I’ve written extensively about the futility of putting all our time and money, hopes and dreams into trying to elect libertarian, economic conservatives like Ron Paul and Rand Paul.
Poor and working class White voters have strongly rejected libertarian-style economic conservatism for over 100 years. They correctly perceive that economic conservatives serve the interests of big corporations like Standard Oil, venture capitalists like Mitt Romney, or worse, bloodsucking Jewish oligarchs like Sheldon Adelson or Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg
These oligarchs – who VDARE.com has collectively labeled “The Slave Power” – demand open borders, mass immigration of non-White wage slaves from Third World countries, and they also want White college graduates, and particularly STEM engineers to work for free.
In most places, being pressured to work long hours for little or no pay is called slavery. In the Brave New World of oligarchs like Sheldon Adelson and Mark Zuckerberg, it’s called an unpaid internship. Poor and working class Whites don’t want to vote for the Republican Party to make themselves wage slaves.
In these depressing times, it’s heartening to learn that the South once had a very popular champion of poor Southern Whites – Huey Long, the governor of Louisiana during the Great Depression. Long fought the likes of Standard Oil and large Jewish Northeastern banks while looking out for the little man. He understood and respected racial realities in the South and did what was necessary to protect White civilization from black crime and black mob rule.
Sometimes it takes a White mob to defeat hostile non-White mobs.
Here’s a short twenty minute history lesson about White populist leader Huey “The Kingfish” Long. The commentator is a famous, talented WN author with some personality “issues.” Please read and study his books, listen to his audio podcasts, but don’t try to make him your friend or political leader:
Well said Jack. Great post. Economic conservatism is every bit the enemy as cultural leftism.
Lew, Agreed. But, I don’t think it’s so much “the enemy” – more like eternally losers for our side, like the Chicago Cubs.
The criminal enterprise AKA the Jewnited States Government cannot tolerate competition and what they cannot buy off, bribe, and blackmail or otherwise shut up, they will murder without compunction. Nothing new here with Huey.
Any possible populist leader who may rise up from the sea of humanity such as Huey did, and gain widespread popularity is a threat to the PTB. Jewshill/stooge FDR hated him.
As for the shooter, they always have stooges and patsies waiting in the wings to do their dirty work; which work has been perfected in this day.
Long was assassinated by a Jew.
The key here is that Long worked at it. He raised money, and he helped other people.
All of the old time populist progressive Southern politicians were like that; they spent their time talking to anyone who would listen, and raising money from anyone who would give.
It doesn’t matter if it was Huey Long or Tom Watson, or some unknown county commissioner on the Mason Dixon line that’s how they did it.
Huey Long urdemined FDR warmonger:Pearl Harbor attack.
I encourage OD readers to learn how to effectively use Twitter and tweet OD articles to influential people and regular people.
Well said Earl Butz, we have to get out in person talk to regular White people and raise money.
I just don’t buy the notion that Huey Long was that much of a “socialist” or “anti-free marketer.” I certainly don’t buy the theory that he was the potential American Hitler. And I don’t think he was that much of a demagogue. Don’t forget, for George Wallace’s time and place, he was on the left end of the economic spectrum, but today even on economics the late 1940s/early 1950s version of George Wallace would be very much a “free market conservative” only because the Democrat/left has gone full bore collectivist-socialist. Sure, Huey Long was a “redistributionist,” but by today’s standards, the typical elected Republican, (much less a Democrat) is more of a literal redistributionist than Huey Long ever was.
Huey Long was just a Southern populist, pure and simple. He was an early proponent of the (true) school of thought that the Federal Reserve turned what would have been merely a severe recession into the Great Depression, long before Milton Friedman was even relevant. If Long was sometimes given to “demagoguery,” well, it’s because he needed votes. Was FDR any less of a demagogue under that same standard? Barack Obama?
And I certainly would have preferred Long to big government race pandering war-mongering FDR, if I was living in the 1930s and had a vote.
BTW, why was Huey Long really assassinated? Why was George Wallace almost assassinated? Why was Joe McCarthy virtually assassinated, then perhaps really assassinated? I’m speaking rhetorically here. It seems like every populist-nationalist leader/organizer that comes along, someone seems to have a bullet for him. Sure, there are lone nuts out there, but there are only so many lone nuts.
Standard & Oil responsible for the stock market crash between the two Atlantic continents? If so, then it explains the monopoly on energy. Germany adopted synthetic coal fuel reichmark was devalued by the standard & oil. African campaign of sues canal was was vital for the brits and u.s. which would have left the Brits at the mercy of Germans.
Huey Long was taking down.
@JR: I’m an embittered STEM worker, so I can identify. I’m currently waiting to start a new job at about half what I used to make, plus I have to move 100 miles from my wife and rent a room at $600/month (Washington D.C. rental rates). I’ll get to see my family 2 or 3 wekends/month.
This issue can quickly pull one into what is sometimes alleged to be “tinfoil conspiracy theory.” Out of respect for JR, I will say nothing beyond this. A supposed “lone nut” tried to assassinate the populist president Andrew Jackson as he was working to shut down the Second Bank of the United States. Nothing conspiratorial about it really. Brandon nailed it. It just de facto criminals in the government and northeastern finance killing or trying to kill anyone they can’t buy off.
It seems like every populist-nationalist leader/organizer that comes along, someone seems to have a bullet for him. Sure, there are lone nuts out there, but there are only so many lone nuts.
Sam Francis actually solved the paradox. It’s not that some secret people wearing black hats and black suitcases order assassinations, it’s that the leftist-globalist-anti-“racist” hive mentality of the media and otherwise winds up spewing (perhaps deliberately) eliminationist hate against the hated person, and that winds up provoking some really lone nut hothead to “do something” to make himself a perpetual infamous celebrity. No secret conspiracy assassinated Pim Fortuyn, it’s that the Dutch media spewed so much hate against him and turned him in to Satan, the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet combined that inevitably some unstable nut would eventually be provoked into assassinating him.
Stay strong Steve E.
We have it rough, but other groups of Whites made it through rougher. I note the Mormons/LDS were force ably drive out of Illinois, Missouri under order of extermination.
Best of luck.
Just so we’re clear, the invective both then and now directed at Huey Long wasn’t because he was a redistributionist, but because he was racially aware.
@ …plus I have to move 100 miles from my wife and rent a room at $600/month (Washington D.C. rental rates). I’ll get to see my family 2 or 3 wekends/month…..
I’ve talked to so many people in similar circumstances, and it’s part of what makes the “pro-family” right wing so totally loathesome. How can they spew that crap and look in a mirror, under the circumstances such as yours that are shared by millions of generational americans, while the “new americans” (legal or not) come home to huge families of anchor babies every night?
—thank you for the reminder to read T. Harry Williams book Huey Long that has been sitting here forever, and maybe reread All The King’s Men. Although, in that book, Robert Penn Warren goes into the strangest back story, at one point, that just doesn’t belong in the book and sticks out, all about some relative who goes to great lengths to save a slave.
Great post Jack!
I really hope that during this months long war against “comprehensive immigration reform,” lots of traditionally-oriented Whites came to see Conservatism Inc. for the farce that it is. All these filthy rich oligarchs are in UNANIMOUS agreement that we need 33 million MOAR non-white immigrants (to say nothing of their White-taxpayer funded offspring), and it is these same oligarchs that fund every “conservative” think tank and “conservative” activist group. I’m to the point where all the “secure the borders first” crap goes in one ear and out the other. These greedy disgusting oligarchs still support a “path to citizenship” for the 11 million illegals and want to swamp the land with 33 more “legal” alien non-whites! WHO CARES if the border is secured in light of all THAT!?
Dare I say Conservatism Inc. is a worse enemy than any of George Soros’ goons?
Long was assassinated by a young successful physician who was happily married and had two very young children. Hardly your typical “lone nut.”
Thanks Jack; thanks Dixie Girl.
One of my favorites from Huey Long:
Long was assassinated by a young successful physician who was happily married and had two very young children. Hardly your typical “lone nut.”
Yeah, it was supposedly over some private, personal dispute. Right. Carl Austin Weiss was a Jew. Look up that rat-faced bastard’s picture if you don’t believe it. Huey Long would have kept this country out of that damn war among other things. Franklin Roosevelt and his Jews weren’t taking any chances in the ’36 election.
Jews flexed their muscle during the period neutralizing Long, Coughlin and Lindbergh.
Aside from being a racist, Huey Long was a good guy. It’s always laughable when commenters here criticize governments for assassinating “populist” leaders, when they themselves want to assassinate other people in the future. It’s the inherent contradiction of claiming you want freedom but also knowing you don’t really want freedom for everybody. Anyway, Huey Long’s economic and foreign policy ideas were good; we need more of that but without the racism. If most of you stopped being racists, you could use your intelligence for something useful.
“It’s the inherent contradiction of claiming you want freedom but also knowing you don’t really want freedom for everybody.”
There is no contradiction at all. Freedom does not have to be universal to exist, it is infinitely divisible.
You aren’t just a troll PGRT. You are a stupid and uneducated troll.
If you don’t support freedom for all, there is no reason for anybody else to be sympathetic to you when you are deprived of freedom. Read some John Rawls; a great white philosopher.
I tweeted your article.
PGRT mentioned John Rawls.
John Rawls on foreign policy, relationship of peoples: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Law_of_Peoples
Thanks Robert
BTW, why was Huey Long really assassinated? Why was George Wallace almost assassinated? Why was Joe McCarthy virtually assassinated, then perhaps really assassinated? I’m speaking rhetorically here. It seems like every populist-nationalist leader/organizer that comes along, someone seems to have a bullet for him. Sure, there are lone nuts out there, but there are only so many lone nuts.<<
No conspiracy theory is necessary; it's easy to have someone assassinated. You just demonize them until some lone nut realizes they can be a hero by killing them.
White nationalism and/or white populism (they overlap) are political movements, and they can't succeed because non-elite whites don't control the political system. We need something that is not a political movement.
Proud Globalist Race Traitor says:
August 6, 2013 at 7:03 am (Edit)
Aside from being a racist, Huey Long was a good guy. It’s always laughable when commenters here criticize governments for assassinating “populist” leaders, when they themselves want to assassinate other people in the future. It’s the inherent contradiction of claiming you want freedom but also knowing you don’t really want freedom for everybody. Anyway, Huey Long’s economic and foreign policy ideas were good; we need more of that but without the racism. If most of you stopped being racists, you could use your intelligence for something useful.”
Jack replies:
Another, slightly different compromise is to take Huey Long’s populist economic, political program and just be a racial, cultural realist. Blacks will vote Black, have higher crime rates, higher illegitimacy rates than Whites or East Asians, mountain Muslim people in Pakistan are not going to go for feminism or gay rights, Jewish people in America will have loyalties to Israel and strongly oppose anything and anything associated with being pro White. And most of my relatives will do, say and think idiotic things. My relatives are idiots. That’s just reality. Detroit, Zimbabwe (dictator Mugabe and his starvation thugs elected again 30 years and counting), Haiti – also racial realities. We need to live in reality and try to make the best of things for everyone, starting with our own kind.
“Kindness” means being kind to our own kind.
All legality failed when they tried to oust Huey Long out of office. Last option left.
Unlike FDR, Long was objectively hostile-who knows what his personal feelings were? to Communists and Jews:
And yet Roy Wilkins (of all people!) wrote that:
“My further guess is that he wouldn’t hesitate to throw Negroes to the wolves if it became necessary; neither would he hesitate to carry them along if the good they did him was greater than the harm.”
George Wallace was another successful politician of the same ilk as the Kingfish. He at first was neutral on race; enough so that he lost an election. Vowing “never to be out-niggered again” by an opponent he became anti-nigger. Once blacks started voting in significant numbers he became a “Rainbow Confederate” in he and his wife’s later years as Governor, thereby garnering endorsements by Negro ministers and politicians in Alabama.
Robert Byrd and Strom Thurman followed similar paths. It’s all about getting votes!
“Unlike FDR, Long was objectively hostile-who knows what his personal feelings were? to Communists and Jews:”
Long was aiming for the white house. He must have known DC was responsible for the depression and the banking system.
The call it The “Great Depression” Some mega bankers kicking back; .J.P Morgan, we finally done it. It was a ‘Great pull of the rug under their feet. We wrecked in billions in our pocket.
Lot went on back the with the of Rise of dictatorships. 1929 1936 those were bad times for western countries;Industrial cities dwellers that is. Rural was unaffected since everyone had farms. Prices of food relative the same. Dozen eggs 10 cents etc.
1937 the bankers re-employed city dwellers factories making bombs instead of cars and appliances.
If there is not a horrible civil/race/cultural war, which is a possibility; I think whites will retain their basic freedoms, but will still be living in an anti-white slow genocide system.
If that is what happens, we will be 50% of he population within a generation.
There being no economic collapse and no civil war is what I call the worst case scenario.
We will have to from race conscious, un-brainwashed white communities. We will have to have Christian services to attract whites away from the main stream Christian churches that have been co-opted by the Jewish white genocide project.
I don’t think it would be safe to call these Christian cultural assemblies a “Church”, or apply for 5013c status or any formal status we can avoid. A traditional brick and mortar church/corporate structure will be targeted for infiltration by “Christian” Jews and government. The most we would do is have prayers before our cultural/political events and maybe some bible reading classes run by the women.
The main thing is we should have physical/geographical coalesced consciously pro-white communities.
We should start now to pick one town in each state where pro-white retirees could move, deposit their social security checks in the local bank, and hire pro-white young people to do all their maintenance work.
And then we should prosetilize (actually we should be spreading the “mantra” from whiterabbitradio.net now). We should convince communities of mostly-white hybrids and basically pure white communities that it’s to their genetic advantage to ba ck breed to whiteness or to maintain their whiteness.
In the worst case scenario of no civil war, we are going to have our work cut out for us over generations or centuries.
“There being no economic collapse and no civil war is what I call the worst case scenario.”
Don’t worry, financial collapse is now inevitable.
“We should start now to pick one town in each state where pro-white retirees could move, deposit their social security checks in the local bank, and hire pro-white young people to do all their maintenance work.”
Sounds like Bandon, Oregon.
And Bandon has a little harbor. Lend lease from Russia maybe? 🙂
It’s the Bandon Dunes golf courses that have been drawing in retirees lately.