OD Attacked By ADL … Again

New York


The Jews at the ADL, an anti-White, anti-Southern, anti-Christian organization, which spearheaded the Immigration Act of 1965, are upset with us again:

Note: They are also upset with Trad Youth. We’re all listed under their “Extremism & Terrorism” section.

“Hill, who has become increas­ingly rad­i­cal, was one of a num­ber of racist speak­ers at the rally. Other speak­ers at the event included lead­ers in LOS and Michael Cush­man, who heads the South­ern Nation­al­ist Net­work (SNN). Atten­dees, who included white suprema­cists Brad Grif­fin (also known as Hunter Wal­lace) and Kyle Rogers of the Coun­cil of Con­ser­v­a­tive Cit­i­zens, were also protest­ing Uvalda Mayor Paul Bridges’ sup­port of a law­suit against Georgia’s harsh immi­gra­tion laws.

Despite the fact that the South­ern Poverty Law Cen­ter informed Chief Smith of the pro­test­ers’ extrem­ism, Smith not only par­tic­i­pated in the event, he brought refresh­ments for the protesters. …”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “When you say that “the average (white) American is libertarian by instinct,” I think you need to come up with a better word or phrase than “libertarian.””

    I don’t really think so. “The average American is a believer in free markets, sound money, and freedom of association” isn’t as succinct. The “Don’t Tread on Me” flag is.

  2. I think you southerners don’t help with your anti-northern white attitudes. There are more fair whites in the north who would rally behind pro-White civil rights than you seem to think, if it were pitched to them in the right way. But just wallowing in southern-ness kind of disables bridge-building. Consider that most Whites in the north fought because they had to, and further, that the very ethnic group – the northwestern Europeans – who freed blacks are also being exterminated by them and maybe a couple other groups.

    For the most part, these celts and other native European people would heed the call, and the necessity of uniting, if y’all would grok more pro-White (especially northwest European White), instead of simply pro-Confederate.

    This from a yankee celt raised on country music.

  3. NY Yankee, We have good relations with pro-Southern Northerners. However, this is a Southern nationalist movement. We are not trying to build an international movement. One thing I have noticed is that when we talk about our identity and culture some Northerners get upset and interpret it as an attack on them. When French nationalists do this do British nationalists flip out? No. Northerners should build their own movements in their local areas and get active like we are. I am all for cooperating where possible but ours is not a WN movement; it is a SN movement.

  4. Rudel,

    “the basic legality and efficiency of capitalist acts freely entered upon by consenting adults”

    You know what’s even more tiresome? The “consenting adults” bullshit. Should it be “legal” for an adult man to enter a privately owned store and, with his own money, buy a kiddy porn magazine? Don’t give me any morality-based argument, because capitalism doesn’t recognize moral from immoral.

    The libertarian mantra of “consenting adults” is based on the assumption of quid pro quo that does not exist in the real world. In the real world, people screw each other and exploit each other. Our race is not immune from this. Just look at Donnie Smith. You think he gives a damn about his race? Hell no. As long as he rakes in his $7.8 million per year he’ll happily displace every White American in this country.

    I’ve got news for you libertarian types: Your demented obsession with maximum individual freeDUMB is a big part of the reason why a traitorous scumbag like Donnie Smith has any power or wealth to begin with.

    “Jack Ryan would probably replace farmer’s markets with what? Collective farms?”

    I’ll bet they would work better for our people than a system in which Monsanto buys Blackwater. Can you imagine independent Southern farmers owning a multimillion private mercenary company?

    But hey, we gotta “let the market decide,” right Ronald Reagan?

  5. Mosin

    “Some of these despotism-adoring commenters on OD would have killed Patrick Henry.”

    You being a self-described “constitutional conservative,” you know Patrick Henry opposed the 1787 Constitutional convention, right? He didn’t want the new Constitution.

    In any case, Henry would no doubt rip apart the Constitution to shreds and declared, “eff your freeDUMB,” if he saw what Amurrica became.

    “They think the Bible sanctions despotism.”

    It sure as hell sanctions authoritarianism, hence why Christendom was dominated by authoritarian governments for over 1000 years.

    “But the Book says the Hebrews SINNED in asking for a king, thus rejecting God as their king.”

    Yeah, sure, and the Bible also compels the Brotherhood of Man, amirite?

    “They did get their kings, and suffered under them, as foretold, for centuries.

    Some of the Kings were good, some were bad. A gun can be used to kill a good guy or a bad guy. The gun isn’t evil. Neither is the title of King or Queen or Aristocrat. And while no tool is always safe all of the time, some tools are so dangerous that only a foolish man would wield them, such as the Amurrican experiment in “self-government.”

  6. Rudel,

    “Just because some weak minded individuals go off the rails after reading Ayn Rand shouldn’t mean that we give up our God given liberty to engage in productive commerce.”

    The only nation on planet earth where private sector activity is basically non-existent is North Korea. Nobody is arguing that private sector activity should be banned. We ARE arguing that it should be restricted where necessary and appropriate.

  7. 313Chris,

    You actually did miss a few:

    Mosin: Repentance before independence, confession before secession

    RobRoySimmons: Blood, soil, tradition

    Pastor Martin Lindstedt: Whigger nutshenalism/Bowel Movement/Mamzers

    Long Live Dixie: Deport the Yankees

    Mark: Denise is a bitch

  8. “Patrick Henry opposed the 1787 Constitutional convention, right? He didn’t want the new Constitution.”

    The danger he recognized was the constitution replacing the Articles would give too much power to a federal union, overriding state sovereignty. STATE constitutions are primary, and LOCAL government of the people even more so. “Constitutionalist” is a very general term, Dan. “Conservative” is also a general term, as I used it, in contrast to liberal, libertarian and “radical capitalist”. Conservative of what? I think you know what I am conservative of, and what sort of constitution I favour.

    “the Book says the Hebrews SINNED in asking for a king, thus rejecting God as their king (…) Yeah, sure”

    It does. Read it. Their rejection of theocracy and selection of monarchy, “to be like other nations”, was a watershed event as much as the importation of Africans for slavery, in our Promised Land, “to create immense wealth”.

    “some tools are so dangerous that only a foolish man would wield them, such as the Amurrican experiment in self-government.”

    I am not sure what you mean by “experiment in self-government”, Dan, but isn’t it right that a people should govern themselves, not be ruled by an Emperor, of a global empire as we are now. A predominantly monoethnic or at least mono-racial, and mono-cultural, constitutional (government of laws) “mixed polity” (look it up!) should be the BEST possible, and most stable, form of government for any white Christian people. It is not a new, “experimental” form, but recognised by Aristotle, a founder of political science, thousands of years ago. Meanwhile, predominant hereditary monarchy and aspiration to global imperialism have been the curse of the white race, as they were of the ancient Hebrews, who finally ended with the rule of the Herods.

    “You actually did miss a few: Mosin: Repentance before independence, confession before secession”

    The best selection, Dan. What is your OD mantra?

    I must go now, will check in at the end of the day.

  9. “In the real world, people screw each other and exploit each other.”

    And millions upon millions don’t but instead engage in mutually beneficial transactions. Capitalism isn’t a zero sum game.

    PS – the “capitalist acts between consenting adults” phrase is actually a sarcastic dig at the rhetoric of leftists like yourself.

  10. Mosin,

    “Constitutionalist” is a very general term, Dan. “Conservative” is also a general term, as I used it”

    You gave a good answer about Patrick Henry. I hope you know that when people describe themselves as “constitutional conservatives,” the automatic assumption is that they support the federal constitution that was ratified in 1789. Perhaps a more pertinent example would be: Not all Constitutional Conservatives are Patriotards, but all Patriotards are Constitutional Conservatives.

    Be careful with how closely you associate yourself with the Constitution and the Framer-philic crap spewed by Conservatism Inc. Even Whites within this movement are way too positive about the Framers, who were all liberals in their own time.

    “Their rejection of theocracy and selection of monarchy”

    Um, where’s the dichotomy here? I’m not saying a theocracy and a monarchy go hand in hand, but 1000 plus years of European history from roughly the 8th century on clearly demonstrate that theocracy and monarchy are two peas of a pod. In the real world, God doesn’t rule us from heaven. Per Romans 13, He has us governed by other men. As Jesus said to Pontius Pilot: “My Kingdom is not of this world.” Jesus is our Lord and Savior, but He does not decree the laws or govern the day to day affairs. Nor is that what He was sent to this earth to do.

    In the real world, there is natural hierarchy. In the real world, there is natural authority. Hierarchy and authority exist at both the micro and macro level. To reject hierarchy and authority is to reject how God created things and how he intended for us to live. If we are our own masters, then we don’t need any higher Master, which is to say we don’t need God. We Whites have deceived ourselves over and over into believing that we are our own masters, and that we don’t need to submit to no damn authorities. The very concept of submission soon becomes repellent to us. We start rebelling against the natural order and start leveling everything in sight. We forget our God, and He forgets us. Then we cast our peals with swine, afterwhich we are fed to the wolves. We are devoured like sheep without a fence. We scream out and cry, “save us!” And God whispers, “No.”


    “I am not sure what you mean by “experiment in self-government”

    I mean the Representative Democracy and the system of federalism that was created by the 1789 Constitution.

    “but isn’t it right that a people should govern themselves, not be ruled by an Emperor, of a global empire as we are now?”

    Take away the global empire part, and I’d say hell yes. Sheep need a shepherd. When they reject the shepherd(s) and wander into a wilderness away from the protective fences, they are devoured.

    “A predominantly monoethnic or at least mono-racial, and mono-cultural, constitutional (government of laws) “mixed polity” (look it up!) should be the BEST possible, and most stable, form of government for any white Christian people.”

    1. We’re in agreement on the mono-ethnic, mono-racial, and mono-cultural parts. While I think Hunter is right about Mississippi vs. Vermont, I also would prefer separatism to supremacy (not that anti-whites see a difference in either).

    2. The “rule of law” means nothing unless its backed up by the attitude of “I have a gun, get in the van.” Absent the use of force, which is frowned upon by the champions of “liberty,” you better damn well have a moral justification for why the law should be enforced other than “it’s the law! It should be enforced!” Cause I’ve got news for you: “It’s the law” isn’t a moral justification unless you’re willing to tie yourself into a pretzel by picking and choosing which “laws” you like and don’t like.

    3. I went ahead and looked up “mixed polity” on Wikipedia. Here’s what I found:

    Plato found flaws with all existing forms of government and thus concluded that aristocracy, which emphasizes virtue and wisdom, is the purest form of government. Aristotle largely embraced Plato’s ideas and in his Politics three types (excluding timocracy) are discussed in detail.


    “Meanwhile, predominant hereditary monarchy and aspiration to global imperialism”

    i was unaware I was making an argument for global imperialism. Even Imperial Russia merely had a regional empire.

    “The best selection, Dan. What is your OD mantra?”

    Chris already shared it: “Dissolve the Union.” It’s been my calling card for awhile now. I adopted it from Hunter. (Thanks guy)

    That said, I’ve got other memes as well:

    -Conservatism Inc. (directly borrowed from Paul Kersey and James Kirkpatrick)
    -Puritans and Northeastern Whites = not nice people.
    -Equality zealots
    -USA was born to die

    I’m sure there are others I’m missing. I’m often harsh with my own tribe (Yankees) on here, although not to the extent that Apelius, Long Live Dixie, and Dixiegirl are.

  11. Rudel,

    “And millions upon millions don’t but instead engage in mutually beneficial transactions.”

    That’s pie in the sky idealism. Here’s what Alexis de Tocqueville observed in the late 1830s:

    As one digs deeper into the national character of the Americans, one sees that they have sought the value of everything in this world only in the answer to this single question: how much money will it bring in?

    Here’s the second verse from “Peace of Mind,” a 1976 song:

    Now you’re climbin’ to the top of the company ladder
    Hope it doesn’t take too long
    Can’t cha see there’ll come a day when it won’t matter
    Come a day when you’ll be gone

    Main stanza:

    I understand about indecision
    But I don’t care if I get behind
    People livin’ in competition
    All I want is to have my peace of mind.


    de Tocqueville and Boston speak for me here, and for the millions of other Whites who’ve come to reject the false promises and morally bankrupt rhetoric of the capitalists.

    “Capitalism isn’t a zero sum game.”

    The hell it is. Just like race relations: Whites, blacks, browns, and yellows don’t “prosper together.” Blacks and browns can only prosper by plundering Whites. It’s a similar story with capitalism. The plutocrats only make that much money by exploiting and abusing working class and middle class Whites, who need and deserve government protection from greedy vermin like Donnie Smith. Course, the government isn’t on our side these days, but government itself isn’t the problem. The people who run it are the problem. Government isn’t some amorphous institution that walks around looking for plebes to oppress. It’s a tool, plain and simple. A tool can build or a tool can destroy.

    the “capitalist acts between consenting adults” phrase is actually a sarcastic dig at the rhetoric of leftists like yourself.”

    You picked the wrong target with that one. When I was a libertarian I preached the “consenting adults” rhetoric, but no more. I’m a pro-White authoritarian with a leftist economic philosophy. Even as a libertarian I always had an authoritarian streak in me when it came to the death penalty and illegal immigration, where I always believed in capital retribution and deporting all 20 million illegals.

    That said, I’ll acknowledge that a leftist economic philosophy often goes hand in hand with social and cultural liberalism, even though it need not do so.

  12. “O’Reilly and Hannity are nothing if not Roman in their mentality (they continue to fight the South Europe border enemies, like muslims—- to the point that their empire has actually made their refugees IMPORT muslims into North Europe.”

    Dixie G, substitute ‘Catholi-schism’ for what you are saying about the Irish/Celtic soul, and you and I are saying EXACTLY the same thing. And I’m a Celt.

  13. ““Before the camps, I regarded the existence of nationality as something that shouldn’t be noticed – nationality did not really exist, only humanity. But in the camps one learns: if you belong to a successful nation you are protected and you survive. If you are part of universal humanity – too bad for you.”

    – Alexander Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago, (1973).

    Alex J, thanks for the quote. “Narodnost, it’s not just for Russians, anymore…”

  14. “We do not want an empire, but a res publica, for as long as we can keep it.”

    Mosin, and how are we going to keep it, when a racially homogenous, culturally homogenous, and overwhelmingly religiously homogenous nation, could not?

    I’m speaking (of course) of White, English, Calvinist Colonial America in the 1760’s.
    Those who would cavil with me on those delimiters, can, of course, do so. But they’re wrong.

    I, for one, would welcome the return to autocratic Monarchy… as long as the king was a “Little Father” to his English/American people, and was both: a Kinist, and a Distributivist/Southern Nationalist.

    Sadly, I see no such biblical ruler in sight….. but, as Franklin said about republics, ‘IF you can keep it.’ We haven’t and we didn’t. And I don’t think, with the current minds at our disposal, that we can resurrect it. Just sayin…

  15. “In the real world, there is natural hierarchy. In the real world, there is natural authority. Hierarchy and authority exist at both the micro and macro level. To reject hierarchy and authority is to reject how God created things and how he intended for us to live. If we are our own masters, then we don’t need any higher Master, which is to say we don’t need God. We Whites have deceived ourselves over and over into believing that we are our own masters, and that we don’t need to submit to no damn authorities. The very concept of submission soon becomes repellent to us. We start rebelling against the natural order and start leveling everything in sight. We forget our God, and He forgets us. Then we cast our peals with swine, afterwhich we are fed to the wolves. We are devoured like sheep without a fence. We scream out and cry, “save us!” And God whispers, “No.”

    Mr. Poole. Excellent! It practically sounds monarchist… I like. But God, whispering? Hardly. Two elections of the Obamanation by a sin-darkened electorate, sounds like YHWH screaming in my ears, ‘Turn back from the Abyss!’… which we all know…. is BLACK. Yet, who has ears to hear? No one, it would appear. We are predestined for destruction…..

    English John- ignore Christophobe666. He’s white YANKEE trash… typified. They neither understand, nor (because they can’t grasp it with their puerile minds- see, predestined, above) CAN they appreciate the English ‘airy condescension’ that comes so easily to certain noble races. Why, just think of Southies in Boston, or the UAC proles of inner-city Michigan, that signed on to having darkies work with them in the 1960’s, just so they could get ridiculous wages… for utterly menial labor. Archie Bunkers. That’s Phobe, to a “T”.

    Sadly, though, it’s ALSO what I found, saw, and heard, on my recent vacation to the ‘motherland.’ Football hooligans, I believe they are called? But, just as in the Deee-troit, so, too, now in Derbyshire, Dundee, or Debenhams. You wallow with pigs (nigs) as an individual, or a nation, and you get up dirty (stupid- said like Hermione Granger- “STYEEOO-pid”) and devoid of even common grace, to repent.

    Phobe… case in point… on all points.

  16. “When I was a libertarian I preached the consenting adults rhetoric, but no more. I’m a pro-White authoritarian with a leftist economic philosophy.”

    I think you are still a young man, and you’ve swung between these poles already. With more experience you may settle into another position. I’ve been more consistent over time and I am probably older than you. Of course I studied and pondered about “authoritarianism” and limited monarchism, which tends toward ABSOLUTE monarchism and toward imperialism and the control of Talmudism. The Constitution ALREADY makes the President of the United States a sort of monarch, and the Federal government, and even state government and local governments — in nearly all their legislative, judicial, executive, military and bureaucratic branches — already generally wield far too MUCH “authority”, and naturally, mostly for wrong ends!

    That does not make me libertarian. There IS a sane position between love of despotism and love of anarchy.

    Re: “Sheep need a shepherd. When they reject the shepherd(s) and wander into a wilderness away from the protective fences, they are devoured”:

    We already have a Shepherd, and the Spirit guides His church, through pastors, etc. But the “sheep in care of a shepherd” analogy doesn’t properly describe our relationship to politicians, judges, generals, bureaucrats, etc. But I doubt that you see yourself as just one of us, as a mere sheep. Your authoritarian philosophy may indicate a personal ambition and expectation to become one of the shepherd elite yourself, controlling the sheeple masses.

    You also reported you read about PLATO’S early (The Republic) aristocraticism considered by Aristotle, not as I suggested, about Aristotle’s settled understanding of WHAT is generally the best, most stable form of government.

  17. “As one digs deeper into the national character of the Americans, one sees that they have sought the value of everything in this world only in the answer to this single question: how much money will it bring in?”

    Coincides with this song:
    Left a good job in the city,
    Workin for the man every night and day
    And I never lost one minute of sleepin’,
    Worryin’ ’bout the way things might have been.
    Big wheel a-keep on turnin’
    Proud Mary keep on burnin’,
    Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis,
    Pumped a lot of pain down in New Orleans,
    But I never saw the good side of the city,
    Till I hitched a ride on a river boat queen.
    If you come down to the river,
    Bet you’re gonna find some people who live,
    You don’t have to worry, cause you have no money,
    People on the river are happy to give.

  18. Dan, our views may be only an inch apart (a crucial inch I think) as we express them. Perhaps we are mostly “talking past” each other. We might cooperate perfectly together in practical politics.

    I encourage active practical political involvement at least on the local level for all of us, not just voting in elections — and only if our people will become right with God, He can “heal our land” replacing tyranny with right government. But a people that is right with God can prosper under many forms of government, and the best form of government cannot save a people that rejects Him, and “confession before secession” etc.

  19. “I’m a pro-White authoritarian with a leftist economic philosophy.”

    Then you are an ignoramus in the ways of the world and of the natural law which governs men. Free trade and property rights are the basis for civilization. It was true in ancient Egypt and Assyria and it is true now. You and others put forth straw an arguments. To start at the most basic level, if a farmer can not enjoy profit from the fruits of his labors then what justice is there in the world?

    As far as I’m am concerned; if you try and take away my property then I’ll shoot your ass. As for the proper role of the state and the correct approach as to obtaining knowledge of the world and the limit to human intellect, I suggest you start by reading Thomas Hobbes and David Hume.

    I’m sick of the conflating of eminently sound (small “l”) libertarian economic principles such as:

    1) the basic legality and efficiency of capitalist acts freely entered upon by consenting adults,

    2) sound hard money principles instead of fractional reserve banking, and

    3) freedom of association (which was severely damaged by the 1964 Civil Rights Act),

    with wild statements about unrestricted immigration, homosexual marriage, and other such nonsense espoused by certain “libertarians” over the years.

    Read the Confederate Constitution. It is quite clearly libertarian in its economic prescriptions for low taxes and free trade.

    I’m pretty much done here. This site has a decreasing number of educated posters (as opposed to conspiracy theorists and laughably sectarian Christians who can’t agree on anything, and I’m sick of restating arguments for the ignorant masses here that are based on problems solved centuries ago.

  20. “Mr. Poole. Excellent! It practically sounds monarchist… I like.”

    Thanks John! Cheers!

    “But God, whispering? Hardly. Two elections of the Obamanation by a sin-darkened electorate, sounds like YHWH screaming in my ears,”

    Touche. I was just looking for a corny excuse to post that legendary Watchman clip.

    “Yet who has ears to hear? No one, it would appear. We are predestined for destruction”

    Or as I’ve been preaching for awhile now, the Screwnited States of Amurrica was born to die.

  21. @Fr. John+

    Before Rudel stomps away in a huff, why don’t you answer the questions he posed to you, for everyone else’s benefit:

    “Where do you get off with this ‘Father’ title? From which seminary did you receive ordination? What college granted you a degree in theology?”

    This isn’t the first time you’ve been asked these questions, either. I called you out once or twice as well. You refuse to answer every time. So how about it, holy man? What are your credentials?

  22. Mosin,

    “I think you are still a young man, and you’ve swung between these poles already.

    You might be surprised how much my worldview has come full circle back to where it was when I started following politics at 16. There’s a catch, though, and it’s kind of a big one: I wasn’t a pro-White racialist at 16. That said, I was an authoritarian when it came to social and cultural issues such as abortion, gay marriage, the family, the death penalty, crime control, and illegal immigration. I was also a neocon with foreign policy, fully supported the Iraq War, etc. Then I dabbled in libertarianism for several years and even got into a huge argument with a family member in which the crux of my argument was “leave the gays alone and they’ll leave us alone.” Quid pro quo and reciprocity were my fundamental assumptions. Those assumptions were shattered after I became a pro-White racialist.

    You’ll forgive me for growing and learning and gaining wisdom. Libertarianism was a fun cult when I was in it. Made me feel like I was in the mainstream and that I was going places. White racial activism is just the opposite sometimes. Not that any of us are mobsters (because we aren’t), but the movement is not dissimilar from the mob: Double lives, aliases, fear of infiltration, everyone accusing everyone of being an agent and thus causing mass confusion, law enforcement always watching you, and much more. There are days that I’ve felt like Billy Costigan from :13 to :18 of this clip:


    Know Mosin that I am sincere even if some of my policy prescriptions are flawed. I look at Tsarist Russia under the Romanov’s and I see a model that worked for White Christian peoples and that never collapsed from within like every other Western/White model did, including Great Britain and the United States. I think the Amurrican experiment in particular wasn’t just a house built on sand. The complete secrecy of the 1787 Constitutional Convention and an old 2001 VDARE article that I once took to task makes me wonder exactly what the hell was going on. Here’s the VDARE article:


    “But I doubt that you see yourself as just one of us, as a mere sheep. Your authoritarian philosophy may indicate a personal ambition and expectation to become one of the shepherd elite yourself, controlling the sheeple masses.

    You’ve got to admit this: Us two would run this country better than any Republican, Democrat, judge, or bureaucrat. That’s not saying much, but consider that both of us are random voices on the internet. This country is so fucked up that if Dan Poole and Mosin Nagant could decree all the laws, we’d institute better laws than anyone in the current U.S. government.

    In any case, I have no ambition to lead whether you believe me or not. As I’ve said before, leaders will rise naturally. Not only will the White population be culled, but the movement will be culled as well.

    “You also reported you read about PLATO’S early (The Republic) aristocraticism considered by Aristotle, not as I suggested, about Aristotle’s settled understanding of WHAT is generally the best, most stable form of government.”

    It was a Wikipedia article, so take it with a grain of salt. I just thought it was interesting that Aristotle took a liking to aristocracy. It’s one thing to think there is a better form of government than aristocracy. It’s another thing to hate and reject aristocracy in the name of “freedumb,” which is basically what you do. I think the one inch of difference between you and I, Mosin, is that I’m more in the Calvanist/Hobbesian/humans are brutal/life is brutal camp, whereas you seem to come from a Lockean/humans have rights/life is cheerful camp. Reading Chapter 2 of Ann Coulter’s book, “The Church of Liberalism” taught me this lesson: There are lots of dogs in this world, and those dogs must be put down.


    (Skip to 3:30)

    “Perhaps we are mostly “talking past” each other. We might cooperate perfectly together in practical politics.”

    Agreed. We’re both Yankees, we’re both Protestants, and we’re both Kinists. You should attend the upcoming National Policy Institute conference. I will probably be there. When I was at the Amren conference this past April, it was so much fun talking face to face with people in the movement.

  23. Rudel,

    “Free trade and property rights are the basis for civilization.”

    You’re a White Nationalist, right Rudel? The 14 words are what drives you, right? If so, then remember the 18th precept of the man who coined the 14 words:

    There exists no such thing as rights or privileges under the Laws of Nature. The deer being stalked by a hungry lion has no right to life. However, he may purchase life by obedience to nature- ordained instincts for vigilance and flight. Similarly, men have no rights to life, liberty or happiness. These circumstances may be purchased by oneself, by one’s family, by one’s tribe or by one’s ancestors, but they are nonetheless purchases and are not rights. Furthermore, the value of these purchases can only be maintained through vigilance and obedience to Natural Law.

    Hierarchy and authority are basics of natural law. Nowhere in natural law can “equality” or “rights” be found.

    “To start at the most basic level, if a farmer can not enjoy profit from the fruits of his labors then what justice is there in the world?”

    If I may rephrase Precept 73: “Enjoying profit” leads men to seek artificial status through wealth or property. True social status comes from service to Family, Race and Nation.

    Also, there is such a thing as too much profit. A man who makes around the median income should not have his wealth and his savings plundered. A man in the 1% who exploits others for profit can afford to have a large chunk of that wealth redistributed to his fellow kinsmen, as Norway and other White nations with mixed economies implicitly understand. Here’s a fascinating quote from an October 22, 2011 New York Times article:

    European countries have done a better job of protecting workers’ salaries and rights but have been reluctant to extend the benefits of their generous welfare state to new immigrants who look and act differently from them. Could America’s lost enthusiasm for income redistribution and progressive taxation be in part a reaction to sharing resources with traditionally excluded groups?

    “I do think there is a trade-off between inclusion and equality,” said Gary Becker, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago and a Nobel laureate. “I think if you are a German worker you are better off than your American equivalent, but if you are an immigrant, you are better off in the U.S.”


    Private property is important. It’s not as important as securing the existence of our people and a future for White children.

    “As for the proper role of the state and the correct approach as to obtaining knowledge of the world and the limit to human intellect, I suggest you start by reading Thomas Hobbes and David Hume.”

    You know Hobbes thought monarchy was the best system of government, right?

    “I’m sick of the conflating of eminently sound (small “l”) libertarian economic principles”

    There’s no conflation. One naturally leads to another. Rudel, you’ve found yourself on the other side of the coin of what James Kirkpatrick warned about when he said:

    “Superman is fulfilling American Exceptionalism, which is to say, there’s nothing exceptional about America at all.”


    Unrestricted immigration, homosexual marriage, and other such nonsense are all the natural fulfillment of libertarian economic rhetoric. One of the few honest anti-whites on the internet, Bryan Kaplan, said it best:

    “Every orthodox moral theory – utilitarianism, Kantianism, egalitarianism, libertarianism, wealth maximization, Rawlsianism, Christianity, and Marxism for starters – straightforwardly endorses open borders, or something close. Yet almost everyone in the First World strongly opposes this policy.”


  24. “One of the few honest anti-whites on the internet, Bryan Kaplan, said it best:
    Every orthodox moral theory … (including) Christianity (!!!) … straightforwardly endorses open borders, or something close.”

    I don’t agree that it is said well that Christianity is a “moral theory” like the others, or that it ever endorses such things. You can’t really mean that, Dan!

    I read all of your previous comments. Thanks for the very reasonable discussion. I would also enjoy meeting you sometime. Do look directly at Aristotle’s Politicsm and please don’t neglect active political involvement, at least on the local level, even if you do consider the solution of peaceful reform to be impossible.

  25. Mosin,

    I had a feeling Kaplan’s mention of Christianity might ruffle some feathers. Obviously I DON’T agree with Kaplan that Christianity is just another “theory.” My argument was that every single abstract ideology, including libertarianism, invariably leads to consequences – such as open borders – that normal White people are opposed to. Yet, we Whites cling to these ideologies as if our entire identity and self-worth depends on it. We also claim that a “good idea” went wrong or was “misconstrued,” when most of the time, the idea itself was fundamentally flawed. As 1st Corinthians 3:19 says:

    “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.”

    Or as the Joker said to Harvey Dent in the hospital:

    “I took your little plan and turned it on itself.”

    The ideologies of the world often have truths to them, some more so than others. But as I’ve learned, to rest your worldview on any single ideology is a fools errand. And some ideologies, like libertarianism, are flat out toxic. Libertarianism is a cult that self-destructed in California. Get help. Get out.

    And don’t forget to Dissolve the Union. (;

  26. “Get help”

    That sounds downright Talmudic. I respond: Get some common sense. Monarchy failed, always.

  27. Unless you have ambitions to be a king or a noble or knight or one of the gentry, and lord it over the rest of us white trash.

  28. Like I said once before, Dan Poole is young guy in his early 20’s and hasn’t experienced enough of the greater world to have an informed perspective about how fortunate we are to be native-born Americans.

    Poole is educated and well-read, but inexperienced and given to absolutes. He’ll balance out in time.

  29. I have you to thank, Mosin, for me finding Mindweapon’s blog. He writes some terrific stuff. And from what I know of him, he’s an older fellow with grown up children who’s been in the movement for many years. The kind of veteran with a perspective that those of us without children don’t have. I also love his “Aryan Skynet” metaphor. Denise and other OD regulars also post on there.


    Since we’re both in the same area, it’d be a treat to meet you face to face and start scheming on how to win over Whites in our state have you share your stories about your epic fights with stonelifter (whoever and wherever he is these days). Drinks are on me. If you’re interested, just send me a tweet


    If not, that’s cool to.



  30. Mosin,

    The only countries that have managed to banish Jews successfully, have been monarchies. One other aspect of Monarchy is the definition:Rule By One Man.

    The Presidency is the rule of one man. It’s a point so obvious that you seem to forget it.

  31. “The Presidency is the rule of one man. It’s a point so obvious that you seem to forget it.”

    I am aware of the “imperial” Presidency, never forget it. Notice that I mentioned, above, that the Constitution makes the President is a sort of monarch, and that deluded voters wanted Obama as their king, and Camelot, the Bush dynasty, the Clintons, etc.

    I do not agree that “one man rule” is required to banish Talmudists, and I know that many “one man rulers” have invited them, as advisors and financial supporters, and especially, interbred with them.

    One man rule? That’s NOT in our northwest European blood. We will RESIST and finally overthrow our Latin conquerors.

  32. “makes the President is a sort of monarch” should have been: makes the President a sort of monarch

    No editing possible on this blog. Sorry.

  33. “The Presidensy is the rule of one man.”

    – No, it’s not, you ignorant foreigner. Has your stupid ass ever heard of a little thing called Congress? You know, the collection of elected representatives who will be deciding whether military action is taken in Syria? That same collection of elected representatives who have the power to impeach a sitting president. That same branch of government important enough for whom we hold nation-wide elections every four years, THE SAME AS WE DO for the executive branch.

    You really are a fucking moron, Captain John. Stop posting and GTFO.

  34. @Dan Poole

    Contact me at cmonti@yahoo.com

    I occasionally get out to the western edge of Oakland County on work. We’ll discuss the OD wars over a couple shots. I read your article, “America was born to die”. Despite it’s very provocative title, I thought you presented your case quite well. I’ll give you my own ake on America’s (and Michigan’s, and Detroit’s) likely fate when we meet up. There are some things I’d rather not say on an open forum.

  35. Dan – Kievsky is not an “older man”. He’s early middle age, I think. He has been in the movement for YEARS. He’s totally solid, and a wonderful, wonderful person.

  36. Obama will get exactly what he wants from that “vote” on Syria. The UK is commonly understood to be an “elective dictatorship” by smart arse poly sci professors in the US, but Cameron couldn’t get them to do what he wanted. The US is more thoroughly autocratic than anything else.

  37. Chris,

    I just sent you an email, but I got a “failure notice.” You got another email address?

    Anyway, looking forward to you sharing all that. I’ve also got things I’d like to say that I can’t share on an open forum.

    Thanks for the compliment on my “Born to Die” article. I know you’re pro-American and have twice now told me that Whites like me and you are deeply fortunate to be native-born Americans. I want you to know for everybody to see, that compared to other White nations with all their hate speech laws, we are indeed fortunate to be native-born Americans.

    The thing is though, we can’t rest our laurels on that. While freedom of speech is much stronger here than other White nations, we also have a much greater non-white population than, say, Finland. Us White Americans have advantages that other White ethnics don’t have, and vice versa. I’ve taken Richard Spencer’s words to heart when he said at the Amren conference that we need to “reorient our people…towards a future beyond the United State of America.” Hell, I had to reorient myself away from American nationalism.

    But more on that for when we meet. Not sure why my email didn’t send. I tried to send it twice.

  38. Denise,

    Goodness me, I didn’t know Mindweapon and Kievsky were the same person. I’ve seen Kievsky’s comments both here and other pro-White sites. Hope he didn’t see me call him an “older man.” That was just the false impression I got somehow. But yeah, he sure seems like a helluva guy.

    I also have a question for you Denise, since you seem pretty well connected to people in the movement: Is there anybody I would know on here or other pro-White sites that will be at the NPI conference? Because when I was at the Amren conference, I only met two people who I knew online. It doesn’t seem like a lot of people who comment regularly on the internet actually show up at these conferences. Which is sad, because even if the conferences themselves don’t “accomplish” anything, how else are we supposed to connect with each other face to face in a large setting? I think Hunter sometimes underestimates the power of the internet, but he’s right that we have to organize in person and take the fight to the streets.

  39. Very good article, Captain John. Both secessionist propaganda and “framers of the American constitution assumed that the King was the executive when in reality he was but a cog in the mechanism” — and King George did not even declare the war on the colonies. Yes, Obama has much more executive power than King George, and he is also a cog, in a GLOBAL mechanism. The other Presidential candidate, Romney, would have likely done the same. Only Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, of all the viable primary candidates, who could THEORETICALLY become the finalists, might have gone rogue against the pressure.

  40. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/sep/3/ron-paul-military-force-against-syria-reckless-imm/ — and he was also right on states’ rights, secession and nullification, and ending welfare and assistance to minorities and refugees and other immigrant invaders — although just as blind as the others to the vital importance of racial, ethnic and religious national unity.

    By the way, I’ve just heard that Sweden is taking the lead in offering blanket invitation to Syrians fleeing the war, as many as want to come http://stream.wsj.com/story/syria/SS-2-34182/SS-2-314965/ — working both to destroy white nationality and to assist the war effort by releasing refugee pressure on surrounding globalist client nations such as Jordan, which is already too full of refugees of other wars.

  41. I am alive a well, mostly in the Czech Republic, joyed with my new son, basking in the glory or grandchildren, recoverd from my last injury, enjoying being in a White man in a White nation that defends its own and slowly bringing my wealth out of the usa. Be a lot faster of the housing market recovers

    A lot of the left leaning programs that have failed in the usa works pretty damn well in my new homeland. Very few Whites are left behind but yes many are limited. Folks seem very happy with the exchange, even those being “held back”. Being happy is something most americans have fogotten

    I also enjoy knowing how many here are still stuck in their misery doing nothing but spweing usless words to the same old people. Clearly the motto for most should be words not deeds

    Living well is truly the best revenge

    • Heads up:


      Law Against Support and Dissemination of Movements Oppressing Human Rights and Freedoms (2001)

      § 260 (1) The person who supports or spreads movements oppressing human rights and freedoms or declares national, race, religious or class hatred or hatred against other group of persons will be punished by prison from 1 to 5 years. (2) The person will be imprisoned from 3 to 8 years if: a) he/she commits the crime mentioned in paragraph (1) in print, film, radio, television or other similarly effective manner, b) he/she commits the crime as a member of an organized group c) he/she commits the crime in a state of national emergency or state of war

      § 261 The person who publicly declares sympathies with such a movement mentioned in § 260, will be punished by prison from 6 months to 3 years.

      § 261a The person who publicly denies, puts in doubt, approves or tries to justify nazi or communist genocide or other crimes of nazis or communists will be punished by prison of 6 months to 3 years.[21]

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