OD Attacked By ADL … Again

New York


The Jews at the ADL, an anti-White, anti-Southern, anti-Christian organization, which spearheaded the Immigration Act of 1965, are upset with us again:

Note: They are also upset with Trad Youth. We’re all listed under their “Extremism & Terrorism” section.

“Hill, who has become increas­ingly rad­i­cal, was one of a num­ber of racist speak­ers at the rally. Other speak­ers at the event included lead­ers in LOS and Michael Cush­man, who heads the South­ern Nation­al­ist Net­work (SNN). Atten­dees, who included white suprema­cists Brad Grif­fin (also known as Hunter Wal­lace) and Kyle Rogers of the Coun­cil of Con­ser­v­a­tive Cit­i­zens, were also protest­ing Uvalda Mayor Paul Bridges’ sup­port of a law­suit against Georgia’s harsh immi­gra­tion laws.

Despite the fact that the South­ern Poverty Law Cen­ter informed Chief Smith of the pro­test­ers’ extrem­ism, Smith not only par­tic­i­pated in the event, he brought refresh­ments for the protesters. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Jesus Christ’s murder by the Jews, or if you rather his murder for the Jews, wasn’t pretty. It was Deicide.

    From what I’ve read the Jew’s own Talmud admits they murdered Jesus Christ by hanging him from a tree. None other than a past President of the American Jewish Committee has admitted this Talmudic fact in among other places the New York Times!

    Religion aside, where does the ADL get off classifying the LOS as a terrorist organization. I would think that claim would be actionable in a court of law, and Dr. Hill should pursue it.

  2. Tobacco was also worth real money in the real world.

    Yes, people were imported to help grow the PRODUCT (that could be sold). Just like cotton.

    Passing The Tobacco Acts, to (in effect) to outlaw the Genuine Product of Tobacco, in order to built Yankee Tract Housing and strip malls—- is non-productive. Productive Land was turned into immigrant housing.

    Now what?

  3. Make those ADL posts into activists materials. Use them to create signs, flyers, posters and materials with the theme: “Jewish Hate Group supports replacing Southerners.” Make sure any sympathetic eyes and ears who get within range of the protest understand who is taking sides against them.

  4. If you people would outgrow your Contard training and learn how to ask questions then routing these anti-white jews and their lackeys would be a lot easier than what you think. For example in the story I link to, don’t you think we should ask these yard apes some questions about their motivations instead of just navel gazing, you think we could ask their guardians if they grew up in an anti-white environment and other questions?


  5. If every attack by ADL and JDL and so on is met with a cacophony of non-white-and-normal comments, they win.

    Act normal, and point out their extremism. To wit, calling peaceful people terrorists. Point out that Scotland and Catalonia are vying for independence through referendums, and that the US just fought for South Sudan to secede from Sudan proper. Have some blatant anti-white behavior anecdotes handy that would cause the hair on the back of a normal white person’s neck to stand up, such as the DHS black calling for killing whites.

    In this struggle, it isn’t so much what you say, but how you say it.

    To Jack Ryan, yes the typical “libertarian” is a goof, especially the ones referencing Ayn Rand,, but you need to co-opt what makes it popular not cede them that real estate. The average white is libertarian by instinct.

  6. @Dixiegirl

    “The North should have blown it’s own damn leaves.”

    – Lady, I’ll have have know I RAKE my own damn leaves. I’m old-school! 🙂

  7. Lew says:

    ‘Make those ADL posts into activists materials. Use them to create signs, flyers, posters and materials with the theme: “Jewish Hate Group supports replacing Southerners.” Make sure any sympathetic eyes and ears who get within range of the protest understand who is taking sides against them.’

    I like it … but the Bugsers won’t be happy with this approach.

  8. Afterthought writes:

    ” The average white is libertarian by instinct.”

    Jack responds:

    So is the average 2 year old throwing a tantrum of “I want”, “me, me, me”.

    We’re looking to reach, educate responsible adults who will work to see that our people do not suffer the same fate as White Rhodesians.

  9. “I admire many jews, but it is reasonable to act against anti-white jews in a legally sanctioned manner in accordance with the law.”

    There. Fixed it for ya’.

  10. Afterthought writes:
    ” The average white is libertarian by instinct.”

    Empires are not built on disloyalty. Disloyalty is a self defeating ideology. So Whites as a rule, were not disloyal to each other in our past. This disloyalty is a new idea.

    “Before the camps, I regarded the existence of nationality as something that shouldn’t be noticed – nationality did not really exist, only humanity. But in the camps one learns: if you belong to a successful nation you are protected and you survive. If you are part of universal humanity – too bad for you.”

    – Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, (1973).

  11. “Empires are not built on disloyalty.”

    Solzhenitsyn recommended steady, courageous resistance rather than blind loyalty to evil Imperialism. We do not want an empire, but a res publica, for as long as we can keep it.

  12. “The average white is libertarian by instinct.”

    Indeed he is. I’m sick of the conflating of eminently sound (small “l”) libertarian economic principles such as:

    1) the basic legality and efficiency of capitalist acts freely entered upon by consenting adults,

    2) sound hard money principles instead of fractional reserve banking, and

    3) freedom of association (which was severely damaged by the 1964 Civil Rights Act), with wild statements about unrestricted immigration, homosexual marriage, and other such nonsense espoused by certain “libertarians” over the years.

    Read the Confederate Constitution. It is quite clearly libertarian in its economic prescriptions for low taxes and free trade.

    Jack Ryan would probably replace farmer’s markets with what? Collective farms?

  13. Rudel, I agree. Patrick Henry was also right. Give us liberty or give us death. Some of these despotism-adoring commenters on OD would have killed Patrick Henry.

  14. They think the Bible sanctions despotism. But the Book says the Hebrews SINNED in asking for a king, thus rejecting God as their king. They did get their kings, and suffered under them, as foretold, for centuries.

  15. “Patrick Henry was also right. Give us liberty or give us death. Some of these despotism-adoring commenters on OD would have killed Patrick Henry.”

    Archeological research has shown that trading in goods between and among human tribes has existed since paleolithic times. Just because some weak minded individuals go off the rails after reading Ayn Rand shouldn’t mean that we give up our God given liberty to engage in productive commerce.

  16. Ayn Rand was an anti-Christ false prophet. But she spoke truly when she said “We are not conservatives, we are radicals for capitalism”. There is NO connexion between “radical capitalism” and Christian conservatism.

  17. Mosin Nagant: says:
    August 30, 2013 at 11:03 pm

    “Empires are not built on disloyalty.”

    “We do not want an empire, but a res publica, for as long as we can keep it.”

    You missed the point I was making. The point I made is Disloyalty is a self defeating ideology and is not natural.

    You cannot build or maintain anything, with disloyalty as your core belief. Disloyalty goes against natural law, even of the animal kingdom.

    Libertarianism is essentially dog eat dog and a borderless world. It has Disloyalty at its core.

  18. Rudel’s defense of libertarian economic and civic principles has become something approaching his personal meme. Many of OD’s regulars have developed their own familiar meme’s. Let’s look at a few:

    Hunter Wallace — “Freedom failed”

    Dan Poole — “Dissolve the Union”

    Apuleius — “Deo Vindice”

    313Chris — “Pick your own cotton next time”

    Sean — “Go home John”

    Denise — “It’s the Jooz!”

    Jack Ryan — “14 words”

    Fr. John+ — “COCKADOODLE DOO!!!”

    Dixiegirl — “It’s the NE transplants!”

    Feel free to add any that I’m missing.

  19. DixieGirl— Generational Americans.
    Earl— Everything is the Catholic Church’s fault.
    Captain John— Nignogs
    Stonelifter— My wife left me
    Stephen Dalton— The Catholic Church is really pro-white. I promise!

  20. Mosin, remember though that the Israelites established a kingdom because the Judges weren’t working out so well either. Remember the repeated phrase; “there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” I say this as someone generally supporting liberty, but there has to be a balance.

  21. I like it … but the Bugsers won’t be happy with this approach.

    I think effective rallying requires BOTH a positive, life-affirming, forward-looking dimension and a combative, attacking dimension directed at a target or villain. The villain should be the most readily identifiable anti-whites responsible for harming Southerners in a given location.

    In Georgia, that was the mayor.

    In Tennessee, it might not be as clear who is immediately responsible for the southern replacement.

    I still see no reason not to target the SPLC/ADL as Jewish hate groups using their own materials to prove they take the anti-white/Southern side. Make them the target if there is no better candidate. Those Jewish hate groups have done as much to harm Southerners as anyone.

    This is how one makes the JQ accessible to ordinary people. Just tell the truth. You show people who don’t know any better using Jews’ own words, already kindly provided by ADL, whose side Jews are on here.

  22. 313Chris wrote:

    Feel free to add any that I’m missing.

    Certainly. You missed the best of them all.

    countenance — “The snarkiest bastard on Ye Olde Internets.”

  23. “Rudel’s defense of libertarian economic and civic principles has become something approaching his personal meme.”

    Only because if I posted any of my other opinions about what should be done I would most likely be arrested for promoting treason, sedition, and incitement to riot.

  24. PGRT, I know that. While I wrote it, I was thinking that. But it is clear that God’s plan was to lead them through prophets and priests, in a theocracy.

    If the people are good, they can survive, even prosper, under tyranny, but a corrupt people cannot do well even with the best form of government.

  25. “I like it … but the Bugsers won’t be happy with this approach.”

    1. We don’t take advice from folks that haven’t won anything ever. That is basic common sense.

    2. Anti-White Group is preferred, instead of “Its the Boogiemanwitz!”, because it makes the welfare of White people the moral focus.

    If you want to save the Whales, you make saving the Whales a moral issue. You don’t save the Whales, by demonizing every Japanese and Norwegian on the planet.

  26. @Denise: “It is the Jews.” For 2,000 years, Jews have been scholars and merchants and have financed war and slavery because that’s where the money is.
    judeophile viewpoint: Historically, Jews have been the victims of religious and racial bigots.
    anti-judeophile viewpoint: By their actions, Jews provoke pogroms.
    “Open borders are a sacred principle for Jewish liberals like Cohen. They like the way mass immigration dilutes and weakens the White and historically Christian majority in America and Europe.” – Tobias Langdon http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2013/08/nick-the-priest-bigotry-balderdash-and-britains-biggest-suicide-cult/ Nick the Priest, Bigotry, Balderdash and British’s Biggest Suicide-Cult

  27. Modern libertarianism means gay, weed and open borders. Sure, it might make a lot of good sounding promises about limited government, the rule of law, divided powers, due process of the law, free speech, freedom of religion, etc. But the people funding libertarianism today aren’t doing it because they have memorized The Federalist Papers. They’re doing it because they want gay, weed and/or open borders.

    It’s like Sam Francis taught us: You will never understand the real purpose of an ideology until you understand who funds it, who dominates their think tanks, and who benefits or would benefit from it.

    When you say that “the average (white) American is libertarian by instinct,” I think you need to come up with a better word or phrase than “libertarian.”

  28. “Modern libertarianism means gay, weed and open borders.” Also gambling, porn and prostitution. WNs need to convince young white males that Vegas-style libertarianism is part of a death spiral for people of European descent. Jews and plutocrats have many so-called nonprofit organizations that are highly sophisticated in their manipulations … media and otherwise.
    http://www.people-press.org/2011/05/04/section-3-demographics-and-news-sources/ Demographics and News Sources | Pew Research Center
    “Developments in South Carolina started a chain of events. … Across the South mobs expelled Yankees and (in Texas) killed Germans suspected of loyalty to the United States.”
    If there were about 1,000,000 Confederate soldiers, then I estimate that there were about 50,000 Catholics and 10,000 Jews among them (94% Protestant, 5% Catholic, 1% Jewish).
    There were about 20 Catholics among about 414 Confederate generals.
    In the Confederacy, the white people knew that free negroes would either loot, rape, and murder white people or create a New Congo without white people. Fear united the Jews of the Confederacy with Protestants and Catholics, but the Jews generally revert to their ancestral pattern: exploitation of the goyim.

  29. And to think, Occidental Dissent was so pleasant and quiet this summer, without that Limey cockroach John (now promoted to ‘Captain’ evidently. Of her majesty’s SS Man Without A Country) spamming the comment threads every 5 minutes.

    Go home jackass. Or stay in Denmark, or wherever the hell your sorry ass crawled off to. Your input here is less than worthless, and your presence serves as little more than the occasional comedy relief when someone takes your many moronic statements to the woodshed.

  30. Chris “Interested in wider issues of the ‘white’ only as long as it pertains to suburban Detroit, where my mortgage cratered and I’m left holding the bag” 313

    Does anyone know the basis of the modified name change? It’s from a book.

  31. Speaking of Denmark, The largest political entity there at the moment is the Folks Partei, it’s in a position to form the next government. I think Southerners like Hunter and even those northwest front jobbers like Rudel ought to take a look at how they operate. The Scandinavians are not too happy about encroaching blacks and browns. Indeed they reacted by supporting a nationalist ethnic political party.

  32. You wanna get personal, Jonathan Blackwood? Do not fuck with me.

    I live in the city and I own my house and I pay my taxes, you obnoxious little shit. And you can watch your punk mouth about white people in the suburbs who have had to default on their mortgage. I know more than a few people, who, if they caught 30 seconds of your British disrespectfulness on American soil, would slit your worthless throat.

  33. “Modern libertarianism means gay, weed and open borders.”

    Not really. Libertarianism’s main focus is the Fed.

  34. Mosin Nagant: says:
    They think the Bible sanctions despotism….

    Talked to a NET who was going on about the wisdom of The Wise Native versus “The E-ville White Man” (a NET who was unaware that white culture outside trash tv had ever existed). Predictably, he’d also been conned into thinking, you could make a $1000 downpayment, pay a 30% mortgage, and heavy “property tax” and actually “OWN” something.

    —- The Bible Belt is hated primarily b/c there, taking money against people’s will is STILL CALLED THEFT, lol.

    The stats on what people feel about the heavy taxes, and hidden taxes (inflationary costs)—- mean ever person living on Warfare, Welfare, or new “health care,” is nothing more than a common THEIF.

    —- This is most people. They cannot TOLERATE learning that about themselves.

    Petty militarist-corporatists, fascist or communists are that way , not really due to some high principle, but secretly b/c they simply cannot imagine a life beyond Statist Dependency, BUT WHAT THEY DON’T GET…

    is that they pay THE ULTIMATE IN COST—- as their internal life, their enslaved INTERNAL life, is tied to the statist check. How could one have true thoughts and feelings, based in their own personal experiential reality, under such a system? How could one, not having that, have “real relationships” with others.

    Everything is ultimately reduced to Usury. And if they sniff it in themselves, well there will BLAME of somebody (be it jews, or evil muslims, or the heretics, or the protestants… or SOMEBODY!!!!) Whites, perhaps. Always to the point of Genocide…

  35. Obama is more or less the biological result of 60s era immigration policy. Bring in African-Africans interbreed them with some Mayflower/Jayhawker types, generate a new elite to shove in YT’s face. It’s alarming that America fell for it.

  36. @ Goner’s link:

    “….Solid Liberals, Post-Moderns and Libertarians are less likely than the general public to be Protestant…”

    Chris left out DG: “It’s the NE Catholics.”

  37. “oh… and especially the much-used irish.”

    And thank you for noticing “Generational Americans.” It is so much better than “traditional” americans, which means nothing and conjures images of fuddy duddies.

  38. Hunter is right about the SPLC. All they really have is words. Whites are like the elephant that since birth was tied with fine rope. The elephant tugged and tugged on the tiny rope but couldn’t break it. When the elephant grew into a 3,000 pound powerhouse that tiny rope still secured it–it didn’t even try to break loose.

  39. “Does anyone know the basis of the modified name change?”

    Your fascination with adolescent fantasy novels as opposed to actually knowing your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to real history.

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