OD Attacked By ADL … Again

New York


The Jews at the ADL, an anti-White, anti-Southern, anti-Christian organization, which spearheaded the Immigration Act of 1965, are upset with us again:

Note: They are also upset with Trad Youth. We’re all listed under their “Extremism & Terrorism” section.

“Hill, who has become increas­ingly rad­i­cal, was one of a num­ber of racist speak­ers at the rally. Other speak­ers at the event included lead­ers in LOS and Michael Cush­man, who heads the South­ern Nation­al­ist Net­work (SNN). Atten­dees, who included white suprema­cists Brad Grif­fin (also known as Hunter Wal­lace) and Kyle Rogers of the Coun­cil of Con­ser­v­a­tive Cit­i­zens, were also protest­ing Uvalda Mayor Paul Bridges’ sup­port of a law­suit against Georgia’s harsh immi­gra­tion laws.

Despite the fact that the South­ern Poverty Law Cen­ter informed Chief Smith of the pro­test­ers’ extrem­ism, Smith not only par­tic­i­pated in the event, he brought refresh­ments for the protesters. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It’s important not to let our opposition to the ADL and SPLC move us to hate Jews.

    We do not hate Jews …..

    Then again, we don’t particularly like them.


  2. To be honest, I didn’t much care for The Passion of Christ…

    3 hours of sado masochism porn was what it felt like.

    Plus the movie didn’t present White Romans in a positive light.

  3. I tend to agree about the Gibson treatment of the Roman soldiery. The Soldiers were savage in battle but outside of that they were simply citizens with gladius and pilum. I can’t imagine that they were anything more than scared young men for the most part. The bearded fanatics were the bearded fanatics. I think that it was a temple guard who chopped off the ear and performed the arrest. Other than that the sper in the side to speed up the death was a Roman Legioniare who wanted it over with.

    Very interesting that the Sheriff got everyone drinks. Very cool.

  4. Hunter and others it’s a mistake to fall in to this mindset that everything some group that we don’t like hates something, we have to be for it.

    We should judge independently, is the art any good? Does it promote our people, culture in a positive way.

    The Jews, Blacks and Irish do this all the time.

    The Jews think:

    “Anything Hitler and the NaZis were against, we have to be for it”

    So Hitler and the Nazis were against inflation, unemployment, Communist mobs murdering people in the street, Hitlar and the Nazis were against degenerate modern art, venereal disease, German workers starving, so the Jews have to be for all these bad things.

    Blacks in America do this all the time, we White Americans are their hated enemies so the Black Congressional Caucus embraces all kind of things that hurt regular Black Americans, but spjust because we White Americans are against something like tens of millions of low skilled Hispanic immigrants, the Black Congressional Caucus idiots like Sharpton and Jessie have to be for it.

    The Irish do this to. it’s that Mel GIBSON Braveheart propaganda, the English once oppressed the Irish and WASP Anglo Americans looked down on Irish immigrants, so the Irish should support Ted Kennedy, take the side of other oppressed people like Jews, Blacks, queers, Muslims.

    Sorry, the Passion of Christ was a terrible movie – 3 hours OD sadistic porn, not a pro White movie.

  5. I agree with you, Jack. We don’t want to become a caricature whose features are selected by the likes of the ADL and SPLC. We are on the right path. The Uvalda model works. We need to keep it up.

  6. Monty Python’s “the Life of Brian” was a much better, more honest, more pro White presentation on these events than Mel Gibson’s sadistic porn movie The Passion of Christ.

    Here’s a great scene where the Jewish terrorists plotting against Jesus and White Roman colonial rule try to belittle the accomplishments of White Roman Civilization:

    “What have the Romans ever done for us”?


  7. FuturoDellanazione says:
    August 30, 2013 at 1:17 am
    I pray for the SPLC . I pray the God of Justice and Truth deals with that organization as S
    He would. Amen.

    Jack replies:

    Prayer is fine. But how following our kinsmen Vladimir Putin in Russia who put similar types in public cages/jail, or sent them to forced labor camps in Siberia.

  8. Re: “this mindset that everything some group that we don’t like hates something, we have to be for it (…) The Jews think: Anything Hitler and the NaZis were against, we have to be for it”

    Is there any evidence that Hitler and the Nazis were opposed to southern secession and independence? Problem finally solved. But whites turning against whiteness has never made Them think that now They have to be FOR whiteness. (I’m joking here.)

  9. I admire many jews, but it is reasonable to act against anti-white jews in a legally sanctioned manner in accordance with the law.

  10. “I went to see The Passion solely because the ADL hated it so much.”

    I bought a ticket to support something the Jewish supremacists hated so much, but didn’t go in.

  11. “It’s important not to let our opposition to the ADL and SPLC move us to hate Jews.

    We do not hate Jews …..

    Then again, we don’t particularly like them.”

    Whether “we” hate Jews is neither here nor there and it doesn’t matter. It’s about dispassionately observing and studying their malevolent disposition towards us and acting in accordance. What do you do with a community that openly gloats about your ethno-racial extinction in its publications while simultaneously decrying as “hate” you feeble attempts at protesting your dispossession? Everything we do to preserve our heritage, culture, traditional morality is termed “hate” and “racism” by the first racists in the world (read the Torah and the Talmud and its commentaries and meta-commentaries to get a good sense of the meaning of racism and hostility towards the Other). Anyway, to get a good understanding of how a Jewish majority treats its minorities watch the racist and colonialist apartheid state of Israel; and that’s when the whole world has that shitty little country under a gigantic spotlight, just imagine what they would do to the Palestinians if left completely unimpeded (dropping tons of white phosphor on Arab civilians as a warm up act? Oh wait, the professional anti-racists already did that in Gaza, so maybe it doesn’t matter…how many times has Israel been condemned by the UN and human rights organizations?)…these saintly, eternal givers of morality lessons…Did the double-talking, lying Jews of ADL and $PLC ever call for a world boycott of the Jewish hate-state like they did with South Africa? No? Why not?

  12. Excellent comment, FB.

    It needs to be tattooed on the foreheads of certain people backwards so that they see it in the mirror every morning.

    The essential truth of the “Jewser” POV has been vindicated again.

  13. It’s nice to not be ignored anymore, isn’t it? CONFEDERACY: The New Democrat Talking Point

    Funny, I thought the “CONFEDERACY” didn’t win that war, and I though the states that comprised the former and future “CONFEDERACY” were once Democrat strongholds.

    What is this all about? Democrats are hopping mad that they lost the southern white voter. If they still had them, they would have total control over American politics. What they don’t realize is that a party can have blacks or it can have southern whites, but it can’t have both. And you always have to remember the practical “next election” angle — “Confederacy” is dog whistling “racist white southerners” to black voters to get them to turn out in 2014 to save Democrat candidates for the Senate.

    Jack Ryan:

    The one big glaring inaccuracy in Passion that I picked up is when the Roman soldiers were whacking Jesus Christ in contradiction to their orders, i.e. when an officer came into the scene, he put a stop to it because they weren’t supposed to do it. That did not happen in reality and it would not have, because the Roman military was a matter of discipline to the power of discipline.

  14. Jack Ryan wrote:

    It’s important not to let our opposition to the ADL and SPLC move us to hate Jews.

    I respond:

    If Abraham Foxman took a long walk off a short bridge, I’d be as happy as anyone on Earth. But you’re right; I do not let my mind dwell on Jews. Because I have seen what happens with people who do; they obsess so much over Jews that they do stupid things like:

    * Make every excuse in the book for Ron Paul, because they think his neutralitarian foreign policy was going to “get over on the Jews”

    * Endorse Chuck Bagel for Defense Secretary, because he supposedly hated Israel and the Jews supposedly hated him, (reality: Most Jewish groups and Jewish senators approved of him, and his one brief criticism of Israel mirrored that of what leftist anti-Israel Jews say about Israel). Now Bagel wants us to march boots into Syria. SYRIA~!1

    * Side with terrorist bomber rock throwing “Palestinians” (<—– invented people, FGS, they're ARABS~!)

    * Be too ideologically neutralized to oppose swinging the doors wide open to millions of new Muslim immigrants/invaders, because "the JOOOOOOOZ are provoking us to hate Muslims, and if we let them in, they'll kill Jews"

    * Prostrate their minds to wacky and out there conspiracy theories, ones that I wouldn't give the time of day to even though I'll believe anything for five minutes but most CTs no longer than that.

    * Claim that the AR regular poster "JewAmongYou" is part of a Jewish conspiracy, that "THE JOOOOOOOZ" are "sending him" into AR to "ruin it." (Yes, I've actually read that one on some of our "favorite" sites).

    Long and short, fulminating over the Jews is not healthy for our people.

  15. It’s funny that Hunter and neo con Jack Ryan don’t see the obvious.

    The $PLC and the ADL are the only groups demonizing their rallies up to this point. And- they are jew run groups!

    Southerners are a thick headed bunch. Protesting niggers and Arabs won’t accomplish anything. Is this not obvious?

  16. They called us a bunch of names. We laughed at them, went to Uvalda and Vidalia, made some friends there, and now we are moving on to Tennessee. Meanwhile, some WNs on the internet are terrified of the boogeyman.

  17. We got the Internet now and few trust the MSM any longer.

    I saw a video of Alex Jones and he described the last time he was at CNN, when he went mental over the guns issue with Piers Morgan. He said the CNN studios use to be real nice a few years ago, but now everything inside them looks worn out and threadbare. In his opinion the mainstream media are over with, they are going broke.

    And I found an interesting comment from RamZPaul here:

    RAMZPAUL has made the? top 3 most dangerous propagandists list by the SPLC! I would say this would give you more video views but no one cares about the SPLC

    They have almost 900 subs on their YouTube channel. And a video they posted two months ago is up to 79 views.So yeah, you are pretty? much right.

    Now ramzpaul is a very small channel, yet his subs dwarf the SPLCs’. He has almost 14500.

  18. All they ever had is their “scare words”. Call respectable folks “scare words” and you can move them anywhere you like. We can do that just as well as the boogeymanwitz.

  19. AlexJ says:
    August 30, 2013 at 6:51 am

    That’s all they ever had, scare words?
    Typical shit kick’n southern inbred know nothing.

    I’m fairly certain Hunter knows that the tribe extends far past, scare words.

  20. Sean says:
    “Typical shit kick’n southern inbred know nothing.”

    No Pro White would say something like that to a Southerner. Next you’ll be calling us “White Trash”.

  21. Racist is just a “scare word” and they repeated it over and over, until Whites were terrified of it.

    Call a respectable White a “racist” and they will go into the fetal position.

    Anyone remember Paula Deen?

    I rest my case.

  22. You go your way, I’ll go mine. I don’t see the south as the barometer of “Whiteness”.

    The south brought in niggers.

    The south should have picked their own damn cotton.

  23. “You go your way, I’ll go mine.”

    Fine by me.

    Not sure why you are posting on a Southern website, if you have such low regard for Southerners. You must be lonely for company, living among all those White anti-Whites.

  24. I’ve been posting here for awhile. And I will continue to throw my opinion in the mix.
    If you don’t like it, don’t read what I write, hayseed.

  25. “Not sure why your posting on a Southern website, if you have such low regard for Southerners.”

    – This wasn’t always a “Southern” website and many of us were regulars around here back before Southern independence became it’s focus. Up until late 2011, Occidental Dissent was general white-interest in scope, covering issues which effected whites from all regions of the country — see ‘Tales from Detroit’ in the topic bar for example.

    And hell, even Hunter himself is half-Austrian and is currently shacked-up with a girl from the Midwest — one with Pennsylvania-German roots no less.

  26. Sean do not drop knives in front of peace officers. It’s both suspicious looking and clumsy.

  27. @ Passion….3 hours of sado masochism porn was what it felt like.
    Plus the movie didn’t present White Romans in a positive light…..”

    Slowly am feeling more rational on this issue, seeing as people like Jack Ryan even seem to understand this. I was worried about it for some time.

    —-The movie was marked my first concern about the catholic population (a concern I had never had before). Went and sat WAY UP FRONT, so most of the audience was behind me. By then, theaters were displaying some kind of warning, b/c somebody had had a heart attack during the movie. After the movie (wanting to beat the crowd out and feeling a bit sick over the S&M and vision of the Big Victim Jesus, which was SO FAR AWAY from my own version of Jesus) I scrambled to escape the theatre—

    Turning, I was faced with a theatre of mostly non-nordic looking catholics bug-eyed and teary and looking with pure RAPTURE at the credits. A couple others like me were scrambling out with furtive stranger-glances at each other that said, “OMG! OMG! OMG!”

    It thee moment when I really realized there are REAL REAL DIFFERENT versions of Jesus floating around out there.

    I’m sure it was like that for many people. Mel Gibson is really cute and very talented, nevertheless.

  28. @ The Irish do this to. it’s that Mel GIBSON Braveheart propaganda, the English once oppressed the Irish and WASP Anglo Americans looked down on Irish immigrants, so the Irish should support Ted Kennedy, take the side of other oppressed people like Jews, Blacks, queers, Muslims…..

    Again, thank you Jack.

    They have now Revised the ENTIRE AMERICAN REVOLUTION as an IRA event, lol. Most irish (despite often being in the country one or two generations— even the Ryan who they ran for VP was only 5 Gen)—- actually think they were involved, even in the country, at that time.

    Subtextually, Alex Jones is a purveyor of this, imo, many others. American Rev is the highest Nth achieved by the IRA (in the irish imagination).

    Back in Reality, weren’t in the country at the real event, and have been the population most USED to undermine that work.

    Sadly, (behind closed doors) a lot of Generational Americans have seemingly lost patience with them. Have heard them referred to as “The first pawn out before the mexicans.”

    —-MORE THAN THAT, the Sympathy many Generational Americans USED TO FEEL for the Irish and Irish Independence has waned. They felt sympathy (due to their own aspirations for freedom).

    But as the Irish have so openly destroyed others freedom abroad (in U.S. and elsewhere), they seem to have been given a second look by many people.

    Now—- it appears to many that they were a hostile population TO MOST OF NORTHERN EUROPE, and so… can you really blame the English for the things they did, seeing as they were trying to protect themselves, their culture, and civilization, from a Border Population who is so deeply allied with Statism, whether from the papal country, (catholicism IS a country), OR from communism (with which they are also so allied).

    O’Reilly and Hannity are nothing if not Roman in their mentality (they continue to fight the South Europe border enemies, like muslims—- to the point that their empire has actually made their refugees IMPORT muslims into North Europe.

    So much for them being “a bulwark against” european enemies. (What have they done for North europe?)

  29. They called us a bunch of names. We laughed at them, went to Uvalda and Vidalia, made some friends there, and now we are moving on to Tennessee. Meanwhile, some WNs on the internet are terrified of the boogeyman.

    OMG, OMG, OMG … the boogeymanwitz is gonna get us!

    Syria is where the New World Order has their full gaze right now. Iran will be next if they get their way with Syria. Libya, Egypt, Iraq, etc. Serbia had it many years ago when they were bombed into total submission and destroyed. Golden Dawn will have serious trouble if and when they take power – we all know that. However, Golden Dawn is speaking seriously and taking their enemies very seriously .

    The League of the South isn’t even a blip on their radar screen. You are way down on their list of things to “watch.” That is the ADL’s and SPLC’s job – to watch for potential threats. Keep that in mind and don’t underestimate your enemies because doing so makes you look like total clowns to people that actually support you.

  30. @ The south should have picked their own damn cotton….

    Sean: the NORTH should go to Home Depot and get their own Leaf Blower machines.

    Have you ever run around a neo-mexican city early in the a.m.?—- b/c you will see thousands of south americans with loud blowers, blowing leafs from one side of the lawns to the other. The next day, they will blow them back.

    Nowadays, this is called “Landscaping Jobs.” (I kid you not.)

    BLOW YOUR OWN LEAVES. And clean up your own damn yards.

    They are nowhere NEAR as big as some of the old plantations, so it should be easier for you to be somewhat self-starting and clean up after YOURSELF on the lawns of your tract homes and strip mall where they sell the italian-mexican-asian food fares.

  31. The North should have blown it’s own damn leaves.

    PS—– at least cotton was WORTH something. (We could SELL IT, like a PRODUCT, out there in the real world.) The LEAVES the northerners import south americans to blow for them—- cost tax money, ultimately, and we don’t MAKE any money from it.

    So—– importing people to pick cotton WAS LOTS SMARTER than importing leaf blowers and “landscapers.”

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