Time magazine has dedicated its latest issue to reassuring infertile White liberals that living “the childfree life” in a dense urban area is superior to raising children in the suburbs.
See “Childfree Adults Are Not Selfish” and “I Just Don’t Want To Have a Child” and “The Declining Birthrate Doesn’t Spell Disaster” and “Do Children Bring Happiness – or Misery?”
Southern Nationalists and White Nationalists spend a lot of time bickering in the OD comments about small points of disagreement, but this is one issue on which there should be a broad consensus.
A White Nationalist is someone who believes in the 14 Words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.” A Southern Nationalist is someone who believes in “the survival, well being, and independence of the Southern people.”
Therefore, the single most important thing that a White Nationalist or a Southern Nationalist can do to further the White race or the survival of the Southern people is to become the mothers and fathers of the next generation of White children. It is also the most positive and practical way to advance either cause.
Is this an issue in our own movement? Does our own personal behavior conform to our most fundamental beliefs about White survival? Are we too guilty of living “the childfree life” like the decadent liberals on the Time magazine cover?
In Defending The Master Race: Conservatism, Eugenics, and the Legacy of Madison Grant, Jonathan Spiro quipped that the majority of America’s most prominent eugenicists in the 1920s and 1930s were themselves childless:
“It is wondrous to witness the vehemence with which such childless figures as Madison Grant, Harry H. Laughlin, Charles W. Gould, Wickliffe P. Draper, Henry H. Goddard, C.M. Goethe, A.E. Wiggam, Frederick Adams Woods, Kenneth Roberts, Seth K. Humphrey, Francis H. Kinnicutt, John Harvey Kellogg, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, and Charles Stewart Davison set about attacking the genitals of the lower breeds.”
In our own times, Pat Buchanan who is the author of The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization and Suicide of a Superpower: Will America Survive Until 2025? is himself childless. Sam Francis and many other prominent nationalists never had children.
In a Southern Republic or a White ethnostate, would birth control and abortion be illegal? Would the divorce laws be changed? Would our culture continue to treat sex as a recreational activity – like in the modern United States and elsewhere in the post-Christian West – or would it be a procreative activity like it was in the past?
What are the long term social and economic consequences of fifty years of “the childfree life”? Is this sterile way of life even sustainable in the long run? If not, how should we replace it after we take power?
Note: I’ve turned the comment moderation system off for now. Please keep the OD comments civil and productive. I’m sure that everyone is getting sick and tired of having to wait for me to approve every comment.
I know white men and white women in their 20s and 30s with a variety of different desires, including already having a family (either nuclear or not), wanting a family later, or being proudly childfree. The only thing that really bothers me is those women who don’t want children and then decide to have children without a father on purpose, by using sperm donation. Interestingly, these are largely white women; they are apparently emulating the behavior attributed on this site largely to black and Hispanic women, although not all are on welfare.
I think Caldwell’s point is not valid. Most people really don’t have an instinct to carry on their genetic line; in fact it’s rather pointless. There will certainly be enough of other people’s children for us childfree people to teach and mentor. Pat Buchanan and Sam Francis filled this role, even if I don’t agree with them. Of course this is easier for me since I’m fine even sharing my life’s work, whatever that may be, with racial minorities.
Anyway, despite our disagreements, congratulations Hunter, and I hope your upcoming engagement happens successfully.
Music break; here’s a nice song that I think fits this topic; especially for Peak Finance, and Mosin nagant if he is still reading this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJID8CBu0Lk
Most people really don’t have an instinct to carry on their genetic line; in fact it’s rather pointless.
Pushing the old “why does the future matter; you’ll be dead anyway” meme, eh? When is the last time you took this particular idea into that Jewish communities and suggested that Jews not worry too much about kids since others will carry on?
Imagine a world without anti-whites
That world is coming soon PGRT. Looks good doesn’t it? But you won’t get to see it. You’ll be living in an anti-White country, much like Detroit.
Lew, there are lots of childfree secular Jews, which you would know if you actually went out and talked to real Jews instead of just looking at their political role. Anyway, if any sort of cultural white revival is going to happen, it’s going to take lots of young people rejecting the anti-racist teachings given to them by their parents. Therefore these parents are not going to have a key part of their identity passed on to their children.
White children’s parent’s don’t really buy into anti-White ideology. They just play along, because they think it is fashionable.
If they really believed your nonsense, then White Flight would not exist – Right wing and liberal Whites, all flee to Whiter areas.
Whites are just waiting for the free choice, you anti-Whites do not allow.
You don’t need to feel scared PGRT, if Whites leave you behind in your anti-White creation. You will remain king of the heap! It will be a rubbish heap, but all you have ever done is destroy, so you anti-Whites should feel right at home. 🙂
Right-wing and liberal whites also have no problem letting their children have friendships with and even marry nonwhites as long as they aren’t involved in crime. They also like to donate large amounts of money to Africa and even send their children there to volunteer. We’ve discussed these issues even here on this site. But keep deluding yourself into thinking that whites are just brainwashed and would get over it eventually. It’s like saying that lots of whites wanted to have interracial marriages before it was illegal since they didn’t have freedom of choice; after it was legal, the rate of interracial marriage has not become as high as it should be, but it has increased significantly.
White Flight occurs in every White country, you anti-Whites are trying to turn into non-White countries.
Non Whites move into a city and all the Whites leave. Their political affiliation is irrelevant.
Whites are ephemeral like that. They will say they agree with your antiWhitism, but when faced with the reality of it, they will all head for the hills.
Clearly you don’t understand White people at all. 🙂
Anti-Whites deny Whites a free choice, because they’re terrified Whites will make another choice.
Anti-Whites really believe, the only way they can get Whites to do what they want, is if they force them.
How much contact with blacks have you had? I don’t mean blacks like the tokens and quota-fillers in your graduate program. I mean ghetto niggers like Trayvon Martin.
Wow, I just went back and read some comments.
This is exactly what I am talking about…..too many people judging other people in this movement and not even knowing anything about what they have been through.
Nobody on here knows me hardly, and what I have been through and why I am without children at 31.
If we wish to get personal, no I have remained a virgin, and I really haven’t jumped from guy to guy. I have tried to make good choices with all my mates, but for one reason or another they didn’t work out, and half the time it was the guy’s fault, the other half of the time it was mine.
I see a lot of judgmental comments directed at me, but haven’t a lot of us been through this?
Hunter admitted he was in my shoes at 31, yet all I see are people congratulating him on his new relationship. I congratulate him also. But what if he hadn’t met the girl he is with now? Yet I am getting ostracized for being with somebody and being a year younger than he currently is. My relationship could lead to marriage just as well as his does.
All I am saying is, we are all a product of our current society we are in, and unless you know what someone has been through, don’t judge them for being single.
Hunter, I guess I am going to avoid this website in the future. I can’t believe some of these comments were allowed up. These comments are personal attacks. They aren’t constructive. You know that they don’t define me.
And in case anyone needs clarification, yes, I just said that I am 31 and a virgin. Thanks for judging me before knowing anything about me.
“No, but unmarried 35 year old women sure do. (I’m not sure about dating website behavior as I’ve never been on one.) Look at the barely suppressed hysteria exhibited by Courtney. Imagine how it will increase if her current beau doesn’t pop the question and she becomes yet another year older!”
I am 31, not 35. Since you find my situation so humorous, tell us a little about yourself, please. My boyfriend is currently in the military overseas. I am glad you find that humorous. That is the only reason I am scared about the future.
“That’s probably the reason her current boyfriend has not popped the question. Why should he? She probably is already sexually active with him now. Most White women around the age of thirty have already had sex with scores of other men. Not exactly marriage material.”
Nope, still a virgin. Some of my boyfriends broke up with me because I wanted to wait until marriage.
“That was cold, Jewdel. LOL”
Glad you find these insults funny, Hunter.
“No, Courtney is a traditional Southern woman.”
Thanks for defending me, Hunter.
“It’s why I want to have children very soon. There is a window to do this (not just for women, but for men too) … and once that window is gone, it’s gone, and then you’re alone in your forties and fifties, and your looks are going downhill, and you start looking back on your life and regretting the decisions that you made when you were young and imagining how things might have been different.”
And who says that I am going to be in my forties and single and lonely? I find it funny that Hunter’s situation is similar to mine, yet he is getting congratulated and I am getting insulted.
“Courtney, I am sympathetic toward you, as your situation is not rare. I have female family members who would love to be married with children right now, and they sincerely wish they could could go back and change a few choices they made, but they need to be honest about their mistakes and misplaced priorities to prevent their younger sisters from making the same mistakes.”
What past mistakes? The fact that I grew up in a family that demanded for me to go to college and then go on to be successful? Forgive me, I should have disrespected my parents just as I was graduating high school. I should have skipped college and gotten married under 25.
No one is judging you Courtney, except for one guy and Hunter corrected him. There are tons of White women out there, that are not virgins/virgins and are the same age.
This is a problem all White people are having in general. It is not unusual for White women to be childless at a later age, but it is getting to be a big concern.
Seriously if this subject bothers you Courtney, you should not discuss it with strangers. I would keep my private life, private. I would certainly not spill my guts on the Internet.
This is the problem I see with WN. Instead of discussing political strategy and acting on it, they go on endless discussions, about how people within WN should live their life and judge each other, if they do not conform.
IMO WN is not a political movement, it is more cult like.
PGRT should be aware that the instinct to procreate is perfectly natural, and that the deliberate choice to suppress and negate that instinct is freakishly unnatural. Indeed, if PGRT’s own parents supressed the instinct, he, rather obviously, would not be here to enjoy all that life offers. Yet he will enthusiastically announce he will not honor the profound moral debt he owes and grant life to another. Shockingly hateful. And as to what the interracial marriage rate should be, it should be consistent with any other foul, grotesque, and deviant behavior, like bestiality. Perhaps a small fraction of a per cent.
Thanks for the feedback, but it looked to me like it was a couple of people saying rude things, and perhaps a couple of others hinting at it.
I agree with you about getting personal. I don’t enjoy doing it, and I like to avoid it. I guess it is one of those silly feminine characteristics that can’t be explained. Once we start talking……we don’t stop…lol.
OMG The laugh of the day!!!!!!!
Right-wing and liberal whites also have no problem letting their children have friendships with and even marry nonwhites as long as they aren’t involved in crime.
You know, I went out on my ranch and told the chickens, “Chicken’s , you can marry the ducks over there in the next enclosure, as long as the duck never gets involved with the water”
Rudel is an elderly gentleman with several kids of his own. He’s joking with you. Everyone gives everyone a hard time on here. Ask Jack.
I turned comment moderation off after a time out of two weeks because it was choking down the discussions. The flaming has been more or less cut out.
I don’t think anyone is really flaming you here. Trust me. I know the difference. I think you are taking some comments way too seriously and personally. You have let it be known that the subject bothers you and that is like waving the flag in front of the bull for some of the commentators.
But anyway, I will turn comment moderation back on for the time being. I know how quickly unmoderated discussions can enter a downward spiral.
I was talking about myself there.
Until recently, it was a major source of anxiety for me. I am 32 years old. I don’t like the thought of being single, alone, and childless in my 40s and 50s, or settling for someone who isn’t fully compatible with me, and having kids with the wrong person and watching it all blow up in my face like it has with my friends.
Needless to say, it was a relief when I finally found the right person. Now, I am excited that I don’t have to worry about it any longer.
Thanks for explaining the situation to me. I just honestly don’t see how some of these comments aren’t down right rude. Maybe I am just not used to this forum. My friend, Dan Poole, who posts on here warned me about this.
As I said, maybe it is best for me to avoid this forum, or at least post only every now and then. Just thought I would give it a try. I am obviously not as thick skinned as Denise is, I guess.
WNs are rude, disagreeable, and quarrelsome.
I suppose it just comes with the territory. Everyone gives everyone a hard time, myself included, so I don’t take it personally. You’ve been posting on these websites for years now and know how that goes. In this case, I really don’t think that being an asshole is flaming.
You’re wearing your heart on your sleeve. This is a very sensitive topic for you. Maybe we should move on to the next topic?
For now.
We have had a problem with discussions that involve women in the past. See Stonelifter vs. Denise in the Women and White Nationalism thread. Whenever the topic of women comes up, the threads can easily enter a downward spiral if they are not closely watched.
Courtney confirmed for comically hyper-sensitivity that reinforces stereotypes of women and shows they have a basis in reality. Moderation is now on again for everybody because of it.
Where has Denise been lately, BTW?
I addressed my concerns to Hunter. It is his website. It is his choice to either turn moderation on or off based on the feedback he gets.
In the mean time, I can make my own decision in regards to how much time I spend on here in the future.
In regards to your stereotype about women, I agree with it. We are sensitive, especially me.
“You’ve been posting on these websites for years now and know how that goes. In this case, I really don’t think that being an asshole is flaming.”
I was just saying that some forums turn into pub brawls more than others. I wasn’t insulting either you or your website. I am just assessing the situation. Some websites appeal to some people and not others. That is okay.
“You’re wearing your heart on your sleeve. This is a very sensitive topic for you. Maybe we should move on to the next topic?”
It is a sensitive topic for all sorts of people in this movement, as well as for whites in general. Hence the “wounded soldier” phenomenon you were rightly speaking of earlier. It isn’t a sensitive topic for me alone.
I don’t know why I went into the personal stuff. Women do that very easily. Which is why I am saying that most women aren’t cut out for this stuff a lot of times.
I have had a hard time dealing with all sorts of websites the many years I have been in this movement. I don’t know why I have stuck around for as long as I have. And when I try a new website, like this one, sometimes there is a shock factor that I can’t get over.
Again, I wasn’t insulting your website in any way. Just wanted to make that clear.
It may be that white racial survivalist who don’t have children are more keenly aware because of not having been blessed with families themselves.
This would include many homosexuals, who supposedly were over represented in the National Socialist movement.
One thing for sure, those of us unfortuante to have no spouses or children at least have more time for activism.
Something approaching 10% of men and women are effectively sterile.
Being childless is not always a choice, and some movement men other than myself weren’t the tallest or handsomest guys out there.
I would propose that childless people either contribute to the rearing of nieces and nephews or be taxed at a higher rate.
Unlike many in the MRA’s I’d be thrilled to have a couple of children to pay child support on.
“In this case, I really don’t think that being an asshole is flaming.”
What do you mean by that? I am asking because I really want to understand. I am not trying to be difficult.
A man above suggested that I am a slut when I am not one. Was that justified?
“Where has Denise been lately, BTW?”
Stormfront conference, I think.
“Rudel is a
nrude, disagreeable, and quarrelsome elderly gentleman with several grandkids of his own”.There, fixed it for ya.
“I am saying that most women aren’t cut out for this stuff a lot of times.”
Another reason (along with Prohibition, Hillary Clinton, etc…) why women should never have been given the vote.
@Father John:
“Russia has a policy in force, to PAY citizens who have babies, and lots of them! ”
And how’s that working our for them? I believe the French started subsidizing child rearing 30 years ago. No result.
Fifteen years ago, being divorced and no prospects for family myself, I offered $50,000 to my nephews and nieces who would have another child.
Of three or four for whom it was still practical I only got one taker.
$50,000 to have a third or second chiod and only one taker! He and his wife went on to have a fourth after I subsidized their third.
It’s not about money apparently, it’s about mind set. I don’t know what else to do.
One thing postive though, having no wife or children it’s a lot harder for the FBI to keep me under control. They’ve tried entrapment on me at least three times and controled my relataives by theats against their families.
We are living through a Dark Age, lets deal with it by increasing our activism.
I promote whiterabbitradio.net
“Another reason (along with Prohibition, Hillary Clinton, etc…) why women should never have been given the vote.”
I agree with that as well.
I was referring to Rudel.
From now on, let’s avoid discussing our personal lives.
“From now on, let’s avoid discussing our personal lives”
Yeah, not sure how that happened. I went from traditionally being cryptic in this movement to becoming more and more open. I have seen others do it, and it has encouraged me to be a little more open about my life.
I guess if we treated each other like one big family, that wouldn’t be an issue. That isn’t how WN is. There are too many jerks and bitter people who easily tear you apart when you open yourself up.
The point is well taken – except that men are not going to generate children if their wives can walk off with the kids whenever they feel like it and collect big time with child support and alimony. The way to solve the problem is to award automatic custody to daddy. If mommy were to lose the kids and the child support check that goes with it, she would think long and hard about filing for divorce. And in the nineteenth century daddy did get automatic custody of kids – while mommy almost never filed divorce papers. Shall we return to the wisdom of our ancestors?
“(I’m not sure about dating website behavior as I’ve never been on one.) ”
slightly off topic.
Dating websites. on their profile. Very religious. Political affiliation. Pretty much all the women have the same stance. “Middle of the road”. lol. I wouldn’t stand on the road for too long. Sooner or later bound to get hit.
Courtney from Alabama has also threatened to leave James Edwards’ blog multiple times. It is usually when someone disagrees with her or posts something she doesn’t like. It is her way of controlling the comment section.
Brutus shakes his head.
So many times we see the stereotype or the charge substantiated by the very ones who are so bent on denial. I’m always reminded of a similar situation as the one playing out now on this thread, and one I have seen many times since. Several years ago, on that dating site, POF, I was a frequent poster on their political forum. One day someone started a thread once again taking up the old women who smoke and sex bit. Like usual, most of the women who smoked made a single post where they simply joked or else had a choice comment or two for the OP. But about a half dozen female smokers kept on indignantly for about 35 pages and a couple of hundred posts.
Since I usually ask if anyone would bet over fifty cents that these half dozen female smokers were not indeed sexually promiscuous, I won’t on this thread.
“Courtney from Alabama has also threatened to leave James Edwards’ blog multiple times. It is usually when someone disagrees with her or posts something she doesn’t like. It is her way of controlling the comment section.”
Welcome to the world of how women in the movement behave. If it wasn’t such a big concern that comes up over and over again (women getting offended etc….), then Hunter wouldn’t be putting these pieces up about why women are turned off by the movement.
I think it is a legitimate concern that needs to be discussed. It was brought up by some people at one of the CofCC conferences (males). They were very concerned about why white women are turned off.
On Amren, it is a recurring problem, and there have been multiple discussions on there where other women are sharing my sentiments.
In regards to The Political Cesspool, I don’t get upset when someone disagrees with me. I get upset about negative generalizations about white women over and over again. I have seen your comments inparticular on there, and you are one of the ones that tends to get hostile over the topic for no reason.
I don’t try to regulate anything on any websites. I give my input. If you find my input threatening, then that is ridiculous.
“Brutus shakes his head. So many times we see the stereotype or the charge substantiated by the very ones who are so bent on denial. I’m always reminded of a similar situation as the one playing out now on this thread, and one I have seen many times since. Several years ago, on that dating site, POF, I was a frequent poster on their political forum. One day someone started a thread once again taking up the old women who smoke and sex bit. Like usual, most of the women who smoked made a single post where they simply joked or else had a choice comment or two for the OP. But about a half dozen female smokers kept on indignantly for about 35 pages and a couple of hundred posts. Since I usually ask if anyone would bet over fifty cents that these half dozen female smokers were not indeed sexually promiscuous, I won’t on this thread.”
That was a cute antecdote, and most of the time it is true. I can say with 100% certainty that everything I have said on here is truthful about myself so far. If I wanted to lie, then I would have made up a story about how I am 25 with 3 children and a husband. I wonder how many people on these websites lie about themselves, sugarcoating their lives. That would be interesting to consider.
“Since I usually ask if anyone would bet over fifty cents that these half dozen female smokers were not indeed sexually promiscuous, I won’t on this thread.”
I doubt many of them are getting any. No one wants to kiss someone with stinky tobacco breath.
I find it ironic that an article was put up recently going into why women are turned off by the movement. Certain people are proving the points made in that article very easily.
Take it or leave it, in regards to what I just said. I am making an observation….not “trying to control the comment section” as I am accused of sometimes by some posters on The Political Cesspool.
Why isn’t Jack Ryan on here today by the way? What is his email address?
“Why isn’t Jack Ryan on here today by the way? What is his email address?”
A pitiful cry for a Yankee to come save her!
I’m gonna have to vouch for Hunter when he says this comment section is pretty tame compared to some of the epic flame wars I’ve seen on here. And I’ve only been posting on OD ever since Jack Ryan sent me a personal invite (through email) to come on here and join the discussions. (Jack and I met at the past Amren conference, which is where I also met Courtney).
Courtney, you should have seen the flame war a few weeks ago between Mark and Denise. I give that one 7 4chans out of 10. And according to Hunter, the most epic flame wars were between 313Chris and Stonelifter a few years back. This website is a 24-7 Irish pub fight, and some days more bottles are broken over heads then others. Just saying.
Re: Dan Poole
The most epic flame war in OD history was the time that 313Chris and Stonelifter were supposed to meet in Detroit, or failing that, in Afghanistan to kick each’s ass over an argument that started on the internet.
Go back three years ago and read through the 300+ comments that followed the article that Denise wrote about women and the White Nationalist movement:
“This website is a 24-7 Irish pub fight, and some days more bottles are broken over heads then others. Just saying.”
OD: Come for the intellect, stay for the grudge match.
@ Courtney:
“I am 31, not 35. Since you find my situation so humorous, tell us a little about yourself, please. My boyfriend is currently in the military overseas. I am glad you find that humorous. That is the only reason I am scared about the future.”
You are beginning to think right. Can your boyfriend come home on leave?
If so tell him to return for a couple of weeks, get married and do his procreative duty.
At thirty one you have got to not only be brutally honest about life, you have to act on your conclusions.
I wasn’t very good looking, was on the shot side and above all socially award.
At 43 I decided I had to review my list of wants in a wife and figure out where the standards could be lowered.
The decision was that a prospective wife didn’t have to be slim. I was married in less than two years.
We had two miscarriages (she was 38 with one daughter when we married) then she got a divorce. I won’t say more about what my faults were but a lot of the fault was mine.
So, unless your boy friend comes home on command, inventory your list of wants in a husband and start slowly lowering your sites, a little at a time. Lower them every 90 days if you are not getting dates (you don’t have the luxury of time to waste).
If you find you are not getting dates it is because the competition is willing to settle for less than you are.
If that turns out to be the case, to be brutally honest about it you will have to avoid pricing yourself out of the market.
There is also the possibility that you are one of those persons who find’s making a life altering decision, like marriage, is scary. Don’t be afraid to take the leap.
“Geronimo” girl.
Courtney, seriously you’re over-sensitive. I disagree with what most of this website says so I get flamed quite a bit (although not as much as some of the regulars flame each other) and I don’t get offended. I’m all for women being respected, but everybody has been pretty gentle with you. One thing I like about this site is that people are free to say whatever they are truly thinking. There is not enough of that in the world.
Lew, sure I don’t go into the ghetto every day, but I’ve been around poor blacks pretty often. I was at a work conference recently in New York and we were sharing a hotel with a black church conference. No problems. Also I’ve talked to some of the black people who work in airports and stores. No problems there either. But you are trying to make the debate unfair by taking out the so-called “token” blacks who are in my graduate program, as well as the lawyers, doctors, etc, who are functioning members of society.
Caldwell, where do you get this idea that people have a moral duty to create life? Is it from the Bible, or some principle of philosophy?
“I disagree with what most of this website says so I get flamed quite a bit (although not as much as some of the regulars flame each other) and I don’t get offended
(…) One thing I like about this site is that people are free to say whatever they are truly thinking. There is not enough of that in the world.”
Well said, PGRT.
phil white,
Thanks for taking the time to go into all that advice, but I have to politely say that I don’t fully agree. I am a 31 year old female who has had certain goals for a while, and I am currently on the right track. I am not a 42 year old woman who has been focusing on her career her entire life, and shutting out dating (either that or not having much luck dating).
Don’t worry about me, I will be fine. Just miss my boyfriend.