Gov. Paul LePage: Obama “Hates White People”


I find it hard to believe, but it sounds like it is true. I suppose we will see if LePage gets down on his knees and does the Trent Lott crawl:

“Maine Gov. Paul LePage told a group of Republicans last week that President Barack Obama “hates white people,” two Maine Republican lawmakers told the Portland Press Herald.

According to the Press Herald, the two lawmakers, who spoke to the newspaper on the condition of anonymity, said LePage talked about how Obama could have been the best president ever if he had highlighted his biracial heritage and that “LePage said the president hasn’t done that because he hates white people.” …

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Some guy was telling me-“ I can’t believe we have a black president.”

    After 5 years.Dust finally settling in that we we’re hit by an Astegroid.

    • That’s funny.

      You would think the Southern Baptist Convention would be thriving with its new black president and with its resolutions condemning “racism” and “slavery.”

  2. “The cover story he wrote for the May issue of Christianity Today was called “W.W. Jay-Z? How Christian hip-hop could call the American church back to the gospel—and hip-hop back to its roots.””

    Hahaha. God Damn the SBC.

  3. This is how it’s done, Stupid Party.

    With three simple easy words, “hates white people,” the Yankee from Maine
    made a better, more succinct, easier to grok and frankly more accurate case against the person of Barack H. Obama II than most the esoteric, bizarre and occasionally downright wacky criticism leveled at him by his lamestream conservative and aracial hard right “opposition” in the six or so years that Obama has been a credible national political figure.

    The other example of effective opposition against Obama was the NRA’s “Elitist Hypocrisy” TV buy from earlier this year.

    Earth to John McCain, Mitt Romney, et al.: You defeat Obama and future mulatto messiah hopeychangers of his ilk by saying things like “hates white people” and “elitist hypocrite” over and over again. Come to think of it, this is how you defeat most white Democrats, too.

  4. Russell Moore: “The immigration debate has become personalized,” he says. “In the Midwest and South and Southwest, our churches now have large immigrant populations.

    These are our brothers and sisters in Christ.”

    “The people in the pews “understand we’re not going to deport 11 million people without a big government police state”—something his coreligionists do not want.”

    Well, there you have it.

    We are rapidly turning into a third world hell-hole populated by increasing numbers of savages, but that is cool with the good Revrun and his coreligionists.

    Open our borders to any and all.

    They are God’s children too.

    Dumb asses!!

  5. countenance,

    “than most the esoteric, bizarre and occasionally downright wacky criticism leveled at him by his lamestream conservative and aracial hard right “opposition”

    I could be wrong about this, but I suspect that Marco Rubio is more despised than Obama among the talk radio/Fox News base these days. Conservatism Inc. criticizes Obama on the sole basis that he (supposedly) “hates capitalism.” Their criticism of Obama is strictly, and I mean STRICTLY, economic. The phony indignation over cultural issues (such as “religious freedom” in regards to the birth control mandate) is nothing more than red meat to the (White) base – and that red meat isn’t keeping the base tamed like it used to.

    Conservatism Inc’s real indignation stems from their plutocratic funders having their cages rattled by some of Obama’s policies. None of them want to pay more in taxes. None of them want the cost of business to be privatized (even though the profits are already privatized). None of them want the government to spend money on programs that help normal Americans. Mammon is the god of Conservatism Inc, and he is a vengeful spiteful god, caring only for himself and talking a big fat shit on normal Americans who stand in his way.

  6. Tying in with the language entry – Paul LePage grew up speaking French and actually obtained permission to write his college exams in French.

  7. Dan Poole

    What I’m thinking about when I think about esoteric criticism of Obama is, for example, Dinesh D’Souza saying that Obama is primarily motivated by “Kenyan anti-colonialism.” Huh? What is that other than race?

    Other examples: Obama is gay, Obama’s a Muslim, Obama’s birth certificate, etc. All of that is an example of lamer cons and other kinds of aracial cons living in their own bubble and formulating criticism of Obama based on aracialism and trying to avoid “racism” or the appearance or accusation thereof. When it’s much simpler and much more accurate, (but also much more taboo) to say that Obama is a black person who hates white people for purely racial reason.

  8. “Christian hip-hop could call the American church back to the gospel—and hip-hop back to its roots”

    Hip-hop exists to glorify drugs, violence, and fornication, for White teenagers who want to hear about drugs, violence, and fornication. Hip-hop is created and mass-marketed because Blacks who are “keeping it real” can get away with saying stuff that would have Tipper Gore holding hearings and getting the parents to shut down White musicians for saying.

    Get a negro chanting Christian lyrics instead, the White kids tune out, because that’s not what they’re there for. It’ll bomb harder than Christian rock. Much of the greatest music created by human civilization is explicitly Christian. Kids don’t want to hear it when they’re raised to look for stuff that appeals to them immediately, which is going to be musically simplistic, and have lyrics that appeal to their base desires.

    To the SBC, Christian hip-hop is a ploy for them to look cool for a while. They can’t think about it enough to realize just how stupid it is because the fact that human nature is fallen is politically incorrect. Not to mention the fact that hip-hop is degenerate garbage made by degenerate garbage.

  9. Sam says:
    August 20, 2013 at 9:35 pm
    Russell Moore: “The immigration debate has become personalized,” he says. “In the Midwest and South and Southwest, our churches now have large immigrant populations.

    Jack Replies:

    Always try to include personal contact information, personal information of immigration traitors. Where do they live? Play golf? Vacation? What posh private schools do they send their children to escape the Third World plague they are celebrating for the rest of us.

    We have to make this personal, punish our enemies. Right now there is little or no personal cost to their treason.

    No pain, no gain.

  10. According to the Politico article linked to above LePage is denying he said it. Next will come the groveling apology. Nevertheless, it’s out there and it will resonate with a lot of White and normal folks, simply because it’s true.

  11. Jack Ryan says:

    ‘Always try to include personal contact information, personal information of immigration traitors. Where do they live? Play golf? Vacation? What posh private schools do they send their children to escape the Third World plague they are celebrating for the rest of us.

    We have to make this personal, punish our enemies. Right now there is little or no personal cost to their treason.’


    I especially like the part of exposing the hypocrites on where they send their children to school

    Yes, they bend over backwards doing everything possible to make sure all White kids but their own are placed in harms way for the sake of diversity.

  12. SWPL2 beat me to it. I was also going to comment that Le Page is French-Canadian, not uncommon in that part of the country. I guess that means he can’t be a Yankee, as he is not Anglo-Saxon nor Protestant.
    But did he say the ‘offending words’? Probably not, given the slavish PC-ness of most Republicans. And if he thinks emphasizing ‘biracialness’ would be a great thing then he is obviously very confused.

  13. “With three simple easy words, “hates white people,” the Yankee from Maine
    made a better, more succinct, easier to grok and frankly more accurate case against the person of Barack H. Obama II than most the esoteric, bizarre and occasionally downright wacky criticism leveled at him by his lamestream conservative and aracial hard right “opposition” in the six or so years that Obama has been a credible national political figure.”

    Really? Does this mean you don’t think Glenn Beck’s angle that Obama is actually “anti-colonialist” wasn’t effective?

  14. ” Not to mention the fact that hip-hop is degenerate garbage made by degenerate garbage.”

    That’s racist, Jesus would have been a rapper if he lived today, dontcha know.

    “He blocked me. A fricking Southern Baptist “minister” and he’s afraid of what the Bible says in Nehemiah 2:11-20. Russell Moore doesn’t serve Jesus. He serves his own self-glory.”

    When the SBC is ordaining lesbians in a decade, he’ll be the one wondering why they can hold service in a phone booth. (apologies to connie)

  15. Last time I went to a mainstream SB church, they had put in t.v.’s, and were showed a hip-hop segment (seemingly put out by the main office) that was supposed to be attracting the youth in the congregation. This was during sunday service. Also they were without a regular pastor and they were trying out a latin guy; a person there got up and reminded everyone about how latin the whole area was going, and was slated to become latin, so the idea was, if they liked the latin guy, he could attract new tithe payers.

    This was in one of those old country areas, where they were categorically northern europeans, (german, english, scots) and I think the church had been on that ground (with a new building on it, though) since the 1840s.

    The new pastor and his family were the only latinos, but brought in so they could get more.

  16. “Russell Moore: “The immigration debate has become personalized,” he says. “In the Midwest and South and Southwest, our churches now have large immigrant populations.

    These are our brothers and sisters in Christ.””

    NO, they’re NOT.

    One has to be of LIKE ETHNOS to be a brother or a sister. In short, Genetic Correspondence. The Anti-incarnational STUPIDITY of most ‘Evanjellygoos’ astounds me. But then, they think Jesus Christ was incarnated like the morphing Martian in Bradbury’s Martian Chronicles, instead of as ONE Man, with ONE Ethnos, to be the Savior of HIS People, [Matt. 1:21] and none other.


  17. As to the SBC, I’ll say it.

    They are, by and large, NOT A CHRISTIAN DENOMINATION.
    They are a chiliastic, isolationist CULT, that mixes the ‘religion’ of American exceptionalism, with the heresies of Nestorianism, Chiliasm, and just plain bad taste, into a melange of multicultural Blasphemy.

    Now, with elevating the Nigger to the prominence of the Holy Spirit, they are Anathema.

  18. Dixiegirl, thanks for your on-the-ground observations of “change” in your area.

    I hate those video screens (and overhead projectors) in church meetings, and the Latinism and other multiculturalism being forced upon non-independent (denominational) congregations from the top down. I’ve listened to classroom lectures in Baptist seminaries (my training was not Baptist or Calvinist) and see their academic journals and what kind of pastors they produce. Yes, they are indeed still trending “Latin”, and Romish, as well as pro-Zionist and Talmudic. No wonder the common sense concept of “Baptist succession” is rejected.

    Do you have any college-level religious education or seminary background? You once mentioned you studied Talmud. Formally or independently? Just curious.

  19. For you, Rudel:

    I said I ceased commenting on the HUD thread, but your final comment there — (“As the Cisterian abbot Arnaud Amalric advised at the time: Kill them all, God will know his own.”) — on the Roman Catholic genocide of white Christians in France deserves a response:

    Do you REALLY think it was good advice, and a good Crusade, Rudel?

    Those brave white people stood their ground against overwhelming odds, fighting back in their Lost Cause against the Pope and his anointed king of France for over twenty years. When the walls of one city were finally breached the entire population of over twenty thousand White men, women and children, were slaughtered within three hours — in an act of supreme Roman Catholic piety. Other cities also laid under siege for weeks, were also looted and depopulated; hundreds of captured so-called heretics refused to recant their opposition to un-Christian Roman beliefs and practices, as they were burnt alive; so it continued until the wealthiest, most civilised and INDEPENDENT region of France had been fully LOOTED (probably the main object), raped and destroyed, land ownership transferred to outsiders, and everyone forced to SUBMISSION (the other important objective) to His Holiness “INNOCENT (LOL!) the Third” and to Pope Innocent’s anointed ally the king of France.

    It all reminds me of Lincoln’s (and Sherman’s) raping, pillaging, genocidal crusade against southern white heretics, and the global Talmudic crusade against German white heretics (just bomb Dresden for God, for “God will know” who are not Nazi heretics) and several other love-of-power-and-wealth-inspired crusades against good, independent white peoples that have severely set back the progress of white Christian civilization again and again.

  20. The funny thing is, besides being sad and pathetic, “rapping baptists” will be as effective at filling pews as rapping michelle obama was at getting kids to eat their vegetables. The target audience sees this pandering as gay and uncool.

  21. Fr. John+

    “They are a chiliastic, isolationist CULT, that mixes the ‘religion’ of American exceptionalism, with the heresies of Nestorianism, Chiliasm, and just plain bad taste, into a melange of multicultural Blasphemy.”

    Two thumbs up! Christianity in the United States is deader than dead. It died when Falwell, Robertson, and the rest of the “Amen” cult took it over in the 1970s. The “values voters” shit helped usher in three decades of disastrous GOP dominance (either in the Presidency or in Congress) from 1980 to 2007. And did the Republican Party do anything about abortion, gay marriage, or pornography? Of course not. Lew and other economic leftists in the movement have got the GOP nailed.

    And then there’s the “Amurrican Exceptionalism” garbage. James Kirkpatrick said it best back in May 2011:

    As G.K. Chesterton noted, those who must see their nation as the most powerful actually hate their country, because they love power and status more than the nation itself.

    When I hear any of my family members tell me, “America is a blessed nation ordained by God to be a shining city upon a hill,” I want to look them in the face and say: Bull-fucking-shit! Sid Roth and other nefarious characters thrive off this stuff. One day not too long ago I saw a magazine laying around at a relatives place (I’m pretty sure it was Roth’s monthly newsletter). It had an article which claimed that the three issues God judges America on, and that Christians must be on the right side on, are:

    1. Abortion
    2. Gay marriage
    3. Wait for it….Support for Israel

    The unfortunate part of all this isn’t that a scary amount of White American Evangelicals believe this blasphemy, it’s that those same White American Christians are (probably) the most likely candidates to the pro-white movement thanks to their traditional family lifestyle. (This is an extension of the Sailer Hypothesis).

    Before anyone jumps on me, you should be aware that most White Christians in this country are indifferent to these satanic, cult teachings. If you put a gun to their heads, they’d tell you they “stand with Israel,” but in their day to day lives they don’t think twice about Israel or about Amurrican Exceptionalism. The people I’m lambasting here are the minority of White American Christians who buy into all the cult teachings, particularly the cult teachings about “Amurrican Exceptionalism” and the blasphemy that John Hagee, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity spew for a living. These are people who watch the shows and read the newsletters on a daily or near-daily basis. Talk with them about politics and/or religion for more then 10 minutes and they’ll inevitably bring something up about Amurrica being a blessed nation. Normal White Christians don’t do that.

    Life lesson: When you’re in a cult, whether that cult is Christian Zionism, Amurrican Exceptionalism, libertarianism, or something else, gentleness is not an option in helping you get out. You must be mocked, ridiculed, and scorned mercilessly. “Just the facts, Jack” doesn’t get anyone out of a cult. Cultists are impervious to facts.


    A Former Cultist

  22. Another thing: Just because you got out of one cult doesn’t mean your more prone to joining another cult then the average person. That’s like saying a recovered alcoholic is more prone to smoking pot. One drug has nothing to do with the other (except on college campuses and among high school students in local parks)

  23. “Just because you got out of one cult doesn’t mean your more prone to joining another cult then the average person”:

    EVERYONE’S a cultist save thee and me, and sometimes methinks THEE a little cultist-ic.

    What’s in a name? That which we call “a cult” by any other name (“whether that cult is Christian Zionism, Amurrican Exceptionalism, libertarianism, or something else”) would smell as sweet.

    Shakespeare quote of the day: “Hell is empty and all the devils are here”.

  24. Seriously now. Dan, I’ve always opposed premillennialism, dispensationalism and “Christian” Zionism, and taught against them for many years. It helps to have a strong childhood upbringing in logic, natural science and world history, and reading the Bible independently, to resist the tempting false claims of cults that prey on ignorance.

    Some of the largest denominations are just as cultish, or heretical, as little fringe groups. Identifying a cult is not quantitative.

  25. Who were the Cathars? As it turns out they may have been heavy middle eastern with a passion for Manichean belief. Bogomile may have also meant Bulgar. So it’s possible thy were Turkic. The Cathars erupted at roughly the same time as soldiers were returning from the crusades among the soldiers “returning”. The Cathars were not ImHO Christians in a recognizable way, they may not have been territory white by any standard either. The flotsam and jetsam of Andalusians, Turkic migrants, Muslim pirates and crypto whatever’s from the middle east.

    The Cathars, Hussites and Lollards created an enormous distraction for Christendom while the Ottomans were bearing down/up on Constantinople.

  26. Do more research, John. They were French white people, NOT dark Central Asians .

    The “Lollards” (another term of derision) were also white, English, people. The so-called Bogomils were also white, as are the people called Waldenses.

    As for distracting while the Ottomans were bearing down on Constantinople, you are off by two centuries, John — and the Roman Catholic Crusaders did almost as much damage to Constantinople as they did to the cities of Languedoc.

  27. I think that it is worth pointing out that the three great engagements in which Islam was checked in its attempt to conquer Europe were the Battle of Tours (732), the Siege of Vienna (1529) and the Battle of Lepanto (1571). All three were waged and won by the Catholic Church. Can any of our Protestant friends here mention any battles in which Protestantism saved Europe from Islamic invaders? In fact, Protestants entered into numerous economic and even military alliances with the Ottoman Empire, including the Dutch (“Rather a Turk than a Papist”), the Huguenots (who planned a combined attack against Spain), the English (who entered into economic and military agreements with Islam to the extent of selling weapons and engaging in piracy together against Spain) and Protestant Hungarians who received direct military aid from the Ottomans in their struggle against the Habsburgs. Not only this but it should be noted that Protestants were the instigators for what became the massively destructive Thirty Years War. Again, if certain people are going to propagandize the wrongs of the Catholics they should also point out those of the Protestants.

  28. yes, Mosin, we have one of those French folk in the family tree (just one)— and quite happy for that little speck of france in her is dixie girl. Alex hamilton, Paul Revere and many more—- they will go on and on (gag me) about the “constitutional republic” (YET SIMULTANEOUSLY go on about how great it was to do in the founders ethnic groups back in europe).

    Do they know how crazy and hypocritical and bizarre that seems to people? (I think not).

  29. I think Alexander Hamilton and Paul Revere were white.

    And Mosin, no formal academy religious training (“Bible as literature” in advance degree classes, which definitely does not count, as all those classes were about statism, usually marxism as seen through the prism of the “nominal subject.” Like how you can see the oppression of women in Shakespeare… or how evil colonials were by reading Melville, etc. etc.) Which is what makes comments like Kiwi-somethingoranothers over on the splc article linked so tragically funny. He says none of the european cultures (which he names) are “in danger.”

    He doesn’t even seem to understand that the new “God Term” of Political Correctness HAS BECOME THE WINDOW THROUGH WHICH all the artists he mentioned are critiqued, taught, evaluated, etc. Only the QUESTIONS of PC are asked of those artists: how do women fair in Rembrandt? What does Rembrandt tell us about the oppressive treatment of serfs???

    Anyway, to answer— I started reading Bible on my own. Was told nothing, but just curious about what had happened to create these weird “churches” that were obviously harming so many people. So, I went straight to the sources (both catholics and jews, of which I am not) and studied in their environments, which I did for, altogether, about 6 or so years I think. I went to the evening study classes they had for their people.

    I must report this: the jews were actually NICER. (Just saying). Immediately, I was invited to have dinner at the rabbi’s house, so I could learn what the Friday meal was like, and so on. No person in any of the catholic group ever extended themselves.

    ALSO— (and I hope HW does not censor this, as IT SHOULD BE A LESSON TO ALL)— the Jews only value self-learning—- they HIGHLY VALUE self-starting learning, and this is (in part) why over centuries they have gotten smarter. EVERYBODY is supposed to learn things (not just the hierarchy and top of the elite in their organization).

    Furthermore—- the catholic classes concentrated on catechism, but also some books of the saints. (Joan of Arc maybe being the funniest as they really did do her in before changing the mind and sainting her).

    Anyway, many classes on the main “heresies” and how great the people were for wiping them out. They were cagey when I asked about Jesuits and some of the accusations (Just saying.) By contrast, the jews pretty much would answer whatever you asked.

    Wish I didn’t have that to report, but am bearing true witness. The Torah oriented jews of the old school are very different from the younger ones (who have had PC college educations, also)

    At one “shul,” I witnessed the replacement of an incredibly smart old jewish guy by a really young PC “rabbi” with degrees in minority studies. That was in an orthodox synagogue, so it takes all kinds.

    I would never put down people without feeling I had some genuine understanding of what I was criticizing—- a french person in the family tree, yes, but overall just too waspy not to observe before speaking.

    Studied all that just b/c I was curious about all the broken-downness, confusion, loss of social cohesion I see all around me. —-things that were certainly not answered in my time in universities

  30. Oh— to answer: for about a year, I think, I went to a weekly course in the talmud and read “tractates” of it. Really, we just read line by line. It’s really not the most interesting material, imo, lol. There was one part on farming that I found interesting (just laying out crop rotation and so on, and which is sometimes used by them as showing one should not “mix” species and crops, (ie GMO would fall in this)

    Final analysis—- talmud seemed best read as a writing down of “oral tradition” by a distressed population at a specific time in history.

    —- Exactly the sort of thing some europeans ought to be thinking about, seeing as their culture has pretty much vanished. (ie, been re-configured so all they know about shakespeare is a) he probably wasn’t even english according to the latest movie and b) he can tell us a lot about oppression of serfs, oppression of women, oppression of the poor black othello and other minorities, etc, etc… Every single artifact has been “revisited” in accordance with the stated values of PC, and that is hardly “our culture.” That is “our culture” as seen by foreigners, in reality.

    Anyway, so I thought maybe euros would be better served by taking pointers for their own use in all that (ie, start writing down their own trads from their own point of view in book form to hand down, rather than just ragging about other people all the blanking time)

    Imo, K Mac needs to take a leap into the (real) protestant world. He goes on about disliking jews (and rags in an embarrassed way about how they have done superior things to some euros) and about how awful it is. THEN SOMETIMES, he’ll say “we should be like that.” Imo, this is the whole positioning of the catholics to the jews. Wish they realized there are other people on earth (like the generational americans, most of whom just see those two as different groups from them). But they don’t get that.

  31. “Rudel, note the white genocide crusade comment above.”

    Extreme violence and ethnic cleansing have been with us since pre-history and I see absolutely no signs that any of it is abating. It is simply human nature to indulge in it whether it be Roman legions massacring Gauls, Italian abbots killing heretics, Tamerlane erecting pyramids of skulls, Germans wiping each other out in the Thirty Years War, The US Cavalry waging genocide against the Plains Indians, The battle of the Somme, the firebombing of Tokyo and Dresden, Pol Pot killing millions, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao murdering everybody, Hutus killing Tutsis, or Obama bombing Himalayan villages, ad infinitum…

    It’s human nature and dare I say it? A manifestation of Natural Law. Whites need to get with the program and start eliminating “minorities” from Europe and the lands of the Anglosphere.

  32. Oh wait—

    For that kiwi whatshisname on splc site: those other cultures aren’t dying?—- he must have been convinced b/c of all the English, German, Scots RESTAURANTS you see in every single strip mall in the u.s., as befitting the founding ethnicity of the country.

    Yes… “family style” northwest euro meat-and-potato meals, not to mention the fish and chips joints and little bakeries full of short bread.

    I nearly overdosed on clotted cream, spotted dick and treacle at the strip mall, just the other day…. And all the german beer at the strip mall beer hall!!!

    oh wait… maybe that was dream b/c now I remember greasy cheesy pizza, beaner tacos, and THREE ASIANS (chinese, japanese, and “PAN” asian!!!—woo woo. At EVERY SINGLE STRIP MALL. How “diverse” is THAT? My arteries may be clogged but my, I feel so sophi- TEE- cated by the strip mall diversity restaurants of 3 asians, pizza and taco!!!)

  33. I do feel so in touch with my heritage (s) when I can hit the local southern strip mall and just get me minced meat pies…

    Even the southern fare like a big plate of collards. Wait…. um, I can think of no southern restaurant in this part of the south that even HAS collards.

    In fact, at a store one day, a person STOPPED ME and asked what I DID WITH THEM (as they were in me cart). Same with Kale. Neighbor reported he was stopped in store, asked what to do with a bag of nuts he was buying (I kid not). They were not shelled, and just a BAG of mixed nuts. Neighbor explained YOU EAT THEM, and told him how to crack nut shells. The person HAD NEVER EATEN NUTS (except sanitized and shelled). Did not know what they were.

    It could be worse he said. They could have been asking about other customs, like toilet paper.

  34. Why would southern restaurants NOT have collards on the menu? Pennsylvania still has the largest RURAL population of any state, and one of the largest numbers of traditional small farms per state, so there are still a lot of country people here who “still know what these things are”, and grow traditional “truck patches” or large gardens, do traditional canning and drying, etc. We don’t eat corn grits here, and kale has always been more popular than collard greens, but we really like turnips. Fewer and fewer people still take time to shell out nuts. Northern black walnuts are the best of all nuts and the most time-consuming to shell. We also have hickory nuts, which are related to, but I think BETTER quality than pecans and produce much better in the north than pecans. We like “Doctor Martin” pole lima beans, and “ground cherries” too. Do you know what ground cherries are, and what to do with them, Dixiegirl? A bit off topic, but your observations of life on the ground in your area are always interesting.

  35. Jagdflieger, I understand your point. That selling-out behaviour is one of many reasons we say we are not really Protestant, nor Catholic.

    Dixiegirl, I commend you for your uncommon effort to study the Bible and religion, even Talmud, for your own interest, not to gain a lucrative career or employment. Our eternal destiny is indeed the most important subject.

  36. If you hate vegetables, you might really love okra, John. I eat little ones raw while I’m picking, chew and swallow quickly before everything “thickens”. Okra is not strictly southern but always common in gardens in southern PA, and that “slimey-ness” is actually related to fish oil, very healthy. (This tangent really belongs on Hunter’s fitness thread.)

  37. It would have been good to import only the groundnut (peanut) and okra from Africa, while letting all the Africans remain in Africa — and then the “BRA” acronym would be utterly meaningless.

  38. Extreme violence and ethnic cleansing have been with us since pre-history and I see absolutely no signs that any of it is abating.

    Lol, that’s basically proof positive that you’re a fucking idiot. Unreal the way race has warped your brain.

    If you think my condemnation is overly harsh, just reread the latter portion of your statement (“absolutely no signs…abating”) a few dozen times until the stupidity of what you uttered sinks in.

  39. Silver apparently doesn’t read the news. If you don’t think Obama isn’t engaging in racial displacement (cleansing) of Whites in the USA then it is you who are an idiot. As for the rest of the world…

  40. Mosin,

    My comments weren’t directed at you, although after our debate on the other thread I can see how they would come across that way. My second comment in particular was directed at countenence, who said something awhile back about going from one cult to another that I took strong issue with.

Comments are closed.