Pew: Illegal Aliens Favor Democrats, 8 to 1

District of Corruption

It’s a good thing that the House Republicans want to give amnesty to millions of illegal alien Democrats and change the immigration laws so that tens of millions of more potential Democrats from the Third World came move here and vote in our elections:

“A poll released Monday by Pew Research Center shows that Latino illegal immigrants, given the opportunity to vote, would vote Democratic at an eight-to-one clip. 31 percent of illegal immigrants of Latino descent identify themselves as Democrats, compared to just 4 percent who identify as Republicans; another 23 percent lean Democrat, compared with 15 percent who lean Republican.”

About Hunter Wallace 12414 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “But but but, Latinos are natural conservatives!”-Conservatism Inc.

    In other news, 86% of blacks disapprove of the Zimmerman acquittal. But Conservatism Inc. would have us believe that blacks are helpless little things kept by the mean Democrats on the meanie Democrat plantation.

  2. 8 to 1 is a huge margin. (Well duh)

    The numbers I remember seeing, over and over from various studies, were always around 7 to 3, so I wonder if there was a big shift or if those old numbers were bogus?

  3. Republicans are for the most part very niggardly even with their best White American supporters. I’m sure the non-Whites pick up on that too. Also, Republicans tend to be generous with people who really don’t need it, or appreciate it.

    If Republicans get right with White Americans, it will be smooth sailing for the rest of the century. If Republicans treat people the way Rand Paul just treated the Southern Avenger they can pack it in. Which may well happen anyway.

  4. Btw, Donald Trump is saying the #GOP push for amnesty is a suicidal & a death wish. Strong words from a Billionaire.

  5. Interesting, the Pew Research Center can poll these “people living in the shadows” but the United States Government who can listen to our phone calls, and spy on us with drones can’t find them to deport them. Who runs the Pew Research Center? Maybe we should use them to replace Janet Napolitano.

  6. Republicans are just the military party, and the corporate-military group. They cost even more than welfare, and their people are cog-in-the-wheels. A lot of normal people find them just as distasteful, if not moreso.

    Also, if you’ve ever lived in a military area, (and you aren’t living on the public), you have probably noticed and gotten sick of all the freebie extras they get: daily PSA commercials about their great value to everyone, money off on many things they buy, from groceries in box stores, to big ticket items like cars to whatever, and also while you, yourself, may be needy or hurt or whatever— it is only them who rate extra volunteer jobs done by the public, b/c the tax dollar is never enough.

    Also, in the south, they make fun of the locals.

    Idk, republicans sort of suck.

  7. Dixiegirl again tells how it is: “Republicans are just the military party, and the corporate-military group. They cost even more than welfare, and their people are cog-in-the-wheels. A lot of normal people find them just as distasteful, if not more so.
    Also, if you’ve ever lived in a military area, (and you aren’t living on the public), you have probably noticed and gotten sick of all the freebie extras they get: daily PSA commercials about their great value to everyone, money off on many things they buy, from groceries in box stores, to big ticket items like cars to whatever….”

  8. The favourite do-good activity of controlled Tea Parties everywhere is: “Supporting the troops”.

  9. Republicans exasperate me. It seems that one third of them are absolute traitors, like J. McCain and L. Graham and J. De Mint. About three sixths are simply too nice and too dumb to be in the game of politics, they just kind of blow with the wind. One sixth are pretty good guys, like J. Sessions. Just enough to give you hope…false hope.

  10. DixieGirl, come on you know this is bunk, just think about it:

    Republicans are just the military party, and the corporate-military group. They cost even more than welfare, and their people are cog-in-the-wheels. A lot of normal people find them just as distasteful, if not moreso.

    The demos LOVE the military as much as the Repubs, they know it’s a giant welfare program, which they delight in. The only difference between Dems and Repubs on this issue is that Dems talk a good anti-war anti-military game in public, then vote pro-military in private, and never get called out on these votes because the controlled media keeps it all quiet.

    Exhibit A: Count the number of Dems that voted for the Iraq war resolution. All but 3 I think.

    Exhibit B: How many continuing war resolutions failed to pass when Dems controlled both the House & Senate? Yes, that’s right, zero.

  11. Many businesses and industries are also bending over backward to give priority to and award returning military personnel employment over non-service people. There are all sorts of “Helmets to Hardhats” type programs and movements within the employment sector. They will give an ex service member just returning from overseas a job ahead of you.

  12. I was talking with a PhD who studied voters & elections in Latin America. I asked him if they paid the voters in Taco Bell coupons down there. He said heck no, they generally pay in expensive athletic shoes, and fancy track outfits. If you have ever seen a photo of a Latin American election crowd you know what he meant!

    American politicians may find that the Latinos are more expensive than they ever dreamt they would be.

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