I drove back from Cinci without staying for the women’s finals – thought Serena Williams had it won.
Not so.
Belarus, regular White gal Azerenka hangs tough, pulls it out. she’s the winner. what a gal!
I’m in Cincinnati Ohio attending the ATP Tennis Masters series tourney, lot’s of White people here in Ohio.
Tennis – it’s a White thing, they wouldn’t understand.
I’m having a great road trip, only 4 1/12 hours from Chicago, took me 6 hours, I got lost a bit in Indiana – lot’s of healthy good looking White folks – the Addisas outlet store south of Indianapolis, really good.
So many great looking White women at the Cincy master series tennis tourney.. 90% married, oh well. Great to be here.
14 words.
Hopefully the Williams sisters were no-shows.
I also hope you go to Skyline Chili while in Cincy. Their chili is great, and more importantly…NO BEANS. I despise BEANS.
Two words – have FUN!!!!
Serena Williams is in to the finals.
Super model, spoiled Blonde bitch Maria Sharapova got knocked out in the first round. She fired her coach Jimmy Connors after just one match.
Another reason to consider South American Indo European wives over spoiled blondes like Maria Sharapova.
I’ll be cheering for Isner, Azarenka, Bryan Bros. and Groenefeld/Peschke.
I love all those lanky Slavic blonde beauties.
That is a distracting photo of her, Rudel.
The Headline should have been “From Belorussia With Love!”
Thank you,Mr. Ryan, for your on the scene reporting.
Yes, Extropico – Azarenka is from “almost Russia” – Belerus. Last I heard Belerus had a tough guy White Soviet style leader. Russia also has tough guy White leader, Putin, he once worked in KGB.
Everything Russia or almost Russian looks very White, very good these days.
OT: the chimpout song
I know what I’ll be humming at work tommorow…
Got to chimp. Out
Kill and rape, drink the grape
built like a fucking ape.
Got to chimpanzee. Out.
“Super model, spoiled Blonde bitch Maria Sharapova got knocked out in the first round.”
I think you are confusing Maria Sharapova with Anna Kournikova. Maria trains extremely hard and is a superb and dedicated tennis player. The fact that she is yet another Aryan goddess is irrelevant.
It is the slatternly Negress Serena Williams who is lazy and arrogant.