About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A would more accurate aposiopesis would be, “Just imagine if Southerners had been able to govern their own society in accordance with their own will . . .”

  2. I saw the dead tree and ink version of this today, actually. And I read it. Their case was weak as the sun’s light on Pluto.

    Martin Luther King was the beneficiary of what others created.

    I said somewhat jokingly somewhat not on my own blog that the civil rights hustlers would be better off celebrating August 27 and not January 15 as their national holiday. Why? Lyndon Johnson was born on August 27.

  3. “..the civil rights hustlers would be better off celebrating August 27 and not January 15 as their national holiday. Why? Lyndon Johnson was born on August 27.”

    – And he too was a Southerner. So thanks to that worthless region, America got millions of niggers and the president who would make them white peoples equals under the law.

  4. For the real truth about “Martin Luther King Jr”
    Watch this 20minute documentary.
    The Beast As Saint: The Truth About Martin Luther King Jr.
    yout u.be/EELhEguhU8M (remove space)

  5. @countenance “Martin Luther King was the beneficiary of what others created.” MLK, JFK, LBJ, et al. media tools created by …?
    “The only thing that linked people like me with people like Sam Francis in the culture wars was the psychic space in the mind of the enemy. … virtually every major civil rights organization … was in some sense of the word controlled by Jews.” – E. Michael Jones http://www.culturewars.com/2007/Francis.htm
    The Jews want open borders to escape the Jew-wise countries and to create distractions. Blacks, mulattos, mestizos, et al. are the aluminum chaff that confuses the radar of the white-skinned and clueless.

  6. Time magazine is a drowning paper flailing about in the deep end. They need attention bad. It does not matter what Time magazine puts on its cover.

  7. Time Magazine has always struck me as the mouthpiece for Northern corporate money, old yankee money. Time is what the rich folks in Boston, New York, and Philadelphia think.

  8. No, Chris, LBJ was a scalawag, not a true Southerner.

    Our misfortune is being yoked to the glorious Union by force.

    A force that endows negroes with magical abilities far in advance of anything that said negroes are capable of achieving. The yankee delusion of negro “equality” is not shared by any true Southern man. It is an illusion that only serves TPTB. To the detriment of all whites, everywhere, at all times.

    Your “America” is the festering corpse of a formerly white republic. More the shame that accrues to the yankee champions of rabid egalitarianism. BRA is the apotheosis of the yankee nation. The white man’s everlasting shame.

    Yankeeism is truly disgusting.

    Deal with it.

    Deo Vindice

  9. GonerWithTheWind says:

    ‘ … virtually every major civil rights organization … was in some sense of the word controlled by Jews.” – E. Michael Jones http://www.culturewars.com/2007/Francis.htm
    The Jews want open borders to escape the Jew-wise countries and to create distractions. Blacks, mulattos, mestizos, et al. are the aluminum chaff that confuses the radar of the white-skinned and clueless.’

    Bump for truth!!

  10. The Moloch in profile.

    Spilt Milk Chris. Spilt Milk. Stephen Laurence in the UK is being deified as a Martyr. His mother a Baroness. no matter where you put the nigger the nigger is being sanctified whether you like it or not. Same shit in France, Italy and Germany. The immigration minister in Italy is a coal black coon. What did the Italians do wrong?

  11. @Captain John Charity Spring MA

    (I suspect you’re the former ‘John’ from UK now posting under a new name, a la Tamer of Savages/No-Man. But I’ll play along anyway…)

    “Stephen Lawrence in the UK is being deified as a martyr. His mother a baroness.”

    – That’s because the British are in last stages of a collective racial suicide.

    “No matter where you put the nigger the nigger is being sanctified whether you like it or not.”

    – Then the lesson to be learned from this, is that the nigger should not have been “put anywhere” in the first damn place but left where he was so that the only harm he could cause is to himself.

    “The immigration minister in Italy is a coal black coon.”

    – I could give a shit. That ain’t my country, so it ain’t my by business.

    “What did the Italians do wrong?”

    – I dunno. My guess would be having joined the EU.

  12. What did the Italians do wrong?

    You’ll have to ask our friend Apuleius. I guess they’re Yankees.

  13. “Just imagine if Southerners had picked their own cotton….”

    Chris’s famous thrust: “Pick your own cotton next time” is generally parried with “the cotton came later” (because it was mostly tobacco and sugarcane in the beginning) — BUT JUST IMAGINE IF…. We wouldn’t be having this discussion. It is astounding how the original sin of “creating immense wealth” has metastasised over three centuries.

  14. I don’t overlook the importation of “cheap” labour in the northern states, that also continues to cause ever-increasing demographic change. Just think, without the original greed we wouldn’t be having this discussion today.

  15. John Bonaccorsi, I’m assuming you are RC. I have just made some harsh comments in response to provocation by some supremacists of RC who look down on “low church” Christians. Naturally I also find many GOOD things, good examples, and have many good friends, in the RC denomination. To anyone else here who is RC, let us agree to disagree.

  16. Yes, Mosin, I’m RC, but don’t worry. In the first place, I don’t take conflict between Catholics and non-Catholics to heart. (Maybe I’m naïve.) In the second place, you know I could never be offended by you personally; I am so pleased we are both Pennsylvanians.

  17. @Apuleius
    “No, Chris, LBJ was a scalawag, not a true Southerner.”

    LBJ was never a true Southerner; he was a Texan. The Texan experience of the WBtS and blacks was quite different from the rest of the South. Our black population was always much smaller and caused much less trouble.

    I’m not claiming he wasn’t a scalawag, just pointing out that Texas has always been its own thing–we’re more like the South than any other part of the country, but we’ve also been heavily influenced by the West and Midwest, not to mention Mexico.

  18. Bill O Reilly has written couple of books:Killing Kennedy,and Killing Jesus. He has an upcoming book . .won’t say who. He ruled out MLK cause he’s not a world figure movement. French,Germans,Italian,Russians, Bosnia,Serbia,Latvia,Spain and on they see MLK remnant of two centuries mercantile trade and slaves Union Jack and Bars and Stars empires unraveling in twenty first century.

  19. Electing a nignog as president in retrospect looks like the La Chute Final for the US (or at least the BRA version of it)

  20. Regarding Lyndon Johnson, look at the pictures of him and Golda Meir side-by-side and tell me they’re not related.

  21. I see. Moderation is active only on Jack Ryan’s posts. Well, that means my comment placed on the “Hearts and Minds” thread a few minutes ago will probably never appear. I support freedom of speech, and don’t believe “freedom fails”.

    “Yes, Jack. Please TELL us which OD commenters called for / supported Muslim invasion here? Some comments on this thread have disappeared. Inquiring minds want to know what’s in the memory hole.

    Don’t be one of “Their mouthpieces always touting and howling about how Islam is an existential threat” — as Denise wrote today in http://whitetearoom.wordpress.com/2013/08/30/england-says-no-to-war-with-syria/ : “Your mouthpieces are always touting and howling about how Islam is an existential threat, but like just about everything you screech about – it’s just not true. You have been working with Muslims, for centuries, to destroy White Christian Nations. You funded the Moorish invasion of Gothic Spain, and opened the gates to the African Muslim invaders, in cities like Toledo. When good red-headed Christian Queen Isabella, and her blonde King Ferdinand finally got their country back, they were aghast to discover the Moorish courts crawling with Jewish ‘advisors’. Hence the origins of the Inquisition; they simply wanted to discover what the Hell happened. The Jewish population of Iran is, essentially, the business class, and is doing wonderfully well. Islam is a religious cum political doctrine that keeps ordinary Muslims woefully ignorant, and slavish. Allah is a capricious, un-knowable God, that must always be appeased. Ordinary Muslims are trained to bow down times a day, and pray to their terrible, wrathful God. They are not taught to question, or reason, unlike you. They are taught to obey. Islam means submission. That’s perfect for you, and your racial goals.”

    Howl instead about the Amerikan and Israeli perpetual gift of depleted uranium, especially on September 11th. http://whitetearoom.wordpress.com/2013/08/30/the-last-time-american-dupes-for-israeli-forever-wars/comment-page-1/#comment-996 I’m looking forward to September 11th, a day to awaken and educate.

  22. @ 313Chris says:
    Just imagine if Southerners had picked their own cotton…

    Just imagine if Northerners could blow their own leaves, mow their own grass, clean up their own silly tract home yards, instead of needing south american “landscape” help. Imagine if they didn’t need to rewrite the American Revolution as a supposed IRA event, with the irish (who weren’t really even in the country) fighting the Eville- englishmen (who were really english fighting other englishmen).


    Sean, you should get a whiff of yourself.

  23. @ Mosin—- It is astounding how the original sin of “creating immense wealth” has metastasised over three centuries….

    It didn’t just metastasize—- they made Tobacco illegal, lol. We actually have to pay for PSAs before american movies demonizing the E-ville weed, EVEN AS the fed is connected to street drugs flooding schools and the fight “war on drugs” with the pharm companies for who gets to dope the babies.

    Astonishing stuff.

  24. Exactly right, Dixiegirl. I am against that level of government intervention, and the hypocrisy, the CRIME, of clandestine support for heroin, etc. The global tyranny does one thing openly with the right hand, the opposite with the left, and neither is right. Destroying tobacco monoculture in your state opens up the land for development!

    Some of my friends who used to grow tobacco here but shifted to vegetables, nursery, trades, entirely voluntarily, as a conscience issue. There is still a lot of tobacco production in southeastern Pennsylvania, where there is excellent soil for it that doesn’t lose fertility.

  25. Dixiegirl, don’t judge all northerners by those rootless rich northern transplants. I know some of them. We don’t miss them here.

  26. the civil rights movement was led by communists with jewish names but they were not jews they were heathen communist who were controlled by Moscow.mlk’s real name was mike king and he was a white hating commie like rosa parks.every thing about king was phony, his divinity degree was as phony as obongo’s Harvard law degree and like bongo king was a commie traitor who encouraged violence before every speech he made. Everything about king is pure bull crap he was a racist jerk who liked to beat up white prostitutes.that’s you negro hero!!

  27. “bongo king was a commie traitor who encouraged violence before every speech he made. Everything about king is pure bull crap he was a racist jerk who liked to beat up white prostitutes.”

    Civil rights movement of“non-violent” : mind fuck meme. Communist manifesto of subversion through violence and intimidation.

  28. Russians respond to Civil rights “non-violence” movement. Immediately take it as a direct threat. Ship the coons to Siberia.

  29. @ Dixiegirl, don’t judge all northerners by those rootless rich northern transplants. I know some of them. We don’t miss them here….

    I’m more balanced than I sound, of course. It’s just there’s such SILENCE over the issues that it seems smart to be a bit provocative as then, maybe, someone will finally SAY SOMETHING.

    However—- MANY are not rich, actually. TENS OF THOUSANDS are fleeing northeast cities without much of anything.

    Where are the statistics for this—- what everyone knows anecdotally? Where is the news coverage.

    It is NOT NORMAL for tens of thousands of people to leave one region for another within just a few years (even 50 years…that is just a few years in historical terms).

    We are undergoing THE GREATEST FUNDED MASS colonialization in history, probably—- and YET NOT ONE WORD!

    What IS that?

    They are NOT rich. It’s the old dust bowl days with a slapped on, happier looking veneer, perhaps.

    MANY MANY are not working near their homes. They have to rent their homes (then they are trashed), they abandoned homes (in places s/a detroit), they live with extended families like migrants in ny, they work in other cities (and visit their homes on weekends).

    And ALL THE WHILE, the politicians leave open the south border, do nothing for them, and what kind of life is that? What can america offer is average white people, with above average iq’s are so displaced and can’t even afford families, or if they can, don’t really live with them and see them, but work abroad, (military), or in other cities (displaced workers), etc, etc.

    and all the movement, p.s., further impoverishing them as time goes on!!!

    Their money paying for fancy educations at harvard for foreigners!

  30. “MANY are not rich, actually. TENS OF THOUSANDS are fleeing northeast cities without much of anything (…) THE GREATEST FUNDED MASS colonialization in history”

    That is interesting, DixieGirl. I thought I shouldn’t add the adjective, rich — but I do know mostly wealthy transplants, who moved to North Carolina, etc., to make MORE money, and “escape the harsh winters” (thanks to air conditioning in summer) — and soon became some of the biggest fish in southern small-town ponds. My area was LOSING population for decades, until the city white people started invading, and minorities, and it is holding steady now.

  31. “It is NOT NORMAL for tens of thousands of people to leave one region for another within just a few years (even 50 years…that is just a few years in historical terms).”

    Nonsense. The Americas were colonized even more quickly than that by first the Spanish, then the English along with the Dutch, Germans, and some french Huguenots and Swedes.

    Furthermore, white migration to the South pales in comparison to the hordes of niggers who moved up North in the first half of the 20th Century. Thank God they are starting to move back. The fetid semi-tropical disease ridden swampland of the Deep South is no healthy place for a White man.

  32. Rudel has a point about this migration business. America was rapidly colonized by whites. Perhaps this was an unusual one off event and the rest of history will be blacks colonizing us.

    If we can get one crew off planet though… The galaxy is ours and we can abandon them once and for all. Our ancestors tried to do it 70,000 years ago but the nignogs caught up everywhere.

  33. Sorry to be the nay-sayer, but this planet is all we have. We will NOT colonize other worlds, nor will we find other life forms.

    Christ God incarnated with ONE race of created Hominid- the sons of Adam, and that hypostatic union can never be effaced, undone, or applied to any other ‘species.’

    Science fiction is just the wet dream of a bunch of secularized jews, who couldn’t stand it that their ugliness and talmudic sophistry were also conjoined to exclusion from the Real Covenant of Election to the Church of the First Born.

  34. “the Real Covenant of Election to the Church of the First Born.”

    I’ve asked it before and I’ll ask it again. Where do you get off with this “Father” title? From which seminary did you receive ordination? Which college granted you a degree in theology? One wonders whether your title “Fr.” doesn’t indeed stand for FRAUD.

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