Tom Watson’s Racist Views, 100 Years Later



Warren Throckmorton, a longtime antagonist of the League of the South, is upset this morning by Tom Watson’s “racist views”:

“In life — especially later life, Tom E. Watson was a racist politician who found support among white Georgians. In death, he continues to find support from a cadre of white Southerners who want to turn back the clock. However, time marches on and Tom Watson’s statue has been removed from a place of prominence in front of the Georgia Capitol.”

Time has marched on … and Tom Watson, not his detractors, has been vindicated:

“Let them remember that, and quit knocking at us about lynchings. When the crimes stop, lynching will stop. Not a minute before.”
– Tom Watson

Tom Watson was partially wrong here, the heyday of lynching in Georgia was over by 1930, but black crime in Georgia has continued unabated down to the present. The US Congress never passed a federal anti-lynching law because lynching had become almost non-existent by the time of the Civil Rights Movement.

In Atlanta, OD found that blacks were responsible for 100 percent of homicide arrests, 95 percent of rape arrests, 94 percent of robbery arrests, 84 percent of aggravated assault arrests, and 93 percent of burglary arrests from April 2011 to April 2012. In Georgia as a whole, the non-White population (overwhelmingly black) was responsible for 77 percent of homicide, 65 percent of rape, 82 percent of robbery, 63 percent of aggravated assault, and 61 percent of burglary in 2010.

In 2012, there were 445 murders in Georgia, and 358 of them were committed by non-Whites – 80.4% of murder arrests in Georgia were non-White. Since violent crime is usually intraracial, it is reasonable to assume the overwhelming majority of these murder victims were black.

From 1882 until 1968, there were 435 black lynching victims in Georgia. In other words, more blacks are killed in Georgia every two years by other blacks than were lynched in Georgia in the entire Jim Crow era. In modern Atlanta, the only people who are murdering blacks (or anyone in the entire city) are black.

“One of the Civil War Amendments to the Constitution frees our brother in black; and he is now very free, everywhere, and is robustly asserting his right to be more so, especially at the North where he is so universally loved and fondly coddled.”
– Tom Watson, 1917

In 48 percent black Camden, New Jersey (95 percent non-White, including Hispanics), 3 out of 882 high school seniors scored “college ready” on the SAT in 2012. In 2009, Detroit Public School students (88 percent black) turned in the lowest scores ever recorded in the national math proficiency test over its then 21-year history.

Blacks are also robustly asserting their freedom in New York City, where they are responsible for 55.5% percent of homicide, Chicago, where they are responsible for 76.2% of homicide, and Philadelphia, where they are responsible for 83% of homicide. Since 1969, 21,000 people, overwhelmingly black, have been murdered in Detroit alone.

“White men made our social system what it is. White men made our governmental system what it is. White men founded our educational and religious systems. And white men should maintain what their ancestors established. We don’t need any of the colored and inferior races to defend our homes and firesides, our institutions and our liberties. We don’t need the negro in the army, nor in the civil service. We don’t need the Chinaman, the Jap, or the Hindoo. The uniform, the gun, the office, the ballot belong to white men, and our future will never be safe until we exclude from military and political privileges every colored man whomsoever.”
– Tom Watson, 1911

Since the 1960s, blacks have been given the ballot, and they have taken over the “governmental system” in cities like Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Birmingham, Jackson, Memphis, and Camden, not to mention around 97 counties in the South.

The paradise that black empowerment has created in the Mississippi Delta, the Alabama Black Belt, Birmingham, St. Louis, and Detroit illustrate what happens whenever blacks are put in charge of formerly White institutions.

“But the Negro? Poor, inferior copyist of the master-race, he is as incapable of maintaining a civilization as he is of originating one. For himself, he can do nothing. Civilize him in America and send him to Liberia, and what happens? He sinks, lapsing toward the barbarous state; and begins to implore the whites to come to his relief.”
– Tom Watson, 1911

In 1911, Liberia was a relatively civilized place compared to the state of Liberia in 2011 in the wake of the Liberian Civil War.

In 2003, the Second Liberian Civil War got so bad that President George W. Bush sent an aircraft carrier and 1,500 US marines into Liberia to overthrow Charles Taylor and put an end to the conflict. The US has propped up the Liberian state ever since.

“Civilize him in San Domingo, and what is the result? As soon as the French go away, and the negro becomes his own boss, down he goes. The varnish of Latin culture wears off, and there’s your nigger. And such is the chaotic bestiality into which he plunges, that the whites must needs rush to the rescue… you seldom see, in one of our towns and cities, a negro buck or young woman who has no bodily defect… Lacking in the characteristics that make for civilization, the negro can not be educated into white black-men.”
– Tom Watson, 1911

In Tom Watson’s time, it was common knowledge that freedom had failed in Haiti and Liberia and that the cause was inherent racial differences in capacity for self government. This was the view of the US State Department:

“The experience of Liberia and Haiti show that the African race are devoid of any capacity for political organization and lack genius for government. Unquestionably there is an inherent tendency to revert to savagery and to cast aside the shackles of civilization which are irksome to their physical nature. Of course, there are many exceptions to this racial weakness, but it is true of the mass, as we know from experience in this country. It is that which makes the negro problem practically unsolvable.”
– Secretary of State Robert Lansing, 1918

A hundred years later, Haiti after decades of rule by “Papa Doc” and “Baby Doc” Duvalier and four years after the 2010 earthquake is still writing in the same misery observed by Tom Watson. The only real difference is that Haiti is now effectively governed by the U.N. and is the home of more NGOs per capita than any other country in the world. Foreigners and NGOs have spent billions of dollars on foreign aid, relief, and charity there since the beginning of the Cold War.

Since the 1950s, Jamaica, Ghana, Somalia, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the rest of sub-Saharan Africa have all followed the same dismal trajectory since independence, which has only been tempered by fluctuations in commodity prices caused by swings in the global economy.

Whose views have withstood the test of the time? Is it Tom Watson, writing in 1911 about the prospects of Haiti and Liberia, or Martin Luther King, Jr, who told America that he saw “the Promised Land” from his rhetorical mountaintop in 1968?

The hysterical moral shrieking from the likes of Warren Throckmorton and his ilk have grown louder over the last half century largely because their liberal fantasies have stubbornly failed to materialize.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Watson was right on nearly everything, but weak on Christian doctrine. He was a descendant of liberal Quakers on both sides. If he had only undergirded his political work with a sound doctrinal position, it would have been more powerful and much more enduring.

  2. However, Watson began his political career as a racially inclusive populist, SUPPORTING full enfranchisement for Africans, and other African interests as well as the interests of poor whites against the wealthy elites. Not until the election of 1904, seeing the exploitation of African voters by electoral opponents, did he switch to DISENFRANCHISEMENT — and his awakenings to the evils of Roman Catholicism and Talmudism seem to have come even later.

  3. As Jefferson said, “There is not a truth existing which I fear… or would wish unknown to the whole world.”

    Knowing that we advocate Truth regarding race gives me optimism. Truth may be suppressed for a time but it is only temporary. As soon as the edifice of lies begin to crack then like a damn holding back all that water it suddenly gives way and Truth once again flows freely. Soon we’ll find people that are now silent or even those who now celebrate diversity will say they were with us all along.

  4. ‘Soon we’ll find people that are now silent or even those who now celebrate diversity will say they were with us all along’:

    Watch out for some of those bandwagon ride hitchers.

  5. Tom Watson was a Methodist, and much of his writing was discussed with, and possibly co-authored by a Methodist minister who met with Watson on weekly basis. The Watson Brown Foundation knows the identity of the minister.

    Watson also had an “in” the US State Department who fed him information about the Roman Catholic Church in Europe, and about European socialists, possibly this Lansing fellow mentioned by Hunter?

  6. Second Liberian Civil War

    That was more like a perpetual gang beef. Black African “armies,” “militias,” “rebel groups” aren’t really those things. They are nothing more than enhanced street gangs. General Butt Naked’s outfit is what black American street gangs would (d)evolve into if white police, courts and jails weren’t around to somewhat keep them in check.

    In Tom Watson’s time, it was common knowledge that freedom had failed in Haiti and Liberia and that the cause was inherent racial differences in capacity for self government.

    Even before them. Why did most Southern states antebellum, including Missouri, have laws prohibiting literacy education to blacks? Because of what happened in Haiti. The prevailing fear was that the “education” provided to black slaves wouldn’t be education (as if they had the real ability to absorb genuine education), but instead would be insurrectionist agitprop.

  7. “Watson was right on nearly everything, but weak on Christian doctrine.”

    What Christian doctrine is that Mosin? You cowardly continue to refuse to state your denomination.

    This hurts your Christian spamming credibility no end.

  8. “Knowing that we advocate Truth regarding race gives me optimism. Truth may be suppressed for a time but it is only temporary. As soon as the edifice of lies begin to crack then like a damn holding back all that water it suddenly gives way and Truth once again flows freely. Soon we’ll find people that are now silent or even those who now celebrate diversity will say they were with us all along.”

    Truth doesn’t come with a capital “T.”

  9. @Hunter: Off topic but interesting: Two books I’ve run across that cover the forgotten history of ‘Operation Peter Pan’ (‘Pedro Pan’) the American taxpayer-funded and CIA-assisted, RC-managed importation of about 14,000 Latin infants and young children to the United States that took place around 1961-62: ‘Babies Without Borders’ by Karen Dubinsky (reviewed here: and ‘Somebody’s Children: The Politics of Transracial and Transnational Adoption’ by Laura Briggs

    Who is behind, and who benefits from the last half century of taxpayer- and government-assisted multiracial baby traffic into our country? ‘Operation Peter Pan’, discussed in these books, seems to have been a trial run for the much more ambitious (aimed at importing up to 70,000 babies and minors) taxpayer-funded, military-assisted, mostly RC-managed baby snatch out of Southeast Asia (‘Operation Baby Lift’) ten years later — which was followed by decades of mass baby importation from Central and South America, keeping RC non-profit charities well stocked and swelling the ranks of the RC in our country, both north and south of the Line.

    Now Middle Eastern and African orphan babies are the hot commodity. An interesting subject, worthy I think of a post on OD sometime.

    Getting back to Tom Watson: Another thing I like about him is that he grew up on a struggling farm, and always remembered it, and always cared about the struggling, poor, ‘dirt farmer’ at the bottom of the elitist economic pyramid. He also opposed endless global war, like a TRUE conservative.

  10. “mostly RC-managed baby snatch”

    You have espoused the Roman Catholic doctrine of “good works” as a means of salvation Mosin. What then is your beef with them? What is your religion? It certainly isn’t Protestant with your denial of salvation through God’s grace. You constantly claim Christianity is a necessary for political renewal yet you refuse to tell us what you mean by that. Is salvation attainable through good works? Do you believe in The Trinity? The Nicene Creed? What really is your religion?

    Come clean Mosin. What exactly is your church and theology?

  11. ““Truth” is capitalized when it is unchanging and true for all times and circumstances.”

    Nonsense, it’s all relative. Sometimes to a large degree but still relative. There are Negroes with IQ’s of 130 and Whites with IQ’s of 85. Usain Bolt is faster than any White in a sprint. These statements are true and prove you wrong.

  12. OK, HW.

    You’ve shown that neither Haiti nor Liberia can maintain a civilization. But can we STILL send the darkies back to their ‘homelands’ ?

    And why pretend (via the charade of altruistic white ethnic behavior) that we ‘owe’ them ANYTHING, ANYMORE?

    We don’t. Because we never did. They are NOT our ‘brothers.’ Racially, or in Christ.
    “For Judeans have no dealings with Samaritans…” – St. John
    “all these things were written as ensamples (examples) for us, upon whom the end of the age has come…” – St. Paul
    “I am come ONLY for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.” – J.C.

  13. As I get older, I repeatedly realize that people around a century or more ago really had things well figured out, unlike the demagogic fog of today, and Tom Watson is one of those people. He certainly had no regard for blacks, but the key to his “white supremacy” is not that whites have to be better, but a realization that if whites don’t maintain control, then others will seize control and control whites instead. That is why he was so keen on maintaining white supremacy, just like our military aims to maintain air supremacy. If whites don’t keep a hold of the whip, then they are going to get whipped. A simple realization, one figured out long ago, but thrown down the memory hole by the cultural Marxists who are trying to bring down our country.

  14. “Rudel, you ignorant twit. Average intelligences between the races are not relative.”

    And if you ever learn to read you stupid dumbfuck that’s not what I said. Stop posting.

  15. ““Truth” is capitalized when it is unchanging and true for all times and circumstances. It is a Truth that the races are not equal; never have been; and never will be so long as they exist.”

    Circumstance 1: Some Negroes are a lot smarter than some Whites.

    True, therefore there is a circumstance that negates your statement. That makes your statement WRONG.

    Circumstance 2: Usain Bolt is faster than any White.

    True, therefore there is a circumstance that negates your statement. That makes your statement WRONG.

    BZZZZZT! You lose: Go straight to college and take an elementary course in logic (you apparently missed high school geometry where you might have learned some of it.) Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

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