Georgia SCV Wants To Keep Tom Watson Statue


I sent them a message over Facebook. I guess we will see if they are serious about preserving our Southern heritage:

“Leaders of Georgia’s Sons of Confederate Veterans are urging Gov. Nathan Deal to bring the Tom Watson statue back to the Capitol once a statehouse renovation project is completed. …

“It is a dangerous thing anytime there is an attempt to rewrite or cover up any people’s history,” Jack Bridwell, Georgia’s SCV division commander, said in a press release. “The current decision to begin removing statues of Georgia’s elected statesmen from the Capitol grounds just because some vocal individuals today may not understand or agree with all of their political decisions a hundred years ago is historical revisionism at its best and an outright attempt to steal our heritage and history as Georgians at its worst.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Rudel, what makes you think that I want anybody arrested? I merely said walk the talk. And, fyi, I never practiced Talmudism in my life. The closest I ever came to any form of Judaism is when I was a member of Herbert Armstrong’s Judaizing sect. I rejected any form of Judaizing waaaay back in 1983, and I never looked back.

  2. I hope Jimmy Carter does not get involved.

    Jimmy Carter: Harry Truman Fixed My Racism

    In a cover story for Parade magazine, former President Jimmy Carter did an interview with historian Mark Updegrove. In the interview, Carter said that America was still a deeply racist place, and admitted to his own prior racism. Asked about Trayvon Martin and Paula Deen, Carter said:

    There’s still a gross disparity in the basic rights and freedom, education quality, and economic opportunities between African-Americans and Caucasians. African-Americans still suffer from the ancient gravities of slavery and then 100 years of official legal prejudice. The unemployment rate among African-Americans is twice the rate among white Americans. We have a long way to go still.

    He then added that he used to be a racist, but that his racism was supposedly ended by Harry Truman ending segregation in the military: (snip)

  3. The SCV is an estimable old organization. One of my great grandfathers’ belonged to it. He died in the late 1940’s. His father was a Confederate veteran.

    Today most people are 7 or 8 generations removed from the CW/WBTS, so I’m very skeptical about genealogical claims. Do you, or the SCV want to go into single moms, divorce/abandonment, 2nd and 3rd marriages, marriages between distant cousins, adoption, etc. in 18th century. LOL.

  4. This southern stuff, that is purely for the southerners as opposed to for Whites in general, loses me, for obvious reasons.

    I’m still waiting for someone to try to link Whites in general.

  5. @ Earl, “Today most people are 7 or 8 generations removed from the CW/WBTS, so I’m very skeptical about genealogical claims….”

    are you serious? to join lineage societies people have to prove ancestry with documents. Even 7 generations back, there are often death certificates, also wills, census materials, mentions in history books, and so on.

    imo, they should stick with the general problem of monument desecration and genocide, not ‘their own ancestors.” Nobody cares about their ancestors (a, because they are not their own and people are self-centered, and b, because everyone has been conditioned by lifelong t.v. telling them that their ancestors were E-ville.)

    but people do get that monument desecration is an acknowledged part of genocide, and can be on the road to genocide. Couldn’t the new “MLK” highways have been named for NEW roads? But that is not discussed. or why

  6. @DixieGirl

    Very serious. My great grandfather was born after the CW/WBTS in 1869 or 1870. So he knew his own Dad who was a Confederate veteran. Today how many people even know who their parents are, let alone tracing back 7 or 8 generations.

    I’m skeptical of genealogy, and even history. A good example is an ancestor of mine who was an officer during the American revolution. Sometime, someone, probably in the last 50 or 60 years decided to replace the headstone on his grave. When they replaced it, they put his son’s middle initial and the Roman II indicating Jr. on it. So now all of these sweet little genealogy ladies post the wrong information on the internet based on solid historical information from a photograph of his headstone. LOL.

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