cultists.

    And yet, even within the pro-white movement, there are those who insanely think that huge swaths of our own people – perhaps even a majority of our own people – are entitled brats who don’t deserve welfare. Hell, I remember seeing those sentiments once on this here website, although I can’t remember who or when (might have been DixieGirl). Just like the neocons and patriotards, they think that welfare itself is toxic to White people even though without welfare, 16 million Whites (many of them from the SOUTH) would be taking Rush Limbaugh’s advice by digging in garbage dumps. Some “pro-white” society, that.

  12. DixieGirl says (above) July 26, 2013 at 1:53 pm:

    “Mosin Nagant says ‘Besides the greater Talmudic influence emanating from New York City and the eastern Megalopolis, union memberships are numerous north of the Line….’ I do hear these comments on Talmudic Influence (and having studied Talmud do understand something about what that means). However, the fact is that the catholic whites are the majority and outnumber the jews in the northeast cities (wasps FLED a long time ago and are like 3% in nyc, same chicago and so on, and don’t even exist in the suburbs there anymore) — So — saying that just makes it look like the catholic God was no match for the Talmudic one. Just saying. Better not to go on about jews and how much power they manage to have over people who so greatly seem to outnumber them. Idk…. Doesn’t that make you look weak?”

    Not really. Only stating facts, reality as it is. What IS weak is the faith and commitment of people who leave the Light and enter the darkness because they really WANT to “enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season” — not that the Light, the Truth, the ALMIGHTY, Who allows all men to choose good or evil, is at all “weak”!

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