The Cost of the Union: Milestones Toward Despotism

HUD plans to affirmatively further diversity in every American neighborhood
HUD plans to affirmatively further “diversity” in every American neighborhood


Editor’s Note: OD has been on the road for a week in Missouri on an important personal mission at the Council of Conservative Citizens HQ. Now that I am back home in Alabama, normal posting has resumed.

I’m sure that most OD readers heard about the three biggest stories coming out of the District of Corruption over the past week:

1.) House Republicans Embrace DREAM Act – After voting against the DREAM Act in 2010, House Republicans now feel compelled to embrace their own version of the DREAM Act to “show they are doing something” while fighting off the Democratic push for an even biggest amnesty.

2.) Justice Department Challenges State Voter Laws – Eric  “My People” Holder has decided that the recent Supreme Court ruling on the Voting Rights Act is meaningless and announced at the 2013 National Urban League Conference that he has decided to launch a new legal offensive against Texas.

3.) HUD Plans To Bring “Diversity” To Every Neighborhood – HUD is planning to “modernize” the Fair Housing Act of 1968 by tracking the “diversity” of every residential neighborhood in the United States and by “channeling investments into under-served areas” in order to “affirmatively further fair housing” and to “give people access to better neighborhoods.”

The moral of the story: OD sees this as just the latest evidence that the existence of the Union, specifically, the concentration of power in Washington, and the growing irrelevance of White America (especially the South) to the decisions that are made by the political establishment in Washington, is the real problem.

Consider the fact that DREAM Act was defeated in the U.S. Senate in 2010. Obama responded in 2011 by issuing an executive order that effectively gave legal status to millions of illegal aliens. Similarly, the Supreme Court struck down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, but Eric “My People” Holder only became more determined to impose federal control over elections in Texas and the Southern states.

Now the HUD is usurping the power to micromanage the racial composition of every residential neighborhood in the United States in order to better promote “diversity.” At what point does any pretense that the U.S. still has a “limited government” with a “separation of powers” that is “guaranteed” by the Constitution or that political power in the U.S. is based on democratic elections become a bad joke?

OD is more convinced than ever that disunion – whether it comes through secession or revolution – is the only solution at this point. The existence of the Union means open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens, it means control of Southern elections by a radicalized anti-White Justice Department, and soon it will mean the overthrow of the Second Amendment, gay marriage in every state, and HUD imposing the wonders of “diversity” on every White suburb in the United States.

Is it possible to reform the U.S. system? Consider what recently happened to Jason Richwine and now Jack “Southern Avenger” Hunter. It is no longer possible to be pro-White, pro-Southern, or even mildly honest about race like John Derbyshire, and continue to have a job as a “mainstream” Republican or conservative commentator.

Even if we had a Republican president, a Republican Congress, and a Republican Supreme Court, we have no reason to believe – see the Obamacare decision, the Arizona SB 1070 decision, the Voting Rights Act decision, and the DOMA decision, which were all made by a 5-4 conservative majority on the Supreme Court – that the U.S. system will ever cease its inexorable drift to the Left.

After the George Zimmerman witch trial, we have no reason to believe that the U.S. will even continue to have a First World judicial system, much less a First World standard of living, in the near future should present trends continue. After this latest HUD announcement, we have no reason to believe that Whites can even continue to opt out of confrontation with the U.S. system to live a private life in the suburbs.

Take your choice: despotism or disunion.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @VA
    You are talking about a world that no longer exists. You can’t go back in time and make the church all powerful again. That is impossible. People are more educated, they question authority and they travel vast distances in a single day.

    In the world of the last 50 years, we have anti-White Commies calling White people racist over and over, to brainwash them into becoming anti-White.

    The Christianity you speak of, was unable to deal with these attacks. It turned the other cheek, its authority collapsed and what remains of it, turned anti-White.

    Wishing the church was all powerful again, is like WN complaining, if only they had control of the media. Well of course it would be different if WN controlled the media, but no one is going to give them the media!

    The church failed the test and it has turned anti-White. So what do you do now?

  2. Glad you enjoyed your trip. I’m headed up to Cedar City Utah tomorrow for the Shakespeare weekend festival with my wife.
    Probably one of the Whitest areas in the US and its only a couple hours away from Vegas.

  3. Hunter, I’ll let you in on a little secret. The reason Utah and other non Southern states are predominantly White- the people in those states didn’t import niggers to do their work.

  4. Now I want to point out I am not attacking Christianity. What I am saying is you can’t expect it to solve your political problems, because it has already failed in that arena.

    Religion of any kind has not able to deal with Cultural Marxism. It will be interesting to observe how Islam fares against attacks from Cultural Marxists.

  5. Yet another person talking about a romanticized version of the Middle Ages. This gets tiresome. Any specialized treatment of any period of the Middle Ages, as opposed to the general and “survey” treatments that are all most people ever read, will leave one hard put to doubt it was a more corrupt, more degenerate and immoral age than even our own present era. The romanticizers even speak glowingly of the 13th century, when in fact it may well be the lowest period in the history of the world. For a point of departure and reference to further sources, read, for example, Joseph McCabe. You have to shake your head and just laugh in between bouts of incredulity regarding the people and their behavior and events of this supposed “unified and glorious religious” period. Many of both the church and state officials make Bill Clinton look dignified and respectable in comparison. A high percentage of the population of common people then make Brittany Spears and Lindsey Lohan look chaste and respectable in comparison.

    The supposed “unity” of the age is mythical. The supposed wide-spread and common “anti-semitism” was only sporadic and Jews held a monopoly on usury, traded freely across national boundaries, and tended to the medical needs of the Kings and their courts while enjoying the accompanying prestige that went with that. Ditto when it came to universities and resident and visiting scholars. Not to mention marrying into aristocratic families and, as some have put it, “highjacking” our best genes all the while.

    There are plenty of anti-Christian pro-whites who know all about the Middle Ages and it is a flat lie that they “never mention” or are “unable” to respond or “explain.” Look at Revilo Oliver. Hell, he wrote literally reams covering all this, including a couple of full length books. It’s the Christians who never respond to these specific details and only act like they have never heard of it, just like liberals do about race and crime.

  6. Enjoy the desert West with your inbred Mormon buddies, Sean. The Mexicans will be reclaiming Aztlan there long before they claim the South. They are only surrogate negroes in the South, anyway. The federal government owns all the idle negroes now.

    The hordes of yankees running away from the disaster they have created for themselves up north will be what obliterates Southern culture once and for all.

    When the EBT stops working, most of these yankees will suddenly discover their new found “Southernness.” Except for those who wind up as miscegenated mulattoes ala Barry Soetero, who will eventually push the mestizos back in your direction. Donde este Utah, papi? Su casa, mi casa.

    By that time you’ll be speaking Spanish and attending a family wedding with your mestizo Mormon sister wife relatives. Carne asada, por favor…it’s time to down some cerveza and get freaky…oh wait, we’re Mormons so we can’t drink. Damn, it’s hot. Fifty year old cousin Juan thinks your nine year old niece is hot, too. Muy calor, vato.

    Shouldn’t have slept with your youngest mom during the Exodus.
    Dad forgot to tell you that she’s the one that gave birth to you.
    What you have is called Fumarase deficiency.

    Deo Vindice

  7. Sean, I’ll let you in on a little secret.
    Fumarase deficiency isn’t the only thing cooking in Utah.

    Another yankee “divine experiment” gone wrong.

    There is simply no end to the strange creatures that emerge from Dr. Yankenstein’s laboratory. Maybe the Mexicans can save you all from yourselves.

    Deo Vindice

  8. I am glad to hear that Hunter at least “leans” toward a powerful cultural influence rather than genetic divergence to explain his supposed sharp distinction of Whites north of the Line from whites south of the Line.

    So the Damned Yankees are not genetically determined to be evil after all, but only mass-blood-poisoned by consuming a spoiled religion involving the worst of all possible heresies: that the Bible is AGAINST the enslavement of Africans to create immense wealth.

    Apuleius has misinformed us of Talmudic connexions of Quakers. The Founder, George Fox, though he hoped like the Apostle Paul for the conversion of Talmudists, held in accord with Paul and the New Testament that the ONLY ONE, TRUE Israel of God consists only of true Christians.

    Jews, atheists and Deists were all barred from politics in colonial Pennsylvania. True, primitive Quakers did NOT scheme like the Talmudists to manipulate others to fight endless war for them — and they were courageous enough to die in Catholic, Anglican and Puritan prisons by the thousands rather than cease practicing and preaching one or tittle of the Bible as they were enlightened to understand it. They merit admiration rather than disgust. No Christian revival has ever had such powerful and lasting effects relative to its very small numbers as the early Friends movement of the seventeenth century.

    Apuleius and Hunter use corrupted liberal modern Quakerism as a strawman to misjudge Fox, Penn and other early Quakers and their holy “experience” in Britain and Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Jersey, the British Caribbean and elsewhere in the seventeenth century.

  9. Sean is right. All we are saying is: “You should have picked your own cotton”. Repeat it over and over and concentrate until common sense overcomes your regional chauvinism. Never any importation and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Also recognise: Our Founders should have barred all Papists and Talmudists from settling here and setting up their shops and false churches in the first place.

    • Sean doesn’t know what he is talking about:

      1.) Cotton only became a major crop at the tail end of slavery.

      2.) Slavery was a national institution until the very end when it became sectional.

      3.) White sharecroppers and tenant farmers spent the Jim Crow era “picking our own cotton” in the vastly poorer South that was created by abolition and reunion.

      • Yankees have ruined negroes and made the problem insoluble like they have done with everything else.

        Canada is being flooded with non-White immigrants. The same is true of the Northeast which is more Hispanic than most of the South.

        Liberalism, not slavery, is the disease – the South’s long experience with slavery made us more racial and conservative than other Americans.

        The North’s degenerate leveling culture is rooted in Quaker and Puritan theology and especially in Unitarianism which became their religion after their elites abandoned Christianity.

        The legacy of slavery also explains why evangelical Christianity produced one result in the South and a totally different one in the North.

  10. “The church failed the test and it has turned anti-White. So what do you do now?”

    There’s no doubt that Cultural Marxism defeated Protestant Christianity and Catholicism in both America and Europe. And yet, look at Eastern Europe, particularly Russia, where Christianity and traditionalism are on the rise. I’m not suggesting here that Orthodox Christianity is the answer. I’m suggesting that Eastern Europe has yet to be infected by a disease that long before the Bolshevik Revolution spread like a plague across Amurrica and Western Europe. That plague is materialism.

    The reason the Bible says that “the love of money is the root of all evil” is because in this sin-cursed world, materialism is to Christian morality as kryptonite is to Superman. Superman can still fly faster than the speed of sound, see through walls, melt steel with his eyes, and stop buildings from falling. None of it matters when he faces kryptonite. Likewise, the love of money and the lust for more and more stuff inherently corrodes the traditional forms of Christianity that successfully protected and advanced White people for hundreds of years. It’s not a question of “free labor” vs. “slavery,” it’s a question of what our priorities are. Serving others by manufacturing cars for them so they can travel to and fro is not inherently corrosive. “I’M GONNA GET ME A HUGE HOUSE AND FANCY CAR AND WALK THEM STREETS OF GOLD IN AMURRICA AND DROP MY BLOODSUCKING CHILDREN OFF IN DAY CARE” is corrosive and destructive. The Amurrican Dream has got to be one of the most filthy degenerate lies ever foisted upon a decent people (HT: Greg Hood). The Amurrican Dream doesn’t serve other people. It serves Mammon.

    I’m not arguing that we need to live in poverty in order to secure the existence of our people and a future for our children. I’m arguing that too much material success helps create the cultural conditions that causes White people to do really batshit crazy stuff, like commit fratricide in two world wars. Christianity isn’t “the problem” anymore than Superman is a weakling. Remove the kryptonite and Christianity is able to fight again. The question than becomes: How to remove the kryptonite? Luckily for us, we might not have to answer that question. An economic collapse on a level that makes 1929 and 2008 look like picnics seems to be on the horizon.

  11. Delete this if you want for being off-topic, but you close comments and people who don’t visit your blog every 10 minutes like your regulars don’t even see the article before the comments are closed.

    1) Western women are more interested in makeup , one-upping each other, the mall and flat bellies needed to please you dehumanizing pornography-obsessed males than they are the future of their children
    2) Women who want a return to our white culture want it to be a wholesome culture. They’re afraid to connect with men who spew about niggers, spics and kikes all day and talk about “white-trash sluts” who date nonwhites
    3) The natural human instinct is supposed to be for men to protect our territory

  12. Brutus,

    “It’s the Christians who never respond to these specific details and only act like they have never heard of it, just like liberals do about race and crime.”

    If your argument is that not every period before the Enlightenment was hunky-dory, than that goes without saying. Christianity as practiced for hundreds of years by our people is not without faults. Universalism is the biggest of these faults. What causes pro-White Christians like me to seemingly put our hands on our ears and go “LA LA LA” is when anti-Christians in this movement blame Christianity for the ongoing program of genocide against our race, the White race. If Christianity is inherently anti-White and inherently destructive of the White race, than why are we still around after 2000 years? What’s taking so long?

  13. George Fox in action:'html

    Penn on the Revival:

    Penn on government:

    He understood that the revival of true religion is foundational: “I know some say, ‘Let us have good laws, and no matter for the men that execute them’; but let them consider that, though good laws do well, good men do better, for good laws may want good men and be abolished or evaded (…) and GOOD MEN WILL NEVER WANT GOOD LAWS NOR SUFFER ILL ONES. It is true, good laws have some awe upon ill ministers, but that is where they have not power to escape or abolish them and the people are generally wise and good. BUT A LOOSE AND DEPRAVED PEOPLE LOVE LAWS AND ADMINISTRATION LIKE THEMSELVES. That, therefore, which makes a good constitution, must keep it”.

    Fox and other early Quaker leaders opposed the return of Jews by Cromwell if they were not truly converted! They did consider conversion possible, and warned the exiled British Jews waiting on the European mainland they must “cease from your abomination, and turne to the living God”!

    That was then, long ago. We all recognize that the Friends movement soon began to change direction, toward liberalism, humanism, ANTI-Christianity, even paganism in some places.

  14. Sean says:

    ‘At this point, succession is impossible. It will not happen.
    The south will be flooded with Mexicans soon.’

    Correct. We can argue among ourselves over all sorts of issues but the handwriting is on the wall thanks to the jews.

    Joe (jew)Klein: Immigration will save the U.S. from White racism

    Writing in Time, Joe Klein presents the view that it is necessary to import millions of non-Whites as a cure for “our poisonous biracial era.” The subtitle says it all: “Trayvon’s Death Is an Outrage, But …Thanks to immigration, stronger laws and years of hard work, our poisonous biracial era is ending.”

    Yes, we are nearing the promised land of racial harmony that will be possible only when those evil Whites are a minority. Not surprisingly, Klein looks forward eagerly to a non-White majority America:

    Klein: ‘This is not the 1980s; race isn’t the issue it was 30 years ago. It isn’t binary–black and white–anymore. It’s a kaleidoscope now: Latinos outnumber blacks in the American population, healthy dollops of South and East Asians add to the mix, and the prospect of a nonwhite majority is just around the bend.’

    Could there ever be healthy dollops of White folks? Probably not.

    The logic is quite familiar—the same logic that has motivated generations of Jewish activists advocating non-White immigration in order to make it safer for Jews. People like Klein pose as moral paragons when their logic is nothing more than self-interested ethnic hardball: Demographically swamp White America so that the political power of Whites declines, making the rise of an anti-Jewish movement among Whites much more difficult. Recall Jewish sociologist Earl Raab, writing in 1995, on the Jewish role in promoting non-White immigration:

    Klein: ‘An increasing ethnic heterogeneity, as a result of immigration, has made it even more difficult for a political party or mass movement of bigotry to develop. … The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. We [Jews] have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible—and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever (see here, p. 246)’

    People like Klein are only using the Black-White racial divide as a weapon against White power. And the result of their anxieties and hatreds is to swamp America with tens of millions of non-White immigrants, making Whites a minority in the country they founded and built.

    Of course, the world is still imperfect. For example, Florida still has “barbaric gun laws.” But the main point is that for Klein,

    Klein: ‘the Republicans can no longer profit from being a predominantly all-white, regional, rural party. The Al Sharpton version of the Democratic Party is 20 years in the past. There will always be injustices like the murder of Trayvon Martin, but in our multiracial future, led by our color-blind children, there will be fewer of them.’


    Klein sees the Black-White racial divide as something to exploit to further the interests of his people. This has been the program of Jewish activist organizations since early in the 20th century when Jews organized and funded the NAACP.

  15. Let’s not follow the Talmudistic historians of the modern liberal Friends movement who lie about primitive movement.

  16. Dan Poole wrote: “materialism is to Christian morality as kryptonite is to Superman. Superman can still fly faster than the speed of sound, see through walls, melt steel with his eyes, and stop buildings from falling. None of it matters when he faces kryptonite. Likewise, the love of money and the lust for more and more stuff inherently corrodes the traditional forms of Christianity that successfully protected and advanced White people for hundreds of years”:

    The Amish and other Anabaptists are also infected with materialism in many places. The heart of man is desperately wicked, as the Scripture says.

  17. Apuleius is correct about the Jew-Quaker connection. In my youth, I was a member of the Worldwide Church Of God, founded by Herbert W Armstrong. It was a Judaizing sect that kept the Sabbath, the holy days, and kosher. Interestingly enough, Herbie was raised in the Quaker faith.

  18. Dan Poole says:
    July 27, 2013 at 4:13 pm

    “There’s no doubt that Cultural Marxism defeated Protestant Christianity and Catholicism in both America and Europe. And yet, look at Eastern Europe,”

    IMO the only reason Eastern Europe has not fallen yet, is the forces behind White Genocide were busy elsewhere. But I know for a fact, they have been asking for Eastern Europe to open to non-Whites as a matter of routine and only now are the borders opening.

    What we see with a group called FEMEN protesting in Russia and Eastern Europe, is the beginning of a concerted attack. We will see many more attacks coming from different protest groups and they will keep up the assault, until the target is destroyed. There is big money behind FEMEN and similar groups and there are very serious people behind it.

    For a Cultural Marxist their mouth is a sword. Short oft repeated slogans, that constantly demonize and humiliate their opponent, are all they’ve ever needed. They demoralize their enemy and then they make of him what they want .

    Putin understands what these people are up to, because he is former KGB.

  19. If you want to beat an enemy that always wins, you’ve got to learn his methods and turn them back on him. You can’t lead a cavalry charge of horses against machine guns. You can’t build the perfect castle and expect to be safe. War is dynamic.

    This is Europa – What we love but anti-whites hate

  20. Somewhat ironic when Mosin quotes William Penn as a moral authority without knowing that Penn was a slaveowner. Ignorance is bliss.

    “Yankees have ruined negroes and made the problem insoluble like they have done with everything else.”

    The point. As long as the union exists, the elevation and veneration of the negro will be the summum bonum of Amurrican life. Devotion to the negro is the “mark of the elect” that sets one apart from the damned souls who lack enlightenment and harbor racism.

    Negro spirituals are now part of the “tradition” of the yankee BRA empire.

    Still you wonder why white women don’t want to have white children or join the white movement. They joined the other white movement: the yankee movement toward racial equality and social justice. It really is game over for white Amurrica.

    Two quotes from Evola illustrate the dynamics of the situation:

    “The United States of America has been compared, with good reason, to a melting-pot. America is, in fact, one of those cases where, from an extremely heterogeneous raw material emerges a type of man whose characteristics are, by and large, uniform and constant. Men of the most diverse peoples thus receive, by settling in America, the same imprint. It is almost always the case that, after two generations, they have lost their original characteristics and reproduce a fairly unitary type, as far as the mentality, sensitivity and modes of behaviour are concerned: to wit, the American type.”

    “However, setting aside the Puritan and Protestant element (itself under the effect of negative, judaising influences due to the fetishistic insistence on the Old Testament), it would seem that it is the Black element, with its primitivism, that sets the tone of many of the decisive traits of the American mentality. One first thing is, in itself, characteristic: when one speaks of folklore in America, it is always the Blacks who spring to mind, as though they were the first inhabitants of the country.”

    “Colorblind” conformity wins through sheer inertia.
    Ride the tiger.

    Deo Vindice

  21. “At this point, succession is impossible. It will not happen.”

    If the Chinese floated their currency it would become the global reserve currency overnight and that would be game over for USG – literally overnight.

    Now there are a lot of reasons why the Chinese don’t want to do that right now but it’s one example why saying something in politics is “impossible” in the context of a world economy that has been *totally* screwed up by the big banks makes no sense.

  22. “Worldwide Church Of God, founded by Herbert W Armstrong. It was a Judaizing sect that kept the Sabbath, the holy days, and kosher. Interestingly enough, Herbie was raised in the Quaker faith.”

    Something is very wrong with that illogic. Post Quaker ergo propter Quaker. Note that primitive Quakers did not keep holy days and in their effort to live out the red letters of the NEW Testament in the spirit of the New Testament, regarded “every day the same”. How would that heritage cause Armstrong to want to try to live out the OLD Covenant and be kosher?

  23. “Somewhat ironic when Mosin quotes William Penn as a moral authority without knowing that Penn was a slaveowner. Ignorance is bliss.”

    Apuleius has been researching William Penn and has evidently discovered that some Quakers had slaves in the sixteenth century. But in his excitement and eagerness to attack with this “weapon”, Apuleius has forgotten (or else he never read) my earlier references to African slavery in Pennsylvania, and to Quaker slave-holding in the Caribbean, in my comments, in numerous OD threads, one of them quite recent.

    Some of the Quakers were further from perfection than others. William Penn never fully overcame his essentially Cavalier background. Some Quakers in Barbados owned more than a hundred slaves and engaged in the plantation industry. This is NOT of the essence of the message of George Fox. Read his “Journal”, Apuleius!

    Apuleius has also made an assumption that Quakers, and William Penn in particular, are “moral guides” to me. Not so. I have NO Quaker background or connexions, and I do not adhere to Quaker doctrines and practices, but I DO appreciate the history of the Quakers — along with every other instance of true Christian revival and manifestation of “the pilgrim Church” (the true Church, distinct from the false one) since the second century.

    Willful ignorance is NOT bliss, Apuleius.

  24. Re: “Willful ignorance is NOT bliss, Apuleius”:

    On second thought, that could be taken at least three ways. My present intention is: may it never apply to either of us. We may disagree on many things, but do so in good spirit. Let us seek and share the truth without fear or reserve.

  25. Whenever we have tried to deal with illegal immigration in the West (Arizona, most recently), we have been thwarted by the federal government. With the immigration issue, the real problem is the existence of the Union. So long as the Union exists, the flood of mestizos and H1-b Asians will continue. The federal courts overturn any laws attempting to control illegal immigration, or they are superceded by executive orders. So long as the Union exists, you will be unable to stop the southward migration of blacks into states such as Georgia. I guess a Western variation on the “should’ve picked our own cotton” would be “I guess we should’ve picked our own damn lettuce.”

  26. Cost of the Union, with the SOUTH:

    The majority of southern voters continue to support the Federal-Global Endless War Machine, and allow false NEO- “conservatives” to defeat true constitutional conservatives, just as we saw happen in the last Presidential election cycle. Southern “conservatives” LIKE unconstitutional war and increasing “national security” — and along with the Tea Partiers, consider Edward Snowden a traitor despite not meeting the precise constitutional definition at all.

    There is silence on OD on these issues, and on the Bankers and Federal Reserve, but loud proclamation of the guilt of White people north of the Line and “their” Christian “evangelical” religion that is supposed to be the root of all evil in the world.

    Consider that all true Christianity IS evangelical, as Jesus commanded, all spelled out plainly in all red letters.

    The root of the problems north and south of the Line couldn’t POSSIBLY be apostasy and sin under the ANTI-Christian Influence, could it?

  27. Mosin, Judaism (and Judaizing) had a incredible influence on the development of Protestantism. Especially American Protestantism. On only needs to read Newman’s “Jewish Influence on Christian Reform Movements” to realize how Judaized the New England Protestants were in their religious practices. The Mosaic law was the de facto law of most of the New England colonies. This in spite of the fact that the Church declared the Mosaic law null and void at the Jerusalem counsel mentioned in Acts 15. It’s no wonder why the reformed Puritan became Un(Jew)itarians in a rather short time. They were already there with their Judaized theology. So it’s also no wonder why Catholic called Protestants “Demi-Jews” because the Jewish influence was so obvious in their theology.

  28. Stephen Dalton, you are Roman Catholic, aren’t you? What could be more Talmudic than that, besides Judaism itself?

  29. I am no adherent of Calvinism either. What influenced Calvin? You should know.

    What we need to adhere to is the pure doctrine of Christ in the New Testament, and the primitive, true Church without corruption.

  30. For all of the unfocused religiosity of the largely ignorant Protestants on this site, y’all know damn little about Judaism and Christianity. Calvin developed a rather rigorous doctrine of a single Covenant theology that sought to reconcile the Old Testament (God’s Covenant with the Jews) and the New Testament (Christ’s New Covenant with mankind) derived directly from the ideas about predestination, Original Sin, and the Fall of Man put forth by Augustine, Aquinas, and Luther.

    Calvinist and Reformed churches in general are heavy on the fire and brimstone of the Old Testament and consider both the Old and New Testaments to be reconciled theologically under one Covenant. In this way you could say that Calvinism is definitely more Judaic than other Christian sects such as Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Lutheranism, and the Arian heresies of the Baptists and Methodists and other assorted goofy sects led by snake handlers in the Appalachian hollers.

    Do you folks even pay attention in church on Sunday? Or do you all just have a bunch of holy roller lay preachers or totally corrupted politically correct ministers with no well thought out theology at all.

    Hell, I’m a an atheist and former Lutheran who hasn’t been to church in years except for the occasional wedding, but I seem to know a whole hell of a lot more about theology than any of you ignorant rednecks like Buttzhead, Apu, and Dixiegirl.

    Go to college. You might learn something. And Mosin, please educate yourself in the difference between the Torah (Old Testament) and the Talmud.

  31. “What we need to adhere to is the pure doctrine of Christ in the New Testament, and the primitive, true Church without corruption.”

    Sounds like good old slaveholding William Penn to me. I thought you weren’t Quaker?

    Of course this “primitive” Christianity bears no resemblance to the primitive Christianity contained in the Didache, a historical document that wasn’t found until 1873. By that time Fox and Penn were long dead. Speculation can only take you so far.

    “ignorant rednecks like Buttzhead, Apu, and Dixiegirl.”
    Please don’t lump me in with these two idiotic bigots. I am an entirely different sort of “ignorant redneck” who will stand for correction by my yankee “superiors” at any time. Proceed, oh wise one.

    “You might learn something. And Mosin, please educate yourself in the difference between the Torah (Old Testament) and the Talmud.”

    And you might also profit from the same. The Torah is the first five books of what you call the Old Testament. The Old Testament, or Hebrew bible, is called the Tanakh by Jews.

    Jews and most Protestants both use the same version, which leaves out the Deuterocanonical books, which are included in the version used by Catholics, Orthodox, and Anglicans.

    This is by design, as Protestants wanted a more Jewish/judaized/authentic/primitive Old Testament. Protestantism is a development of the faith that was only made possible by the invention of the printing press.

    Also, the Baptist and Methodists weren’t part of the Arian heresy, which happened in the third century just before the Bible was canonized in the fourth century.

    Atheists just love to make much of the snake handlers, as if atheists were any more exempt from human folly than anyone else. Rank hypocrisy worthy of any Christian or Jew. Careful you don’t relapse into benighted Christianity.

    Remember, WWCHD (What would Christopher Hitchens do?)
    You could get kicked out of the Science club. You know you’re only allowed to believe in “consensus” established science like evolution, global warming, and space aliens.

    Scientism/atheistic materialism is a religion with its own dogma. Ain’t it a bitch?

    Deo Vindice

  32. Mosin, the RCC is Talmudic?! As a person of Jewish descent and one who has rejected Judaizing, that’s a surprise to me! Catholicism rejected the Mosaic law as binding on Christians around 50 AD and as documented in Newman’s book, it has been fighting against it’s occasional revivals ever since that time.

    You want a “pure church”. Yes, every so-called ‘reformer’ wants a pure church. Sadly, these reformers reform by rejecting historical Christian teachings as ‘heresy’, and bring in real heresy such as ‘sola scriptura’ that further removes the reformer and his benighted followers from the actual historic Christian faith.

    What influenced Calvin? Well, since John Boy and his closet associates in Geneva were known to be Jews, and many of the French Huguenots were likewise known to be Marranos and Moriscos (Crypto-Jews and Crypto-Muslims) that should answer your question about that.

    I’m sorry Mosin, but the “pure, primitive church” you have in mind never existed. As Apuleius pointed out, it was Catholic, not Protestant.

  33. “please educate yourself in the difference between the Torah (Old Testament) and the Talmud”

    Rudel, I have been aware of the distinction of the TANAKH (“Old Testament”) and the Talmuds, and the Mishnah, since EVEN BEFORE my seminary days! Torah in the Bible, strictly speaking, consists of the first five books, Genesis through Deuternomy.

    “Of course this ‘primitive’ Christianity bears no resemblance to the primitive Christianity contained in the Didache, a historical document that wasn’t found until 1873 (…) Speculation can only take you so far.”

    Apuleius, the Didache is very important, and one of the essentials of my library, but it is very Jewish and NOT descriptive of primitive Christian orthodoxy in general.

    “Scientism/atheistic materialism is a religion with its own dogma.” You are right about that, Apuleius. Atheism is growing and has already become the majority “faith” in many areas:

    “What influenced Calvin? Well, since John Boy and his closet associates in Geneva were known to be Jews, and many of the French Huguenots were likewise known to be Marranos and Moriscos (Crypto-Jews and Crypto-Muslims) that should answer your question about that.”

    Of course my question was rhetorical, Stephen Dalton, and that is the answer I was eliciting.

    “I’m sorry Mosin, but the ‘pure, primitive church’ you have in mind never existed. As Apuleius pointed out, it was Catholic, not Protestant.”

    Well, I agree if it is Catholic it certainly isn’t PURE.

    Nevertheless, the “pilgrim” church movement that always opposes the false, apostate “church” has existed constantly from the beginning. Not mythical but historically factual.

    “reformers reform by rejecting historical Christian teachings”

    Like what? Purgatory? That pre-Christian, extra-Biblical heresy? But everything Rome teaches is infallible, right?

  34. “These bastards turn our virtues into vices. May they rot in hell.”

    Blaming others for your own decisions. Typical Southron effeminacy. The South willingly fights for its worst enemy, but the joke is lost on Apu. That doesn’t speak well for your people, little man. Ah, but God will vindicate you. You just keep on waiting, li’l chigger.

    The facts seem to show Southern men are just whores without honor, who will murder anyone for a paycheck.

  35. Mosin, your “pilgrim church movement” never existed in reality. Your “pilgrims” were merely Judaizing sects like the Arians, the Albigensians, the Waldensians, the Bogomils, etc. None of these groups had anything remotely resembling Protestantism, they were a bizarre mixture of Catholicism, Judaism, and Gnosticism. The Catholic Church was the only Christian game in town in the West, all of these sect were heretical, they denied some or all of the Nicene Creed that the Western and Eastern Christians professed.

  36. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi,

    “IMO the only reason Eastern Europe has not fallen yet, is the forces behind White Genocide were busy elsewhere.”

    Agreed. And now that the shield of economic Marxism has crashed, Eastern Europe is under attack by cultural marxism. It’s quite possible, perhaps even likely, that if Eastern European nations became liberal democracies after 1918 like Western European nations did, and like America always was, that they’d be in the same situation today. My point was that Eastern Europe, particularly Russia, presents a real, current example of what happens in a White Christian nation when it isn’t exposed to the kryptonite of materialism. Not saying Russia is perfect, because its far from it. But Russia offers evidence that traditional Christianity is not inherently self-destructive to our race.

    “But I know for a fact, they have been asking for Eastern Europe to open to non-Whites as a matter of routine and only now are the borders opening.”

    Yes indeed. I read just like you do, and I read the story about how Poland “must” become an economic zone for everyone. White nations and ONLY White nations are subject to genocidal policies like massive non-white immigration. My point is that while traditional Christianity alone may not be the antidote to the cultural and social forces that are systematically exterminating our people, traditional Christianity is also not conducive to those forces like too many atheists in this movement claim. You’re right that traditional Christianity as practiced for hundreds of years by Whites failed to stop cultural marxism. But what Christians like me, Mosin, and Matt Heimbach are arguing is that:

    1. Christianity didn’t cause or facilitate the current predicament of our race.

    2. Any traditional White nation that survives and thrives over the long run will probably have Christianity as the religion of the majority of its people, not Odinism or atheism or something else.

  37. “the Baptist and Methodists weren’t part of the Arian heresy”

    I meant to write “Arminianism” which is definitely still a hotly contested theological question.

  38. “You know you’re only allowed to believe in “consensus” established science like evolution, global warming, and space aliens.”

    Equating the theory of evolution with space aliens just shows your ignorance.

  39. “HUD is planning to “modernize” the Fair Housing Act of 1968 by tracking the “diversity” of every residential neighborhood in the United States ….”

    About a dozen years ago we got a lesson in block busting. Our middle class neighborhood got up in arms and defeated it.
    It turned out that Jacksonville didn’t have to enforce block busting because of a supreme court decision, but the Bush administartion didn’t take advantage of the lee way given by the court. So much for the usefullness of the Repub party.
    The news hit us on a weekend moring. By the afternoon I was out with a home made petition, designed to not sound too “racists”.
    I believe the homes were running at about $125,000 in the neighborhood.
    People were anxious to be able to sign my petition, and there was another petition circulated by a neighborhood group.
    But one middle aged guy refused to sign. I assume he didn’t want his name on anything with a wiff of political incorrectness. Wouldn’t you know this coward was the first person to put up a fore sale sign in his yard.
    The next thing I learned was when a thirtyish well dressed black female in a new SUV pulled up and took one off the borcheurs from the tube staked in the front yard of the cowards house.
    That’s when it hit me. Federal neighborhood block busting tactics were a direct political pay off to the middle class blacks. At the first sign of integration the cowards in a targeted white comunity will put their houses up for sale in order to be the firstust out with the leastest capital loss on the sale of their homes. Naturally the evacuation accelerates and prices plumment. The middle class blacks can then pick up a $125,000 house for say $105,000. Soon the houses are going for $95, 000, then even lower.
    When most of the Whites have left and the panic selling is over you have a neighborhood of middle class blacks who have picked up their new homes at bargain rates, thanks to the Democrak party and unopposed by Bush Republipukes.

  40. @ Dan Poole:

    I completly agree. The white workling class stopped East Asian immigration dead in it’s tracks in the late 1800’s.
    The difference between then and 1965 was a few million Jews had fled Russia and Eastern Europe for America. That core hyper-politically/cultural active ethnic group was what made the difference between 1885 and 1965.
    The Bolshevik Jim Jones proved in the 1978 Jones Town massacre what you can do to a people if you take complete control over their information stream.
    Jones talked 900 people into immediate, personal, physical mass suicide.
    That is what the Jews did to us. They took over our educational colleges, turned out anti-white teachers, “educated” three generations of students, and bought up or boycotted out of business every major media. They had control of our information stream. They contolled “public opionion.”
    As Chruchill said, “There is no public opinion. There is only published opinion.”
    How much easier than for Jim Jones has it been for the Jewish nation in our midst to talk the average white into a slow, non personal, racial suicide?
    The Churches and preachers have only drunk the same Kool-aid as the rest of the white population. They didn’t mix the drinks up.
    Once we have won out over the Jewish nation we will have to put them through a de-Zionization process the way we put the Germans through a de-Nazification regimen after 1945.

  41. Re: “your pilgrim church movement never existed in reality. Your ‘pilgrims’ were merely Judaizing sects like the Arians, the Albigensians, the Waldensians, the Bogomils, etc. (…) The Catholic Church was the only Christian game in town”:

    Stephen Dalton, you have it entirely backwards. None of those Catholic-maligned and persecuted “sects” was ever NEARLY as heretical, Talmudic and corrupt as your so-called “only Christian game” — the Roman Papacy itself!

    You are probably one of the very few here who has ever heard of the Bogomils , Albigenses, Waldenses, Lollards, Hussites, etc. — though most have probably heard of later movements, including the German and Swiss Anabaptists — Mennonites, Amish, Hutterites, Brethren — and the later Anglo-Celtic Nonconformists such as the Friends.

  42. Mosin, I stand by what I have already said. Every one of these groups were heretical. Every cult group, like the one I was a member of, and some silly Protestants, like the Landmark Baptists, claim these folks as their spiritual ancestors. Good historical research, like that presented in the books “Baptist Successionism” and “Heresy And The English Reformation” shows that these groups were rebellious Catholics, Gnostics, or a combination of both. None of them had nothing that remotely resembled Protestantism. No solas at all! They would resemble Roman Catholicism or a flaky wakey New Age cult. But I understand why you need to cling to these groups. Without them, you can’t claim antiquity for whatever your faith is. Sorry, but like I already said, only the Western and Eastern branches of the ancient Church Universal (Catholic) can rightly claim that. All these other sects are heresies that adopted unorthodox beliefs and split off from the real church. If you can’t accept reality, it’s not my problem.

  43. Stephen, the history of these persecuted groups has been written by the persecutors. Yes, the “Waldensians” and many of these other groups did, as you say, display many Catholic-like characteristics. But when did I claim them, or any earthly church, to be perfect and infallible? But the Romans have never been outdone, in corruption and heresy. They are the brutal victors who wrote the history and form the line of succession from antiquity that you respect.

  44. Let’s talk heresy, and superstitous, un-Biblical, pagan syncretism, and just plain stupidity:

    Vicar of Christ
    Papal Infallibility
    Mother of God
    Praying to God through Mary and officially canonised Saints (including Saints who never existed)
    Being saved / avoiding hell / being prayed through Purgatory
    The Religious
    Celibacy for The Religious

    This is a short, incomplete list. Imagine this sort of nonsense or something like it such as Anglicanism, as the state religion, or religious basis of the new Dixie.

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