March 8: League of the South: Demonstration Against Marco Rubio & Amnesty (Tallahassee, FL)


The date and location of the fourth League of the South rally has been announced … March 8th at the Florida State Capitol in Tallahassee, Florida.

Note: We’re going to try something different this around.

We are raising money to erect a large “SECEDE” billboard in Tallahassee, preferably somewhere close by on I-10, so that commuters traveling into and out of Florida’s capitol will be exposed to the League of the South’s message.

The “Anti-Racist Is a Code Word for Anti-White” billboard in Harrison, Arkansas was a huge success. Similarly, the Virginia Flaggers had a lot of success when they erected their Confederate battle flag on the outskirts of Richmond, Virginia. We think a “SECEDE” billboard in Tallahassee will be even more provocative.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You should make sure the student population is in town, I graduated from FSU and if I recall, March 8th is spring break.

  2. Within a few minutes of putting out the call we got $120 in donations towards the billboard. We’re looking to raise $2,000. So we need your help to succeed with our ‘secede’ message.

  3. I think this is the ‘fighting fire with fire’ sort of strategy that will scare the Yankee Supremacists out of their gourds.

    Alternate secede with the ‘antiracist is a code word’ meme, as well as ‘We won’t be replaced’ to keep the various edges of this sort of ‘three-pronged’ strategy in the public’s consciousness.

    Great Idea.

  4. Tallahassee ‘secede’ billboard announcement!

    We have a donor who says: ‘I’ll match Dr. Hill’s 200 dollars. Find a donor to match our $200 and I’ll add another $100. I would like to create some friendly competition, although I’d prefer to do it anonymously.’

  5. The slogan,”If white people had a country of our own, this wouldn’t be happening.” by Harold Covington is complete gold. It automatically makes your mind dwell on the comparison. To read it correctly you must commit thought-crimes. I think a lot of folks have problems with Harold Covington but that’s a great line.

  6. It would be nice to take the movement north. Surely some small towns in the North would be receptive to our Freedom Rides. It would be a publicity stunt, but it could be worth doing.

  7. “I think a lot of folks have problems with Harold Covington but that’s a great line.”

    The problem with Covington is that he thinks that things can change with open military action against the federal government as depicted in his novels.

    Violence is the ultimate answer but only after the Feds have ceased to effectively function due to bankruptcy. For now, nullification, tax non-compliance, secession, public demonstrations, and leaderless resistance are the best options.

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