![HUD plans to affirmatively further diversity in every American neighborhood](https://i2.wp.com/www.occidentaldissent.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/fair-housing-act-1968-300x198.jpg?resize=300%2C198)
Editor’s Note: OD has been on the road for a week in Missouri on an important personal mission at the Council of Conservative Citizens HQ. Now that I am back home in Alabama, normal posting has resumed.
I’m sure that most OD readers heard about the three biggest stories coming out of the District of Corruption over the past week:
1.) House Republicans Embrace DREAM Act – After voting against the DREAM Act in 2010, House Republicans now feel compelled to embrace their own version of the DREAM Act to “show they are doing something” while fighting off the Democratic push for an even biggest amnesty.
2.) Justice Department Challenges State Voter Laws – Eric “My People” Holder has decided that the recent Supreme Court ruling on the Voting Rights Act is meaningless and announced at the 2013 National Urban League Conference that he has decided to launch a new legal offensive against Texas.
3.) HUD Plans To Bring “Diversity” To Every Neighborhood – HUD is planning to “modernize” the Fair Housing Act of 1968 by tracking the “diversity” of every residential neighborhood in the United States and by “channeling investments into under-served areas” in order to “affirmatively further fair housing” and to “give people access to better neighborhoods.”
The moral of the story: OD sees this as just the latest evidence that the existence of the Union, specifically, the concentration of power in Washington, and the growing irrelevance of White America (especially the South) to the decisions that are made by the political establishment in Washington, is the real problem.
Consider the fact that DREAM Act was defeated in the U.S. Senate in 2010. Obama responded in 2011 by issuing an executive order that effectively gave legal status to millions of illegal aliens. Similarly, the Supreme Court struck down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, but Eric “My People” Holder only became more determined to impose federal control over elections in Texas and the Southern states.
Now the HUD is usurping the power to micromanage the racial composition of every residential neighborhood in the United States in order to better promote “diversity.” At what point does any pretense that the U.S. still has a “limited government” with a “separation of powers” that is “guaranteed” by the Constitution or that political power in the U.S. is based on democratic elections become a bad joke?
OD is more convinced than ever that disunion – whether it comes through secession or revolution – is the only solution at this point. The existence of the Union means open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens, it means control of Southern elections by a radicalized anti-White Justice Department, and soon it will mean the overthrow of the Second Amendment, gay marriage in every state, and HUD imposing the wonders of “diversity” on every White suburb in the United States.
Is it possible to reform the U.S. system? Consider what recently happened to Jason Richwine and now Jack “Southern Avenger” Hunter. It is no longer possible to be pro-White, pro-Southern, or even mildly honest about race like John Derbyshire, and continue to have a job as a “mainstream” Republican or conservative commentator.
Even if we had a Republican president, a Republican Congress, and a Republican Supreme Court, we have no reason to believe – see the Obamacare decision, the Arizona SB 1070 decision, the Voting Rights Act decision, and the DOMA decision, which were all made by a 5-4 conservative majority on the Supreme Court – that the U.S. system will ever cease its inexorable drift to the Left.
After the George Zimmerman witch trial, we have no reason to believe that the U.S. will even continue to have a First World judicial system, much less a First World standard of living, in the near future should present trends continue. After this latest HUD announcement, we have no reason to believe that Whites can even continue to opt out of confrontation with the U.S. system to live a private life in the suburbs.
Take your choice: despotism or disunion.
Despicable rubble of a black arm and fist hanging from a stand. Tells me behind the arm fist;Unseen power subjecting the indigenous through the soulless critters.
Gooberment in DC one step ahead of Detroit, yeah a despotism can be poor like Korea but ours has First World liabilities. Much conflict in settling them before you an put coloreds in houses they or DCtroit can maintain. IMO its a race between DCtroit and financial reality. I side with financial collapse leads to anarchy
“After this latest HUD announcement, we have no reason to believe that Whites can even continue to opt out of confrontation with the U.S. system to live a private life in the suburbs.
Take your choice: despotism or disunion.”
For real.
Eric Holder promises not to kill Edward Snowden, “thus making him no longer a refugee in need of asylum”, as the long arm of the Global elite stretches for him: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2013/07/26/edward_snowden_eric_holder_promises_russia_it_won_t_seek_death_penalty_against.html
“I side with financial collapse leads to anarchy”
Good. Local communities and even whole states or at least collections of counties can then start to self organize. Whites will never put up with an absence of law and order. Militias will naturally spring up from the grass roots level.
Unfortunately this will be a bloody process in those areas of the country like the big Eastern cities and states in the Deep South which are burdened with huge Negro populations.
Taking prototypical conservative Edmund Burke as the compass point (himself a Liberal), the question in the West has been one of slow organic change vs radical abrupt change.
The Republican Party represents slow organic change.
The numbers for Dixie are truly frightening especially when you consider the vast rest of the country is nigger free. As an example there are only 70,000 niggers in Oregon while there are one and a quarter million in Alabama.
Figures are from the 2010 US Census:
Rank State African-American Alone Population (2010) % African-American
1 Mississippi 1,074,200 37.30%
2 Louisiana 1,452,396 31.98%
3 Georgia 2,950,435 30.02%
4 Maryland 1,700,298 29.44%
5 South Carolina 1,290,684 28.48%
6 Alabama 1,251,311 26.38%
7 North Carolina 2,048,628 21.60%
8 Delaware 191,814 20.95%
9 Virginia 1,551,399 19.91%
10 Tennessee 1,055,689 16.78%
11 Florida 2,999,862 15.91%
12 Arkansas 449,895 15.76%
13 New York 3,073,800 15.18%
14 Illinois 1,866,414 14.88%
15 New Jersey 1,204,826 14.46%
16 Michigan 1,400,362 14.24%
17 Ohio 1,407,681 12.04%
18 Texas 2,979,598 11.91%
19 Missouri 704,043 11.49%
20 Pennsylvania 1,377,689 10.79%
21 Connecticut 362,296 10.34%
22 Indiana 591,397 9.07%
23 Nevada 218,626 8.10%
24 Oklahoma 277,644 7.96%
25 Kentucky 337,520 7.71%
26 Massachusetts 434,398 7.02%
27 California 2,299,072 6.67%
28 Rhode Island 60,189 6.36%
29 Kansas 167,864 6.15%
30 Wisconsin 359,148 6.07%
31 Minnesota 274,412 4.57%
32 Nebraska 82,885 4.50%
33 Colorado 201,737 4.28%
34 Alaska 23,263 4.27%
35 Arizona 259,008 4.16%
36 Washington 240,042 3.74%
37 West Virginia 63,124 3.58%
38 Hawaii 21,424 3.08%
39 New Mexico 42,550 2.97%
40 Iowa 89,148 2.68%
41 Oregon 69,206 2.01%
42 Wyoming 4,748 1.29%
43 Utah 29,287 1.27%
44 New Hampshire 15,035 1.22%
45 South Dakota 10,207 1.14%
46 North Dakota 7,960 1.08%
47 Maine 15,707 1.03%
48 Idaho 9,810 0.95%
49 Vermont 6,277 0.87%
50 Montana 4,027 0.67%
“The Republican Party represents slow organic change.”
What was slow or organic about crushing the Confederacy and killing over 300,000 Southern combatants?
Blacks aren’t the problem.
If the Union didn’t exist, we could solve that problem. The Northeast is the motor which is driving this boat and pulling us along for the ride.
1860s: “You can’t control blacks, but don’t worry, you can compel them to stay away from you.”
1960s: “You can’t compel blacks to stay away from you, but don’t worry, you don’t have to live with them in the same neighborhood.”
2013: “You must live with them in the same neighborhood, but don’t worry, you don’t have to live with them in your house. Or marry them.”
Can I get a witness?
“Blacks aren’t the problem.”
Blacks aren’t running Amerika.
“If the Union didn’t exist, we could solve that problem.”
So Blacks are a problem.
“The Northeast is the motor which is driving this boat and pulling us along for the ride.”
So Whites north of the Line are THE problem.
But if the Africans had never been imported to create the slavery-based culture and immense wealth in the first place, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
By the way, HOW will the Black problem (“Blacks are a problem, though not THE problem”) be solved after the Union has been dissolved?
1.) Blacks don’t run America – Yankees and Jews run America for their benefit.
2.) See the HUD program to impose “diversity” on every neighborhood in America or Holder’s interference in Southern elections above.
3.) Absolutely.
Yankees are the reason why the negro problem is insoluble. They are the ones who go out of their way to make it worse in order to advance equality.
4.) Bullshit.
Slavery isn’t the reason why blacks are out of control today. Why wasn’t the problem solved generations ago? It is because of Yankees and their degenerate leveling religion.
5.) Mitt Romney is too rightwing for Yankees. Have y’all already forgotten who is responsible for voting for Obama over two Yankees?
6.) Yankees simply can’t stop themselves from worshiping negroes. There is no use in denying it.
Rudel, those state figures are interesting. Race percentage maps by county are even more interesting, showing considerably less diffusion of Africans out of urban areas into rural counties, in states that never belonged to the Confederacy. But what REALLY matters, according to the OD thesis, are the percentages of evil (“northern”) Whites versus good (“Southron”) whites in every state and county.
“Blacks aren’t the problem.”
Riiiiight… That’s why you have been spending the last two years going on and on about BRA.
Mosin Nagant: says:
July 27, 2013 at 2:18 am
“But if the Africans had never been imported to create the slavery-based culture and immense wealth in the first place, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.”
They would have imported blacks and all the other races, just as they have done in all White countries and only White countries.
“4.) Bullshit. Slavery isn’t the reason why blacks are out of control today.”
The “slavery-based culture” is the reason why Africans are IN America at all.
That’s a weak comeback, Mosin.
Negroes are out of control, but that wasn’t the case under slavery, or even Jim Crow.
It is just one symptom of a larger problem which has many other facets like the War Against The South and the state of women and the family and the promotion of fag marriage and open borders.
The Yankee is behind all these problems and their influence is degenerating the South and the rest of the Western world.
“They would have imported blacks and all the other races, just as they have done in all White countries”
The “They” who cannot be named? Yes, the slavery-based culture that imports “cheap labour” into all white countries is in fact Talmudically based — not Biblically based, not Christian.
The “slave-based culture” was wiped out 150 years ago.
“But what REALLY matters, according to the OD thesis, are the percentages of evil (“northern”) Whites versus good (“Southron”) whites in every state and county.”
Yes it is totally absurd. Old Timey, Bluegrass, and Country and Western music is as popular as ever. Rock ‘n Roll is totally Southern as electric blues guitar is king. All the bad-ass heroes on TV are rednecks (Walking Dead, Justified, etc…) , and White children of Yankee transplants are Confederates by the time they reach the second generation.
James Hammond to Thomas Clarkson on the “free labor” system:
“Among the innovations of modern times following the decay of villeinage,” has been the creation of a new system of slavery. The primitive and patriarchial, which may also be called the sacred and natural system, in which the laborer is under the personal control of a fellow being, endowed with the sentiments and sympathies of humanity, exists among us.
It has been almost everywhere else superseded by the modern artificial money-power system, in which man – his threws and sinews, his very being, are all subjected to the dominion of Capital – a monster without a heart – cold, stern, arithmetical – sticking to the bond – taking ever “the pound of flesh” – working up human life with Engines, and retailing it out by weight and measure.
His name of old was “Mammon, the least erected spirit that fell from Heaven.” And it is to extend his Empire, that you and your deluded coadjutors dedicate your lives. You are stirring up mankind to overthrow our Heaven-ordained system of servitude, surrounded by innumerable checks, designed and planted deep in the human heart by God and nature, to substitute the absolute rule of this “Spirit Reprobate,” whose proper place was Hell
I “stir up” AGAINST serving Mammon and his global Empire.
“The love of money that is the root of all this evil” (as the Scripture says) is just as active in enslavement of “the masses” by the Bankers as it is in “personal” one-on-one enslavement.
“Mitt Romney is too rightwing for Yankees. Have y’all already forgotten who is responsible for voting for Obama over two Yankees?”
Your incessant repetition of this canard is getting really old. One might theoretically classify it as a damnable lie.
60% of Whites voted for Romney. White women voted for Romney. Even in New York only 52% of Whites voted for Romney.
“…His name of old was “Mammon, the least erected spirit that fell from Heaven.” And it is to extend his Empire, that you and your deluded coadjutors dedicate your lives…”
Fuck this appeal to slavery as natural law. I retired with 7 figures and I did it all by working for others. I’ve never owned a business either. You want to get rich? Think about how you can best serve others by producing what they want. That is the key to success. Too bad this may be going by the wayside due to automation. There won’t be enough work for the lower orders.
I’m not sure if the god of the Federal Empire is Mammon or the Moloch that demands we feed it our children in endless Imperial war. In any case, remove the hand of the yankee from our lands and all the other problems become solvable.
“It is because of Yankees and their degenerate leveling religion.”
Get a grip. Methodists and Southern Baptists are marketing the same “all God’s chilluns are equal” thing as much as the Congregationalists, Lutherans, Catholics, Anglicans, and Presbyterians do up North.
Mosin Nagant: says:
July 27, 2013 at 3:18 am
“The “They” who cannot be named? Yes, the slavery-based culture that imports “cheap labour” into all white countries is in fact Talmudically based — not Biblically based, not Christian.”
They is White anti-Whites.
You must be trolling us about Krischans being immune to the anti-White fever. 2 seconds on Google proves you wrong.
Evangelicals Sponsor Radio Ads in 4 States Backing Immigration Reform
Evangelical activist: Immigration is a Christian issue
“The slave-based culture was wiped out 150 years ago.”
Yet, in many posts or comments you have said that Southern culture is a slave based culture. In any case, modern slaves of all races who serve the Bankers know that slave based culture remains alive and well.
Note that the old-fashioned “personal” style of slavery of the Golden Circle is justified here because it “created immense wealth”, NOT because the African “investments” tended to live longer and reproduce more successfully than most “feral” Africans could in their jungle homeland — and if they had lived somewhat shorter lives and weren’t enabled to breed faster, the slavery would have been just as justified because it was SO PROFITABLE.
Catholics of New York, Welcoming and Integrating Immigrants and Refugees
White Catholics have got the anti-White fever as well.
“That’s a weak comeback, Mosin.”
How can the Biblical injunction against the pursuit of wealth rather than service to others, or any other Biblical injuction, be considered a weak position?
“The Yankee is behind all these problems and their influence is degenerating the South and the rest of the Western world.”
Sounds like it is time for the genocide of “northern” Whites, if they are truly degenerating the world, along with the extinction of the levelling RELIGION.
The South’s conservatism and racialism is a legacy of slavery.
Spiritually speaking, there is no difference between the yankee and the Jew.
The yankee, a judaized protestant apostate, is simply blind to his true Jew nature.
Both exist as a “people apart” from their fellow whites.
Paternalism towards inferiors is a concept that is lost on both.
Other humans merely exist as instruments to be used by them.
Both harbor malice in their hearts toward true Christians, whom both seek to correct/perfect to their own designs, which oppose the will of God.
Both are heartless, inhuman, and cruel in their hypocrisy and fanaticism.
John 12:39-40
English Standard Version (ESV)
39 Therefore they could not believe. For again Isaiah said,
40 “He has blinded their eyes
and hardened their heart,
lest they see with their eyes,
and understand with their heart, and turn,
and I would heal them.”
Deo Vindice
1.) The Quakers set out to build a multiracial and multicultural utopia in Pennsylvania.
2.) Where does all this leveling shit come from anyway? Not from South. It is rooted in Puritan and Quaker egalitarianism.
Well, the Youtube video didn’t quite belong, but that’s the sort of thing white people above and below the Line are watching on their TVs. There is an unholy war on the true religion.
Christianity does “level” us in our families and communities, but it does NOT promote unnatural lust that leads to race mixing.
There is one universal church and one vicar of Christ on earth, the Pope of Rome? Protestants who doubt or deny show their Jewish influence? Some or all Protestants are Jew-influenced apostates? Roman Catholics (and perhaps, members of some closely Catholic-related denominations) are the TRUE Christians?
Hunter, how was your trip?
Did you get a chance to go on safari through East St. Louis?
Re: Sean
Oh, I enjoyed my trip.
I only traveled through East St. Louis after crossing the bridge into Illinois on the way back. There’s a lot more here that I could say, but it is probably best to keep that off the internet.
“How can the Biblical injunction against the pursuit of wealth rather than service to others, or any other Biblical injuction, be considered a weak position?”
More fanaticism. There is no biblical injunction against slavery. Quite the contrary.
Exactly why are you so proud of freeing these savages? For this?
Django should never have been unchained, yankee man.
Deo Vindice
“The Quakers set out to build a multiracial and multicultural utopia in Pennsylvania.”
They set out to obey the will of Christ expressed in the Scriptures, fully, with minimal government resistance or hindrance. They were not “experimenting” with race or culture, and the term “experiment” meant experiential.
Deo Vindice
“There is one universal church and one vicar of Christ on earth, the Pope of Rome? Protestants who doubt or deny show their Jewish influence?” was unclear. It should have been written:
Protestants who doubt or deny that there is one universal church and one vicar of Christ on earth (the Pope of Rome) show their Jewish influence?
This statement shows the VAST gap between true Papists and faithful Christians that can never be bridged by any kind of ecumenism.
One final entry: “This statement shows the VAST gap between true Papists and faithful Christians that can never be bridged by any kind of ecumenism” should have been written:
This statement by Apuleius http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2013/07/26/the-cost-of-the-union-milestones-toward-despotism/comment-page-1/#comment-1816940 shows the VAST gap between true Papists and faithful Christians that can never be bridged by any kind of ecumenism.
“The yankee, a judaized protestant apostate”
Haha! Vicious rhetoric of the first water Apuleius. I take the position that all Protestants are inherently “Judaized” simply because of their obsessive preaching hellfire from the Old Testament. This phenomenon is especially apparent in the Bible Belt, i.e. Greater Dixie.
From what I hear the WN in Kalispell Montana, are having problems with a local church group. Not content with saving blacks in Africa, these White Krischans are now flooding African blacks into Kalispell, to combat the “hate”. Jebus is all about the “love”. How can “love” be anti-White?
Save me Jebus!
It’s probably all in vain, but for years I’ve asked the critics of Christianity how they explain the fact that when Christianity was the strongest, and most Europeans and Whites generally were truly Christian in their beliefs, they were the least likely to be egalitarian and xenophilic, or universalistic? Today Christianity is actually practiced by a mere handful of self-described ‘Christians’, and the Bible is known by very few Christians and understood by even fewer. Most Christians today know only treacly platitudes about how God loves us no matter what, we are all brothers, etc. The old-time Bible teachers, even to the late 20th century held that we are not all God’s children, and there is not a universal ‘brotherhood of man.’
But it seems many non-Christians have their strawman version of Christianity which they like to drag out and beat from time to time. But no one has explained how a weakened Christianity which can scarcely mention its own name now is supposed to wield such an influence on a secular world.
Same with the ‘yankees’ especially if that term means old-fashioned New England Protestants. Such as Carleton Putnam, Carleton Coon, Henry Cabot Lodge the elder, Madison Grant, and others ? The only ‘yankees’ in most of New England today are the Ellis Island melting pot variety and the new immigrants. They are the liberal voting bloc. People of certain immigrant stocks, Jews and others as well, are very liberal and they personify proto-multiculturalism and the victimhood mindset. Add them to blacks and generic liberal Whites and Asians, and there’s the bloc of people who voted in the present regime.
“The Quakers set out to build a multiracial and multicultural utopia in Pennsylvania.”
“They set out to obey the will of Christ expressed in the Scriptures…blah, blah, blah.”
They set out to make oatmeal, which their theology of utopian delusion resembles.
They were merely the cheap imitation model of an orthodox Jew, dressed in black, a “people apart,” weird religious rules, banking and finance, dependent upon gentile goyim to do their fighting for them, etc…
There are and always have been ties between Quakers and Jews.
It is common knowledge.
Deo Vindice
Let’s not forget the Quaker Republican Nixon, with his cynical “Southern” political strategy, and his crony Kissinger, who ran the Vietnam war for him.
Not too many Quakers or Jews fought in that war, mainly patriotic Southerners and ethnic Catholics from the north, along with drafted negroes.
Yankees avoid danger whenever they can like W hiding out in the Texas National Guard. They are only good at exploiting the sense of patriotism and chivalry that white Southerners and Catholics naturally possess. They will send your sons off to die in some god forsaken corner of the world in a twinkling. Still doing it now.
These bastards turn our virtues into vices. May they rot in hell.
Deo Vindice
Pennsylvania was the first state in America to repeal its anti-miscegenation law in 1780. It was founded as a “Holy Experiment” in what the Quakers considered to be Christianity.
Of course, nowhere in the Bible is slavery condemned, and the Bible couldn’t be more emphatically patriarchal. Christianity per se doesn’t level families, communities, or races – it is twisted, heretical, perverted versions of Christianity like Unitarianism – which became the religion of the Northeastern elite – which are the seedbed of these fanatical utopian ideologies.
It was no accident that all of these problems came to the fore in the aftermath of the Second Great Awakening in the Northeast.
Re: VA
The “spirit” of Charles Sumner, John Brown, and Thaddeus Stevens is unchanged in men like Chris Matthews and Ted Kennedy. Personally, I have always believed the root cause of the Yankee Question was religion and culture, not biology.
Well, we know one thing for sure, the confederacy got stomped.
The Yankees won the war and the confederate army lost.
At this point, succession is impossible. It will not happen.
The south will be flooded with Mexicans soon.