Review: Welcome To Shelbyville

Shelbyville is not Mayberry anymore - and that's a bad thing.
Shelbyville is not Mayberry anymore – and that’s a bad thing.


Welcome To Shelbyville is a 2011 PBS Independent Lens documentary which first popped up on my radar screen when Jack Ryan started writing about the Muslim colonization of Middle Tennessee.

Jack’s post was actually about the local resistance to the nearby Islamic Center of Murfreesboro, but I stumbled across the parallel Muslim colonization of Shelbyville last summer while searching for a YouTube video to insert into his article.

Shelbyville is a city of 20,105 residents located in Bedford County, TN. It is 35 minutes south of Murfreesboro, a city of 108,755 people, which is located just to the north in Rutherford County, TN.

From 2000 to 2010, Shelbyville, TN went from being 77.14% White to 68.29% White. According to the 2010 Census, the non-Hispanic White population in Shelbyville has actually plummeted down to 63% with Hispanics rising from 14.55% of the population in 2000 to 20.3% in 2010.

Shelbyville is best known though for the 400 to 1,000 Somalian refugees who have been resettled in the area by the US State Department’s Office of Refugee Resettlement. There are now around 150,000 Somalian refugees in the United States with more than 5,000 of them living in the Nashville area.

Welcome To Shelbyville is a “progressive” documentary that celebrates the demographic displacement of White Southerners in a town comparable to Mayberry. Muslims and Hispanics are arriving in Shelbyville to work at the local Tyson chicken plant. They are taking the jobs, changing the culture, and elbowing out the natives.

The film is deceptively edited to portray the natives in the worst possible light as racist bigots who are resistant to “change.” George Soros puppet organizations like the “Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition” (TIRRC) and the “Welcoming Tennessee Initiative” (WTI) were involved in its production. The WTI and TIRRC have put up billboards and held events in Shelbyville to “educate” the natives about their new Hispanic and Somali neighbors.

Welcome To Shelbyville was shot in the context of Obama’s election to drive home the point that “Shelbyville isn’t Mayberry anymore” and that area is being resettled by a more pliable electorate that is dependent on federal patronage and corporate jobs.

Tyson Foods, the US State Department, and VOLAGs (voluntary agencies) which receive federal funding are the primary culprits responsible for introducing this “change” to Shelbyville. The League of the South (LS) will arrive on October 12 to organize the resistance.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. So, the official historical position of Occident, restated in this post, is:

    Muslims are the symptom, not the cause. Not that we don’t take measures to alleviate the symptoms. But if we can’t deal with the causes, the symptoms will devour us.

    And, as we are nearing that time of year again, a reminder:

  2. I’m researching Shelbyville:

    “Holly Johnson is director of Catholic Charities of Tennessee, which handles much of the resettlement tasks for Somalis. She told the T-G that she was not aware of Shelbyville’s large Somali population.

    “We resettle them here in Nashville, primarily, and from there, people move around and don’t always let us know where they are, nor do they need to,” Johnson said.”

  3. Hunter, here’s the entire staff of Catholic Charities Nashville – all healthy, wholesome looking White folks…

    How about we protest outside their offices? Tax exempt Catholic charities working to flood middle Tennessee with Muslim extremists, Bantu Somalians.

    We should be able to get regular White Catholic folks in Middle Tennessee to denounce this treason, set up League of the South tables greeting White Catholic worship peers as they leave church.

  4. Somali female driving in a vehicle is forbidden in her Muslim countries. Among other things-circumcision of females. earn income while her mate fornicates.

  5. “Regular White Catholic Folks in Middle TN”

    The problem is, the white Southerner is heavily low Protestant, especially Baptist. In most places in the South, Catholic or High Protestant churches that have tried to make headway in the South have found that their only real interest is from blacks, and as of late for Catholics, Hispanics in the areas where they are.

    Point being, a white Catholic or High Protestant from outside the South who goes to the South and goes to the churches of their respective denomination are in for a shock.

  6. Here’s a nice way to put it to the Catholics: “You can’t have a 1st World Nation with a 3rd World Population.”

    Since the Roman Catholic Church is a top down organization, you are probably wasting your breath trying to educate Roman Catholics. But, us being for the most part White Protestants, we should try to be civil & Christian with the Catholics. The Bishop of Nashville’s name is Choby…

  7. @Countenance

    As a Protestant I enjoy local, and, regional nuances & subtleties among the same denomination. I wish we had more of it. I think it makes things more interesting, and adds to the worship & fellowship.

  8. Burn some Catholics in effigy in TN, do some research about Catholics burning Protestants some place in the Netherlands in the 16th Century, spread the meme to,local White Baptists that the Catholic Carities are deliberately flooding Middle Tennessee with Bantu Somalian Muslims as some type of insidious Papal plot.

    Our poor White folks go for this kind of stuff.

    One think they definitely don’t go for is Libertarian Austrian free market Libertarian wonkery.

  9. The protestant vs. Catholic debate kills me. Let’s see, you can’t understand why whites don’t have unity. Hmmm, well there was unity in Catholicism and then prots came up with a little lie called Sola Scriptura. Which basically says I do whatever the heck I want based upon my own messed up “interpretation” of scripture. This is why you know have over 36, 000 protestant denominations. If it weren’t for Catholics you wouldn’t have a Bible and Europe would have been over run by Muslims 600 years ago.

  10. Well said, Joe Whitlock, well said! BTW, if anyone wants to see a real Catholic in action, go to and listen to Michael Voris. he’s a traditional Catholic layman who’s making waves in the Catholic Church, and giving the professional Catholics hissy fits! I’ll bet the Bishop of Savannah doesn’t like Mikey!

  11. read Jean Respail’s Camp of the Saints. In the final hour of the White race facing genocidal destruction at the hands of tens of millions of invading 3rd world immigrant refugees, there are a handful of traditional Catholics who resist the invasion and die with the few White defenders. Their chants and prayers aren’t much to compare with the renegade pro third world Catholic pop music stars, liberation theology Catholics funding tax exempt Muslim toleration charities.

  12. “Hunter, here’s the entire staff of Catholic Charities Nashville – all healthy, wholesome looking White folks….”

    Except they’re likely indoctrinated, in the world’s most pernicious cult.

    “If it weren’t for Catholics you wouldn’t have a Bible and Europe would have been over run by Muslims 600 years ago.”

    That’s what They want you to believe, Joe.

  13. The ROMANS will want to join and exert their deadly influence on southern nationalism, you can be sure. Crypto-Romans are especially effective.

  14. Very well said Joe Whitlock. Although I have to say that many of the Church Fathers are close to Eastern Orthodox tradition as well. The fact is that the Catholic Church is more racially integrated than most other churches. As some commenters admitted, there are lots of black and Hispanic Catholics in the South. Some of the Hispanics go to Spanish masses, but not all, and the blacks would definitely go to the same masses as the whites. In California where I live, there are fewer black Catholics but more Philippine and other Asian Catholics worshiping with us white Catholics at the same masses. And let’s not forget the nonwhite priests. Through this we have cultural mixture, interracial friendships, interracial marriage, and perhaps most importantly, people of different races serving the eucharist together etc. And Stephen Dalton, Vorus may be a trad but don’t count on him to be pro-white. I know some Hispanics who really like him and are more receptive to his message than most whites; do you think he’s going to turn them away?

  15. A renewed Church would inevitably be forced to recognize the revelation that God made distinct races, and it’s no more our job to destroy what God has made than to give sovereignty to they to whom God refused sovereignty.

    Or the Church will not be renewed.

  16. @ Proud – I’m of the belief that racists are trying to control things that are not in our control. People are going to inter-mix, people are going to evolve even in pigmentation, and people are going to migrate. You can’t close yourself off in some little section of the south and control the racial outcome of things. Heck, if not for certain ice ages and continental drifts there may have never been a “white” race. You just can’t control everything like that.

    I’m just arguing that a lot of what you’re complaining about as problems are actually main principles in Protestantism and it’s ironic.

    The lack of white offspring = the allowance of contraception in Protestantism.
    The Lack of unity = the lack of recognized authority and the “my interpretation” only syndrome.
    The lack of education amongst poor whites = Protestant push for free public education separate from the state versus Catholic schools with Religion as a basis.

    It goes on and on…

  17. “No Mosin, what they want you to believe is that a divided house can stand.”

    The house will cease being divided when the masters of divide and conquer, the wolves of Rome, are finally destroyed. We cannot be united in the cult of rapacity.

  18. Joe, I’m on your side. I wasn’t complaining about them as problems; I was just giving some information about the Catholic Church to show some of the racialist and anti-Hispanic Catholics that they’re not going to be able to take over our church, or “renew” it as they would say. All of your comments are right on target.

  19. Protestants didn’t exactly help out in the climactic battles in Malta and Lepanto. No shows in Vienna as well. Martel and the Pope are symbiotic and I suspect Isabella and Ferdinand were quite sincerely Roman Catholic.

    However the Catholics fouled up in the New World extending a pseudo equality to the natives as peons and serfs. Liberty and stuff like that required dour Anglo Saxons and Presbyterians from Scotland.

  20. “I was just giving some information about the Catholic Church to show some of the racialist and anti-Hispanic Catholics that they’re not going to be able to take over our church, or renew it as they would say.”

    Oh I see, PGRT. You are a “Roman” too.

    I am a lone voice here. My intention is not to offend anyone but to speak truth as I understand it. I have said enough.

  21. “Liberty and stuff like that required dour Anglo Saxons and Presbyterians from Scotland.”

    Everyone always forgets the Welsh.

  22. Once the see of Alexandria was overwhelmed by Arabs, once Antioch was overwhelmed, you had two places left over that were equipped to keep some semblance of civilization. Rome and Constantinople. It’s possible that Visigothic Spain was also a center of civilization, but that was destroyed in another invasion. When the time came the Patriach of Constantinople prefered the Turban to the Tiara. It’s Rome by default rather than design.

  23. Anyone hear live near Shelbyville? I’m about an hour from there, and posted with some of the organizers (I think) on Stormfront; I’ll actually be down there nearby in Manchester this next Friday and try to notice if there is a good place near the Tyson Plant. Never Rest park is behind it, but as far as I remember it’s mostly a private neighborhood across the street from the main entrance on Jackson St. There’s a bend in the Duck River between the town square and the plant that has greenery so you can’t see the one from the other.

    I’m guessing if MTSU has any antifa types, they’ll likely be out in force in Murfreesboro. My cousin started college there this month so I’ll see if I can corrupt him to the dark side and get him to show up. Also, a lot of the churches that stood with the Muslims when the winds shifted in an ugly direction are just blocks from the town square in Murfreesboro. The occupational compound (ie mosque) is about 5 miles down the road and IIRC the Muslims bought up most of the private property around there.

  24. And it should go without saying that as Tyson is a meat packing plant they are VERY paranoid from what I understand about protesters being anywhere near them due to the Animal liberation / green peace types.

  25. Yes Mosin; although we agree on several matters, such as enjoying similar music, the need to get back to a society and lifestyle centered on Christ, the need to focus on bankers and the security state as a key problem, and the need to avoid the tendency of people here to descend into hateful and pro-slavery rhetoric, and I respect what you have to say, we disagree on a lot. I am also speaking the truth as I see it, and I do believe that truth is found through the Roman Catholic faith. As you, Earl, Dixiegirl and Father John discuss, one of the major aspects of the Roman Catholic Church is universalism. On that I am actually on your side and opposed to most of the other Catholic commenters here, because they would like to change that part of the Church and I see it as a good thing. I am reevaluating my position as a Catholic because of some concerns I don’t have time to post about here, and I continue to study all sides.

  26. Thanks, PGRT. Note my comment to John Bonaccorsi and others like yourself, on another thread:

    Re: “I am reevaluating my position as a Catholic because of some concerns I don’t have time to post about here, and I continue to study all sides”:

    I am neither anti-catholic nor non-catholic (with the lower case “c”) and like you, I always remain willing “to study all sides” — though I will always, with God’s help, maintain certain essential convictions.

    “Unity in the essentials, liberty in nonessentials, charity in all things”.

  27. There is nothing more essential than spiritual unity. And when it will be as it was, unity or death, unity will again prevail.

    Spiritual disunity is so damn tiring. It grinds on the bones. For God’s sake it’s called forgiveness. Return to His Church.

  28. The Catholic Church in the past did some good things, such as save the West from Muslim invasion.

    Alas, the Catholic Church today is something else entirely. It’s an organization that nurtures and protects pedophiles. It’s an organization that takes my tax money and uses it to undermine my country’s sovereignty. It’s an organization that aids and abets the destruction of the West. Today we see the Pope encouraging the Muslim invasion of Europe and, consequently, the extinction of what’s left of Christianity there.

    One Catholic man told me some years ago that the Church is in the grip of the Anti-Christ. I believe him.

  29. White Christians in general are too nice to their pets, but it’s the capitalists who hire them and benefit the most from them being here. Never lose sight of that or else you risk pointing the finger at a potential ally.

  30. negroes and Mexicans are among the most stupid people on the planet and I guess the democratic crime family wants to flood America with these scum.

  31. Southron, the Catholic Church is going through some bad times now. We have gone through some bad times in the past. We have even had some bad popes. But rest assured, the RCC will bounce back big time. The history of the Church is one of amazing recovery from what seems to be utter defeat. When you are built on the Rock (Peter) the very gates of hell can’t prevail against it.

  32. Stephen E Dalton says:

    ‘Southron, the Catholic Church is going through some bad times now. We have gone through some bad times in the past.’

    Times not as bad as the unnumbered victims over the centuries who were tortured, butchered, murdered and terrorized by the CC.

    Stephen E Dalton says: ‘We have even had some bad popes.’

    Mother of all understatements.

    Stephen E Dalton says: ‘ When you are built on the Rock (Peter) the very gates of hell can’t prevail against it.’

    Hysterically funny!

  33. Much of the argument does not even discuss the reason both the Roman/Papal faith, and the Lutheran extension of it are doing what they are doing today, is because of a departure from the ‘faith once delivered unto the saints.’ That error is – the filioque.

    You’d think the warnings both some enlightened Prots as well as the other 4/5ths of Christendom have been saying for lo, these 1500 years, would be heeded… but no.

    As to this comment:”
    How about we protest outside their offices? Tax exempt Catholic charities working to flood middle Tennessee with Muslim extremists, Bantu Somalians. We should be able to get regular White Catholic folks in Middle Tennessee to denounce this treason, set up League of the South tables greeting White Catholic worship peers as they leave church.”

    Come up to Minnesota, and picket Lutheran Social(ist) Service, which has done the same time by bringing the Accursed Sand nigger Hagarenes to MN. It’s not just the RC’s, but as I said, the heresy is shared by both groups. Confusing universalism, and universal jurisdiction (Empire) with a race-specific, tribal, creedal faith (Ecumene.)

    When Christianity goes back to being ONLY for the White Man, by the White Man, with a White Incarnated God (My beloved is FAIR among ten thousands; his hair was white as snow (Blond), etc.) Christendom will revive.

    Obama is the bastard incarnation of everything that says, “Antichrist.”

  34. @countenance

    “High Protestant churches”

    What is this “High Protestant” of which you speak? I’ve heard of high church Anglicans and Episcopalians but that’s about it. (Unless of course you mean these folks waiting for the 4:20 train!) LOL

  35. “When Christianity goes back to being ONLY for the White Man, by the White Man, with a White Incarnated God (My beloved is FAIR among ten thousands; his hair was white as snow (Blond), etc.) Christendom will revive.”

    I’ve asked it before and I’ll ask it again. Where do you get off with this “Father” title? From which seminary did you receive ordination? Which college granted you a degree in theology? One wonders whether your title “Fr.” doesn’t indeed stand for FRAUD.

  36. “When you are built on the Rock (Peter) the very gates of hell can’t prevail against it.”

    Getting even further from reality than the Armstrong cult you were in. You suppose Peter, one of the twelve disciples, was a Roman Catholic pope!

  37. “Confusing universalism, and universal jurisdiction (Empire) with a race-specific, tribal, creedal faith (Ecumene.)”

    True. Christianity is not only race-specific but furthermore ethnic, and local. The church is not a worldly empire. It is not a bank (Vatican Bank) either.

  38. A future southern ethnonationalist republic must not be misguided by or unequally yoked to universalist global religion.

  39. Sam, genocide and mass murder has never been condoned by the Catholic Church. However, when the enemies of the faith resort to military action, armed force, and subversion to push their damnable heresies down our throats at gunpoint (like the Muslims and Cathars) we will fight back to defend ourselves.

    Mosin, Matt 16:18-19 is the job description for Peter’s (and his successors) office. All the Early Church Fathers who commented on it said it was so. If you can’t except their witness, not my problem.

  40. “push their damnable heresies down our throats at gunpoint (like the Muslims and Cathars)”

    The so-called “Catharist” people of southern France were defending themselves, with more primitive weapons than that — against the Roman Pope’s minion the King of France’s overwhelming force intent on their extermination, to make a land grab and grab their loot.

    There is no proof and it is unlikely that Peter the Galilean fisherman and disciple of Jesus, apostle, and New Testament author ever became Pope of Rome. The heretical, apostate Papacy wants to claim him as their own, and misinterprets the “rock” and “stone” words.

  41. Before the French monarchy took over the role of completing the eradication of the Albigensian heresy in the Languedoc, the Pope had the Cistercian abbot of Cîteaux, Arnaud Amaury lead an army against the heretics at, among other places, the castle at Beziers. Although the walled town and castle were mostly inhabited by Roman Catholics rather than the handful of Cathars, Arnaud famously ordered his men to “Kill them all. God will know his own.” And that’s just what they did.

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