About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the influx of African-Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self-improvement, hard work and a self-reliant nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.

  2. He’s just another example of the seemingly impossible task of unseating an incumbent senator by the corrupt election system in the USA. I used to wonder how Mass could put up with Ted Kennedy…….until South Carolina got Lindsey Graham.

  3. If being an American is an “idea” who needs us White folk? This loathsome creature is what a race traitor looks like and sounds like, far worse than any “Israeli masters” he may have.

  4. Wes: It would be common place if the primary challengers voted for the other side in the general to at least get a real chance in 6 years.

    That’s the one good thing about the Ron Paul folks is that they don’t “hold their nose and vote”. That type of non-participation can change the world (e.g. Christianity).

  5. Look at all those happy faces in the audience. I wonder how much moonshine they had before they listened to him?

  6. A flaming queer, anti White, open border immigration LaRasa pander, Neo Conservative war monger for Israel – hard to get much worse than that.

    And this horrible act is p,saying in South Carolina – once considered the most conservative Southern, Southern state.

    I think it’s time to temporarily take down the Confederate battle flag at the SC state capital, until at least the time South Carolina elects a straight Southerner in to the offices of Governor, US Senator.

  7. How did SC end up with this turkey in the Senate?

    How did Tennessee wind up with Alexander and Corker?

    How did Arizona end up with McCain and Flake?

    The answer is the modern nature of Senate elections. They’re expensive statewide affairs, so any monied special interest that wants something out of the Federal government will open it war chest big time for Senate elections. It’s especially problematic on immigration, because of the cost of the union, the exclusive jurisdiction that the Feds have given itself on immigration affairs, and the fact that every Senator is 1/100th the power of the whole Senate. The EL CHEAPO open borders labor lobby will really really focus on Senate races. It doesn’t matter to them who the Governor of SC, TN or AZ is, or who their state legislators are. But it matters to them a whole lot who their U.S. Senators are. And that’s how a states with good electorates wind up with goofballs as Senators.

    Let me put it to you this way: Do you think Donny Smith is focusing on who is in the U.S. Senate from Tennessee? Of course he does.

  8. I’ll tell you how this has happened. It’s because SC votes along racial lines. The vast majority of white people in SC wouldn’t be caught dead voting for a Democrat above the state level. Throw in the overwhelming religious vote, which just happens to play in beautifully with Grahams pro-Israel stance and you have yourself a career US senator. There are legions of white people here, fundamentalists, who think that they are going to hell if they don’t give their child’s milk money to Israel. Sad but true. The Republican establishment in SC isn’t going to back another horse, because they have a winner in Graham. He has seniority and media clout. He can do things for them and I’m sure he does. Graham is gonna stay in the Senate. Mark my words. It is ironic that the other Senator from SC, Scott, a black republican, is about as “white” as any white Southerner could ask for. He’s done a good job. He was run because it was PC and he had a solid Republican voting record. It turned out to be a pretty smart move. I didn’t like it at first but so far he’s towed the lie he was hired for. No white man is doing any better as far as I know. We’ll see. Either way, he’s a made man as well. Graham is a pig……….but he, like Schumer and Feinstein and the rest are here to stay. It doesn’t matter where he’s from. It’s the way it is in this Amerika.

  9. “He’s the most loathsome creature in the US Senate …”

    I dunno. McCain, Boxer, Schumer, and Feinstein give him a run for the money.

  10. Wes says: ‘There are legions of white people here, fundamentalists, who think that they are going to hell if they don’t give their child’s milk money to Israel. Sad but true.’

    Graham knows he will always be able to count on them through thick and thin.

  11. The preamble of the constitution says the country was an ethno-state: “for us and our posterity.” Why doesn’t anyone ever call him on the stupid “Idea” meme?

    (Or what all has to be swept under the rug in order to pretend it was ever an Idea-state instead of the reality of the ethno-state it was? To pretend a clear ethno-state was an Idea-state, you have to wipe out a bunch of folks, and that would be genocide.)

  12. …the real demographic makeup of early america also completley supports the reality of its creation, just like israel or any indian reservation, as an ethno-state

  13. Physical force.

    Water balloons filled with vile liquids.

    Forget voting, guns are too much – they never get used for queer, open borders immigration, Neo conservative traitors, queer, Christian Zionists like Lidsey Graham.

    Water balloons filled with vile liquids.

  14. This comment was posted on another thread, where it disappeared immediately:

    Re: “Mea culpa”:

    You wrote to me: “Tithe some small every month ~ $20, pass out literature,
    write letters to public officials etc. OD did ban a few people making
    consistent troll comments. Please note and make some changes in your
    personal life”:

    So you threaten to have me banned, and pronounce my ‘personal life’ (that
    you know nothing about) in need of some reform, while preaching that I
    should pay TITHES to your project on a monthly basis!

    You also brought up Stephen Dalton (who represents our Papist enemies) to

    “Steve D drove all the way from Middle Illinois to participate (…) Steve
    did a great job and was warmly welcomed by our Southern brothers in the
    South. Right now I don’t see you doing much of anything positive for OD”!

    So aren’t YOU the one trolling, and breaking your own rules, Jack?

    Re: “hobby horse theological disputes”: Christianity is NEVER a ‘hobby
    horse’. That view approaches blasphemy. Biblical doctrine and theology is
    ALWAYS relevant to political discussion — and don’t you know that
    Christian revival is THE essential key ingredient for white racial, ethnic
    and cultural revival?

    I rest my case.

  15. In 2002, Strom Thurmond steps down. Graham had no challenger for the GOP primary.

    In 2008, Buddy Witherspoon (R) ran, but he was linked with the CofCC or some such.

    Also in 2008, Bob Conley (D) opposed Graham. Conley was a fairly paleoesque candidate.

  16. Wes,

    Older South Carolinians view the GOP as the “party of big business”. They loath voting Republican, there just never are any good candidates.

    My grandfather was that way anyway, and I agree with him.

  17. “How did SC end up with this turkey in the Senate?”

    Money mostly – plus on average they probably need more blackmail dirt on the bought politicians in the most conservative states to prevent any back-sliding due to public opinion. Hence why, counter-intuitively maybe, their supposedly conservative shills are more likely to have damaging sexual secrets than their liberal shills.

  18. Mosin Nagant, Jack Ryan is right. Do something for the cause instead of bitching, bellyaching, and trolling all the time. Show up at one of our demonstration to hold a sign like I did, or send Hunter or Jack some moolah to defray expenses for the next demo if you can’t make it.

    For you to accuse JR of being a troll is a hoot! You’re the one who’s always making inflammatory, hateful statements to create controversies where none exists. Grow up, and start acting like an adult.

  19. Hey Mosin,

    Just lighten up and stop launching in to theological rants. Stephen is not any type of “Papist enemy” – he’s a very solid, hard working White guy. He drove all the way from Central Illinois to be a positive part of our successful demonstration in Tennessee. One of the keys to our success was :


    No one in our demonstration was ranting and raving like some crazy loon, attacking other people’s Christian faith.

    We’re trying to win friends and influence people, not confirm the MSM stereotype that we are a bunch of crazy loons.

    Most of the time, the best thing to do is to keep quiet and not say anything.

    If you don’t have something positive, intelligent to say, don’t say anything.

    Thanks again Stephen for doing the hard work to make our demonstration a solid success. You’re a stand up guy and I was honored to be with you in our successful demonstration.

  20. It might have been an idea. Now? It’s just a playground for Lawyers and Judges. It’s the dead letter and not the spirit.

  21. Mosin, your ‘papist enemies’, probably that should be ‘Papist’ hold the full and complete Christian doctrine of the Kingship of the Lord Jesus Christ over all nations. You haven’t read the compelling doctrine of Quas Primas, based upon the all the relevant Biblical texts? Now there is a surprise.

    Quas Primas: the Social Reign of Christ the King – given at Rome by Pope Pius XI on December 11, 1925.

    This is the doctrine for our time. The banner of our Lord’s Sacred Heart for the restoration of all things in Christ (omnia instaurare in Christo) is the game changer against the enemies of God and the Church – now riding high on the hog. It is the victory for the post Christian White race in its respective nations.

    Our Lord is King by Divine nature. He is the Eternal Word by Whom all that exists was created in the beginning, by Him and for Him. “All authority in heaven and earth is given to me”

    “His Kingship is founded upon the ineffable hypostatic union. From this it folows not only that Christ is to be worshipped by angels and men, but to Him as man, both men and angels are subject and must recognise his empire, by reason of the hypostatic union, Christ has power over all creatures.” In recognizing His empire (all creation), men are also bound to recognize his enemies – that is the organized (let me repeat: organized) forces of anti-Christ both natural and supernatural.

    You are always on this messageboard, Mosin, giving assistance to the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ who deny this doctrine which the Roman Catholic Church defines on the basis of both scripture and Apostolic tradition – a doctrine which the Church holds, professes and proclaims in the face of anti-Christ.

  22. Anyone who believes any of this New Testament total BS based on some after-the-supposed-fact story is a lunatic. Anyone who takes seriously the meaningless blather from some dead pope in 1925 (of all years!) is an idiot. Papal infallibility indeed…

  23. It’s time to admit defeat. We have lost our nation. When you accept this sad truth, you are free to focus on what is most important: where do we go from here?

  24. We’ve lost the country; the nation is still ours to preserve. And the first order of business is to ask the same question of all matters: Is it good for the whites?

  25. Re: ‘If you don’t have something positive, intelligent to say, don’t say anything’:

    If you don’t agree with Jack Ryan, you may be neither positive nor intelligent, in his opinion, and you should not SAY anything, or your comment might be deleted on his post threads and he will probably recommend banning from OD.

    However, Jack is right when he stresses our duty of practical political involvement, though he is very wrong not to take Christianity ‘too seriously’ and considering vital Christian witness to be nothing but ‘crazy loon ranting and raving’.

    Many southerners DO take Christian doctrine seriously, and Biblical Christianity is THE essential key ingredient for southern white renewal and independence.

    For the record, what I wrote in those Jack-deleted comments was essentially that I don’t think the proposed anti-‘Yankee’ propaganda strategy would be wise. I didn’t mention or stress religion in those deleted comments.

    Re: ‘You are always on this messageboard, Mosin, giving assistance to the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ who deny this doctrine which the Roman Catholic Church defines’:

    Lynda or whoever you are, I suspect that you are always propagandising ‘what the Roman Catholic Church defines’ on MANY message boards, and in other venues, around Australia and the world.

  26. Porter,

    nation = people. We’ve still got our nation, yes!

    The polity can go to Hell, so long as the nation survives.

    Where to go? If we can throw Graham out without wasting too many resources, we can go there. Otherwise, yea, it’s best to just ignore the election.

    I’m not a fan-boy, but for an example: If Hunter Wallace goes out and has 6 kids rather than 4, but resources spent mean Graham is reelected (lacking Wallace’s meager contribution, the tide is turned), I suspect we can declare victory. I’m just saying that, because he’s getting married. Politics is vitally important, but most political causes appear to be a waste of time and resources. Imagine being the grandson of Gordon Baum! I hope they have 20 kids.

  27. Imagine future leaders such as these in charge of a new Dixie. They would not allow any ‘crazy’ expressions of difference of opinion about religion, and all anti-Papists would be silenced. I don’t think most white southerners or northerners want that kind of future. Slaves may love and adore such despotism, but freemen will despise and resist it.

  28. Mosin, please leave your basement, and go to the next LOS demonstration. Learn how people in the real world fight for their nation, kith, and kin. Ignoramuses may love and adore the paranoid fantasy world they live in, but the knowledgeable will despise and resist it.

  29. Let me recite a few of the invectives flamed at me so far, mostly by you, Stephen Dalton: fool, heretic, paranoid, basement dweller, ignoramus, hater, bigot, fantasy, television couch sitter, crazy, ranting and raving, insane, fanatic, loon, troll.

    Facts and truth are much stronger than bullying verbage, much more persuasive.

    You are too intelligent to be representing the evil system of Roman Catholicism innocently, and be recommending that everyone here stop ‘negative’ commenting and instead keep themselves occupied driving back and forth across the country (paying for our own travel costs, and losing income and possibly our jobs) to wave your group-approved flags, hold their manufactured signs and pass out group literature at every ‘distraction’ (I mean: demonstration). If the demonstrations addressed the root of the problem directly, and if they recommended the right solution, you would certainly not join them.

  30. Mosin, I’ve known people like you all my life, before and after I became a Catholic. Foo, I used to be just like you, completely obsessed with the so-called whore of Babylon being the enemy of mankind. Once I left the sectarian group I was involved in, that view faded over the years. Facts and truth are much stronger than the black legends pushed by bigoted hatemongers like Herbert Armstrong and others about the Church. You are too intelligent to be representing your extreme sectarian views innocently. And take HW’s advice, start a group in Penn’s Woods if you don’t want to travel all over the country to attend demonstrations.

  31. The LOS and COCC are actually doing something concrete about White replacement / displacement. It hasn’t yet come to open ethnic cleansing – but it will.

    In the face of this, Mosin has 20 tabs open and (apart from his papist obsession) can be solidly depended upon to deliver a negative message and depress morale.

    It is doubtful that Mosin could manage to close all 20 tabs, log off, load the dishwasher and walk the shih-tzu – much less organize in Penn Woods.

  32. Mosin needs to understand one can undermine a solid case by overstating or exaggerating it, and that’s what his anti-Catholicism does (not that Dalton’s divisive anti-Protestantism is any better). Theology aside, Mosin is right about the importance of addressing root causes.

  33. ‘Mosin needs to understand one can undermine a solid case by overstating or exaggerating it’

    You’re right, Lew. I did overstate some of the weaknesses of the current
    protest demonstration strategy, and of Jack Ryan’s suggested new Anti-
    ‘Yankee’ (anti-northern-white) ‘protest issue’ — that the South needs to
    break away from the corrupt Liberal NORTH – dominated Amuricah’
    and that ‘YANKEES tolerate promote homosexual extremism including
    queer rapist Cannibals’ (I thought we were done with the “damnyankee”
    meme on OD). But the flaming reactions that erupted and continue are

    ‘Lynda the Jesuitess’ or Jesuit stand-in fumes that ‘Mosin has 20 tabs
    open’ and ‘is on this message board all the time’ — just as she is, but on
    the opposite side. Fear not Lynda, I comment on only two or three blogs
    and not all of them daily, so I am not too influential online — and realise
    it is up to me and Hunter whether I continue to read and comment here.
    I am at the point of ending online activity with so much practical or real
    world, direct, political activity going on here. But I won’t be bullied into
    doing so.

    Dalton portrays me as a ‘bigoted hatemonger’ who is ‘completely obsessed’
    with the ‘SO-CALLED’ Whore of Babylon — and that those who don’t bow
    to the infallible Pope of his ‘true Church’ have ‘EXTREME sectarian views’.
    Southern white Independent Baptists and other southern white Christians
    who understand these things, if you are reading this blog take notice, and

  34. Re: ‘Instead of arguing about theology, why don’t you do something practical like start a group in Pennsylvania’:

    Hunter, do you realise we already have an active CofCC group based in this state. What other, different kind of group would YOU recommend starting?

    Regarding Biblical, Christian, theology, you should know it is NEVER a ‘hobby horse’ but always the CENTRAL, key issue in politics! There is no other Foundation that southern white ethnonationalism and other white movements should build on. All other foundations, schemes and devices will fail.

    Finally, thanks for all your work on this blog and practical political activity. We will continue to pray for you both as you prepare for the wedding and the God-ordained married life.

  35. Like white sub-ethnicity, pagan v Christian, skepticism v faith, and man versus woman, Protestant v. Catholic is a debate that divides whites at a time when we need as much unity as possible. By continuing this particular fight, intentionally or not, Mosin, Lynda and Dalton are serving Talmudic interests. Do you three need a skeptic like me to tell you to review John 8:44 – 45 and bury the hatchet?

  36. You have yet to make one, positive statement on the Christian faith or theology, Mosin. You have yet to actually state the Christian confession ie ‘Foundation’ which you personally hold. People who state they have no personal credo (let alone the Christian faith) often read the Bible and find parts of the Bible they like and agree with. So what.

    Your only contribution to what you are calling the ‘central key issue in politics’ [the Christian faith] consists of your bigoted tirades against the Roman Catholic Church. You have yet to make one constructive statement showing how the Christian faith is ‘the Foundation that southern white ethnonationalism should build on’.

  37. BTW, Mosin – the troll – you have 6 rants on this thread taking issue with at least 7 people. Not one addresses the actual topic of the post.

    I think Stephen E Dalton has 4 comments with his first comment being about the Graham vid.

    I have three comments addressed to you as an anti-Catholic bigot and troll.

  38. Re: “at least 7 people”:

    A symbolic number like the ‘6,000’ Holocausted? Jesuits learn to lie without guilt. Let the South beware of this kind of influence, emanating from as far away as Australia!

    Lew, I agree that “we need as much unity as possible’ and a favourite motto is: ‘Unity in essentials, liberty in nonessentials, charity in all things’. True unity involves and requires agreement on certain essentials, including right doctrine. Whites are already divided (and will be divided for eternity at the Judgement) into those who believe and obey the Christ, the resurrected Son of God, and those who really DON’T. If more whites would deliberately turn to Him from their dark, wicked ways, He will heal our land and we will not NEED any further propaganda, schemes or devices in order to SEPARATE ourselves from darkness. True, obedient Faith is essential for our unity. The South is supposed to contain ‘the Bible Belt’, and any Christian southerners (and northerners) who may be reading this blog will understand, and are certain to agree.

  39. I have no idea why this blog tolerates obvious shills, disruptors, provocateurs and comment hijackers.

    It’s transparent when people post comment after comment deliberately distracting us from the topic of each post — Lindsey Graham in this case.

    This blog and others like it are too important to be derailed.

  40. Anon, it is PERFECTLY on topic, entirely salient, to note that if southerners were really on fire for the Faith instead of sports entertainment, drugs, etc., they would NEVER have voted for the likes of Lindsey in the first place or they would denounce him out of office, and would be flocking to TRULY conservative churches and pastors who would be leading the fight. When or if revival comes, white renewal will follow.

  41. Anon, it is evidence of the depth of white depravity in these times that even on a SOUTHERN ethnonationalist blog, overtly Christian commentary which one would have thought should be the rule not an exception among people of the Bible Belt is attacked as ‘crazy loon’, ‘bigoted’, ‘hate’ speech by some of the regular commenters.

  42. Lew, I’m not trying to be “divisive” concerning religion. Nor am I trying to “serve Talmudic interests”. I do not enjoy having to tangle with Mosin. I want to discuss the issues brought up by HW and JR as much as you do. My religion informs my beliefs on race, kith, and kin. However, Mosin is always questioning the truthfulness and sincerity of the Catholics on this board. I have never questioned the same of any Protestant on OD. As a Catholic, I naturally believe my faith is the historical faith handed down from the days of the original apostles. That upsets some folks, but that is what I sincerely believe. However, I have, since maturing in the Catholic faith, have never gone out of my way to spread hatred against other creeds. I’m far more interested in spreading the news about salvation through Christ, than I am in running down other religions. I find runner downs to be pathetic losers who’s main joy in life seems to be a pathological obsession with someone else’s faults. The only time I become even remotely concerned with other religions, is when their behavior threatens the social fabric. So, I get worried when religions that are historically Anti-Christian (Judaism, Islam) gain power in our society. But I’m even more concerned when I see Anti-Christian sectarianism (such as socialism, social gospel, social justice, etc) come into the Church. I want these false ideas (heresies) to be outside, looking in, because if these ideas get into the church, they have an easier way of getting into the mainstream of society, because they will have the odor of sanctity around them. So I’m far more concerned with the “divisiveness” in my church than causing it on OD.

  43. Stephen, I believe the first time I ever brought up the evil of Romanism on this blog, after nearly three years of commenting, was after you appeared a few months ago and repeatedly attacked and misrepresented some of my comments, and began ‘tangling’ (as you call it) with my responses to your attacks and misrepresentations. Lynda and other RC commenters were commenting here LONG before you appeared, and of course I took note of their positions but I never ‘tangled’ with any of them.

    Remember that our first exchanges in the comment threads on this blog were friendly, even though your religious viewpoint was already obvious.

    This last flurry of attacks began when Jack DELETED my comment on his last thread about his proposed new ‘Yankee’ meme strategy (I said I thought the days of anti-‘damnyankee’-ism were over on OD and that we were becoming more broadly white-oriented like the CofCC) and Jack suggested very pointedly that I should follow the example of Stephen Dalton, in paying ‘tithes’ and attending the rallies. You joined in at that point, although you had promised earlier that you would ‘no longer feed this troll’.

    When you call the truth ‘heretical’, ‘radical sectarian’, etc., it was my duty to answer — but not endlessly, because the truth needs no human defender, and He calls us to peace.

    So I give my word: I will not reference your name or any of your comments on OD at any time in the future, Stephen, unless you should change your mind and ask me. The same word to Lynda, and to Jack Ryan — and I will no longer comment on any of Jack Ryan’s threads, unless he should ask me. May God bless all of you. Consider your ways.

  44. One correction, to ‘Lynda and other RC commenters were commenting here LONG before you appeared, and of course I took note of their positions but I never ‘tangled’ with any of them’:

    I never ‘tangled’ over issues of RELIGION, but I DID debate with Stonelifter for months over the moral nature of so-called ‘Yankee’ (north-of-the-Line) whites, and with another poster over whether Ron Paul’s positions of states’ rights including nullification and secession, and ending the endless wars and the reign of Global Bankers through the Fed and regulatory bureaucracy would have been more beneficial to white interests than the Neo-‘conservative’ program of the other white-skinned candidate.

  45. On behalf of “bigots” (those who disagree with Lindsey Graham), I would like to take this opportunity to tell Mr. Graham to shut up. We are tired of his divisive rhetoric.

  46. “Throw in the overwhelming religious vote, which just happens to play in beautifully with Grahams pro-Israel stance and you have yourself a career US senator”

    This is THE big problem with America, ‘Xtianity’ and our country’s demise.

    The HERESY of Dispensationalism, being Israel’s bitch, and the apostate nature of men like Robertson, Falwell, Swaggart, and now, the antichrist, John Hagee, are all fully due to this perversion of the Gospel.

    It has been denounced by Roman Catholics, Orthodoxy, Lutherans, Episcopals, and even some conservative Jews, who (rightly) say that “Until (the) Messiah comes, Israel cannot exist as a state.” They’re right- for the Jews’ messiah has already come, and they denied Him. So they’re completely disenfranchised, as that Diamond brothers video I put on here the other day, shows…. even to men like Joew, and Mr. Dalton.

    But dispensationalism? It’s a lost ideology, all round. It should be ‘Left Behind’- and quick.

  47. Mosin,

    I skimmed most of the above. I think you’re great. About Dalton… look above at who used the pictures of the LATIN audience to make remarks about moonshine, of all things. (Didn’t know the Latin people were particularly associated with that).

    Such, is a deflection from the real issue of Genocide, white Genocide and genocide of sub-groups. I am moderated, so we’ll see if this even reaches you.

    Don’t forget with Mr. Dalton, either, the energy that the figure of the recent “convert” often brings, far more disparaging and uncritical than the people who are really from whatever the deal is.

    They want anything but Genocide being discussed or the reality that the u.s. was created as an ethno-state NOT a “Proposition Nation,” and what they are getting out of REDEFINING the historical reality and burying historical truth.

    Hang in.

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