Some good news.
We were featured today on American Renaissance and I am please to report Jared Taylor included my personal account of our successful activism in Middle Tennessee.
Counter-Protesters Outnumber League of the South Rally Attendees
Some good news.
We were featured today on American Renaissance and I am please to report Jared Taylor included my personal account of our successful activism in Middle Tennessee.
Counter-Protesters Outnumber League of the South Rally Attendees
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Can you stick this as the top OD post?
Hunter, can you face the fact that Taylor embodies the definition of White Fail? Well, in his case, it’s a success since I’m fairly certain White Fail is his goal.
I for one want to make it very clear that I come to a website like this and others to escape White Liberationist perverts like Jared Taylor.
If succeeding with him is something to brag about, I’m gone.
At some point you southerners will have to come to grips with reality. That is, if you are truly authentically pro-White.
What is your problem with Taylor?
Here’s my problem with Taylor:
You do the math, Lew. My mom had a saying: If you have to ask the question you wouldn’t understand the answer.
Oh, I’ll humor people. He does more than any black, hispanic, or jew could to divide the white upper and middle/lower classes, white men and white women, and the moderate masses from the ‘extremist’ or ‘radical’ elements.
TS Eliot had a saying that I’ll appropriate: “In the room the [pretty men] come and go, talking of Michelangelo…” From The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock…which reminds me of the Waste Land, which is what I’ll call any White Liberation movement grounded significantly in race realism.
The Waste Land. That is the realm over which Jared Taylor reigns supreme – by design.
GD has called out the most pivotal orchestrator of White Genocide and Slavery. They are man enough to not need a ‘manosphere.’
And they are saving their people and civilization.
Jared Taylor and American Rennaissance provide a unique, excellent resource for White Americans first contemplating pro White racial activism.
Amren is clean, safe, intelligent – well spoken, well dressed.
Amren does not allow anti Jewish hatred – this is a deal killer for regular American Whites trying to live successful mainstream American lives.
The key is to be effective at something at anything, in some small place like we were effective at the LOS protests in Middle Tenn.
Agree to an extent, but calling him the white fail seems a bit excessive.
“If succeeding with him is something to brag about, I’m gone.”
Then begone troll!
I grow weary of pro-Whites who make knee-jerk allegations against anyone who doesn’t perfectly measure up to their personal definition of the ideal pro-White.
“He doesn’t talk about Jews enough! Therefore he must be an anti-White incognito plotting to keep us divided!”
Sometimes I wonder whether such people are anti-White imposters themselves.
If you’re actually Jared Taylor, I can assure you I’m quite ‘Whiter’ than you.
I can also assure everyone that denying the jewish orchestration of anti-White is intentionally fraudulent, particularly when one is feigning ‘intellectualism.’
Jared isn’t Jared Taylor.
NY Yankees – what are you good at, OK, not bad at in terms of helping our cause? Who can you reach? If Jared Taylor isn’t for you? What is?
My experience leads me to say that most American Whites who are obsessed with the Jewish issue can’t seem to get along with anyone, including other anti Semites.
They see the whole world as wrong.
One makes oneself very unpopular instructing everyone else that they are always wrong.
“One makes oneself very unpopular instructing everyone else that they are always wrong.”
Take it from me: it’s nothing that eating right, getting regular exercise, and marksmanship training can’t prepare one for. Look at DixieGirl and Earl. They must be doing something right too!
Well , Jack, you pose a reasonable question, and I’ll put some thought into how to best answer it. I disagree vehemently with your assertions.
For now, since I’d take some time and don’t have it now to answer you I’d pose the question: what on earth has Jared Taylor *accomplished?*
So perhaps you can think about that. If ‘dressing nicely’ is all you have don’t bother.
Jack Ryan wrote:
My experience leads me to say that most American Whites who are obsessed with the Jewish issue can’t seem to get along with anyone, including other anti Semites.
I respond:
That’s one reason why I think AR’s desire to avoid the J-stuff, i.e. not openly taking one side or another and keeping the discussion on either side to a minimum and always on the level of civility, exists. But it’s my experience that people who let their minds become obsessed over TEH JOOOOOOOOZ~!1 will then go on to think crazy thoughts and draw crazy conclusions. Such as, being shills and making every excuse in the book for RON PAUL, because, you know, his isolationist foreign policy must mean he secretly has it out for TEH JOOOOOOOOZ~!1, (pay no attention to the border swinger-opener behind the curtain). A lot of other J-obsessed people I’ve known or been familiar with have gone on to do other stupid things like form alliances with radical white-hating non-whites who for whatever reason have a hard on for the Js.
The Jews are a powerful force against us and need to be reckoned with, although they aren’t looking to well right now after having called for an immediate military strike against Iran they are being dictated a foreign policy solution by the Big Five/Permanent veto power UN Security Council plus Germany! Bibi was not invited to the table.
Meanwhile he gets to continue to gobble up East Jerusalem. Maybe that’s the bone they threw him.
‘But it’s my experience that people who let their minds become obsessed over TEH JOOOOOOOOZ~!1 will then go on to think crazy thoughts and draw crazy conclusions. Such as, being shills and making every excuse in the book for RON PAUL, because, you know, his isolationist foreign policy must mean he secretly has it out for TEH JOOOOOOOOZ~!’
I’ve never met nor heard of any Ron Paul supporter who thought that.
Countenance, the same exact thing could be said about people who have NEGROPHOBIA. You obsess, can’t get along with anyone who doesn’t, and are known to make ill-fated alliances with rabid anti-whites – like these people you call ‘the JOOOS.’
Seriously, when you have to resort to typographic tactics to make your point you’ve already lost…
Amen doesn’t avoid – it represses. They can’t tolerate the most civilly expressed critique of the Israeli Lobby, which BTW, isn’t only a criticism of your ‘JOOOS,’ but is also one of the coalition it is comprised of. They are faux intellectuals plain and simple.
It’s also noteworthy that not one critic here has the guts to actually try to answer my question. Hmm…pretty boys….
‘doesn’t avoid – it represses’
Can there be such a thing as ‘the middle ground’ that merely practices avoidance? On some issues and questions there is no middle ground.
Amren’s policy about the Jewish issue comes down to a question of:
Can White Americans supposedly on our side submit to discipline and behave in an orderly, effective group way – follow rules according to dress, speech, when to stay silent and not shout about like a mob of out of control Negro 7th grade public school students (I should know, I taught 7th grade public school students).
The answer for most of our people is sadly “No” , no they can not.
OD has our own rules regarding comments – they are all very practical common sense rules – OD does allow intelligent discussion of the Jewish issue, provided the comments address the topic of the post. In theory this should satisfy those who bitterly complain that Jared Taylor has “sold out to the Jews”. In practice these same types can’t submit to any discipline and violate OD comment guidelines, jumping and shouting, riding hobby horses flaming Jews, Catholics, Latter Day Saints or worse, hating on White women.
White Power – you want it, we’ve got it.
Mosin Nagant says:
November 8, 2013 at 12:40 pm
‘But it’s my experience that people who let their minds become obsessed over TEH JOOOOOOOOZ~!1 will then go on to think crazy thoughts and draw crazy conclusions. Such as, being shills and making every excuse in the book for RON PAUL, because, you know, his isolationist foreign policy must mean he secretly has it out for TEH JOOOOOOOOZ~!’
I’ve never met nor heard of any Ron Paul supporter who thought that.”
Jack Ryan replies:
Have to strongly disagree there. Jamie Kelso and the Oldman at WhiteNewsnow have been covering for Ron Paul/Rand Paul’s shameless immigration treason, race treason for years – insisting that Ron Paul’s F immigration grade from NumbersUSA was a mistake or just not important as Ron Paul was a White savior who was about save everything.
Even when Rand Paul takes the 30 pieces of silver and dons a Yalmulkah and does a propaganda trip to the wailing wall in Israel, he ‘s still supposed to be a great leader on our side because he speaks out against US Military drone attacks against US Citizens (nasty Ay-ram Muslim extremists leaders in Yemen).
The reality is that Ron Paul and Rand Paul are simply pandering to any and all non Whites, including both anti White Jews and throat cutting anti White Muslims, they always include some race denying Constitutionalist, Libertarian spin to make it sound OK to (exclusively White) Libertarian Constitutionalist cult followers.
Silly slogans Jack? You have ‘White Power?’
I didn’t notice…
Jack Ryan writes:
“NY Yankees – what are you good at, OK, not bad at in terms of helping our cause? Who can you reach? If Jared Taylor isn’t for you? What is?
My experience leads me to say that most American Whites who are obsessed with the Jewish issue can’t seem to get along with anyone, including other anti Semites.
They see the whole world as wrong.
One makes oneself very unpopular instructing everyone else that they are always wrong.”
Am I a crazy white bitch or something? How have you deluded yourself into thinking that Jared Taylor actually attracts people….? Hello?
I’ve studied the site exhaustively for a year. There ain’t one white middle class or average IQ’d person who ever hangs out for more than…I dunno…maybe a week. None. I challenge you, Dear Jack, to proffer proof that Taylor ‘attracts’ people.
He alienates, disaffects, demoralizes and ultimately embitters and repels the majority of Whites. I have a high IQ, or so they say, so I somehow tolerated the stink of their effete elitism for far longer than any person of the middle or lower working class normally would. But I am no dupe, and you either lack the most basic skills of observation or you really are nuts.
One makes oneself very unpopular instructing everyone else that they are always stupid, slovenly and negligible – which is exactly what Taylor does. I don’t base my White Pride in the denigration of other races. FYI, I am no anti-semite; I am pro-White, which requires an absolute intolerance of Zionism, which requires intolerance of Judaism, plain and simple.
You truly believe telling middle class Whites that they’re inferior and that their lives and suffering don’t matter is White Power.
God help us.
Southerners seem to think they’re going to re-fight the Civil War. You lost, and now the battle is only in your minds. Yankee values came to dominate the country, and they are based on an ideal of fairness, of middle class opportunity and ‘egalitarianism.’ Southerners became almost as infected with the perversion of these ideals as the northerners; the only thing the vast majority of Whites will respond to is the exposing of liberalism’s faux populism. They were sold, or force-fed really, the lies that the ‘JOOOS’ concocted. White Privilege is a concept ‘discovered’ by Noel Ignatiev.
These people will never unite behind any movement premised on race realist elitism. And make no mistake, that is what race realism is 90% classism, 10% science.
In the same time Michos has built, or re-built, a party and soon, a country, pro-Whites in the US have just dug their grave deeper. Name one middle class White who identifies with Taylor. Hell, name me one who isn’t repulsed by his cult.
I have a great deal of respect for Taylor. His model of pro-White activism is one which can appeal to average people. He doesn’t put folks off the way skinheads, Nazis and many WNs do. For us to make any headway it’s going to take more folks like him speaking up in clear language with a professional, attractive image.
Mr. Taylor has written and published great books and a great web site, conferences ahh, just OK.
So you think you can do better?
Let’s see something, anything.
Swiss, French and Russian Nationalistsvare contending for #1 positions in their countries. Even the Dutch have had solid success.
Americans prefer to whine, endlessly discuss World War II – where even Hitler wasn’t tough enough on the Jews.
Wow. Jack Ryan is now deleting posts. My post, and Lew’s were removed, when we wrote truthful info about Taylor.
Ryan – Dalton’s Sheeny Gelte has bought you very cheap. For shame.
NYYankees – Jared Taylor is a very smart, highly educated Yale University graduate. He is fluent in French and Japanese. American Renaissance’s readership is upscale, highly educated – it’s not designed for the masses of poor and working class Whites.
Different strokes for different White folks.
If you desire to hang out with exclusively poor and working class Whites, why not post comments on hunting blogs, fishing blogs, hockey or UFC blogs?
As of now, you are not being a positive commenter on Occidental Dissent – you’re just being negative, lashing out at intelligent, hard working White men like Jared Taylor.
You think you can do better? Fine – turn off the Jew tube, stop watching/worshipping NFL, SECBlack football thugs, organize something – let’s see if your organization has more effective members so that they can’t all fit in an MG Mini Cooper.
Talk is cheap, and ranting and raving on “I hates the Joooooz”, well -that’s not being effective.
Please go hang out somewhere else and stop trolling here. You’re being negative defeatist, and constantly on the rag.
Women are only supposed to be on the rag a few days a month, you seem to be on the rag most every day of the month.
American Renaissance has been an excellent magazine blog on our side for many years.
This week American Renaissance published my account of our excellent, successful LOS immigration protests in Middle Tenn. thousand of intelligent White Americans read my account of our success in Middle Tenn – any will be inspired to work hard for similar successes. Your negativity might as well be written by ADL, SPLC.
I worked very hard on these protests and spent considerable personal resources on billboard and newspaper advertising.
Our LOS activism was a solid success – understand? Success – as opposed to failure, always losing, always being negative, complaining, ragging.
It is a very dangerous, hostile world in North America these days.
We need to support, healthy, positive, successful White men and women of all ages, classes, regions.
Your negativity is not helpful – please stop it or better off go away.
Deniece I have written to Hunter about this outrageous censorship – JR is the likely culprit. You call him out beautifully.
NYYankees – please do something constructive for OD – send financial support, pass out literature, forward good (including my) OD articles to positive new people.
Please stop being negative, defeatist.
Hunter and I and many, many others (especially) in the League of the South are working very hard and being successful in the real world.
Hanging out on the Internet and being negative, trying to get tall by cutting down the solid achievements of others, that’s not being helpful.
Please stop this.
When you get a free moment after the CoCCC conference, could you ban a few IP addresses of trolls from the North/Northeast?
It doesn’t really matter if the trolls are Jews, half Jews, homosexuals, bi-racial Antifas, or more likely just negative, lazy loners who insist on hanging out on the Internet and ragging on those of us having modest success in te real world.
OD is a Southern Nationalist, Southern Seperatist blog – some solid men from the North like Steve D have worked very hard, driven great distances to support our Southern kinsmen. These other negative, lazy nay Sayers in nasty Northern places, we don’t need their negativity.
JR, congrats for putting Denise in her place! It’s been long overdue, IMHO. I hope Hunter agrees with you about banning Denise and her fellow trolls, because all of them has become negative and vicious. Denise’s slander of the Tinley Park folks was a deal breaker for me. I knew one of the TP’ers, my friend Tom Stuart, and to read Denise’s put down of these folks was shocking. BTW, you can ask me for money, just don’t spend on something disgusting.